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The Life of Graham Greene (1939-1955)

Page 72

by Norman Sherry

  Modin, Yuri 495

  Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty 16

  Montagu, Elizabeth 243–4, 250, 252

  Montgomery, General Bernard (later Viscount) 166

  ‘Montgomery, Mrs’ 192–4

  Moor, Dottoressa 247, 507

  Moore, Peter 499

  Morals and Marriage (Gilby) 380

  Moravia, Alberto 438

  Morgan, Charles 141–2, 303

  Morrison, Herbert 36

  Mortimer, Raymond 297, 457

  Morton, H.V. 21, 36

  Moutet, Anne-Elizabeth 494

  Muggeridge, Kitty 219

  Muggeridge, Malcolm: on Dorothy Glover 19, 23; intelligence work 35, 36, 38, 83, 168–9; the Blitz 52, 53; on loss of Clapham house 63, 64, 65; on Greene’s other side 68; accompanies Greene to Windmill 71; on St Albans 167, 169; not a great agent 170; meets Mauriac 194; on Greene’s happiness at Eyre & Spottiswoode 196–7; Greene and Powell dispute 200, 201; on Catherine Walston 219; Greene compares US and Soviet Union 474

  Murphy, Revd John 297–8, 299

  Murrow, Edward R. 48

  Mussolini, Benito 46, 205

  My Silent War (Philby) 178, 489, 491

  The Name of Action (Greene) xix

  Narayan, R.K. 197

  Neal, George 138

  A Nest of Vipers (Greene) 196

  Newall, Maria 465–7

  Newsweek 472–3

  Nguyen Phan Long 260, 367

  Nguyen Van Tam 367

  Night and Day (magazine) xx–xxi

  Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell) 312

  Nineteen Stories (Greene) 211, 239

  No Time for Comedy (Berhman) 69

  Nobel Prizes 339, 452

  Norfolk, Captain Stanley 296

  Norway 40

  Nottingham Journal xviii

  Oates, Titus 444, 445

  O’Borke, Police Sergeant 461

  O’Brien, Conor Cruise 472

  Office of Strategic Services (OSS) 88, 490

  Oldfield, Maurice 482, 494

  Olivier, Laurence 382, 384

  One Hundred Days (Greene) 9, 10

  Orwell, George 190; Animal Farm 210–11; dislikes Greene’s religion 211; finds The Heart of the Matter incredible 299; 1984 312

  Our Man in Havana (Greene) 109; irritation with spying 123–4; catches fantasy of intelligence 169; Greene uses C and Ryder Street 171–2; agents as models 172–4

  Oxford: Greene family 44, 61, 88–9; Blitz 60

  Oxford University (Balliol College) xvii–xviii

  Page, Bruce, 83

  Painter, George 301

  Pakenham, Desmond 213

  Panama Flag (Greene) 11

  Paramount Studios: A Gun for Sale 146; Ministry of Fear 148

  Paris Match 377, 395–7

  Paul VI, Pope: reads The Power and the Glory 43

  Peacock, Kim: Under One Roof 70

  Peake, Mervyn 197; Rhymes without Reason 189

  Pearn, Pollinger & Higham Literary Agents 9–10; David Higham 23, 187, 201; Nancy Pearn 29, 36; deal with the BBC 78–9; wartime work 89

  Pearson, Hesketh 197

  Peck, Tom 419, 430; changes visa 439–40

  Péguy, Charles 283, 470

  penicillin racket 251

  Peter Pan (Barrie) 142

  Pettigrew, Kathleen 171

  Philby, Kim 104; on Greene in Africa 119, 120–1, 130, 154; St Albans 167, 168; admired by others in intelligence 168; St Albans 169; recruitment 170; OBE and respect 172; works against separate peace 177–8; My Silent War 178, 489, 491; Hitler assassination plot 178–9; relationship with Greene 179–81; Aileen Furse and four children 180; KGB 181, 183, 491, 494–5, 496; Greene’s resignation 181–3; Greene’s continued friendship 488–96; Ryder Street intelligence work 489–91; Greene compares to Catholic spies 491–2; Greene visits in Moscow 492–3; death 493; triple agent? 494–6

  Pick, Frank 38, 51, 90

  Pizzardo, Cardinal Giuseppe 42, 43

  Pollinger, Laurence see also Pearn, Pollinger & Higham Literary Agents.: recommends Canada 20–1; pushes The Power and the Glory 41; announces Hawthornden prize 141; The Ministry of Fear 146–8; Greene’s return from Africa 154; production of Brighton Rock 160–2; irritated by Greene’s elusiveness 165

  Polyanin, Michael 438

  Pope, Alexander 69, 293

  Portman, Eric 455, 456

  Portugal: ships smuggle diamonds 122–3; Greene at Portuguese intelligence desk 168–78; allows German intelligence 175–6

  The Potting Shed (Greene) 504; Marion Greene and 150, 152

  Powell, Anthony: on Greene as publisher 188; on Jerrold 197; John Aubrey and Greene 200–3

  The Power and the Glory (Greene) xiii, 212, 301; travels in Mexico 3; Herr Kruger part inspiration 4; Tench 8; Greene outlines for Vivien 12–13; Greene writes 14, 29, 30, 192; sin also serves 35; publication 39; initial sales low 39–42; Catholic Church condemns 42–3; wins Hawthornden prize 141–2, 184; linked with The Lawless Roads 186; Mauriac writes preface 195

  Powys, T.F. 116

  Prague 245–6

  Priestley, J.B. xix, 38

  HMS Prince of Wales 93

  Prince of Wales Theatre 71

  The Prisoner of Toulon (Wintle) 189

  Pritchett, Mary 148, 270

  Pryce-Jones, Alan 458

  Pushkin, Alexander 91

  The Quiet American (Greene): goodbye to a wife 276; bayoneted constable 357; Saigon 365, 366; opium smoking 370–1; reportage about Vietnam 372–6; Fowler 386–7; bombing raid 387–9; communist infiltration 391; Phat Diem 392, 394–7; Larry Allen as Granger 398–402; Cao Dai 402,404–5; Vivien 405–9; models for Phuong 409–11; Pyle’s models 412–20, 474–5; publication and reviews 413, 472–5; Greene writes 417, 502–3; Thé and the third force 422–3; bicycle bombs 424–5, 426–9, 433–4; Fowler and Greene 474–5; guidebook for journalists 475; Greene’s portrayal of Americans 478–80

  Quisling, Vidkun 40

  Radio Security Service (RSS) 173

  Raine, Kathleen 306

  Rattigan, Terence 248

  Reed, Carol: collaboration on The Fallen Idol 239–41; with Greene in Vienna 249, 291; Greene travels to US with 253–5

  HMS Repulse 93

  Reynolds, Quentin: London Can Take It 48

  Rhymes without Reason (Peake) 189

  Richardson, Ralph 306–7

  Richelieu (battleship) 119–21

  Richey, Michael 37, 247

  Richmond, Kenneth xvii

  Richmond, Zoe xvii

  Rickards, Jocelyn 500

  Robinson, David 443

  Rodgers, Richard: The Heart of the Matter 304, 313, 314, 315

  Roman Catholic Church: Mexico compared to Chelsea 3–4; condemns The Power and the Glory 42–3; priests advise Vivien about separation 284; Catholics upset by suicide and sex 294–5; Vietnam 373–5, 389–90, 392–3, 397,471; McCarthyism and 442–3; Titus Oates 444; Lundkvist’s attacking review 452–4; cool reception for The Living Room 456; Colette’s funeral 470–1; Greene compares Catholic spies to Philby 491–2

  Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin 166

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. 205

  Ross, Noel 344

  Rothenstein, Elizabeth 267

  Rothenstein, John 267

  Rothschild, Barbara 225

  Rudd, Adele 302–3

  Rumour at Nightfall (Greene) xix

  Russia see Soviet Union.

  Sackville-West, Edward 457; reviews The Heart of the Matter 294, 295, 297; helps with The End of the Affair 345

  Saki: The Unbearable Bassington 190

  Salan, General 394–5, 431–2

  Salazar, Dr Antonio de Oliviera 175–6

  San Juan, Puerto Rico 447–8

  Sayers, Dorothy 36–7

  Scott, Sir Robert 461–2

  Secret Agent in Spain (H. Greene) 84

  Seghers, Anna: Transit Visa 189

  Self-abandonment to Divine Providence (de Caussade) 329

  Selznick, David O. 239; seems
bewildered by The Third Man 253–4

  Shakespeare, William 100, 205

  Shute, Nevil 210

  Simpson, Howard 423, 476

  Singapore 348

  Sizaire, Colonel 393, 394–5

  Smollet, Peter (H.P. Smolka) 243, 251

  Soldati, Mario 213, 248, 454–5

  A Sort of Life (Greene) 234

  Soskin, Paul 164

  ‘The Soupsweet Land’ (Greene) 103

  South Wind (Douglas) 247

  Soviet Union: separate peace 177–8; Russian zone in Vienna 249–50; and Greene’s ‘anti-Americanism’ 473

  Spain, Nancy 472

  Speaight, Robert 195, 227, 262

  Spectator 29, 84, 110; Trench wins competition 31–2; Greene as literary editor 44–5, 51, 64–5; Greene does arts section 69–78

  Spender, Stephen 35

  Springer, Paul 418–19

  Stamboul Train (Greene) xiv, xix, 89, 212

  Stannard, Martin 383

  Starkie, Enid 195

  Stauffenberg, Colonel von 179, 182–3

  Steegmuller, Francis 247

  Stein, Gertrude 96

  Stout, Rex 198

  Straight, Belinda 220, 221

  Strauss, Dr Eric 318, 331–3, 507

  ‘The Strays’ (Greene/Trench) 50

  Sulzberger, C.L. 367

  Dr Sun Yat Sen 404

  Sutro, Gillian 212

  Sutro, John 455; Anglo-Texas Society 457–60

  Sweden 40; The Living Room 451–4

  Swift, Jonathan 166

  Sykes, Charles 37

  Sykes, Christopher 472

  Sylvaine, Vernon: Women Aren’t Angels 72

  Tam, the Tiger of Cailay 367

  Taylor, John 488

  Temple, Doris 127–30

  Temple, Shirley xx–xxi, 3

  Thames Television 66

  The, Colonel Trinh Minh 402–3, 405, 417, 476; the third force 422–3; central to The Quiet American 423; bicycle bombs 425–6, 430–3; The Quiet American 426–9

  ‘The Ballad of Graham Greene’ (Coward) 73–6

  Then a Soldier (Cottrell) 189

  The Third Man (Greene): film success 241, 301; conception and research 241–6; Greene writes 246, 255; Greene researches Vienna 249–52

  Thompson, Francis 359

  Thomson, George Malcolm 301, 303

  ‘The Tick of the Clock’ (Greene) 112

  Tilsley, Frank: Champion Road 189

  The Times: Greene works for xviii

  Tontons Macoutes 508

  Too, C.C. 343

  Topping, Audrey 371–2, 373, 402

  Topping, Seymour 360–1, 366, 368, 371–2

  Trang Trinh 404

  Transit Visa (Seghers) 189

  Travels with My Aunt (Greene) 322

  ‘Trench, Hilary’: Jamesian letter 31–2; poem about Finland 40; expression of Greene’s other side 67

  Trevor-Roper, Hugh (later Lord Dacre) 171–2

  Trollope, Anthony: The Warden, 134; Barchester Towers 134

  Trollope, Father xviii

  Turgenev, Ivan 421, 508

  Turnbull, Peter 129

  Turner, Father Vincent 226

  Turner, Revd Vincent 219, 287

  Tutin, Dorothy 455, 456

  Under One Roof (Peacock) 70

  United States: enters war against Japan 91; Vietnam 359,361, 420, 423; CIA in Vietnam 429–34, 485, 486; visa troubles 437–41, 445–9; McCarthyism 442–3; attacks Charlie Chaplin 443–6; Anglo-Texas Society 457–60; reviews of The Quiet American 472–5; Americans in Vietnam 475–80

  Up and Doing 70

  Ustinov, Klop 176–7

  Valli, Alida 252

  Verschoyle, Derek 15, 44

  Vienna: post-war condition 242, 243–4; Greene’s research 243–5, 292; trip to Russian zone 249–50; Greene’s second trip 249–52; penicillin racket 251

  Vietnam: opium 268–71, 506; historical background 359–63; Saigon 364–6; terrorism 366–8; The Quiet American as reportage 372–6; Greene’s second visit 384, 385–9; Catholics 389–90, 392–3, 397, 471, 484–5; Phat Diem 389–97, 481, 484; US military aid 397; Cao Dai 402–5,423, 425–6, 432; French lose hope 421; search for the third force 421–3; bicycle bombs and the CIA 423–34; Greene leaves 441; French withdraw 471–2; Americans 475–80; Greene and Wilson suspected of spying 481–7; Greene’s last visit 506

  Viking Publishers: The Confidential Agent (Greene) 14–15

  Vosper, Margery 159, 160, 164

  Vy, Nguyen Van, General 423

  Walker, Arthur 342

  Wall, Barbara 34–5, 37, 38

  Wallace, Nelly 18

  Walpole, Sir Hugh 42

  Walston, Bill 259

  Walston, Elizabeth 223

  Walston, Harry 253, 291, 319; marries Catherine 220, 222–4; Greene’s jealousy 311; restricts Greene’s visits 316, 327; Catherine’s fake pregnancy 320–2; Greene battles to take Catherine 322–31; Catherine’s feelings for 325; saves marriage 332; threatens divorce 378; upset about The End of the Affair 379–80; rich socialist 383; unsuccessful at politics 502; and Gilby 504

  Walston, James Patrick 321

  Walston, Lady Catherine (née Crompton) xiii; falls in love over onions 21–2; personality 219, 220–3, 258–9; life before Greene 219–24; meets Greene 223–4, 226–7; effect on Vivien 224–6; attention to Greene family 227–30; symbolises peace 237; Greene’s longing for 243;Capri with Greene 246–9; Greene’s passion 257–8, 262–3; many affairs 267–9, 331, 504; Vivien finds in Beaumont Street house 271–2, 274; disliked by Marion Greene 276–7; Greene’s insecurity 280, 302; the Greenes’ separation 283–4; Dorothy writes to Greene about 288–9; religion 298, 502; Greene’s human Africa 310; feels Greene near breakdown 316–18; possible fake pregnancy 320–2; Greene battles to win 322–31; troublesome affair continues 334–6, 375–6; Greene senses loss of 371, 372; Harry threatens divorce 378; dedications from Graham 379; suggests intellectual friendship 380–1; visit with Greene at Waugh’s 381–3; wants temporary separation 383–4, 407; affair goes underground 497–8, 500, 502–3; inspiration 508

  Walston, Lady Florence 222

  Walston, Sir Charles 222

  Walston, Susan 259

  Walston, William 223

  The Warden (Trollope) 134

  Warner, Rex 307

  Waugh, Evelyn 472, 507; Ministry of Information 37; offers to help Greene against Church 43; rejects money 190; Catherine and Greene 258, 259, 381–3; sees Greene in low state 277; reviews The Heart of the Matter 294–6, 297; Greene responds to review 299; advises Greene to continue with God 437; on Chaplin defence 445; The Living Room 454, 456; scornful of Greene’s defence of Colette 471; on Greene’s contact with Philby 494

  Ways of Escape (Greene): Greene sickened by interrogation 124–5; trip up-country 131; Freetown 153; Vivien and Dorothy 234; opium dens 369; CIA and bicycle bombs 429–30

  Weaver, Stella 44, 61, 142, 208, 405–6

  Weicker, Lowell 268

  Welles, Orson 250, 252; peace and cuckoo clock speech 254

  Went the Day Well see ‘The Lieutenant Died Last’.

  Wertz, Consul-General 169

  West, Mae 291

  Westerman, Paul 339–40

  Westerman, Yvonne 339–40

  Wheeler, A.H. 349–50, 488

  White, Antonia 187

  Williams, Emlyn 160

  Williams, Harcourt 164

  Willich, Father 373–4, 393

  Wilson, A.N. 493

  Wilson, Trevor 363, 371, 373, 374, 431, 441; St Albans 167; witnesses Le Huu Tu’s speech 390; de Lattre suspects of spying 481–7; kicked out of Vietnam 486–7; on Greene and women 498–9

  Windmill Theatre 71

  Wintle, Colonel: The Prisoner of Toulon 189

  Wix, Charlie 59

  A Wolf’s Progress (Broughton) 190

  A Woman of the Pharisees (Mauriac) 194

  Women Aren’t Angels (Sylvaine) 72

  World War Two: pre-war atmosphere 4–10; Molo
tov-Ribbentrop treaty 16; war begins for Britain 17–18, 33; Dunkirk38; French occupation 38; Hitler spreads through Europe 39–40; Britain braces for invasion 43–4; the Blitz 46–54, 55–9; eastern war zone 91; Prince of Wales and Repulse sunk 93; danger in sea travel 96; Vichy Francein Dakar 121; de Gaulle in Africa 130; rationing 143; war in the desert 166; worry about separate peace 177–8; V-bombs 184–6, 190–1; Polish massacre and liberation of Paris 190; VE day comes 205–7

  Yevtushenko, Yevgeni 494–5

  Young, Francis Brett 247

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  Copyright © Norman Sherry 1994

  Norman Sherry has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this Work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

  First published by Jonathan Cape in 1994

  First published in the United States of America by Viking Penguin 1995

  First published in paperback in Great Britain by Penguin Books 1996

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

  ISBN 9781844137527




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