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Push & Pull (The Midwest Series Book 2)

Page 27

by Brigham Vaughn

  Brent frowned and stepped closer so he felt the brush of Lowell’s body against his. “You thought I didn’t?”

  “I—I wasn’t sure.”

  “I meant it. Every word of it. God, Lowell, you have no idea what you do to me. You make me crazy, but there’s no one I’d rather feel that way about.”

  The tension in Lowell’s body seemed to melt away, and his smile lit up his eyes, lifting the heavy, solemn expression that had been worrying Brent. “You drive me crazy too.”

  Brent grinned. “But in a good way, right?”

  “Yeah, I think so.” Lowell’s smile was wry. “I wasn’t supposed to fall for you, but I guess I did anyway.”

  “I’m pretty irresistible,” Brent joked, and Lowell bumped his shoulder, bringing their bodies even closer together.

  “Sure. Something like that.”

  Unable to resist any longer, Brent brought his free hand behind Lowell’s head and pulled him in for a kiss. It was supposed to be brief, but when Lowell responded, Brent couldn’t make himself stop. He was surprised to realize how much he’d missed kissing Lowell. Fuck breathing; he wanted to kiss Lowell forever.

  “Okay, boys, that’s enough.”

  Brent reluctantly broke off the kiss. Lowell gave him a sheepish smile as they parted, and Brent turned to face the middle-aged black woman wearing scrubs and a stethoscope around her neck. He was pretty sure she was the same nurse who had told him to quiet down in Micah’s room earlier. Whoops.

  “Sorry about that,” Brent muttered. He didn’t let go of Lowell’s hand though.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a stern look. “I know people get emotional in the hospital, but we do expect couples to behave themselves. Now, I need you gentlemen to either find your patient, or go find a room outside of the hospital.” Although her tone matched her expression, there was a twinkle in her eyes.

  “I’m very sorry,” Lowell gave her a smile. “I haven’t seen my boyfriend in a few days, and we had a fight before he left.”

  Her expression softened. “You’re a sweet couple, but hospital policy is hospital policy.”

  “We’re out of here, I promise,” Brent said walking toward the elevators. “The patient we came to see is in a shitty mood, and there’s no point hanging around.”

  “Hospitals can bring out the worst in people,” she agreed as she followed them into the hallway.

  “Nah, he’s always been an asshole.” Brent pushed the down arrow.

  “Nurses are supposed to say we treat all our patients equally, but some are tougher than others.”

  “I’d be a terrible nurse,” Lowell said, and she gave him a searching glance.

  “Honey, you’re too pretty to be a nurse. You’d get your ass pinched all day long,” she said with a smile.

  The elevator doors opened in front of them, and she nodded at them. “Have a good day, boys.”

  They stepped into the elevator. Brent pushed the button for the first floor as Lowell waved goodbye to the nurse through the closing doors. Brent turned to look at him. “So what’s next?”

  Lowell shrugged. “That’s up to you. I have a room at The Park.”

  “I’d planned on staying with Nathan and Caleb.”

  “Yeah, Caleb said you were crashing on their couch. Would you rather stay there?”

  “I want to be where you are.” Brent said. “I’m thinking maybe we could pick up my bags and your car—I took the train here from Logan Square—and stay at the hotel. I mean, it would be great to see Nathan and Caleb for a bit, but I want some time alone with you first.”

  “I’m sure they’ll understand.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  June 30, 2013 - Chicago, Illinois


  Brent was sprawled on the bed, snoring. He’d been out for a few hours. Lowell had curled up with him for a while, but after the nap he’d had earlier, he was surprisingly well-rested. He didn’t want to be away from Brent though.

  Lowell smoothed a hand over his boyfriend’s hair and wondered exactly when he’d fallen in love with him. It was the strangest feeling he’d ever encountered. But one of the best.

  Brent’s phone buzzed on the nightstand.

  “Hey, wake up.” Lowell gently nudged Brent, who stirred a little. “Your phone is ringing.”

  “Tell ’em to fuck off,” Brent muttered. He rolled on his side.

  Lowell picked up Brent’s phone and frowned at it. Micah Warner calling.

  “It’s Micah.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Brent flipped onto his back and scowled. “Hasn’t he interrupted me enough?”

  Lowell handed him his phone. “You can just ignore him, you know.”

  “I know.” Brent silenced the call, but he didn’t sound completely convinced.

  “Oh, answer it if you want. I won’t be mad.”

  Brent scrutinized him. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure.” Lowell sighed. “Seeing him at the hospital made me realize he’s pretty pathetic. You were right. He’s at a really low point in his life, and he’s lashing out. Pushing everyone away. I feel sorry for him, to be honest.”

  “Sure.” Brent shifted so his back was against the headboard. “But if he doesn’t treat the only friend he has better, he’s going to lose me too. Permanently.”

  Lowell frowned. “You could probably do him a lot of good. There’s still a chance he could learn from this. Become a better person.”

  “There’s a better chance I will punch him in his injured shoulder,” Brent muttered.

  “I wouldn’t want you to hurt your hand.” Brent snorted. “No, seriously. If you want to tell him to fuck off permanently, I’m totally with you. If you aren’t quite ready to write off Micah, I support that too. Help him however you want.”

  Brent sighed. “Maybe I’m too much of a softie, but I can’t quite stomach writing him off completely. I guess I’ll call.”

  Lowell kissed him. “I like that you’re a softie. You call him while I go downstairs and see if we can get some food sent up to our room.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Lowell slipped back into the room. Ricky had gone home for the night, but he’d obviously left instructions to accommodate Lowell. The guy at the desk had fallen all over himself promising to deliver food from the hotel restaurant to their room as quickly as possible.

  “Food’s on its way. Did you talk to Micah?”

  “Yeah. Turns out he has no one to come pick him up at the hospital tomorrow, and they won’t discharge him without someone to take care of him,” Brent said. “Big surprise. I suggested he grovel.”

  Lowell snickered as he took a seat next to Brent on the bed. “And did he?”

  “More than I expected.”

  “Are you going to help?”

  Brent hesitated. “I told him I’d think about it and get back to him. I wanted to talk to you first.”

  “If you want to help Micah get home from the hospital, go for it.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “Why are you feeling so magnanimous all of a sudden anyway? You loathe Micah.”

  Lowell pressed a kiss to Brent’s shoulder. “I’m happy,” he said simply. “And maybe I did hate him before, but all I can do is feel sorry for him now. He’s a lonely, miserable, closeted guy, and his life is going to be shit if he keeps up like this. I have everything, and he has nothing. I pity him, really.”

  “The problem is I’m going to need to borrow your car again,” Brent said, sounding a little sheepish. “Micah’s been using public transit since he’s been living here.”

  Lowell raised an eyebrow. “Now that’s asking a lot.”

  “I know.” Brent’s face grew serious. “And I’m sorry.”

  Lowell shrugged. “Oh, fuck it. Take my damn car.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Why not? The guy’s had a rough time of it lately. Give him a little thrill.” Lowell hesitated wh
en a thought occurred to him. “Although, he’s going to have a nightmare of a time trying to get in and out of that low of a car with his shoulder in a sling.”

  Brent frowned. “Yeah, that’s a good point.”

  “Maybe it would be better if I rented something bigger. An SUV, maybe? Something he can get in and out of easily.”

  “That would probably be easier.” Brent sounded reluctant.

  “Okay. I’ll look up rental places and get something squared away.”

  “I can’t afford it though.”

  “I was planning to pay for it.”

  Brent stared at him, open-mouthed. “You would pay for a rental car for me to go get Micah at the hospital tomorrow?”

  “Well, what other option do we have? If I get an SUV, he’ll have a much better chance of getting in and out without fucking up his shoulder more. I’m not going to be responsible for him getting injured further.”

  “You’re a sweetheart, Lowell. Even if you don’t like to admit it.”

  Lowell made a face. “Promise to never say that in front of anyone else. Ever.”

  Brent chuckled. “I’ll only call you that in private. I promise.”

  July 1, 2013 – Chicago, Illinois


  “Why don’t you just wait in the hallway?” Brent suggested as they exited the elevator onto the orthopedic floor. He was getting way too familiar with this hospital.

  “I still don’t know why you asked me to come in the first place,” Lowell grumbled, but he threw up his hands when Brent gave him a look. “Fine, fine. I’ll sit in the hallway like a good boyfriend.”

  Brent placed a smacking kiss on Lowell’s lips. “Thanks.”

  Lowell softened a little. “I really must love you if I’m willing to put up with Micah, you know?”

  Brent laughed quietly. “I guess so. Good thing the feeling is mutual.”

  He turned and strode toward Micah’s room, whistling a little under his breath.

  “You’re in way too good of a mood,” Micah groused as he walked in. He was sitting in a wheelchair beside the bed. His normally rich brown skin was a little ashy still, but overall, he looked a lot better than he had yesterday.

  “Well, hello to you too,” Brent joked. “Clearly, you aren’t.”

  “What the fuck do I have to be in a good mood about?”

  Brent rolled his eyes and decided it wasn’t worth arguing over. “You ready to go?”

  “Just waiting for them to actually discharge me. Fuck! It takes forever.”

  “I can be patient.” Brent took a seat on the empty hospital bed. “So, what’s up?”

  “What’s up?” Micah gestured with his free hand. “Nothing. I’ve fucking been trapped in this room for what feels like forever. I have no idea what to do with my future now that my career is in the dumpster. And my balls itch in a place I can’t fucking reach without causing myself a shitload of pain. That’s what’s up.”

  Brent snickered. “Well, I’d offer to help, but Lowell would probably remove my balls if I so much as touched you below the waist.”

  Micah muttered something under his breath that Brent couldn’t hear. Brent opened his mouth to ask what he’d said, then thought better of it.

  “I’m going to assume that was something complimentary you just said about my boyfriend.”

  “Sure. We’ll go with that.”

  Brent sighed. “I wish you’d quit with the animosity toward Lowell. He’s done way more for you than you deserve after the way you treated him. He came with me today, and he rented an SUV to drive you home in. He knew his car would be hard for you to get in and out of.”

  There was a flicker of surprise on Micah’s face. “He probably just wanted to show off his money.”

  “Dude, he splashed out for a cushy ride just for your busted ass. Don’t be a dick.”

  “Whatever. I take it you two are together now from the cutesy little boyfriend comment?”

  “We are, yeah.”

  “Jesus. First Nathan. Now you.”

  “What do you care?”

  Micah looked away but not before Brent saw a raw, vulnerable expression cross Micah’s face he couldn’t begin to interpret.

  “You know, you can’t avoid me forever.” The words startled both of them. The tone they were said in was soft, but Micah’s head whipped to the side as he looked toward the doorway like the words had been screamed at him.

  Brent frowned at the unfamiliar guy standing there, then turned back to Micah. He was grimacing, but Brent couldn’t tell if it was from pain or in response to the guy’s words.

  “Yeah, well, you ruined my fucking life.” Micah spoke bitterly. “I can try.”

  “I didn’t mean to.” The guy took another step into the room. Neither of them seemed to be paying any attention to Brent. He loomed over Micah for a moment before he crouched down in front of the wheelchair until they were at eye level. Micah looked away toward the window. “I care about you, Micah. I have since we got involved. Seeing you hurt like that ... Well, I didn’t think. I reacted.”

  “Yeah, well, your lack of thinking fucked me over. If this shoulder injury hadn’t completely fucked my baseball career, you outing me sure fucking did,” Micah snapped.

  Brent stood there, slack-jawed, as he watched the drama unfold. Holy fucking shit. The rumors are true. This dude—what is his name? Justin something?—must be the physical therapist Micah admitted he’d been seeing.

  He was stupid hot too. Not Brent’s type, but hot with a capital H. He looked a bit like Chris Hemsworth as Thor, to be honest. Tall enough that Brent had needed to crane his neck to look him in the face when he was standing, with massive shoulders and biceps, blue eyes, a light brown beard, and sun-streaked hair pulled back into a man bun.

  And Micah has been nailing him? Brent thought. Damn. Micah had good taste, but Brent had to wonder what Justin saw in Micah.

  Justin kept talking. “And I know what I did really puts you in a bad spot, but I can’t fix that. All we can do is move forward now.”

  “Are we ready to go here or not?” Lowell asked as he walked through the doorway. He sounded bored and vaguely annoyed. To be fair, he probably was. He’d been cooling his heels in the hallway this whole time, waiting for Micah to get discharged. He glanced at Brent, then over at Micah and the guy kneeling in front of him. “And who exactly are you?”

  The big guy stood and held out a hand to Lowell. “Justin Lamb. You must be a friend of Micah’s.”

  Lowell snorted. “Hardly. But Brent and I are the closest thing he’s got.”

  Micah groaned. “Lowell’s here. And now I know I really am in Hell.”

  Lowell just rolled his eyes before he looked Justin up and down with an appreciative glance. “You look big and strapping enough to be a transport person, but since you’re not wearing scrubs or a badge, I assume you don’t actually work for the hospital.”

  “No, I don’t,” Justin said. “I’m a PT for the Cougars.”

  Lowell’s eyes got comically wide. “Holy shit. You’re the PT everyone’s been talking about. The one who freaked out when Micah got injured.”

  From the wheelchair, Micah made a pained sound that Brent suspected had nothing at all to do with his injury.

  “Yeah, about that ...” Justin looked equally pained. “I know the cat is probably already out of the bag, but if you could not spread it around any further, I know Micah would appreciate that.”

  Lowell chortled. “Oh, honey, that cat left the bag years ago. Micah and I fucked ourselves stupid freshman year of college. I can’t stand the guy now, but his gayness isn’t news to me.” He pointed at Brent. “Or to him. They fucked too. So my advice to you is that you run as far and as fast as you can because Micah Warner will chew you up and spit you out when he’s done with you. He always does.” Lowell’s tone didn’t carry any malice, but Brent still shot him a look.

  “I’m sorry, okay!” Micah’s outburst made all of them turn to look at him. Using one hand and both
his feet, he awkwardly maneuvered the wheelchair so he faced the three of them. “I’m sorry I was such an asshole to you, Lowell. I fucked up. I know I fucked up. I’m a terrible fucking person, and I guess karma had its last laugh. My career is over—”

  “You don’t know that,” Justin argued. “There’s still a chance—”

  “—and I’m fucking sorry.” Micah continued like Justin hadn’t spoken. “I know you hate me, Lowell, and I probably deserve that. I can’t say I like you either, but I shouldn’t have done some of the shit I did, all right?”

  “Whatever drugs they have him on are working miracles,” Lowell muttered.

  “Fuck off,” Micah snarled. “It’s not the pain meds. I mean it. I know I’ve pushed everyone away and been a total asshole. The fact that you and Brent are here is a fucking miracle, all right? I know that. All of my so-called friends and teammates have deserted me except you guys and I’m ... I’m sorry.”

  Lowell stared at him, open-mouthed, for a moment, and Brent wondered if anyone had ever managed to make Lowell speechless for so long. Lowell closed his mouth with a decisive snap, and the annoyance seemed to leak out of him. His tone was a little softer when he spoke. “Well, that’s not the most eloquent apology I’ve ever gotten—you really could take lessons from Brent here—but I’ll take it. And maybe I haven’t been on my best behavior either.”

  Justin looked bewildered. “I feel like I just came in on the tail end of something, and I have no idea what’s going on.”

  “It’s complicated,” Lowell and Brent said in unison.

  “I can see that.” Justin shook his head as if he needed to clear it, then he turned back to Micah. “Anyway, I came here to apologize. And offer you a place to stay while you recover.”

  Brent exchanged a look with Lowell. Well, that was interesting.

  Micah scowled. “So you made everyone on the team question my reputation, and now you want to blow it to smithereens? Yeah, let me just move in with the super gay guy everyone suspects I’m hooking up with. That’ll really make those rumors go away.”

  “You know I care about you, Micah. I know that underneath all of your shitty behavior is a decent guy. I just wish you’d allow the world to see it. I can never tell you how sorry I am for outing you in any way. That should have happened on your terms. But maybe what happened gives you a chance to move forward and do things differently. Be out and proud of who you are. You could be a role model to so many gay kids in sports if you came out and owned it.”


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