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The Scoundrel's Wager (Tricking the Scoundrels, #4)

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by Laura A. Barnes

  Kathleen shook her head to stop. She didn’t have time for this foolishness. Kathleen must stop thinking of Devon’s kisses. They were moments best forgotten. Devon was a scoundrel who only toyed with her emotions. Kathleen’s revenge toward Devon would come later. For now, she needed to gain access to the gaming hell.

  Kathleen located the reticule she had fashioned like her dress and opened it to check the token resting inside. Also, there were a few bills to get her started. She would win more later to continue playing. Kathleen slipped on the black gloves to finish her ensemble. Once she arrived at the gaming hell, she would ask for a mask to hide her identity. Kathleen heard that was how a lady of the ton could remain anonymous inside the establishment.

  Opening the door, Kathleen listened for any noise to delay her departure. She looked along the hallway and saw no light shining from under the doors. Kathleen worked her way down the servant’s backstairs. Outside, she walked briskly to the alley to where a hackney waited. Secure and with directions to her destination, Kathleen relaxed. The first stage to this evening was a success. She had escaped with no one the wiser.

  Chapter Seven

  Kathleen knocked and waited for the door to open. The same guard opened the door. He scowled. She never wavered under the brute’s stare. To most he would intimidate them with his size and the tattoo upon his arm. The sheer size of him alone would frighten most women. That didn’t deter Kathleen. She opened the reticule and withdrew the token. She passed it to him under the dim light coming from inside. He flipped the coin over and then glared at Kathleen. The giant looked her up and down before allowing her inside. His gruff voice demanded that Kathleen follow him.

  He led Kathleen down a darkened hallway and into an elegant parlor. This wasn’t a parlor Kathleen expected to find in a brothel.

  “Madame likes to welcome any new members to the establishment. She will attend to you shortly.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  The giant paused as Kathleen paid him the respect he deserved. After standing there for endless moments, his glance took in her full appearance. He nodded his approval before he took his leave.

  Kathleen moved to the sofa and sat poised, waiting for the Madame to show. She wished to explore the room, but didn’t want to appear like a sneak. Kathleen wanted to present herself as a member of the highest society. To achieve this, she mustn’t show interest of something as simple as a parlor.

  NED BROUGHT THE TOKEN to his mistress, tossing it on the desk. Belle looked up from some paperwork, arching an eyebrow in question.

  “Do you remember the street urchin from last week?”

  “The one who tried to enter with the late Lord Beckwith’s coin?”

  “The same. She has returned and presented this coin but has changed her appearance to a lady.”

  “This is Rory’s coin.”


  “Interesting. Where might I find this creature?”

  “I have inserted her in your visiting parlor. I explained how you wished to greet new members.”

  “Perfect. Thank you, Ned, that will be all. After I talk with her, I will inform you of her membership and what precautions we may need to take.”

  “Very well,” he answered, returning to his duties.

  Belle relaxed back in the chair, flipping the coin between her fingers. What an interesting development. How to proceed? With both coins belonging to the men of the Beckwith household, she could only be one lady. Lady Kathleen Beckwith. The word surrounding the lady was one of a spoiled debutante. Spoiled? Or was the chit confident of what she desired and would never accept no for an answer? She could deny the girl access to the establishment, or she could open the doors. Either way it would be a tricky situation. It would appear the girl had a purpose for trying to enter and wouldn’t be put off. It would be best to gauge the reason and then explore the options.

  THE DOOR OPENED TO the parlor with an exotic beauty entering, followed by a maid carrying a tea tray. The woman gave directions and waited until the maid left before addressing Kathleen.

  Kathleen sat in awe as the woman before her dominated the room with an arrogance Kathleen had only witnessed from men. Kathleen thought her own scarlet dress to be scandalous, but it was nothing compared to the creation molded to the lady’s body. The dark green fabric clung to the woman’s curves, her breasts on full display, the pearls decorating the edge of the dress barely hiding her nipples. The dress appeared to only cling tighter around her legs and buttocks. Kathleen gawked at the open display of femininity. Kathleen had heard rumors of Madame Bellerose. None of them compared to meeting the lady in person. Most women this beautiful held a smug arrogance to their charms, and Kathleen was unprepared for the kindness the lady displayed. Her smile contained warmth and openness when she reached for Kathleen’s hands, gently squeezing them before she settled across from her.

  “May I inquire to whom I have the honor of greeting?”

  “I prefer not to give my name. I wish to hide my identity. You may call me Scarlet.”

  “I am Madame Bellerose. All my friends call me Belle. I feel this is the start of a budding friendship.”

  Kathleen didn’t answer Madame Bellerose’s declaration. She'd hardly thought to be friends with the Madame of a brothel. Since Kathleen didn’t want to offend the lady, she only nodded.

  Belle held back a smirk. She took no offense. While most ladies never form a friendship with someone of Belle’s standing, they always ended up sharing more with her than they originally thought.

  “Would you like some tea, my lady? Or perhaps something a little stronger. I have a sweet madeira I have been meaning to try.”

  “A glass of madeira would be lovely.”

  Belle rose and poured each of them a glass of wine. As she drank, Belle assessed the young lady. Belle had yet to understand the reason for Lady Kathleen’s arrival and wondered if perhaps the lady sought companionship. Belle was told on good authority that Rory’s financials had taken an upward swing. So, money couldn’t be the purpose of Lady Kathleen’s appearance. However, the dress the lady wore spoke otherwise. It ranked alongside Belle’s own scandalous outfit. If the lady wasn’t trying to display her assets, Belle was clueless to her motives.

  Kathleen sipped the wine while the Madame scrutinized her. She wondered if she passed inspection. When the silence continued, Kathleen took a deeper gulp of wine, her confidence wavering.

  “What is the pleasure you seek?” Belle asked.


  “Yes, pleasure.” Belle didn’t go into detail of the many pleasures one could find in her establishment.

  “I think you misunderstand why I am here.”

  “Perhaps you can clarify.”

  “I seek your card rooms. The rumors whispered around in the ballrooms is that your gaming hell is the best in London. I wish to play cards.”

  “To play cards in my gaming hell, you must be a member. There are only two ways to gain membership.”

  “But I am already a member, I presented my token at the entrance.”

  “Tis not your token, my lady.”

  “A friend offered their coin to me in exchange for a favor.”

  “I do not abide lies in my club.”

  “I do not lie.”

  “If you cannot be honest with me, then I will have Ned escort you to the door. The next time you attempt to enter, it will not be as pleasant as this meeting.”

  “But my token?”

  “The token you presented belongs to a member who has withdrawn his membership. Also, if you looked over the token, you would have noticed that the token displayed fighters. That token would only gain you access to the fighting arena and nowhere else. The other token you presented a few weeks ago, dressed as a boy, belonged to a member who has since passed away. Now that coin would have gained you entry to the gaming hell and the brothel. Since both coins belonged to members of the same family, I conclude that you are the sister and daughter of the owners of the previous
coins. Am I correct?"

  “Yes.” Kathleen sighed. Her confidence no longer wavered, it had now vanished.

  “I’m glad that matter is settled. I detest liars. Now, hiding the truth to protect somebody, that is a different reason. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I understand.”

  “Excellent. Now, what is your pleasure?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “With your presentation of both coins, it opens your options wider. Fighting, cards, or the brothel. Perhaps all three?” Belle arched one eyebrow, the look in her eyes tempting Kathleen to all three choices.

  Kathleen’s blush of innocence betrayed the sophistication she attempted to display. However, she couldn’t control it. Her sheltered upbringing conflicted with the temptations held before her. Did Devon visit the brothel? Devon? Why did she address him as Devon now? Kathleen knew why, but kept trying to deny her reasons for keeping those thoughts at bay. Devon’s kisses this evening had opened a floodgate of emotions. He had always been 'Devon' to her and always would be. Even when she became wed to another, he would hold a special place in her heart. If only Kathleen held the same place in his. But throughout the years she'd watched Devon seduce one lady after another and knew it would never be her. Even watching Devon court Dallis a few months ago pierced her heart. Kathleen watched how his eyes softened around Dallis when he tried to protect her from Rory’s ungentlemanly behavior. Kathleen tried not succumbing to jealousy over their bond of friendship, but it was of no use. When Rory had finally dug his head out of his arse and professed his love to Dallis, then and only then did Kathleen feel relieved. However, it would be short-lived. Because once again Devon Holdenburg remained out of her reach. Kathleen watched how he strolled the ballroom floor searching for his next conquest. Devon’s seductive smile drew every lady to his side. Devon turned his smile on everybody but her. Until this evening.

  “Your card room is all that I require.”

  “Now, as I stated before, you can gain membership one of two ways. You can either have a long-standing member sponsor your entrance, or else I can sponsor your membership. Do you have anyone you can ask to sponsor you?”

  Kathleen had nobody she wished to know of her activities. Not that anybody would sponsor her anyway. That only left her to persuade the Madame into sponsoring her. She shook her head.

  “As I thought. The only way that I would entertain supporting your cause would be to hear your story. Please explain to me why a lady of your standing would want to subject herself to ruin for the sake of a game of cards?”

  “I wish to avenge my father’s downfall. He bet everything he owned on a game of cards. I want to restore the honor of his name back to my family.”

  “You play a dangerous game. Do you know who your father lost this card game to?”


  “Then you are aware of the full scope of that game and the entirety of what your father lost.”

  “I know that he lost everything he owned that was not entailed.”

  Belle realized the girl was unaware she had been the end focus of the legendary card game. Her father gambled away something that wasn’t his. However, it wasn’t Belle’s secret to tell. For Belle to come to a decision, she needed to know more of the lady’s emotions.

  “How do you plan to win back your father’s wealth? Once you step foot in The Wager, you will be ruined. Not to mention the wrath of your brother and his peers would cause me to lose my business. You are asking me to risk everything I own for your silly card game. From what I hear, your brother is rebuilding your family’s wealth with the funds from his wife.”

  “Is it silly to want to gain back my family’s pride? Lord Holdenburg brought about our demise and pretends to be a friend of our family while we have suffered. That is not an act of friendship. No, I will not rest until he has suffered as I have. Then and only then will I feel that I have defended my father’s honor,” Kathleen passionately declared.

  “Do you yourself not hold any feelings for Lord Holdenburg? No act of friendship?” Belle asked.


  Kathleen’s denial conflicted with memories of his kisses. She wouldn’t discuss any more with the Madame for fear of betraying herself.

  Belle watched the doubt cloud Lady Kathleen’s eyes. There was a story there, one Belle wanted to learn more. However, with every good story one must allow the tale to unfold. Before this ended, much drama would occur. Along the way she hoped to guide it to a happy ending.

  “Very well, I will take on your sponsorship. On one condition.”

  “At that may be?”

  “At any time that I wish to know more details, you will provide them with honesty. If I feel you are being dishonest, I will revoke your membership. I understand the pain and suffering your family has endured. However, I feel that you lay fault with the wrong man. There was another man involved in your father and Holdenburg’s card game. You are blaming a man who only tried to save your family.”

  “I agree to your terms, Madame Bellerose. But I hold a different opinion and will have to disagree on how you viewed the outcome of that game. I hold my own beliefs and those are the ones which drive me to my revenge. I appreciate your offer and I promise I will not risk your livelihood in the process.”

  “Please call me Belle.”


  “I insist that when you enter my establishment, you please wear a mask or a hood. In the card room, you must wear a mask at all times. I admire your brother and do not wish for him to have knowledge of my betrayal of our friendship. There is a small room I make available to the ladies of the ton for their discretion. I can lead you there now where you may choose a mask to wear. I assume you wish to play this evening?”

  “Yes. Thank you for your generosity.”

  “Do not make me regret my decision, Lady Kathleen.”

  “Please refer to me as ‘Scarlet’ while I am here.”

  “Mmm ... yes, a most befitting name for you.”

  Belle led Kathleen to the room where she made the choice to wear a mask of black silk. Red beads decorated the trim. The mask covered half her face, making her unrecognizable. It matched her dress perfectly. Once she finished hiding her identity, Belle escorted her to the entrance of The Wager. She then left Kathleen to her own devices.

  Chapter Eight

  Devon hunched over his countless drink of the evening. No matter how much he drank, Devon couldn’t wipe away the taste of her luscious lips. Kathleen’s sweetness invaded his soul and took root. If Devon spent the remainder of the night drinking endlessly, it still wouldn’t be enough.

  “I thought I might find you in here this evening.”

  “Enjoying your spirits, Belle,” Devon slurred, lifting his glass in a toast.

  Belle slid into a chair across from him. The frown on her face marred her perfect beauty. Why didn’t he fall for Belle, who kept her emotions contained? Why did he fall for the one lady in London who wanted nothing to do with him?

  “Belle, do you want to run far away from this dissolute, depraved city?”

  “Where would we go, Devon?”

  “Where we could lose ourselves in the pleasures of our passion.”

  “As tempting of an offer as that may be. I will have to decline. I would not satisfy what you hold dear in your heart.”

  “Nor what you hold dear in yours?”

  Belle nodded.

  “He is a fool.”

  “Who is a fool?”

  “The man who stole your heart and keeps it prisoner, so you are unable to love another.”

  “My, you are deep in your cups this evening, my lord. You speak utter rubbish.”

  “No, I do not, my dear. But I will allow you your secrets, even though you refuse to allow me the same discretion.”

  “I interfere because I wish for you to achieve happiness. Your guilt eats away at your soul bit by bit every day.”

  “I would need a soul for that to happen, Sweet Belle.”

y the drink?”

  “I am trying to wash away her sweetness.”


  “My guilty conscience.”

  “Is it working?”

  Holdenburg’s harsh laugh gave Belle the answer. It would appear the earl had begun his pursuit of the lovely lady. How would Holdenburg react when he heard the very lady has now entered the gaming hell? Belle had to handle this with a tactic to make the earl realize the girl would be safe. If there were ever two people who needed brought together, it was these two. Along the course of the way Belle would need to guide Holdenburg on how to win the lady’s hand, and highlight to Lady Kathleen the gentleman by showcasing Holdenburg’s character.

  Belle slid the tokens across the table, placing them in front of Holdenburg’s glass. He glanced at them for a second, then poured himself another drink. Once he tossed the fiery liquid back, he flipped the coins back and forth, over and over. Belle waited for his reaction, but like the ultimate card player, he never gave himself away. Holdenburg arched his eyebrow in question.

  She said, “Those had belonged to—”

  “I know who the owners of these tokens are. Why are you in possession of them?”

  “On two different occasions, they were presented to Ned. A few weeks ago, a young boy knocked on the door and tried to gain entrance with the green token.”

  “And the red coin?”

  “This evening a lovely lady in a dark red gown tried to enter with it. She had long, black raven hair and called herself Scarlet. A fitting name, for her attire matched her to perfection.”



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