The Scoundrel's Wager (Tricking the Scoundrels, #4)

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The Scoundrel's Wager (Tricking the Scoundrels, #4) Page 9

by Laura A. Barnes

  “I used no room last night. Eve paled compared to your beauty. I only desired you. After I collected my coat, I made my way home. As for a standing room, Belle keeps one reserved for my use, if I so desire. Shall we?”

  Holdenburg moved to the door and held it open, hoping Kathleen would follow him. When Kathleen gathered her reticule and shawl, walking in front of him, Holdenburg’s knees weakened on her easy agreement. Holdenburg’s greatest desire was about to come true.

  However, before he could assist her up the stairs Kathleen requested a carriage from Ned. The guard stepped outside and hailed a hackney to take Kathleen home. She turned and bestowed Holdenburg with another smile. This one held something he had never seen before. Kathleen walked back to him and ran a finger down his chest. Her hand brushed across his hardness, her smile growing.

  “Thank you, Lord Holdenburg, for satisfying a need my husband has been neglecting to fulfill.”

  With those words, Kathleen followed Ned outside and with his assistance entered the hackney. Holdenburg stood at the door, watching her drive away. He wore the look of a rejected lover. It would appear the chit had bested him again. Well, their next time, Holdenburg would satisfy his need with Kathleen begging for more. It was time to tease Kathleen with his attention, leaving her wondering. Holdenburg had charmed many ladies in his lifetime, but the charm he would unleash on Kathleen Beckwith would be like nothing she ever experienced before. Kathleen held no clue on what would come her way.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kathleen awoke the next morning feeling more refreshed than she had in a long while. She laid in bed smiling, remembering the passion she shared with Devon. Kathleen should have been angry with him for taking advantage of her so shamelessly. But she couldn’t, because Devon didn’t take advantage of her. He shared an intimate moment with Scarlet. An experienced woman of the ton. One who knew how to enjoy the pleasures he provided. And my goodness, Devon knew how to pleasure a woman. His tongue stroking with a need only he could fulfill. What made the evening more of a success was Devon’s confusion when she left. Kathleen’s response dumbfounded him. Oh, the pleasure she felt from finally besting Lord Holdenburg. Devon.

  Kathleen dressed and hurried downstairs. She had much to accomplish today. When she entered the dining room, it was to find her mother entertaining a guest. Not any guest, but Devon. He rose when Kathleen entered and waited until she sat before returning to his seat.

  “Good morning, Mama. Lord Holdenburg.”

  “Good morning, dear.”

  “Good day, Lady Kathleen.”

  Kathleen poured tea and added sugar. She pulled the towel off the bowl and saw that Agnes, the cook, had made her favorite blueberry scones. Kathleen was famished this morning and loaded a plate with two scones.

  Devon watched Kathleen add an obscene amount of sugar to the tea. She might as well have been drinking sugar water instead of ruining the good brew. Kathleen must have worked up an appetite. She was unabashed, eating with such gluttony in front of him. Kathleen moaned her delight when the blueberries burst on her tongue. Devon almost came undone. For it was the same moan she released when she burst upon his tongue. Devon shifted in his seat. Kathleen closed her eyes, moaning louder. Devon gulped.

  “Kathleen, your manners.”

  “Sorry, Mama. But I am sure Lord Holdenburg knows the full delight of a special treat. Do you not, my lord?”

  Kathleen wanted to laugh out loud at Devon’s discomfort. She noticed him shifting in his seat when she moaned her delight.

  Devon cleared his throat and gulped again. Kathleen gave him an innocent look, knowing Lady Beckwith thought Kathleen only asked an innocent question. The little minx. Well, two could play this game, my dear.

  “Yes, I do, Lady Kathleen.” He reached for a scone and broke it in two. Devon took a bite, groaning his own delight. “Mmm, yes delicious. Quite like a dessert I sampled last night. It was divine, and I savored every bite. I only hope I will be so lucky to sample it another time.”

  Kathleen's mother asked, “What was the dessert? Perhaps I can have Agnes make it for tea one day.”

  “Lord Holdenburg would have no knowledge of the ingredients, Mama.” Kathleen tried not to choke on the scone at Devon’s brashness.

  “Your daughter is correct, my lady. I believe it to be a secret recipe. One only the owner can divulge under special circumstances.”

  “A shame then. You were lucky to enjoy the special treat.”

  “Very lucky indeed,” Holdenburg replied, watching Kathleen for a reaction.

  However, Kathleen held her card face, not showing her hand. The man was reprehensible. A devil, taunting with scandalous innuendos while in the company of her mother. Holdenburg knew no bounds.

  “Can you wait while I retrieve the lists for your mother?”

  Holdenburg stood when Lady Beckwith rose. “It would be my pleasure to spend a few moments in Lady Kathleen’s company.”

  Kathleen waited for her mother to leave before she turned to Devon. When she glanced his way, she found him regarding her. He had a curious expression.

  “Lady Kathleen, would you do me the honor of accompanying me on a ride in my phaeton this morning?”

  “Yes, I would.” Kathleen answered, surprising them both.

  Devon sat nonplussed. He'd expected excuses, but Kathleen shocked him when she answered yes. Devon had hoped that she would accept—but that was all he had. Hope.


  Kathleen suspected he hadn’t expected a yes. Kathleen found she wanted to spend time in Devon’s company. Her curiosity got the better of her. Would he try to seduce her? He easily enough seduced Scarlet almost out of her dress the night before. But would he seduce Kathleen, the innocent debutante? How would Kathleen feel either way, if he tried to seduce or her not?

  “I will gather my bonnet while you wait for Mama.”

  Devon rose when Kathleen left the table. He released the breath he had been holding. He walked to the window, running his fingers through his hair, realizing he was a fool when it came to Kathleen. What would she expect from their outing? Should he attempt to seduce her or court her properly? He didn’t want her to believe that, as Kathleen, she was undesirable to him. She was anything but that.

  Before Kathleen or Lady Beckwith returned, Dallis wandered into the dining room.

  “Devon, what a joy. Would you like to join me for breakfast? I am a late riser this morning.”

  Devon assisted Dallis across the room and into a chair.

  “I am sorry, I must decline. I have promised Kathleen a ride in my new phaeton. Also, Lady Beckwith is retrieving a list for Mama that I must deliver after my ride.”

  “Are you finally ...”


  Dallis squealed. “It is about time, my lord.”

  “Yes, a need to push this forward has come to light.”

  “I know.”

  “You do?” Holdenburg raised his eyebrows.

  “Yes, Belle has confided in Sidney, Sophia, and myself.”

  “Damn her. She promised me this would go between nobody besides herself and me.”

  “Devon, you can trust us to keep this a secret.”

  “Does Rory know? Of course not, or I would not be left standing. How will you confess your involvement in this scheme to your husband? This will only bring forth problems in your marriage that I do not wish for you.”

  “No, he does not. I wish one of you would confide in me on the secret you hold. It has something to do with their father’s final bet before he died. And the bet involved Kathleen. It does not take a fool to put two and two together to come to the conclusion on what I believe it may be.”

  “You are drawing fantasies where there are none.”

  “Devon, please allow me to help.”


  Before they could continue their conversation, Kathleen and her mother joined them.

  Her mother told them, “Enjoy yourselves, children. I do not think Susa
n needs to chaperone. Devon is like family, practically a brother to you.”

  Kathleen and Devon offered their goodbyes as they headed along the sidewalk. Dallis and Lady Beckwith watched from the open doorway as Devon assisted Kathleen into a seat. He acted the perfect gentleman, seeing to her comfort. With a wave they were off. Both ladies sighed at the couple who made a perfect match.

  “A brother to her?”

  “Well, he is. They have known each other since they were children.”

  “Oh, Mama, you are a devious one.”

  “How do you imagine you and Rory came to be?”

  “As, I said, devious.”

  DEVON STEERED THE HORSES along the road, taking the back roads to a surprise destination. He meant to take Kathleen to Hyde Park where everyone in the ton would see he courted her. Now Devon wanted to be alone with Kathleen. His selfish ways would be their demise. They were always in the company of others, his mother, her mother, Dallis, even Rory with his glare to keep his distance. How was Kathleen to take notice of his sincere acts of courtship if they were never left alone?

  Kathleen wondered at their destination. Devon didn’t make small-talk as they rode along. To be honest, the quiet companionship held a calming respite. Most of their conversations were threaded with sarcasm with each of them baiting the other. Even while she ate her breakfast, they sparred. Not in a cruel way, but still they sparred all the same. Kathleen relaxed, trusting him like she never had before. This past week he'd had perfect opportunities to ruin her name, but hadn’t. Instead Devon sent her along on a passionate journey Kathleen hadn’t expected. When Kathleen started with her plan, she had meant to ruin him. Now she only wished for Devon to ruin her. How ironic.

  As the phaeton took them outside of the city limits and into the countryside, Kathleen sat forward, about to object to their destination. When he'd suggested a ride, she thought he would take them through Hyde Park. Kathleen feared Mama would worry at the length of time they were away. Why she feared that, who knows, her mama worshipped at Devon’s feet. He could do no wrong in her mama’s eyes.

  Devon led them down a long drive to a lovely home nestled amongst a forest. Off to the side, Kathleen noted a pond within walking distance from the house. It was a two-story stately home, nothing so grand as what his family owned, but modest. English Oak trees lined the graveled drive with flowers welcoming them as they drove closer. It was quite lovely. She fell in love instantly and imagined young children running around the trees while she called out for them to be careful, with Devon looking on affectionately. Kathleen shook herself from the daydream, puzzled why the picturesque house drew her thoughts to that image. Kathleen wondered why Devon brought her here.

  Devon brought the horses to a halt and assisted Kathleen down. A groomsman appeared out of nowhere and Devon offered him the reins and drew the man to the side with directions. Kathleen wandered away admiring the grand home. She turned toward Devon and waited for him. He appeared more relaxed when the servant cracked a joke, making Devon smile. He patted the groomsman on the back and turned toward her. Devon held out his hand and Kathleen walked to him, laying her palm in his.

  Devon led Kathleen around to the rear of the house and gave her a tour of the grounds close to the house. He pointed out the path between the trees and explained about the structure of the house and when it was built. Devon spoke with pride when he described the house and grounds.

  “This is yours?”

  “Yes.” He nodded, smiling around at his property.

  “Why? When? How?”

  “What question do you wish me to answer first?”

  “All of them.”

  Devon laughed and began a tour of his home. When they reached what must have been his bedroom, Kathleen hovered inside the door. She took in the room decorated in different shades of blue. Kathleen’s eyes lingered on the bed. The silk covers were a deep sapphire blue. What must be over twenty pillows of different shapes and sizes rested near the headboard. A more inviting sinful place there could not be.

  “I would love to see you in a dark sapphire blue.” Kathleen remembered Devon’s comment.

  Devon saw the pink blush spread across Kathleen cheeks when she stared at his bed. How would she look spread across his bed with the pink blush coloring her body? Devon had wondered this during many sleepless nights while lying in that empty bed. How he ached to discover now, but knew he shouldn’t. It was too soon.

  “As for your questions, my lady.”

  “Yes, my questions.” Her eyes remained on the bed.

  Did the same images flash across her mind as his? Was it too soon?

  “As far as the how, what else am I supposed to do with my gambling winnings?” Devon laughed.

  Kathleen stiffened. He dared to make a joke of stealing her family’s worth.

  Kathleen’s demeanor quickly changed. His shallow comment offended her. Fool. Belle warned him that Kathleen believed he was the reason behind her father’s demise.

  “No, seriously. With a few shrewd investments, I was able to purchase this house.”

  “By the hands of other’s ruin, you made those investments.”

  “No, Kathleen. I am wealthy in my own right. I only gamble because I find amusement in the games.”

  “Other people’s unhappiness amuses you?”

  “No, the pleasure of winning a hand of luck amuses me. I take no pleasure in another’s demise. If a man is a fool to destroy his family with a hand of cards, then he deserves what he receives. It does not matter anyway. I pass my winnings in secret to their wives or children. I do not feel a family should suffer for the acts of their provider.”

  “But ...” Kathleen paused. She couldn’t mention her own father’s foolishness without giving away her knowledge of that night. Did he not make the same offer to her family?

  Devon knew what she wanted to ask. Yes, he tried to return Kathleen’s father’s money to Lady Beckwith, even the trump of the game. But Lady Beckwith had refused. Her pride kept her from accepting the kind offer. Devon thought the woman was even more devious than his own mother. While Lady Beckwith felt fury at her husband for betting on their own daughter’s virtue as a stake in a card game, she was more than thrilled that Devon held the marker. Actually, she thought it was perfect. However, the guilt had eaten at Devon every day since that fateful night. His actions set about his own demise on winning the hand of Kathleen. Because once she discovered the truth, it would always leave a cloud of suspicion over their relationship.

  “But what?”

  “Nothing. Your actions are very noble, my lord.”

  There was nothing noble about him. If so, Devon would not have invited Kathleen inside his bedroom.

  “And the when?”

  “Three years ago.”

  His answer once again silenced Kathleen. The timeframe surrounded the death of her papa. The familiar ache overcame her at missing her beloved papa. A more loving father there could never be. She was aware of the scandal surrounding her father’s death, even though Rory tried to shield her from it. And it tore at her mother’s heart, racking her with unhappiness. However many faults her father may have held, he was still her father, and Kathleen loved him dearly. Never once in Kathleen’s lifetime had her father not been her hero. Many would think that with the sins her father committed, he wouldn’t be hero material. But her father loved Kathleen every day of her life and never gave Kathleen doubt of his love, and for that he would remain her hero.

  “So, now that leaves the why.”

  “Many reasons.”

  “And they are?”

  “I thought this would be a grand home for my wife. I pictured her here as we watched our children frolic in the open. It is close to the city and her family. Also, this place is my own. I adore my parents, but there are times I enjoy my own company.”

  “You knew your choice of bride three years ago?”

  “Even before that, my dear.”

  Devon’s tone had softened. When Kathleen looked
into his eyes, his gaze scared her. The emotions revealed a look of love. He wasn’t talking about her, was he?


  Kathleen came further into the room, putting much-needed distance between them.

  “Then why have you not pursued your choice of bride?”

  When she turned around, Kathleen found Devon right behind her. He lifted his hand and brushed away a curl that had fallen loose. His touch gentle, so as not to scare her away.

  “I never thought I stood a chance. She has only ever regarded me with disdain. It has only been recently that she has warmed to my presence.”

  “How recently?” Kathleen whispered.

  “Today, recently,” Devon whispered back.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Devon lowered his head, placing soft kisses on the edge of her lips.

  Kathleen sighed, his kisses distracting her from his answer. He meant her. She understood his look now. Devon harbored feelings of an intimate nature for her. All these years? How had she not known? Even when he courted Dallis, he gave no indication of holding tender feelings towards Kathleen.

  When his mouth hovered over hers, Kathleen raised her face. A question beckoned in his eyes. Devon asked her to meet him halfway. Kathleen crossed the distance and pressed her lips to his. She didn’t want to question him or herself. Kathleen only wanted to feel.

  Her encouragement was all that Devon needed. He wrapped his arms around Kathleen, bringing her flush alongside him. His kiss devoured her, drawing out each sin that passed between her lips into his. It wasn’t enough, Devon desired more.

  Devon’s passion invaded Kathleen. She'd never imagined he held this desire for her. While she had dreamt of him through the years, his apparent indifference turned her feelings into hatred. To think Devon wished for the same dreams only caused an ache Kathleen yearned for him to relieve.

  When he trailed a path of fire along her throat, Kathleen tipped her head back, hoping he would repeat his caresses from Belle’s. Her behavior was most wanton for enjoying such a scandalous act, but Kathleen wanted him to love her again. Only this time she wished to please him too.


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