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Stolen Warriors

Page 10

by S. Dalambakis

  “Time to put your big girl panties on.” I look at myself in the broken mirror above the sink and groan. “Who am I kidding? Just go and get it over with. They have food.” After my small pep talk, I grab my bag and open the door. Stolas is lounging in bed, Verkor is leaning on the wall by the dresser, and Obsidian is posted by the bedroom door. I feel all of their eyes on me the second I enter the bedroom. “So, what’s for dinner?” Yup, I’m just going to pretend that nothing happened. “Also, is there any way we can find a brush, toothbrush, and toothpaste. There’s none in my bag, and if I don’t tame the beast,” I gesture to my hair, “let’s just say it’s going to cause problems.”

  “I have extra of those in my bag,” Verkor states. He moves from the wall to his bag. After a moment looking through it, he hands me an unopened toothbrush, toothpaste, and a brush.

  “You’re a lifesaver,” I smile at him.

  “We have sandwiches for food,” Stolas states.

  “I’ll take anything at this point. I’m starving. Also,” I turn to Stolas, “you’re brave lying on that bed. I was planning on rolling out my sleeping bag on top. Hell, I’ll sleep on the floor.”

  “Why, there’s nothing wrong with this bed,” he says bouncing on it, making the springs squeak.

  “It doesn’t look very clean. I’m pretty sure I just gambled with my life getting into that shower.” I jerk my thumb toward the bathroom.

  “It can’t be that bad.”

  “It could be worse, but it’s not exactly clean looking. I know it shouldn’t matter because we could be spending another night outside in the cold.”

  “It’s just for the night, love,” Stolas says as he gets up from the bed. My head whips in his direction. Did he just give me a nickname? He’s called me that before. He smiles and winks at me before retreating into the bathroom. I watch his ass the whole way, and damn.

  “Sit, and I’ll bring you your dinner,” Verkor says, getting my attention.

  “I should comb my hair first.”

  “I’ll do it if you’ll let me.”

  I shrug my shoulders. What’s the big deal? It’s only combing out my hair. I should have realized my mistake as soon as I said that. I sit on the edge of the bed; Verkor hands me a wrapped sandwich and a water. He climbs on the bed, positioning himself behind me, his legs effectively trapping me between them. I try not to notice the tingle of my skin where our bodies touch. He’s still fully clothed, but I’m wearing next to nothing in my yoga pants and thin long-sleeve shirt. He gently starts to detangle my hair, as I inhale my sandwich. All the while Obsidian watches us from the door. I’m making a conscious effort not to wiggle because Verkor is pressed up against my back.

  I look over and lock eyes with Obsidian. He walks over, dropping to his knees in front of me. Placing his hands on my knees, he opens them. His big hands caress me from knee to hip. I suck in a breath.

  “Wh-wh…” I clear my throat. “What are you doing?”

  “You have to be sore from riding all day. I’m going to massage your muscles,” his voice deep but soft.

  I don’t say any more as I watch him move his hands up and down my leg, kneading my muscles. I’m so distracted by watching Obsidian’s tan hands against my pale skin, that I didn’t realize that Verkor was done and had started massaging my neck, shoulders, and arms. I moan.

  “It seems like I’m missing out on all the fun,” Stolas says, exiting the bathroom. That snaps me out of the trance I’m in. I scramble away from them, putting some space between all of us.

  I clear my throat. “Nope. That’s not happening. Not tonight,” I say as firmly as I can.

  “Of course not,” Obsidian states as he stands. “The first time I have you, will not be with the others watching.” He stalks closer to me, stopping a hair's breadth away. He leans down, placing his mouth next to my ear and whispers, “I’m a rough lover, and I don't like to share. When I have you all alone, the only one that’s going to be on your mind is me. It will be my name you scream. I will have all of your attention.” He nips my earlobe. A whimper escapes my lips and it takes everything I have not to let him throw me down on the bed and have his wicked way with me. Because at this point, I would let him.

  “Mmm, she likes what you’re telling her. I can smell her arousal from here,” Stolas interjects. Obsidian inhales, he growls.

  “You smell so sweet. I can’t wait to taste you.”

  I clench my thighs together. That should be so embarrassing, the fact that they can smell how turned on I am, but it’s not. I find myself clenching my thighs even tighter. Obsidian places a kiss to my neck, rises, and then disappears to the bathroom. That bastard. Are they really going to work me up like that and leave me hanging?

  “Obsidian will share the bed with you tonight,” Verkor states. “You know what I said if I got you into bed. I don’t think you’d appreciate the show we’d put on for Stolas and Obsidian. Besides, I want to have you all to myself. I’m a little selfish that way.”

  “I don’t mind if they watch, but the first time we’re together, they wouldn’t be able to touch you. Imagine the torture of seeing, hearing, and smelling you come apart in my arms. To watch you bouncing on my cock but not being able to join in,” Stolas interjects.

  My mind starts to race as those images start to flood in. I want everything that they’ve said and more. Just as I’m about to voice that Obsidian comes from the bathroom.

  “Now, that Obsidian’s here and before you go Verkor, I think I saw the fae that ran earlier when we were getting food.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” Obsidian questions. Wait? We’re just gonna up and change the subject like that?

  “One, I didn’t know if that was him. Two, Finley was up here by herself. You would have kicked my ass if something happened to her because I went to investigate. Like I said, I don’t know if that was him. Three, when we entered the room, my mate was naked. I lost train of thought,” Stolas replies. I guess we are changing the subject.

  “Did he see you?” Verkor ask.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Let’s go have a look around and see if we can spot him. Maybe we can get some answers as to why he attacked us last night. Obsidian, are you fine staying here with Finley?” Verkor asks. Obsidian simply grunts his response.

  Verkor and Stolas don’t waste any time before leaving. I look over to Obsidian. “What are they going to do?”

  He shrugs his shoulders. “They’re going to scope out the inn and the surrounding areas. The fae should still be here. There isn’t another inn between here and the Winter Court castle. There’s still two day’s worth of travel. So, the fae has no choice but to stock up on supplies if he’s heading that way. Which, I’m going to say he is. Otherwise, he would have returned the way we came.”

  “Why would he be going to the castle?”

  “Probably for the same reason we are. Word travels fast, especially when treasure and money are in play. Plus, you were waving that piece of map around like a banner at the bar the first time we met you. Anyone nearby could have heard us talking that night. Most beings don’t believe that the map exist, but there are a few that would do anything to find it.”

  “Why? Why don’t they believe it exists?” I watch as Obsidian moves the bedroom door, checking the lock. He walks over to the bed, perching himself on the edge.

  “There has never been proof of its existence. No one knew where to look.”

  “What is the fable surrounding the map and its treasure? What I’ve been told is that the treasure is supposed to be vast, spanning a millennium and was hidden because of greed.” I pull my legs beneath me, getting as comfortable as I can on the bed.

  “The fable is, the treasure holds pieces from each realm, earth, hell, magic, shifter, and heaven. There was once a supreme ruler to all realms, who governed with an iron fist, keeping each realm almost blissfully unaware of the others. Whenever one realm grew to know of the others, mass wars began. A group consisting of beings
from each realm banded together to end the Supreme Ruler. Before they did, the ruler hid a vast fortune, making a map and scattering its pieces through the realms. The only way to find the map was through a poem filled with prophecies.”

  “Why hide the treasure?” I frown.

  “Greed mostly. If they couldn’t have it, no one would. It’s said that the Supreme Ruler had an heir, and when the time was right, someone in their line would fulfill the poem and prophecies. They would be able to find the treasure and reclaim the throne.” I don’t like where this is going. I unfurl my legs, pushing myself from the bed. This was supposed to be about the treasure, getting money. Now, there’s talk of an heir. I pace, shaking my head. That can’t be me. I can’t be any one’s heir. I am an orphan, a nobody.

  “Right, or someone was just greedy, took a whole bunch of stuff that wasn’t theirs, and didn’t want to give it up when they got caught. Who knows if this map will even lead up to any treasure? Maybe someone has already found it.”

  “Then why do this?” He shifts on the bed as if he is restraining himself from standing and coming to me.

  “Because I need to know. There’s still that chance that it’s real and it’s out there.” I wave my hand in the air. “It’s the ultimate job and payout.” I can hear the desperation in my voice. I’m putting a lot of stock in this. I need to find the map and the treasure.

  “If it’s gone?” He asks softly. There’s a tenderness in his eyes and position. It draws me in. I move, taking a seat next to him on the bed.

  “Then I got to travel the realms, find my mates, and I’ll figure out something else to do with my life. I don’t want to be a thief forever.”

  “You won’t be. We’ll make sure of that.” Obsidian places an arm around my shoulders, pulling me in close to his side.

  “You can’t promise that.” I lay my chest. My hand goes to his thigh, to steady myself.

  “I can, because you have three mates as your support system.” I move back slightly, to look him in his amber eyes. “We’ll help you in any way we can.” He leans down, placing a gentle kiss to my forehead.

  I shake my head. Maybe having three mates won’t be such a bad thing.


  “Where did you see the fae?”

  “He was outside the inn. I only got a glimpse of him rounding the corner when we were walking in,” Stolas replies.

  “Well, let’s go take a look around outside. There’s only so many places he could be.” We walk around the inn, the cold winter air hitting us as it blows around the corner. “Can you catch his scent?”

  Stolas shakes his head. “The smell coming from the garbage is overpowering everything.” The sound of footsteps on the cobblestone path have us turning in the direction they are coming from, but the fae is nowhere in sight.

  “Let’s check the stable and the bar.” The fae wasn’t at either place. “Do you think you could describe the fae to the owner of the inn? Maybe the fae checked into a room.” I hunch my shoulders, trying to shield myself from the cold air.

  “Yeah, I can do that.”

  We make our way back to the inn when Stolas stops. I turn in the direction that he’s looking. Someone on horseback rides toward the castle.

  “Do you think that was him?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t get a look at his face.”

  “Let’s go talk to the innkeeper.”

  We walk from the barn back to the front of the inn. We stomp our feet to remove excess snow from our shoes, before opening the door. Stolas struts over to the counter, giving the innkeeper one of his smiles. You know the one where the girl melts at the sight of it. I shake my head and move to stand next to him.

  “What can I do for you gentlemen?” She addresses both of us, but her eyes and smile are solely for Stolas.

  “I was wondering if there is anything you can tell us about the fae that just left on horseback. Anything you can tell us would be greatly appreciated,” he winks at her.

  “I could, but that depends.” She leans across the counter, giving him an eye full of her breasts.

  “On what?”

  “On what I get out of this.” She practically eye fucks him.

  “I guess that would depend on the information given.”

  “He was just passing through. Got in real late last night. He didn’t seem in a hurry until recently. Grabbed his stuff, checked out, and loaded up a horse in under an hour. Something spooked him.”

  “Did him mention where he was going?”

  “Nope.” She pops the p.

  “Thanks for the information.” Stolas turns.

  “Now wait a minute. What do I get?” She leans back, crossing her arms over her chest, frowning.

  “What do you want?” he questions, looking over his shoulder.

  “A kiss.” She licks her lips, eyeing Stolas up and down.

  “That I can’t do.” He turns his body back toward her. The innkeeper unfolds her arms, clenches her fists at her sides, and stomps her foot.

  “Why not?” she whines.

  “Because, my mate wouldn’t like it.”

  “What about from him?” She flicks her head in my direction.

  “No. I wouldn’t do that to my mate,” I respond.

  “Why are all the good ones taken?” she sighs.

  “You’ll meet your mate, just hold on a little longer. You’re beautiful. Don’t sell yourself short.”

  She blushes then stares down at the floor. “Thanks,” she whispers. Stolas and I turn and head up to our room.

  I open the door expecting Finley to jump on us, asking questions about what we found out, but instead I find her cuddled up next to Obsidian, sleeping. I glance over and meet his eyes. He shrugs his shoulders.

  “She okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, just sore and tired. She tried to wait for you guys but lost the battle,” he whispers. Finley sighs and nuzzles his chest. A pang of jealousy sweeps through me. I quickly squash it down. It’s not a competition. Obsidian looks down at her and smiles. I mean a real smile, teeth and all. “Did you learn anything?”

  “Nothing useful,” I sigh. “We saw a guy leaving on horseback going toward the castle. Stolas didn’t see his face, so we went to talk to the innkeeper. She said something spooked that guy. He was checked out and loaded up in under an hour. I think it’s the guy that got away from us. He showed up here late last night. I think he saw us and took off.” I run my fingers through my hair, pacing at the end of the bed.

  “What do you think we’re looking at?” Stolas questions.

  “I think they were sent after us, maybe even Finley,” Obsidian answers. His arm around her tightens, like he’s afraid he might lose her.

  “Why?” I stop, staring at him.

  Obsidian glances at each of us. “She showed us the map the first night. Talked about it in that bar and some in the streets on the way to her dwelling. Who knows what she did with it since she’s had it.” He sighs. “She was asking about the fable surrounding the map. I told her. I don’t think she’s buying too much into it, even if the first part of the poem has come true.”

  I think for a moment before the fable comes to me. “Do you think she’s the descendant?”

  “I don’t know. But, I find it very curious that this is the first time someone has gotten a piece of the map, proving that the poem and the map are real. Which means, that the treasure is most likely real. I find it curious that it’s only happening because of Finley.”

  “Everyone’s heard of the map, and many have gone looking for it. Only to end up empty handed or dead.”

  “Exactly. So how did she succeed when everyone else has failed?” Obsidian questions. Curiosity and something else shines in his eyes before looking back down at our sleeping mate.

  “You’re forgetting one thing,” Stolas interjects. We both look at him. “The map is invisible. Finley said she only saw marking on the piece she has for a few seconds before it disappeared.” Stolas must see the confusion on my face, beca
use he continues. “Finley also said she found the first piece of the map in an open area in the White House. Why would they leave such an important artifact out where everyone could see it and try to steal it? It’s because no one could see it. I bet you, if you ask Finley, she’ll say no one was giving the area where the piece of the map was a second look.”

  “He’s right.” Finley’s sudden voice causes all of us to jump. She moves to sit up. Once she’s situated against the headboard, she continues. “I didn’t understand why the piece of the map was still there. It was in open view. They run tours and thousands of people walk by it. How was it no one tried to steal it? I watched every time we walked by. The tour guide never mentioned the map or made an indication that it was even there. It was like the whole case was spelled, but I was the only one who could see it.” Her eyebrows draw together; deep concentration settles on her features.

  “If the map is supposed to be invisible then how could Verkor have possibly seen a piece of it?” Finley questions.

  “What if only the first piece was spelled to be invisible,” Stolas says. “As far as we know, only the first piece of the map was hidden in plain sight.”

  “There’s a possibility that only those involved in the prophecy can see the map,” I suggest. Finley starts frantically shaking her head.

  “No, Obsidian said that other people could have seen me waving the map around that first night at the bar. It’s possible that other people can see it. Also, there are no markings on the map. What if that’s what they meant about it being in invisible?” Finley says. She gets up from the bed, and goes to her bag.

  As she shifts, through her bag, I voice another possibility. “What if people with magical abilities, or the potential for magical abilities can see the map?”

  “Maybe.” She pulls the piece of the map from her bag, handing it over to me. I flip the map over. There are no markings on either side.

  “And we’re sure this is a piece of the map?” Obsidian questions.


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