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Sexton Brothers Boxset

Page 84

by Lauren Runow

  “Hey bro, what’s up?” I ask.

  Bryce’s naturally serious expression seems more dire than most times. I’m used to the dark eyed glare, but never figured he’d give it on the day of Austin and Jalynn’s wedding.

  He searches over my shoulder and looks at Harper as he says, “We have a situation.”


  I’m not a perfect man. Hell, I’ve fucked up more times than I care to admit. I bailed on my family when my mother died. I let down my comrade in a time of war, and I let a group of men into a world of careless racing that cost one friend his life.

  With all the things I’ve done wrong, God still thought I was worthy enough to bless me with a good woman. I don’t know what I did to deserve Jalynn’s love. The thought of it fleeting away keeps me up most nights.

  That’s why this moment, right here, is my personal hell.

  The woman I love won’t come out of her hotel suite and marry me.

  “What’s going on?” Tanner says, causing me to look down the hall.

  Bryce, Charlie, Tanner and Harper are marching toward me.

  “She won’t open the door,” I explain.

  Harper walks up to the door and knocks. “Jalynn, it’s me, Harper. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. You know, just standing here in my wedding dress and freaking out about the hundreds of people waiting to stare at me while I walk down the aisle, and feeling like a totally ungrateful shit for not wanting the attention.”

  “You don’t sound ungrateful. We all know this wedding is everything you didn’t want,” Harper says and my arms go up in question.

  Is she being serious right now? The love of my life didn’t want to marry me?

  Tessa comes walking down the hall, her phone in her hand looking at Bryce. “I just got your text. She’s not coming out?”

  “She freaking out about the world’s most over the top wedding,” Bryce explains.

  “It’s not over the top?” I defend.

  The five of them, including Charlie, look at me like I’m the biggest idiot on the planet.

  “You have fire dancers booked for the venetian hour,” Tanner explains.

  “And a firework display over the bay,” Harper adds.

  “There’s fireworks?” Bryce asks, “I thought the life sized ice sculpture of the two of them in the lobby was a lot. How did you get a barge in the Bay? Crap, did you get the mayor involved?”

  “That would probably be why there is security downstairs with ear pieces, and the walkie-talkies in their wrists,” Tessa surmises.

  “The mayor is here!” Jalynn squeaks from behind the door.

  “I didn’t really invite him. He just assumed he was invited after I talked to the fire commissioner.”

  “Please don’t tell me you called in any favors.” Bryce narrows his eyes at me. Of course he’s thinking about the ramifications of the business right now.

  “For the record, he owed me one,” I explain. “And what’s two more people?”

  Harper takes a step toward me, staring at me with her hazel eyes. “Austin, I think that’s the problem.”

  When Jalynn and I started planning our wedding it was supposed to be at a small hotel in Monterey overlooking the bay. We knew we wanted to get married by the water in front of our friends and family.

  I decided to hire a wedding planner because with Jalynn and I both working it seemed easier to hand over the details. We agreed on peach as our wedding color and the modest guest list of sixty people. Problem is, when you’re a Sexton and hosting a wedding at a venue, everyone wants to be invited. To be honest, I kinda of like that idea of everyone coming. I want the world to know I’m marrying Jalynn. I’ve never been more proud in my life and I want to share it with everyone.

  “My department is really important to me. How do I invite some people from digital and not others?” I ask. It’s hard to single out one employee and not the other. “And then I’d start talking to people in the break room and find out they wanted to come and suddenly—”

  “Bryce’s entire print department, and my marketing and advertising staff were invited, too,” Tanner adds.

  “You even invited the lady who sells you the paper on the street corner,” Charlie adds. When we look at him, he shrugs. “What? I heard Jalynn and mom talking the other day.”

  “We know you love to party, and you love people, but it all seems to have snowballed quickly,” Harper explains, calmly.

  “Your heart’s in the right place when it comes to how excited you are to get married, but maybe this is more than what your bride was ready for,” Tessa adds and I immediately feel like a grade-A asshole.

  “Then tell them to leave,” I state immediately. “I want a party but,” I fall to the door and speak to it closely, as closely as I can get to Jalynn. “All I want is to marry you, Jalynn. I’m so damn in-love with you. If you want, I’ll tell everyone to go home. The cars will drive away, the photographers, the band, the fire dancers…consider it all called off. I’ll do whatever you want, just say you’ll open this door because I’m so scared right now, baby. I’m scared this door will stay closed, and you won’t be mine. I won’t run, I promise. Whatever is happening, I’m staying here to face it head on. I’m here, I’m grounded, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  A soft click sounds on the inside, followed by the handle turning and, finally, the door opens slightly. I seize the opportunity and go into the suite, closing the door behind me. My hand goes to my heart as I gasp at the sight before me.

  Jalynn is standing in the middle of the room looking like an angel sent from heaven. Her dark hair is curled and falling over her bare shoulders. A heart shaped, form fitted dress that hugs her body in satin, flows over her hips and pools around her. She has a veil on that is sheer and long. As beautiful as the dress is, and her long hair and her face—God, her eyes are mesmerizing and her lips are pouty from crying—but it’s her soul that captures me. She’s scared, but she’s looking at me like she’s finally found relief after a morning of worry.

  I feel the same way.

  “Come here,” I say and she rushes toward me. I hold her close and kiss her head, puling her tightly. “Don’t scare me like that. If you’re having second thoughts about marrying me, you have to talk to me about it. Don’t shut me out.”

  She looks up at me and I rub a tear off her cheek.

  I’m not scared about marrying you, Austin. I’m scared about the public show we’re about to put on. I would have been happy marrying you in City Hall like Tanner and Harper did, or at the Tahoe house as Bruce and Tessa did. But you wanted the party so I went along with it. I just didn’t expect it to get this big. Eva sent me a photo and I saw all these people and lost it.”

  “They’re just people. People who are here to celebrate with us.”

  “I came from a humble background. I don’t have a mother, and my father is horrible. All I know are Beckett and Eva. I’ve spent my life taking care of Beckett and now here I am marrying a millionaire and having all of San Francisco watching. It’s overwhelming.” She starts to whimper and then adds, “It also make me feel ungrateful.”

  “Is that why the necklace bothered you so much?” I ask, grasping her hands and lowering my eyes to her. “I know you don’t want expensive things but I can afford them. I want to give you nice things.”

  “The necklace is beautiful but it’s extravagant. Especially since I already had a necklace planned.”

  It’s then that I look down at her chest and notice the charm around her neck. It’s my bronzed angel, my mother’s charm that has brought me luck over the years. It’s tarnished and old. Not what a typical woman would want to wear on her wedding day, but here is my girl turning down a hundred thousand dollar necklace for an old ornament.

  “Jalynn,” I start but have to hold back my own emotions.

  She lays a hand on my jaw and looks up at me. “I know I’m marrying a Sexton, but more importantly, I’m marrying you, Austin. I’m marrying you. It’s the s
ingle most important and right thing I will ever do in my entire life. It also makes me selfish. I don’t want to share that moment with all those people.”

  “Then marry me at City Hall. We can go right now.”

  “Too late for that, don’t you think?” she sounds disheartened.

  I glance at my watch. “Well, since there’s no longer going to be a ceremony, we just bought ourselves thirty minutes.”

  “You’re gonna send those people home?”

  “Hell, no. We planned a kick ass party. You are okay with the party part, right? It’s the ceremony that’s freaking you out?” I ask and she nods. “Then baby, I have a plan. Do you trust me?” I ask her.

  Her head sways as her lips part. She has hesitation on her face, but then laughs and says, “Yes, I do.”

  I kiss her on the nose. “Save those exact words.”

  When I open the door it’s to my bridal party standing on the other side of the door shooing back from their obvious eavesdropping.

  “Tanner, can you go downstairs and get me one of the photographers? Just one.” He doesn’t ask questions, just nods. “Harper, I need you to grab Gregg, Eva and Beckett. Bryce, get my beautiful little Goddaughter, and Tessa”—I give her a great big smile—“We’re gonna need your mother.”


  Adults are wacky. While everyone went and did what Austin said, I followed him into the hotel room and watched as he started moving furniture around.

  “Come on, Captain America. Give Batman a hand,” he said and I was more than willing to help a fellow super hero.

  Austin and I used our muscles to push the sofa toward the wall.

  “What are we doing this for?” I ask him.

  “Making room for a wedding,” he says with a wink.

  Jalynn went back into the bedroom to get ready. I don’t know why. She looked pretty nice to me. She said something about fixing the black under her eyes, but I didn’t see anything there.

  The room that was set up like a living room now has a large open space. Austin is standing in front of the giant windows and looking at the water.

  “Perfect,” he says.

  Bryce is the first to come back with Marina sleeping in his arms. Mom comes in next with Grandma.

  “There is something right in the world. I love a woman who knows how to put her foot down,” Grandma says as she walks through the living room and right into the bedroom where Jalynn is.

  “Where’d Grandma go?” I ask.

  “To talk to the boss,” Mom says, kneeling down to straighten my tie and button my jacket. “Are you ready for your big job?”

  I salute her the way Austin taught me. “Ready to lead my men in perfect formation.”

  She leans forward and kisses me on the lips. I wait until she stands up before wiping her kiss off. If she sees me do that she’ll probably cry about how big I’m getting and how she can’t kiss her baby boy anymore. Ugh! I’m trying to explain to her that I’m practically a man, but that’ll have to wait for another day.

  Harper and Tanner come back with a bunch of people. Austin’s and Jalynn’s best friends and Jalynn’s brother—who I don’t really like—come in. Gregg gives me a high five. Becket gives me a noogie and I have to pat down my hair as I stick my tongue out when he walks away.

  “We’re ready,” Grandma says coming out of the bedroom. “Jalynn told me everything she wants.”

  “Perfect. Just stand here, by the window so we can see the water. That’s my only request,” Austin says and Grandma seems okay with it.

  There’s a man taking pictures of everyone as Tanner walks over to the Alexa, saying, “Alexa, play A Thousand Years by Christina Perry.”

  Austin, Tanner, and Bryce, who’s still holding my baby sister, all stand next to Grandma by the windows. Mom taps my shoulder and tells me to come to the wall.

  “You can start walking now,” she says in my ear.

  I do the march Austin taught me, the one he learned in the Marines. When I stop in front of him, I stand at attention. He salutes me and I salute him back. Once my arm is down he gives me a fist bump and I take my place next to Tanner.

  Next, Harper walks toward us. She’s huge with my baby cousin in her belly. I’m not sure how it got in there and I have no idea how it’s getting out. All I know is mom says it hurts like a bitch. Of course, she said that when she thought I wasn’t listening.

  Then comes Eva. She’s Jalynn’s best friend and the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen in my life. She looks at me as she walks down the aisle, and I make a promise to myself to marry a girl as pretty as Eva when I grow up.

  Finally, it’s mom’s turn. She looks really happy. When she stands next to Jalynn and Eva I realize they’re all wearing the same dress. Man, that must be weird. I wonder if they dressed like that on purpose or if they’re all mad they came to the wedding in the same dress. That’s why it’s good to be a dude. We don’t have to worry about wearing the same thing as everyone else.

  I look at Austin, Bryce and Tanner behind me in their black suits and then down at my own. Wait a minute…

  The door to the bedroom opens and Jalynn comes out. Her brother takes her hand and walks her down the aisle. It’s a really short walk. I thought it would have been longer…

  Jalynn and Austin are standing in front of Grandma who likes to marry people. She married mom and Bryce. I guess she’s like a Priest or something.

  "I, Austin, take thee, Jalynn, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward,” Austin repeats words Grandma tells him to.

  “For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part,” Jalynn does the same.

  “By the city of San Francisco and the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  Before Grandma is even finished, Austin grabs Jalynn’s face and starts kissing her. I have to look away, but everyone else is clapping and whistling and cheering, so much so that Marina wakes up and starts to fuss in Bryce’s arms.

  “You’re my wife,” Austin says to Jalynn. “I promise to make you the happiest woman in the world.”

  “I love you so much,” she says back to him.

  I wonder if they know I’m standing right here, staring up at them.

  “Does this mean we can still party?” Gregg asks.

  Jalynn nods her head. “Yes, we can still have the party, fire dancers and fireworks, and all.” She’s smiling, but she’s crying so I think she’s happy.

  “Let’s go have us a kick ass reception!” Eva yelps.

  “I have another sister! That’s definitely something to celebrate!” Mom chants.

  There’s a loud pop and then Bryce walks over with a bottle that has smoke coming out the top. Tanner is next to him handing out glasses. I hold my hand out for one but they ignore me.

  When all the adults have glasses in their hands, Bryce says, “To Mr. And Mrs. Sexton. May you forever keep breaking the rules so the rest of us can come along for the ride!”

  “I’ll cheers to that,” Mom chimes in, and they all cheers. Mom even lets me have a sip from her glass and I spit it out. That was nasty.

  “Let’s go tell six hundred and three people they can eat,” Harper says and everyone laughs as they walk toward the door.

  I’m following the crowd, right behind Grandma, when I look back and see that Austin, Bryce and Tanner are still standing in the hotel room.

  “You did good,” Bryce says as he shakes Austin’s hand.

  “We did good. Life turned out pretty sweet for three guys who thought they were lost,” Austin adds.

  “A good woman will do that to you,” Bryce says.

  Tanner puts his arms around his brothers and gives them a squeeze. “A good brother isn’t so bad, either.”

  I don’t know why, but I smile. These guys are pretty cool. In fact, they’re more than cool, they’re better than any superhero in the world.

  They’re Sextons.

  And they
’re my family.


  Love Letters



  I was walking down to a meeting when I noticed you standing by the copier. It must not be working because you're bent over it, trying to fix something. A chivalrous man would have stopped and helped. Instead, I stood and watched. Watched as you silently cursed the machine with that Cupid's bow mouth and scowl with your hazel eyes. You give me that look a lot when you're mad.

  I watched as you kicked the copier and then scrunched your nose. It was the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen. I was about to walk over to you but Bryce pulled me into the meeting which he deemed as important. Aren't they all? That's why instead of walking into the copy room and devouring that perfect little mouth the same way I did the first time I kissed you, I'm sitting here in the board room. I'm listening as my brother drawls on and drawing hearts and writing sweet things to you on a note pad. You're the biggest pain in the ass I ever met yet I love you more than anything. What have you done to me?

  Everything. You've done everything to me. It wasn't too long ago, the thought of loving someone this way scared me to death. The thought of losing you would be too much. Here's the honest truth. Whether it's a day, a year, a lifetime..I'm your man—forever. I'll never run. I'm yours.

  Happy Valentines Day,




  I'm in line at Starbucks, laughing at myself. I'm pretty sure the woman next to me thinks I'm crazy. I probably am.

  I'm laughing because I remember a day when I walked in here and then sat in my car. Moved my car and then came back in, only to stand on the corner and then get back in my car. What was I doing? I was waiting for your to walk out of the salon you work in. I was hoping to "accidentally" bump into you and ask you to coffee. I was desperate back then. I still am.


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