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Wolf’s Fall

Page 2

by E. A. Reynolds

  He pulled the door open to find Kimble, the alpha’s mate, there. Mandalay frowned. Kimble was one of Jody’s top advisors and part of the security team.

  “What did I do?” Mandalay asked carefully. He didn’t remember being given any kind of order from security. He worked for the family and had nothing to do with security. He wasn’t macho enough.

  “Can I come in, Mandalay?” Kimble asked.

  “Sure.” He stepped back, and that was when he realized Kimble wasn’t alone.

  The new head of security was with him. Mandalay’s mouth dried up as the tall man with brown-sugar skin moved away from the side of the porch where he’d been out of view to follow Kimble inside.

  The man tipped his head to Mandalay. “What’s up, Mandy?” he murmured.

  Mandalay rolled his eyes. “It’s Mandalay, if you don’t mind,” he snapped. “What are you even doing here? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I don’t know why he’s here, but I came by to talk to you about something,” Kimble told him with a hint of amusement in his tone.

  “So did I,” Nicolane remarked.

  “Okay, well, what do you both want?” he asked, shifting his weight from one foot to the other nervously. “Tea? I made some fresh a little while ago.”

  “None for me, Jody’s waiting for me,” Kimble said. “I just wanted to know if you could give me an assessment of the boys you’re working with.”

  “Why? They’re being trained in medical, not security,” he said before stopping himself.

  “I need to know which of them is capable of handling himself if put on the field of battle to work as a field medic,” Jody told him. “I also need to know exactly what skill they’re proficient in.”

  Mandalay blinked. “Field of battle?”

  “They’ll be doing some battle drills, and I might want you out on the field as their leader.”

  “Me?” He pointed to his chest, brow furrowed. “Why?”

  “Our healers’ team is small, and you’re one of the best trained nurses we have,” Kimble replied. “We might have to put you out there with them”

  “I don’t know,” he said hesitantly. “I can’t lead anyone especially in a fight situation, but I can work in the infirmary.”

  “The kids respect you as a mentor and a teacher,” Nic commented.

  “Which is why we’re going to put you in charge of mentoring some of the young omega gay males,” Kimble said.

  “What?” Mandalay exclaimed.

  “We want these kids to be able to be who they are without being afraid.”

  Mandalay frowned. “I don’t know that I’m all that brave. I’m just tired of hiding.” He darted his gaze to Nicolane. “I’d think Jody would just mentor them himself.”

  Jody had recently come out. He was gay and the pack leader. He’d beat down challenges and the dominants treated him with respect. Mandalay wanted to be treated the same.

  “Think it over,” Kimble said.

  “I will,” Mandalay said. “But I don’t think I can.”

  “You didn’t think you could handle the field medic training, either, but you’re doing a great job,” Kimble said. “When will you be giving the kids their final exams? We want you to consider teaching a medic level two class, as well.”

  “I can’t do both,” Mandalay said.

  “Mandy could train the gay boys and let Nika work with the level twos,” Nicolane said.

  “That could work,” Kimble said.

  “I’ll give the final test in a few days,” Mandalay said.

  “Good, see me after.” Kimble gave Mandalay a nod before turning to Nicolane. “Should I stay?”

  “Not on my account,” Nicolane replied with a shrug. “We’re both big boys, unless you think Mandy needs a chaperone.”

  “I’m not a baby,” Mandalay muttered, giving Nicolane a mutinous glare.

  “Okay,” Kimble said with a slow nod. “We’ll talk later, Nic.”

  “See you at the morning meeting,” Nicolane replied, and Kimble left them.

  Mandalay glanced nervously to the door as it clicked closed, thinking of calling Kimble back. He didn’t really know Nicolane. He was one of the macho guys who stuck to his own clique.

  In fact, Nicolane’s family had moved out of the area and had only just moved back two years ago. How Nicolane had gotten such a top position in security left Mandalay scratching his head and some of the other men, too, or Nicolane wouldn’t have gotten into so many confrontations in the last year.

  “What about that tea?” Nicolane asked.

  “Sure.” He gave the other man a brief smile before leading the way to his kitchen.

  “You know, you’re leader material,” Nicolane commented. “The boys look up to you because you’re not ducking and dodging the dominants now that it’s safe to come out.”

  “That’s just a matter of wolf pride,” he said with a little laugh. “They don’t respect me. They’re always laughing at me and picking on me.”

  “And Jody wants you to learn more defense, that’s partially why I’m here.”

  “What’s the other reason?” Mandalay poured them both glasses of tea.

  “The other reason is I’d like to take you to the social tomorrow,” he said.

  Mandalay blinked. “What?” Shock shook him to his core, stopping his heart. “I think I misunderstood you.”

  “You didn’t,” he answered. “I was thinking I could pick you up here, and we’d head over to the hall together.”

  “Uh—” Mandalay had no idea what to say as he stood there staring into the man’s whiskey-brown eyes over the counter. “I-I don’t know what to say. Did Jody or Kimble put you up to this?”

  He dated, but mostly human males he met at bars outside the den. Bringing them home was always dicey, so he didn’t.

  He ached for a shifter lover, one he wouldn’t have to take shit over or risk hurting when they had sex.

  “I don’t do anyone’s bidding, baby boy,” Nic told him quietly. “I’m man enough to take care of my own business.” He picked up a glass of tea and took a sip. “Are you up for it?”

  “I don’t know. Why? I mean, you can probably have your pick.” Mandalay let his gaze slide over Nic, taking in the solid chest and long lean body. He was a luscious shade of brown with curly black hair cut short.

  The man was so hot, Mandalay could fry an egg on him.

  Mandalay didn’t imagine Nic had ever looked twice at him. This had to be some kind of mercy date. Jody at least knew how attracted he was to Nicolane, so Jody had to be behind this no matter what Nic said.

  “Jody wants me to start training you tomorrow.”

  “Oh. Uh, I’ll need to talk to him about that. I don’t really want a leadership position.”

  “It’s not a matter of what you want, sweetie,” Nic told him evenly. “It’s just how it is. You’re going to be put into a position of command, low as it may be, but it’s command all the same. So, you’ll need to be able to defend your charges should it come to that.”

  “Why?” He picked up his own glass and took a long drink.

  “To be honest, Jody is just concerned that with everything going on around us that we might be called to help our allies or be attacked as a result,” Nic told him.

  Mandalay wasn’t unaware of the troubles in their world, but they hadn’t been really touched by the assault of the hyenas and jackals. He just assumed things would stay that way. Their pack was small and of little interest, at least that was what he’d heard.

  “If you have issues, talk to Jody.”

  “I will, because I’m not going to be forced into anything,” Mandalay muttered. “I am not a fighter. I heal and make things to heal, not lead anyone, let alone kids, into combat.”

  Nicolane gave him an amused smile. “Sometimes even an omega must lead.”

  “Thanks for the message, but why didn’t Jody call me to his office instead of sending you and Kimble like errand boys?”

  Nic gave him a
snarl, eyes hardening. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that, he turned on his heel and headed for the door but stopped. “Thanks for the tea.”

  Mandalay sighed when he was gone and shook his head. Why?

  What was Jody up to?

  Chapter Two

  Mandalay had a restless night and awoke with the first rays of light. His dreams had been of blood and he leading kids to their deaths before being killed himself.

  By his second cup of coffee, he’d calmed down, but his resolve had only strengthened. He would not be leading anyone in anything other than healing.

  As he cradled the mug, Serena came down. She gave him a grunt, poured herself a to-go cup of coffee, and headed off to work.

  She had been up late he assumed with a smile and was out the door behind her a short time later.

  His dad, Willis Cross, gave him a look when he entered the shop. “Morning, son.”

  “Morning,” he said and walked over to the counter where his dad was sipping coffee from a paper cup similar to the one Mandalay had. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” he said in an overly bright tone.


  His father gave him a warm smile and slapped him on the back. “Get to work. You have a few hours before meeting with Jody.”

  “He wants to meet with me?”

  “Yeah. Not just you, though. He said Kimble said he spoke to you last night about something.”

  “He wants me to work with some kids, but I don’t think I’ll do it,” Mandalay told him. “I already have enough to do.”

  “It’s not a request, son,” his father told him.


  “Yeah.” He turned his head when the doorbell jingled.

  Mandalay turned, too, to see Nicolane coming through the door. He frowned. “I better get to work.”

  “By the way, happy birthday, Manly,” he said and gave him a smile.


  “Good morning, Cross,” Nic said by way of greeting. “Mandy, can we talk a minute?”

  “No. I have things to do,” he said.

  “Won’t take long,” Nic insisted. “I’ll tag along.”

  “That’s not a good idea,” Mandalay replied in an irritated tone. “I really don’t have time right now.”

  “And here I brought you donuts,” Nic drawled. “Those twists you love.”

  He groaned. “I’m not in the best of moods, but I’ll take the twists.” He reached for the bag, and Nic held them out of his reach.

  “Don’t be so inhospitable,” Nic murmured, and the deep timbre of his voice washed over Mandalay, making him shiver.

  “I don’t have time for games,” Mandalay muttered. “Keep them.”

  “You really need to learn some manners,” Nic said in a tone that caressed him. “Is it okay if I have a few minutes with Mandy?” he asked Mandalay’s father.

  “He does have some work to get done, but I’m sure he can spare a few minutes,” his dad said reluctantly. “Manly, go to your office and make it quick.”

  Mandalay gave his father an annoyed look. What did the man know that he didn’t?

  His father wasn’t pleased that he was gay and still held out some hope that Mandalay would wake up sane again. So, this had to be important for him to urge him to be alone with a man.

  “Fine,” Mandalay grumbled and led the way through the shop to his office. The coffee and tea shop also specialized in candy and medicinal brews. Mandalay had nothing to do with the candy, but he was trained in creating medicinal brews. He was a pharmacist and a licensed practical nurse.

  His office was a small one on the first floor with his mixing and compounding lab right next door. He set his cup on his desk, which was pushed into a corner.

  “What do you want?”

  “Happy birthday,” Nic said. “You turned twenty-five today, right?”

  “So? What does that have to do with what Jody has up his sleeve?”

  Nic shrugged. “I’m not here about that,” he said. “I was wondering if you got my note yesterday?”

  “What?” Mandalay asked with a frown.

  “My note. I sent you a gift, too. Did you like the bag? I thought you’d be able to use it.”

  “Bag?” Mandalay tucked strands of his long blond hair behind his ear.

  “It’s a medicine bag. You know, for carrying healing stuff around.”

  “I didn’t open it. I mean, what are you talking about?” he asked shaking.

  Nic studied him. “I know you’re gay, and I know your family wishes you weren’t,” he began. “However, nothing can really change the truth.”

  “Which is?” Mandalay asked with a frown. If Nicolane had sent him the gift, he’d been the one sending the notes for the last twenty-five years. That couldn’t be right.

  Nic closed the distance between them. “You probably don’t remember me, but we met years ago when you were just ten.”

  Mandalay’s eyes widened. “What? You’ve really been sending me those notes?”

  “I met you at the camp, and I knew I’d want to meet you when you were all grown up and very capable of responding to my attentions.”

  “Uh—attentions? You didn’t molest me, did you? I mean, I don’t remember anything like that happening.”

  And he would. He’d only been ten, but he wouldn’t have blocked something so heinous out. Hell, he would have fought, and failing to defend himself, he would have told his father.

  “No, baby,” Nicolane murmured, his gaze dark and stormy as if the very idea infuriated him. “I was so taken by you and your pretty eyes that I knew I had to have you.”

  “I—shit,” he breathed out. “I remember the camp, and the hot guy—he was maybe eighteen?”


  Mandalay swallowed tightly. He wasn’t sure what to do with this. The man had known him since he was a kid and had lusted after him?

  “I’m trying to get my head around this,” Mandalay said, shock still rippling through him.

  “I knew you were my mate even before you were born,” Nic told him patiently. “I met your mother by chance right here. She was one of the pack’s nurses, and I came to pick up something for my mother. She was about five months along. She was having a trying pregnancy.”

  Mandalay remembered his mother telling him that story. She’d said the man had laid his hand on her stomach, and he’d calmed right down. He would come in to see her every day. She also told him the man had moved away but had been visiting a relative.

  The camp he’d gone to had been outside of the den that summer. It had been a wolf camp, though. His parents had thought it a good idea for him to get to know other people outside the den.

  “I don’t know what to say, and I’m certainly not going to just fall into your bed because you’ve waited fifteen or so years to get me there.” Mandalay crossed his arms over his chest.

  He was even more curious about Nic than ever before. What kind of man knew someone was his before they were even born?

  And why would he pursue it, given the attitudes in this pack?

  “I was just hoping we could start with a date,” Nic said with a hint of a smile. “So, consider coming with me to the dance tonight. I’d be so proud to show up with the cutest little nurse in the den.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I’ll think about it,” Mandalay said, his mind working furiously.

  Had Jody known? Was that why he’d sent him over yesterday, to feel him out? Mandalay would certainly be asking and giving the alpha what for when he saw him.

  Depending on what he heard, he’d be going to the dance with the hottest enforcer in the den or alone.

  Chapter Three

  Nicolane exited the office not certain this had been a good meeting. He was wondering if he should have waited until this evening instead.

  “Brayclaw,” Cross said coolly as he stepped back into the main area of the shop.

  He glanced around the expanse, taking in windows and tables along with a lounge
where customers could slouch on sofas and chairs as they indulged in coffee, pastries, and conversation.

  “What are you up to?” Cross asked softly as he came from the side and into view. “My wife told me you’ve been sending Manly letters all his life. What do you want?”

  Nic met him halfway, admitting if the situation was reversed, he’d be curious, too.

  “I just came by to ask Mandy out,” he said. “Is that okay?” His mother had told him he was crazy when he’d told her he’d found his mate twenty odd years ago. And that mate hadn’t even been born yet.

  However, his father, the seer of the pride, had told him to keep in touch with the mother and keep an eye on the child as he grew so when the time came to re-enter his life, Nic would know.

  And the time had come.

  “Why?” Cross demanded. “Why haven’t you just stayed out of his life? I think it’s those damned notes of yours that have gotten this-this—” He waved his hand about. “You’re the reason he can’t date women.”

  “I doubt that,” Nic said patiently. “Mandy’s gay, and he’s mine.”

  “You met my mate and got some sick notion in your head that our son belonged to you twenty-five years ago?”

  “It wasn’t a notion,” Nic told him. “I felt the connection.”

  “He wasn’t even fully formed yet!” Cross thundered. “And you built up a Cinderella fantasy of his prince coming to sweep him off his damned feet. He was supposed to do the sweeping.”

  Nic smiled, not bothering to hide his amusement. “He’s no dominant, but he’s already started stealing my heart. Just for the record, though, I met Mandy when he was at camp years ago.”

  Cross grabbed him, horror in his brown eyes. “You put your hands on our son when he was a child?” Cross drove him back to a nearby wall and drew back as if to hit him.

  Nic caught his fist and deftly twisted Cross’s arm up behind his back, forcing Cross to face the wall. Then, he locked the other around the older man’s neck.

  “Oh, my god, Nicolane Brayclaw,” Mya Cross cried from across the room. “Let my husband go.” Her tone was stern as she hurried across the room to glare disapprovingly at him. “Now.” She tapped her foot as she braced her fists on her hips.


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