The Scoundrel's Wager (Tricking the Scoundrels, #4)

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The Scoundrel's Wager (Tricking the Scoundrels, #4) Page 8

by Laura A. Barnes

  “For safekeeping.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  Devon laid Kathleen’s hand back on her lap, not taking any liberties as he did the night before. Kathleen rubbed her hand across the one he'd held for a brief pause. His heat invaded the thin material.

  They sat in silence, neither one of them knowing what to say. Devon didn’t want to anger Kathleen with any more of his arrogance, nor did he want to show his interest in case she didn’t share the same. They watched the butterflies flitting around the garden as contentment settled around them. Devon’s actions had caused many blunders, and he would repair them on the morrow. For now he would enjoy her company, as quiet as it may be.

  When her mother beckoned for them to leave, Kathleen rose and turned to him, offering a small curtsey.

  “Thank you for your lovely company, my lord.”

  “It was my pleasure, my lady.”

  With that, Kathleen left, leaving them with a sense of starting over. Perhaps, over time, she would allow him to display his true feelings. If she didn’t, he would be a lost soul forever at her command.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kathleen once more donned the red creation she kept hidden under her bed. She risked getting caught, sneaking out two nights in a row, but the need to be near Devon after their peaceful afternoon held too much of a temptation.

  Kathleen spent the evening enjoying a quiet family dinner with Rory doting on Dallis as usual. No one uttered the name Devon Holdenburg. Her mother and Dallis knew, if they mentioned the gentleman’s name, it would send her brother on a tirade nobody wanted to endure. So their conversation consisted of the play they were to attend next week and the baby. Kathleen and her mother were just as excited as Rory and Dallis. It was a new beginning for their family. One that would bring much joy. When Rory and Dallis retired to bed early, her mother pleaded for Kathleen to excuse her too. Mama wished to retire early after their long afternoon. Kathleen assured her mother she would be reading a book to finish the evening.

  Once the house quieted, Kathleen walked the same path outside to the hackney waiting in the alleyway. Kathleen had caught their gardener stealing vegetables to take home to his family, and then bribed the man with a promise not to tell Rory. All he must do was to have a hackney waiting when she requested. If he continued to do her bidding, she would keep his secret. Not that Rory would have fired the man, but the gardener didn’t know this. He was a new servant and didn’t know of her family’s giving nature. Kathleen should feel ashamed of her deception, but she had a game to play and couldn’t afford to show kindness right now.

  When she arrived at The Wager, the door was opened by the man Belle referred to as Ned, greeting her with acceptance. He ushered her to the private room. With a discreet knock, Belle entered before Kathleen could answer.

  “Back to back nights, my lady?”

  “The temptation of cards was too hard to resist,” Kathleen answered.

  “Cards or Lord Holdenburg?”

  “They are one and the same, are they not?” Kathleen turned the Madame’s question back onto her.

  Belle nodded.

  Kathleen’s fingers trailed across the gowns hidden in the wardrobe. They were made out of sheer material.

  “Those are at your disposal too, along with the masks. If you ever want to entertain a certain gentleman.”

  Kathleen didn’t respond. Instead, she searched for a mask to wear. In her anger the evening before, she had thrown the mask out of the window on the carriage ride home.

  “I fear I owe you a new mask. In my frustration, I discarded the other one.”

  Belle swiped her hand through the air, indicating it was of no bother. With an intuitive expression Belle kept regarding Kathleen. The lady read more into what Kathleen didn’t say. Kathleen would need to hide her vulnerability better.

  “I wanted to welcome you before you cleaned house. Many of the same gentleman from last night have inquired if you would join us this evening. I will have to enlighten them with the delightful news. Also, I wanted to tell you that after you left, Lord Holdenburg’s actions with Eve were only—”

  “I do not care how Lord Holdenburg seeks his pleasures.” Kathleen cut Belle off.

  “You are mistaken by what you saw.”

  “As I said, it makes no difference to me.”

  Belle sighed. She noticed the hurt in the girl’s eyes. Kathleen was only trying to protect herself from hearing what she thought was of Holdenburg seeking comfort in another woman’s arms. Even though he didn’t. Belle wanted to relieve Kathleen’s heartache, but the girl remained stubborn. Belle had tried. Now it would be up to Holdenburg to convince the girl otherwise.

  “Very well. Enjoy your evening, my lady. When you are ready, please allow Ned to assist in your return home.”

  Kathleen nodded. When Belle left, Kathleen realized she owed the lady an apology for her rudeness. But she couldn’t handle hearing anything about Devon and that sensuous creature. Kathleen took a deep breath and remembered their time in the garden. Once Kathleen felt a sense of peace, she chose a mask and made her way to the card room.

  The gentlemen she'd played with the previous evening called out their greetings, many offering a place at their tables. Holdenburg, who was involved in the middle of a game, took no notice. Kathleen was as invisible to him now as she was during tea this afternoon. She tried not to let it bruise her ego. Nonetheless it did, although he thought her to be Scarlet, not Kathleen. She would play his game of indifference. If Kathleen knew Holdenburg like she did, he would seek her out. Holdenburg could never deny a challenge. When another offer rang out to join a table, Kathleen took a seat.

  All the gentlemen introduced themselves even though Kathleen already knew most of them. It amused her, all the same. The final gentleman at the table surprised Kathleen. The gentleman, who rescued her in the maze sat across from her. He pierced Kathleen with a gaze, taking in her attire. A devious grin lit his face as he welcomed her to their table. When he began the game and he paid no more attention to her than any other player at the table, Kathleen released a sigh of relief. Kathleen had fooled Lord Velden too.

  Players came and left throughout the hands of cards played. Before long, Lord Velden, moved to the chair next to her. He whispered endearments as they played, causing Kathleen to blush as no married woman should. He was shameless, but tempting. Kathleen allowed his flirtations to stroke her ego after being ignored by Holdenburg—who still had yet to show any interest in her this evening. Kathleen laughed with the gentleman, causing many to look their way. After winning many hands, she declared a need to leave.

  “Ah, my lady, this evening will pale without your presence. How am I to enjoy myself without your beauty?”

  “I fear I must return before my husband arrives home.”

  He lifted her hand, sliding the glove off to see if she wore a wedding ring. While his touch sparked an interest, it didn’t hold the same as when Holdenburg touched her. Out of the corner of her eye, Kathleen noticed she had finally gained Holdenburg’s attention. She decided to play along with the lord’s flirtation to see how Holdenburg would react.

  “A shame, my lady, that your husband does not appreciate your fine beauty.”

  “His loss, your gain, my lord.”

  The lord placed a kiss on the knuckle above her ring. Abruptly, a chair was shoved against the wall and Holdenburg drunkenly plopped across from them, leering his disgust.

  The gentleman ignored Holdenburg, but Kathleen struggled not to look his way. When the lord’s fingers tightened on hers, her eyes went to their joined hands. Kathleen tried to pull away, but he held on.

  “I think the lady wants her hand back, Lord Velden.”

  “I think you do not know what the lady desires. Sod off, Holdenburg, you are interrupting.”

  “I am only trying to prevent you from making an arse out of yourself as usual. But please proceed, I am enjoying the show.”

  Devon threw back another drink, controlling his
temper. He wanted to reach across the table and trounce the bounder. Instead Devon relaxed, pretending an indifference he didn’t hold. What bothered him more than anything was Kathleen appeared not to mind. It was as if she enjoyed Velden’s attention. Which only made Devon drink more.

  Kathleen said, “My lord, perhaps we can continue this discussion another evening? For now the hour grows late. If I am discovered, then I can no longer return.”

  Kathleen drew her hand out from Lord Velden’s grasp. Once Devon joined their table, all the fun had gone at trying to make him jealous. The only act Kathleen managed was to enflame his temper. Kathleen heard Devon’s menacing tone underlined by his threat. He might have shown an indifference to Lord Velden’s attention, but Kathleen knew better.

  Kathleen rose and pressed her fingers on the lord’s shoulder. She bent over and whispered a promise of another time before she arched her eyebrow at Devon.

  “Lord Holdenburg.”

  “Lady Scarlet.”

  Kathleen turned and quit the room. Devon sent a signal for Ned to follow her. He wanted more than anything to keep an eye on her, but he needed to stay at the table and taunt Lord Velden. If not, then the lord would have followed Kathleen and she would no longer remain safe.

  Devon said, “It would appear another lady holds both of our interest.”

  “Yes, it would appear so, but she only holds interest in one of us. It would seem you have left the lady cold.”

  “A temporary setback. She will beg for me to bed her before the week is over,” Holdenburg said.

  “Shall we make a bet on the lovely Scarlet?”

  “No, Lord Velden. I will no more bet on Lady Scarlet than I will bet on Lady Kathleen. No lady deserves your dishonor.”

  “However, you staked everything you owned on Lady Kathleen’s honor a few years ago. Hell, you own the chit and she does not even realize it.”

  “Only to keep her out of your reach.”

  Lord Velden didn’t answer Holdenburg. Instead, the lord gave him a smile, sending a shiver of warning down Holdenburg’s back.

  “Well, if you will not bet on who gets to enjoy the delectable Scarlet first, I shall have to make it my personal goal to best you.”

  Holdenburg tightened his grip around the glass. It was either that or he would wrap his fists around the lord’s neck and squeeze until he left not a single breath in Velden’s despicable body.

  “You can try.”

  “I think before the season is through I will not only bed Lady Scarlet, but I shall also enjoy the delectable delights of Lady Kathleen. Once I have ruined her and walked away, you can try to win her hand. But before I release her from my clutches, I will spill your story. Then she will only look upon you with disgust. I will take great pleasure from your demise.”

  Once Lord Velden left the room, Holdenburg released a growl before hurling his glass at the wall. His built-up frustration raveled out of control. Holdenburg stalked from the room, hoping Kathleen hadn’t left. When he saw Ned guarding a room on the lower level, he knew she remained. He dismissed Ned with a nod. The guard looked him over before he left. Ned would report his behavior to Belle. Holdenburg didn’t care. Kathleen was under his protection, and nobody would keep him from her.

  He threw the door open and found Kathleen still in her mask. She had one leg pulled up on the stool, adjusting her silk stocking. Holdenburg’s eyes devoured Kathleen’s long luscious legs that seemed to go on for miles. Every inch of them. If only Kathleen held her dress a little higher, he could see his greatest wish. Kathleen looked over her shoulder before she slowly slid her dress back down.

  “Lord Holdenburg, to what do I owe this unexpected arrival?”

  “I did not have time to enjoy your company this evening.”

  “Yes, well, I enjoyed the company of Lord Velden this evening instead. A most charming gentleman.”

  Kathleen baited Devon, watching the jealousy in his expression. He deserved a lot more grief, considering his actions from the night before. The only difference being was that she didn’t kiss the lord or bed him the way Devon did Eve. Devon’s betrayal would always hold strong in Kathleen's heart.

  “One rule in this establishment, my lady. Not everybody is who they portray themselves to be. Someone of Lord Velden’s ilk uses his charming nature to draw in his prey before he eats them like the vulture he is.”

  “Nonetheless, I found him charming all the same. At least he focused his attention on me and not some random strumpet he only sought to use for his sexual urges.”

  Holdenburg advanced on Kathleen, standing but a breath away from her. He bent his head to kiss a trail along her neck.

  “Have you never felt the need to give into your desires? To have your urges fulfilled. A lonely lady such as yourself, must have needs.”

  Kathleen couldn’t breathe, let alone speak. Devon continued his onslaught of kisses down her neck and left a path of burning heat across her chest. His tongue now stroked alongside the beads across her breasts.

  “I can fulfill those needs if you so desire. You have only to ask and I am yours.”

  Somehow he had loosened her buttons, and her breasts spilled out into his hands. Devon’s thumbs brushed across her nipples, causing them to tighten into hardened buds. Kathleen heard his growl as he lowered his head to draw them into his mouth. He stroked her very desires. Kathleen wanted to beg him to make her his. Even though Devon had performed this very act with Eve the evening before, Kathleen no longer cared. Devon’s passion set Kathleen’s soul aflame.

  “Scarlet,” he moaned.

  Kathleen tasted as sweet as he knew she would. Her body responded to his touch. He played her body with his desires. Devon bent her backwards, laying her upon the couch, and dropped to his knees. Devon glided Kathleen’s gown up her legs, the very legs he had only just admired. Her silk stockings stopped mid-thigh, held with tiny clips. Devon unclipped them and the stockings slid off. Kathleen’s white creamy thighs begged for his lips. His hand caressed the silken flesh, causing another moan to slip from his lips. When Devon pushed Kathleen’s dress higher, the vision before him caught him off guard. Kathleen wore nothing underneath. Her dewy wetness beckoned him forward to sample the sweetness. Devon brushed across it and groaned. Kathleen was a temptation that laid before his eyes.

  A temptation he couldn’t resist. By all rights, Devon should ask her for permission, but he didn’t. If she had been Kathleen, he would pay her the respect she deserved, but as Scarlet she understood the score. They were two consenting adults giving into their pleasures.

  Devon lowered his head and slid his tongue across the beckoning dew. He savored her as she sunk into him. When Kathleen’s fingers slid through his hair, he was lost. Devon pleasured Kathleen until she became undone at his touch. Her moans echoed around the room while he devoured her with each stroke. When Devon slid a finger inside her, Kathleen tightened around him. Kathleen’s body pulsed with a need, and he wanted to help her release. His tongue flicked across her clit, stroking her to a higher level.

  “Devon,” she moaned.

  Kathleen’s body felt tightly strung. When Devon started his onslaught of seduction, she was powerless to stop him. His touch consumed her, his tongue devouring her. Kathleen ached for so much more. She watched his head lower to taste her. His hands gripping her thighs. The ache only grew the more Devon seduced her. Only Devon could help her. Kathleen’s body ached for something she held no clue to. Devon’s tongue drew out every sensation.

  “Devon,” she moaned as her body floated away.

  When Kathleen moaned Devon’s name, her body released the ache consuming her body. Devon drowned in her sweetness. His tongue stroked her quivers away. Devon moved his mouth to kiss the inside of her thighs. He softly stroked them as the tremors calmed. Devon slid up Kathleen’s body. He gently nipped her buds and slid them inside his mouth for a gentle sucking. He continued to her lips, where he took her mouth in a kiss more passionate from when he began. Devon ached for her. He n
eeded her so badly. He wanted to divulge Kathleen of the rest of her dress and slide his cock deep inside her wet heat. Devon wanted her fast and hard. Slow and soft. Anyway he could have her. Devon’s need for Kathleen slipped out of his control.

  He needed to leave now. If not, then he couldn’t be held responsible for what he would do next.

  Devon expected anger after her body calmed, but Kathleen returned his kiss with passion. Kathleen clung to Devon, her hands taking their own path on his body. This was madness. He pulled away, bringing her hands in between their bodies and holding them still. A cloud of confusion filled her eyes. Devon couldn’t by all rights make love to her now.

  Kathleen, in a daze of desire, couldn’t understand why Devon stopped their lovemaking. He led them down a path that she wanted to follow. So why then did he stop?

  “Lord Holdenburg?”

  “Devon,” he growled.

  “Devon, are you putting a halt to our lovemaking?”

  “No, my dear. I only paused so we could find a more comfortable place. I want to spend endless hours making love to you on a bed, not on a small couch in a dingy room.”

  Kathleen paused. If he were to make love to her, he would discover she was a virgin and not the married lady she professed to be. What had she done?

  Kathleen pulled out of his arms and set her dress to rights. After she buttoned the dress and smoothed her hands down her skirts, she gifted him with a seductive smile.

  “Would this be the same boudoir you used the night before? Does Belle keep a standing room available for you?”

  Damn. He was doomed however he answered. While he pretended he didn’t know who she was, Kathleen knew Devon. If he answered in the positive, it would calm Scarlet into believing he wanted no commitment. Where they could use the pleasure of each other’s bodies to satisfy an urge. But if he answered in the negative, it would appear he wanted more. Devon wanted to give Kathleen the belief that he wasn’t the scoundrel she thought him to be. Since no matter how Devon answered, the fates were not on his side, he decided to go with the truth.


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