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Love is...Blind

Page 6

by Gabriela Louis

  “You are supposed to share. Mommy tell him.”

  Josie, did not understand the fuss. This was a toy for Pete's sake. What kind of man was this?

  “What is wrong with you?” Asked Josie.

  “What is wrong with me you ask? What is wrong with you that you haven't taught this child simple manners?”

  “I have taught her manners. She is normally well behaved.”

  “Really! So first you tell me that your child taking your friend's phone and dumping it in the toilet was not normal behavior for her, and now you tell me that she taking one of my models, which by the way, was in a protective casing, inside my office, is not normal behavior either? So lady, please tell me, what is normal behavior for her? Is it when she sets the house on fire?”

  “She is just curious. Intelligent children are curious.”

  “Curiosity is not an excuse for rudeness.”

  “She is not rude. She's a kid.”

  “Lady, you are blind if you think she is well behaved.”

  “She is learning.”

  “How is she learning if you do not teach?”

  “How dare you tell me how to be a parent when you have no kids. You don't have kids, right?”

  “Lady, I have not a clue how to be a good parent, but I know when I see neglectful parenting.”

  “How dare you! I've not abandoned my child. I love her and I take good care of her. Let’s not forget, you still haven't answered my question.”

  “You can love your child all you want, but if you do not set parameters, she is destined for unhappiness, or worse, jail time.”

  “JAIL TIME! Have you lost your mind? Since when did taking a toy to play with when you are six lead to jail? And you DO have kids. You probably have abandoned them.” 

  “Where do you get this stuff? No, I do not have kids, but in my book that's called stealing, and she won't learn about consequences if you do not teach her.”

  “What right do you have to tell me how to be a parent?”

  “None. I have just arrested too many kids whose parents wanted to be friends instead of parents. Now let me show you your room.”


  “This is where you and your daughter are going to sleep.”

  “Where are you going to be?”

  “Out on the sofa. If you need me, holler.”

  “I won’t need you.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  “This apartment only has one room?”

  “No, it actually has two, but the other one is my office and that is where my so called toys are. I'll lock the door to make sure no one goes in there.”

  “Thank you!”

  “Don't thank me so fast. You need to be aware that this apartment is not child proof, and my office is off limits to you and especially to your daughter. I won't tolerate messes.”

  “She won't go in there anymore. I know you don't believe me, but she is normally a very good kid.”

  “Whatever you say, lady.”

  “Don't you dare 'whatever' me. And in case you don't remember, my name is Josie, not lady. Also, I know my child is not perfect, but normally she listens to me. Today was an anomaly. This weekend has been very hard for her.”

  “I am not going to argue with you.”

  “You’ll see, everything will be okay. I promise. She will behave.”

  “Good night lady. Oh! One more thing…This apartment only has one bathroom with a double door. You must remember to lock it before you use it and unlock it when you are done. Understood?”


  “Also, if you forget to unlock the door, I am going to have to come in through the bedroom. I will give you as much privacy as possible, but I’ll do what I’ve got to do.”

  “Okay, I’ll remember. I wouldn't want you to find me naked or something.”

  “Not a big deal. You don't impress me much, so suit yourself.”

  Josie wanted to lighten the mood by being funny, but somehow it backfired on her and now she was upset. She knew she wasn't a beauty or anything, but he did not need to be insulting. She would show him, there was no harm in flirting anyhow. The fact that he was tall, dark, and handsome was just adding a little more spice to the game. She just hoped it did not backfire on her. She was very much aware of her shortcomings.


  Jerome sat on the sofa reading his Bible, trying to concentrate on the message. Concentration was hard though because his mind was attempting to put all the puzzle pieces of this case together. He needed to relax before he attempted to solve the case if he was to keep his sanity. Not only were the puzzle pieces nonexistent, but this woman and her child were infuriating, worse...they were a distraction. Reading the word of God always helped him relax and see things through different angles. 

  If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

  Okay God, I am asking. I need your wisdom to solve this case. I’m...”darn! Where did you come from?”

  “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.”

  He must be overly tired that he never heard her approach until she was sitting next to him. Damn! She needed to cover herself. Was she wearing anything underneath that oversized t-shirt that left nothing to the imagination? He closed his eyes and leaned his head on the back of the sofa to avoid looking at her. Darn! What was she thinking, walking half naked like this? 

  “You are a Christian?” She asked looking at the book in his hands.


  “Are you the kind that goes to church, and then points your finger at everyone's sin? Or are you the kind that loves people regardless of their sin?”

  “I like to think that I am the latter. Are you a Christian? Do you go to church?”

  “I go sometimes. When I have time.”

  “Maybe God will be with you when He has time.” 

  “Thank you for showing which kind of Christian you are. Anyhow, I just came to say I'm sorry my daughter took your toy to play with.”

  “Lady, it is not a toy, it's a model.” Don't look at her he told himself. Don't look at her, he repeated over and over. Concentrate on anything else, but his eyes continued to drift. I should have read something about temptation instead of wisdom. He thought, before realizing that she was still talking.

  “It looked like a toy to me.” She said

  “Well, it's not. It is a Bat Mobile Dark Knight Hot Wheels model.”

  “Whatever that means, it still looked like a toy.”

  “It is a small replica of the Bat mobile that was used in the Batman Dark Knight movie.” 

  He looked at her confused face.

  “You do know who Batman is?”

  “Everyone knows who Batman is, duh.”

  “Have you seen Dark knight?”


  “You haven't seen the movie?”


  “Okay, come here. Let me show you this so called toy.” Jerome grabbed Josie by the hand pulling her to her feet with him.

  “Wait! Where are you taking me?”

  “To my office.” 

  “You want me to go into your so called office?”

  “Yes, come here and stop the sarcasm. Let me show you something.”

  He did not let go of her hand until they were in the room and they were in front of the bookshelves that contained nothing but models. His hands went easily to the one being discussed. He took it out of the Plexiglas container and placed it on one of his hands while the other showed all the amazing qualities of the car.

  “You see this? Look, the hood opens, so does the trunk and look at the doors. This is a perfect copy of the original.”

  She had no idea why he was so excited about a toy, but she was able to see the kid in the very grumpy man. He had a smile and his eyes were bright with excitement. His hands were gentle as he opened and closed every part of the car. Too bad he was here to arrest her.

Wheels does the best recreation of the real cars. Look at all the details.” He continued.

  “Impressive.” She said.

  He saw her lack of interest, and felt embarrassed and childish. He put the car back in its casing, and then back on the bookshelf before he spoke again.

  “I understand, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bore you.”

  “I don't know what you understand. What I meant when I said it was impressive was just that. I am just not as excited as you when looking at toys children are not allowed to play with. Besides, right now, I am worried about my mother.”

  “You don't think your mother is dead, do you?”


  “Neither do I to tell the truth. The hand that I found had long painted fingernails. I have never seen your mother wearing nail polish.”

  “She has never worn any, as far as I know.”

  Jerome leaned on the desk and pulled his cell phone out, “Come here look at these pictures.”

  She leaned into him to look at the pictures as he was flipping to the correct one. Jerome gave her a quick glance, but did not stop until he found the picture he wanted. “That is definitely not my mother’s hand. Since my father died, she stopped wearing any kind of make up or jewelry. She has been in mourning ever since. Look at those fingers. This lady was wearing rings even on her thumb.”

  “When did he die?”

  “Who died?”

  “Your father.”

  “Oh! Before I was born.”

  “Isn't that a bit excessive?”

  “What? Her mourning?”

  “Yeah! Kind of sad, if you ask me.”

  “I don't know. They were in love.”

  “How old are you. You have to be in your twenties.”

  “I'm twenty-three.”

  “She has been mourning for twenty-three years?”

  “Yes, but they loved each other. My father was a cop and they used to have conversations about death and in one of those conversations my father said that if he died, he did not want her to remarry.”

  “That was kind of selfish.”

  “I don't think it was like that. They were young, so death was a far away idea. Unfortunately, she couldn't see past his words.”

  “I see.” He said.

  “You know, she is still a pretty attractive woman.”

  “I can see that.”

  “What do you think happened to my mother?”

  “I don't know, but I intend to find out. Now, go to bed.”

  “Can I help you?”

  “Only, if you remember anything you haven't told me.”

  “Not really. My mom was a recluse. It has always been the two of us, and then when I had Vicky, the three of us.”

  “It must've hurt her when you moved out.”

  “My mom and I have not been on speaking terms for the last few months. She had to have control and when I fought for my independence, she told me that I was disrespectful and rude. She refused to speak to me until I apologized.”

  “What were you disrespectful about?”

  “Nothing important, really. There was a new neighbor I was talking to and she went ballistic.”

  “Talking as in dating, or talking as in having a conversation.”

  “I did not even get to see him. It was over the privacy fence. You know, the house that is directly behind mine. Sorry, my mom’s house.”

  “The house has been vacant for almost a year. We had to interrogate all the neighbors. How long ago was this?”

  “I don't know. About two, maybe three months ago.”

  “Can you describe the person you spoke with?”

  “I didn't even see him.”

  “Do you remember anything? Did he have an accent of any kind?”

  “I don't know. Maybe a New York accent.”

  “Now we are getting somewhere. We have an agent from New York. Their accent is obvious. Anything else you remember?” 

  “Nothing right now.”

  “Thank you. You've been great help. Now go to sleep. I have to take you to work before I go into the office, and I need to be there early.”

  So be very careful to love the Lord your God.

  Joshua 23:11


  Chapter 14


  The next day, Josie, Vicky, and Jerome went through their morning routine as if they had been doing this all their lives. While the bathroom was occupied with one of the girls, Jerome made the coffee and fried some eggs. He had not thought to buy any kid friendly cereal, so he didn't offer any. He put on the table what he did have, just in case. Vicky was the first one to join him and sat at the table not saying a word. Was this child usually quiet? 

  When she did not speak with him, he said, “Good morning.”

  “Good morning. Is this for me?”

  “Yes. Would you like some toast and milk?”

  “I love toast and I love eggs. I hate milk!”

  “Well, your other choices are water or coffee.”


  Josie came a few minutes later and was handed a plate and a cup of coffee. He tried not to stare, but in all his years in school, he had never had a teacher dress like Josie did; life at school would have been a whole lot more interesting if he had. Even though she was wearing tights under her mini skirt, she appeared to be dressed more for a club than the classroom.

  “What grade do you teach?” He asked.

  “Kindergarten. Why?”

  “I cannot picture you as a teacher dressed as you are.”

  “What is wrong with what I am wearing?”

  “Nothing, really. It's just that those shoes look completely uncomfortable.”

  “I love platform shoes.”

  “I don't doubt your love for the shoes, but if you have to work on your feet… they look uncomfortable.”

  “Yeah, I have flip flops under my desk. Now tell me do you have comfortable shoes under your desk?”

  “Actually, not all dress shoes are made for looks alone. These happen to be very comfortable.”

  “Nice to know.”

  Jerome was amused by their conversation. Women were funny creatures. They spent hours getting all made up, choosing the right outfit and the perfect accessories to go out the door, only to take it all off as soon as they got to their destination. He was not going to try to explain it to them, but they were beautiful just the way they were.


  Jerome was surprised that the rest of the week went as smoothly as the first day did, except for a few minor changes, they had gotten into a routine. Since he was the first one to get up, nobody fought him for the bathroom. Vicky was usually at the table before her mother ever made it out of her room. She was always cheerful and talkative, nothing like the first day. Her mouth never stopped moving and sound never stopped flowing out of it. He missed his quiet mornings as that was his thinking and praying time. 

  He tried to ignore Vicky, but she was not going to have any of that. She would ask the same question over and over again, not until he gave an answer, but until he gave an answer that she approved. He had settled for saying, “it's okay with me go ask your mother.”

  At night time, Josie cooked dinner and he helped with clean up, but when she put Vicky in bed she stayed there and went to sleep. He was left alone to work, to think and to realize how much he so wanted a family.

  “How was your day?” Asked Jerome.

  “It was as pleasant as it could be with my mother missing. How many days has it been already? Three?”

  "Sorry. No matter what new leads I have found, they all seem to lead nowhere until today."


  “Yes, but we’ll talk later.” Jerome looked through the rear view mirror at Vicky, letting Josie know with his eyes that it wasn't the right moment to discuss anything. “Do you like your job?” He continued.

  “I love teaching. I love little kids. How about you?”

  “I don't like kids and there is no way you will see me
in a classroom.”

  “You know very well that I didn't mean that. Do you like your job?”

  "It's fine.” Then he directed his next statement to the young person in the back seat. “How was your day, child?"

  “Her name is Vicky. And don't think for a minute that I didn't notice how you tried to change the subject. Vicky, Mr. Jerome asked you a question.” 

  “Do we have to go home with him again mommy?”

  “Yes, and please don't be rude and answer the question.”

  “Mommy he’s always grumpy. Can I call him Mr. Grumpy?

  “Mr. Grumpy? I am not GRUMPY!”

  “Yes you are!” Came from both females in the car as they laughed.

  “Mr. Detective you need to relax. You are going to die from a stroke.” Said Josie.

  "First of all, it's Special Agent, and Vicky, you are going to have to put up with this grumpy man at least one more night."

  “Okay... can I watch TV?”

  “Ask your mother. It's okay with me.”

  “Can I? Can I? I've been good today.”

  “Once I check your homework. Now I need you to stay quiet for a little bit.”

  “I was quiet all day at school. I need to talk.”

  “Just give me a couple of minutes for my brain to rest.”

  When the car went silent, Jerome looked at Vicky through the rear view mirror once again and saw her quietly playing with the dolls she kept in her backpack. He then looked at Josie who was wringing her hands as she waited for him to speak. Her eyes looked hunted, and there were a few extra worry lines between her eyebrows and on her forehead. He felt guilty for making her wait and took the opportunity to update her on the new events.

  “We found your mother.”

  Josie straightened and looked at him as if he had grown an extra head. Her eyes were wide open and her shoulder pulled back; both her hands squeezed his right arm. He was sure she did not realize she was touching him.

  “And... Is she okay? Please tell me she's alive?”

  “She is fine. She went to a resort, and if my boss had looked on his desk, he would have found the letter she wrote with the leave slip attached to it.”

  “Thank God she's okay. Why did she go? When is she coming home?”

  “In the letter she just mentioned family problems and that she needed some time to think. She should be back in a couple of days. Do you know a Kenneth Smith?”

  “Yes, he's a friend. Why?”

  “What can you tell me about him?”

  “I don't know. He's like a father to me. He was my dad's best friend. What about him?”

  “He's going to have your mom's place cleaned tomorrow.”


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