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Page 11

by Penny Rose

  He chuckled. “Beautiful girl, I feel exactly the same way about you.”

  “Really?” She traced his jawline with her finger.

  “Are you kidding me? Look at you. You are beautiful. Just looking at you turns me on, never mind the fact that I get to touch you everywhere.”

  She moaned. She loved hearing it, hearing Cade tell her things that she had never heard before. It added to the intensity of the moment. She had never thought of herself as sexy, but she was willing to believe everything that came out of that man’s mouth.

  Cade cupped her jaw and put his lips to hers with a softness that made her feel like they were being fused together. She moaned softly, parting her lips slightly as her hands roamed through his hair and he pulled her body up against his. She wanted his hands on her immediately. She needed his hands on her. Trembling, she grabbed his face and kissed him harder, aching for him.

  She laid down on the bed with him and he moved on top. He was so handsome, breathtaking even. He had a rugged manliness that made her want him inside her badly. Like he could take on the world for her. The way he touched her was like he knew exactly what he was doing.

  He kissed her so slowly and deeply that she felt like she was losing control of herself. She felt heady and emotional and being there with him after her nightmare of a day just made everything better. She needed him near her, pleasing her and making her feel good. He was taking away all the hurt with every kiss that he gave her. His mouth took complete control over her body, and she wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Sucking, nipping, and tasting, she was no longer aware of where she was or what she was doing. All she could see and feel was Cade.

  Her body was consumed by the need for him to touch her everywhere. Her lips felt raw and swollen. The sheets had somehow ended up at their feet, but his body was so warm that she clung to him.

  Cade pressed his lips to hers and kissed her roughly, withdrawing only to let her catch her breath.

  Her chest heaved, and her heart pounded. Without thinking, her fingers pushed into his hair and she pulled him toward her lips. His tongue found hers first and he pulled her closer to him. His closeness set her on fire. He was exhilarating and made her head spin. She sucked his tongue hungrily, dying to be with him, wanting him so badly.

  Cade got up and removed what was left of his bloodstained shirt. The wound underneath had healed completely.

  “Now, your turn.”

  She smiled mischievously as she sat up. She pulled her robe over her head and raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Wow, beautiful. You want me to take you? I would love to do that.”

  She closed her eyes, loving the sound of his voice, especially when he talked to her like that. It was one of her favorite parts of their lovemaking.

  “You look so beautiful.” He looked at her like a predator about to attack.

  She smiled. “Then get over here.”

  He pinned her to the bed. He pressed his mouth to hers, their breath becoming one, and a delicious shiver ran through her as their tongues found each other. Her breasts rose and fell as he ran his fingers up her leg, then possessively cupped her ass.

  “You have such a beautiful bottom,” he said.

  She gazed into his eyes, loving the feel of his hands on her ass.

  A thousand flames licked at her body as he touched her. She was dying of anticipation for him. She shuddered as he caressed her womanhood, briefly opening her lips with his thumb as he sucked on her nipples. She bucked underneath him, and he laughed softly as he continued to lick her nipples, tonguing it, playing with it, before covering it with his mouth and sucking.

  “Oh, Cade, that feels so good.”

  He ran his hands over her body, growling.

  “I want you in my mouth.”

  He looked at her with surprise but that quickly turned to lust as he rolled over onto his back. She pounced on him and took his member in her mouth.

  He moaned loudly, “Eldredth, that feels good.”

  She sucked on him hard, swirling her tongue around his tip. She felt the tip of his member hit the back of her throat. He was nice and big in her mouth, and she ached to have him inside her.

  “Eldredth, you make me want to take you right now. But I want to taste you first.”

  She sat up as he pushed her back down on the bed. She spread her legs for him, and he slowly rubbed his fingers against her opening. The sensation thrilled her. She was already wet for him. He bent down and lightly lapped at her opening. She moaned. He continued licking until she felt like screaming. He stuck his tongue inside her and she gasped. He sucked her clit until she thought she would lose her mind. She had already lost her ability to think clearly.

  “Please take me, Cade. I need you badly.”

  “You can have anything you want, Eldredth.”

  He eagerly spread her wide, his erection pulsing and hard as he flattened her on her back and covered her with the heat of his body. His mouth was one with hers again, and she could taste herself on his lips. She felt herself melt beneath him. She clawed his back and he buried his face in her neck, biting and nipping her.

  “Who do you belong to?” he asked.

  You,” she panted. “I only want you.”

  He pulled out and flipped her over. She stuck her bottom in the air, and he rubbed her ass.

  Their limbs tangled together, and her bottom pressed against his member. She had never wanted anyone more than she wanted him at that moment. She wanted his tongue in her mouth again, but she would have to wait. Heat filled her veins as he continued to massage her ass cheeks. He slipped a finger into her opening and his finger moved inside her. She was so wet that she was dripping against his fingers. His member was now against her entry and every cell in her body knew that Cade was now her mate, and she prepared herself for him. There was need written all over his face.

  He was easily the sexiest man she had ever seen. She could see his strong muscles clench, his body working as he pushed himself deep inside her. Pleasure ripped through her and she pushed her ass against him, taking in more of him. He murmured her name as he bent over and kissed her shoulders. He dug his fingers into her side as she moaned his name over and over. She came against his member as he rocked inside her. She panted as he followed suit, filling her with powerful thrusts. He slid out and rolled over on the bed, and she nestled into the crook of his arm. He wrapped his arms around her and held her naked body against his. Cade bit the back of her neck as he held her tighter than she had ever been held before.

  Summoning the energy to move after that took everything she had, and she imagined that he felt the same way. She turned into him and looked into his eyes. He smiled at her before leaning in and kissing her on the forehead.

  “That was fantastic, Eldredth.”

  “You were great as well.”

  He frowned. “I’m sorry that this is all we have right now and it’s all about sneaking around, but this won’t be forever. We will be together soon, I promise.”

  She kissed his chin. “I believe you, Cade.”

  “We will get through this, Eldredth, just don’t give up on me.” He squeezed her tight.

  “I won’t. I love you. Just please be careful. Keep your eyes open and watch out for anything that Prinzton might pull.”

  Chapter Eight

  The barracks in Rahl weren’t as nice as the one Cade was used to staying in at Maizon’s. Then again, they had no reason to keep the gladiators’ best interests in mind. They would only be here for a few days before dying or returning home.

  Their rooms were small, with a bed, a toilet, and a basin. Big enough to sleep, but not much more. There was a hologram unit in each room with a limited selection of entertainment. It had confused Cade at first, but he’d gotten used to it and now enjoyed watching movies or replays from the arena.

  Cade longed to be back at the mansion, even though it really wasn’t his home. He also hated being away from Eldredth. He hadn’t seen her nearly as much as he wanted to. It wa
s difficult to sneak away without drawing attention to themselves. Prinzton was still out to get him, but he would not let that man win. He would destroy him if he had to.

  Arc came up to Cade’s stall with a deck of cards. “You up for some poker?”

  Cade looked up from his cot and smiled. Poker was one of the first games he learned after being sold to Maizon. “Yes, that sounds much better than worrying about nothing.”

  Arc shuffled the cards in his hand. “I don’t think it’s nothing. After what happened in the arena, you definitely have things to worry about, Cade. Like I said, you watch your back.”

  “I’m trying.” But there was only so much he could do.

  Arc sat at the end of the bed and started dealing cards. Cade looked at his hand, trying to think of something other than Eldredth. It wasn’t easy because he was madly in love with her and had dreamed of kissing her all day long.

  “We are all gonna get through this wild, fun ride, you know?” Arc grinned.

  “That’s the goal.”

  “We are supposed to be here beating people’s asses and having fun.”

  “I don’t think they abducted us to have fun. We’re here for entertainment, nothing more. At least we have an opportunity to get off this hellhole. We all will, even if I have to bring my tribe here to rescue you.”

  Arc laughed. “Just worry about getting your own ass out of here.”

  They were playing cards when Sanir appeared in the doorway. Prinzton’s men were supposed to be in their own barracks. Cade looked up at him with surprise.

  “Do you mind if I join you guys?” Sanir asked. The gash where Cade had stabbed him was but a distant memory thanks to the healers.

  Arc glanced at Cade without answering.

  Cade nodded. He knew that it wasn’t Sanir that messed with his weapon. The blame was solely on Prinzton. “I thought you were dead.”

  “So did I. Lucky for me, my species don’t bleed out as quickly as most. Thank the gods for healers though, because you really had me there.”

  Cade chuckled. “Well, you definitely gave me all I could handle.”

  They laughed together. Sanir stepped into the room and sat on the floor to play cards. Once Tresk and Rux’hm joined, they had to move into a bigger area. They laughed and played cards, telling stories of their battles in the arena.

  Cade learned that Sanir was actually a pretty decent guy. He’d been abducted, the same as everyone else. When Cade told him about the broken weapon, Sanir just shook his head. It was easy to think of him as an enemy when they were in the arena, but the truth was, they were all in the same situation. They were all there against their will and just trying to survive. They all longed for freedom—the freedom to return to the people they used to be. To get back to their roots, their families, and be normal again. They bonded as a group of men that were in a terrible situation they couldn’t escape.

  “I would kill for a bottle of whiskey right now,” Arc stated frankly.

  There were words of agreement between all the men. It had been a while since any of them had had a drink.

  “I would even go for some watery beer right now,” laughed Sanir.

  They all laughed. Maizon stepped in the doorway and they all looked up. His face was a beet red, and they knew right away that he was furious.

  “What the hell are you doing here? You should be practicing, not wasting your time with card games.”

  He continued to yell at them as they packed up the cards and left for the training grounds. The men may have been through a lot, but Maizon didn’t seem to care about allowing them a little downtime.


  Maizon and Zax were drilling the men hard when Prinzton came into the arena followed by several of his guards and gladiators. A four-armed man similar to Zax stood to one side and Sanir to the other.

  “What do you say we fight some monsters?” Prinzton gave them a slithering smile.

  The lights of the arena suddenly beamed brightly, and the sky buzzed as a dozen drones sprung to life.

  Cade’s mouth dropped open. He couldn’t believe what was happening. Both he and Arc looked over at Maizon, who seemed just as shocked.

  “What is the meaning of this?” asked Maizon.

  Prinzton noticed their exchange. “Ah, don’t worry. I got permission from the mayor. This is going to be a special show. A sort of duel between our two houses. We can put a little wager on which team will kill the monsters first.”

  “I’m not sure that’s the best idea,” Maizon said with a furrowed brow.

  Prinzton shrugged with a stony expression. “I think it will be a hell of a fight. Isn’t that what we all want?”

  “I think there’s a high probability we will lose some of our fighters in that scenario,” Maizon said.

  “I didn’t take you as one to back down, Maizon. Perhaps I misjudged you.” Prinzton glanced at Cade briefly and then smiled at Maizon. “I’m sure our men will be fine. They are strong fighters.”

  A drone descended, hovering above Maizon and taking in his every expression.

  “Smile for the camera,” Prinzton goaded him.

  Maizon sighed. He was backed into a corner. “What monsters do you have in mind?”

  Prinzton called to his guards to bring out the cages.

  Several large cages hovered across the arena, stirring up sand with their jets. In the center of the arena, they stopped. The monsters inside clawed and screeched. A dark purple, they were twice as tall as Cade, with six barbed legs covered in deadly spikes. They had large heads filled with razor-sharp teeth. The kind of teeth that Cade feared getting bit with.

  Maizon didn’t seem to agree with the fight, but he was in a position where his honor was being publicly broadcast. If he backed down, he would be a laughingstock across all the arenas. He had no choice but to basically agree to feed his men to the six-legged monsters.

  “Gladiators will be put in groups of four,” ordered Prinzton.

  Prinzton just wanted to see gore. He was determined to get Cade killed no matter what, even if it cost some of his own men. Cade was equally determined to not give Prinzton what he wanted. He would fight until the end.

  Cade was grouped with Tresk, Rux’hm, and the beast-man Akima. He felt confident about his team, even though he would have liked Arc watching his back. Arc was with another group. The men were handed weapons and chained to an anchor at four points around the arena. Cade’s team were closest to the balcony. The chains were to keep them from running. The monsters would have free rein, but there was no escape for the gladiators. The guards readied the cages to unleash the monsters.

  Cade was grateful to find that he had a real sword this time—one that wasn’t broken or brittle. They looked to be good weapons, and he was confident that with a better weapon, he could hold his own.

  Cade walked up to his teammates and clapped them all on the shoulder in turn. “We are up against some serious threats here. I’m not sure how they are going to react. This could be an ugly fight. Stay spread out and try not to tangle one another’s chains.”

  The men nodded. They all knew what they were up against. It was going to be a nightmare fighting these creatures, and he hoped that they were all going to make it out alive.


  Eldredth sat on the balcony watching the nightmare in the arena. It was weird being in an empty arena. The only people in the stands were the healers, and then the wealthy who had heard about Prinzton’s plan. The mayor and some of his close acquaintances sat to her left drinking wine and laughing. Of course they could laugh, it wasn’t their lives on the line.

  Her stomach was in knots. She couldn’t believe that Maizon and Prinzton were okay with throwing their men into the arena with those hideous creatures. Her heart pounded as she watched the men group together and prepare to fight. Not only were they fighting giant monsters, they were chained to the floor to keep them from escaping. She was terrified for all of them, but especially for Cade. She knew that it was just another attempt
by Prinzton to get Cade killed. Looking at what awaited them, it was likely that somebody was going to die down there.

  She could barely watch as Cade went into battle with his teammates. A half-dozen of the creatures spilled from their massive cages, swarming the chained fighters. The men did their best, but the creatures had free rein. The men would attack and dodge, but the massive chains slowed their movements. Cade attacked one as it charged Rux’hm, stabbing its hind leg.

  Eldredth’s eyes welled up with tears as she watched Cade get knocked down by one of the monster’s massive legs. These creatures were savage and unforgiving. They didn’t care if they ripped limbs off or if they crushed them into the ground. She breathed a sigh of relief as Cade rolled away just before a clawed foot slammed into the sand. The men were no match for these creatures, that much was obvious right from the beginning.

  She shuddered as one of the monsters grabbed Tresk by the arm and lifted him off the ground. His insect wings fluttered as he tried to escape, slashing at the monster with his sword. With a violent swing, Tresk’s arm detached from its socket, spilling green ichor as he fell to the ground. The monster threw Tresk’s arm away like an abandoned toy. Cade used the momentary distraction to stab the monster in the side. It screamed, bludgeoning Cade out of the way with its leg.

  Tresk lay on the ground, unmoving. Several of Prinzton’s men were down as well. The fight should have been called so that a healer could go out onto the field and get Tresk, but no one was getting in or out of the arena. There would be no saving his limb, but he didn’t need to bleed to death on the arena floor. Prinzton stood next to the mayor on the balcony, looking down at the arena as if watching a sporting event. He didn’t seem to care that one of the men had just been killed. Eldredth feared for Cade because she knew that Prinzton wanted him dead and that shook her to the core. She had hoped that Maizon would have enough sense to not go through with a fight like this, but he seemed to bow to whatever whim Prinzton had. There was no respect for life when it came to the slaves. They were merely playthings.


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