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Winterland Daddies (Second Chance Ranch Book 1)

Page 5

by Rayanna Jamison

  Chapter 5


  The past twenty-four hours had been a figment of my overactive imagination. I was growing more sure of it by the second. Any moment now, I would come to, probably to find myself surrounded by piles of dog shit in Mr. Harris' yard. Or face down in an eighty-nine cent burrito. Because that was my reality. Not this.

  Not the men of my dreams, the two biggest regrets of my life, offering to share me. Wanting to have me together. What did that even mean?

  For now, though, whether it was real or not, they were both staring at me expectantly. "I…" Oh, what the hell. Why not? It wasn't real, anyway, and it would make for one hell of a hot dream. "Okay, sure. Whatever." Dream me was no more eloquent than real me, it seemed.

  "That's my good girl," Dream Slade murmured sweetly in my ear. I melted.

  "A very good choice, baby girl," Blake, or the dream version of him, anyway, spoke in a deep timbre that had shivers racing down my spine. "Stand up then, and lose the jeans."

  Slade helped me off his lap, and I fingered the buckle of my belt, while they both looked on.

  "Get a move on, baby girl," Blake growled. "Before I do it for you."

  That was all the encouragement I needed to have my jeans pooled around my ankles in a hot minute. I quickly stepped out of them and waited for instruction, still half in a state of disbelief. This could not be real life.

  Slade made a twirling motion in the air with his finger. "Turn, and bend over the bed."

  I obeyed, without thinking, and before I knew it, my panties were puddled around my feet.

  "A spanking works best on a bare bottom, baby girl."

  My stomach clenched at the familiar turn of phrase. One of Blake's favorites. I realized, in that moment, they were already working as a team, and they had known all along that this was going to happen in exactly this way. I wasn't sure if the thought brought me comfort or made me more nervous than I already was. Both men were capable of delivering one hell of a spanking. This was a fact I knew from experience. The thought of the havoc they could wreak together had my poor bottom clenching in agony, and they hadn't even touched me yet. Was it too late to bow out?

  The first blow of flesh against flesh answered the question I hadn't asked, and I recognized the hand as Blake's. How I could pick it out, after all these years, I didn't know, and I didn't have time to ponder, as it fell hard and fast against the center of my bottom, alternating sides with every couple of swats.

  "You'll never go forward in life, baby girl, if you are too busy looking behind you at past mistakes." Each word of the powerful edict was punctuated with a hard and punishing blow to my sit spots. The last one knocked the wind from me, and my breath left my lungs in a loud whoosh of air.

  "There's a lot to look at back there. All I do is make mistakes," I grumbled under my breath. The swift and hard smack to my thighs told me that I apparently hadn't spoken softly enough.

  "Beating yourself up, baby girl? From what I have heard, Daddy doesn't much like that, now, does he?"

  The old title brought me to a place of anger, instant and strong. Sure, they could sit here and spank me to aid me in finally letting go of the past. I had consented to that much. But the titles meant something. They spoke of love and old relationships and feelings that ran deep. I didn't deserve a Daddy, and Slade didn't want to be mine.

  "Stop," I choked, rolling out of position and glaring at the two men, who stood there looking utterly confused. "Don't toy with me like that. It's just a spanking. You need to give it, as much as I need to receive it, and I am okay with that. But the titles and sweet terms of endearment need to stop. It's not fair. It just hurts and reminds me of everything I fucked up. If you're going to lead me on, I won't be able to take this. It's not fair. We need to put all our cards on the table and agree that this spanking is just a last ditch attempt to clear as much air between the three of us as possible so that we can get through the next few weeks for Nan."

  They both stared at me with bewildered looks of confusion as I finished my speech. "It's okay, guys. I get it. This will help us heal, and hopefully, help me forgive myself. Let's just try to keep in mind that it doesn't really mean anything. And not make it into something it's not."

  I was fully standing now, watching as they both stood in silence. Slade was shaking his head back and forth, his fingers hooked into his belt loops, looking like he wanted to smack me. Blake was fiddling with the buckle on his belt while he stared at the floor. Neither one spoke.

  "Well, are you going to spank me or what?" My hand found my hip, and I stood there glaring, hoping I hadn't managed to ruin even that. I did want this spanking. I just didn't want the illusion that it changed anything, when I knew that it didn't.

  I watched as Slade's face darkened with anger, and he stepped towards me. "You, little girl…" he growled "…have a listening problem. So let me spell this out for you. I don't spank women I don't care about. If I spank you, I damn well care enough about you to call you whatever the hell term of endearment I choose. And, at one time, I was your Daddy. In my mind, that never stopped. But I guess, in yours, it did. My mistake."

  My hands shook as I stared up at the intimidating figure towering over me. I knew without a doubt the words he spoke were true. Slade didn't lie. Now, I just had to make myself believe them. My mouth opened in question, but the words never formed.

  Blake had freed his belt of its buckle and was advancing on me, working the thick worn leather through the loops of his jeans. All the while, his eyes never left mine. When it was free, he folded it in half and shook it in my face. "I ought to take this belt to your bottom right now, baby girl, for the lies you're telling yourself."

  I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat at the sight of the worn, familiar leather. "Wh-what lies?"

  "What lies?" Slade asked incredulously. "The lie that this is only to do with clearing the air of the past or about making Nan happy, for one."

  "The lie that it doesn't make your pussy wet, when we call you our baby girl or little one."

  "I'm not yours!" I cried, wishing I could close my eyes and ignore the smoldering looks shooting in my direction. "You don't want me!"

  Blake dropped the belt onto the hardwood floor and grabbed my ponytail, holding it tight and firm. I could hardly breathe with anticipation when his free hand cupped my pussy.

  "You, baby girl, are the only one I want. I've wanted nothing but you for years. I want you in the middle of the day, when I'm riding the trails, and late at night, when I'm tossing and turning in my bed wondering if I will ever see you again. I want you right now, and I will still want you tomorrow. Do you understand me?"

  "Yes, Sir," I whispered, the old familiar title falling from my lips in a squeak.

  There was no more interaction between the two of us as Slade came to stand beside me. One large hand rested on my bare backside, and the other gripped the back of my neck as he leaned in close to whisper in my ear, "I feel the same, little one. I am your Daddy. I have always been your Daddy, and unless you tell me you want otherwise, I plan to always be your Daddy. And since the moment I set eyes on you again, I have wanted nothing more than to hear that name fall from your pretty little lips."

  That one was harder. Daddy was a term that meant something. A lot more personal than Sir, in my opinion. I nodded, but I couldn't make my mouth form the words he wanted to hear. Not yet.

  "It's okay, little one," he whispered, squeezing my butt. "It's been a long time. You don't remember what it's like to have a Daddy—or a Dom—I'm sure. But we're going to remind you. And, this time, you'll see what it's like to have both. At the same time."

  I didn't nod or even move. I was beyond coherent thought, other than this was the fucking hottest, scariest thing that had ever happened to me, and I had to be dreaming. I had never been this lucky in my life.

  Blake's hand still cupped me, and when his fingers stroked in and out of the soft folds, I whimpered. "Here's what's going to happen next, baby girl. You are
going to bend over and let us finish your spanking. I'm going to take my belt to your fine little ass while you repeat the truths that you were just given. And when it's over, you will turn to us, and you will either say, 'Thank you for my spanking, or you will say thank you for my spanking, Daddy, and thank you for my spanking, Sir.' If you choose the latter, we will know that you want us as much as we want you, and we will proceed to claim you as ours, today and every day that follows. In every way possible. Do you understand?"

  My throat was thick as I nodded, and my stomach felt like it was full of lead.

  "Yes, Sir," Blake corrected pointedly, letting me know what he expected.

  "Yes, Sir," I repeated. Just like that, their hands left me, and I found myself face down against the bed.

  I waited for Blake's hand to grace my tingling posterior, but instead, Slade stepped up to the proverbial plate. His hands were softer than Blake's but much larger.

  "You are mine, little girl." His voice rang loud and commanding through the small room. "And my little girl does not have my permission to speak badly about herself."

  This time, I didn't argue the fact that he was claiming ownership. I had learned my lesson. And if I hadn't, I had a feeling I was about to.

  The smack of flesh against flesh echoed through the room, or at least, it seemed to. I was thankful it was only his hand, but I knew the belt was coming.

  "Mine." He struck again, and I could feel the pressure as his hand flattened the flesh of my ass.

  "My little girl." Each term of endearment was punctuated by a loud barrage of swats to my tingling rear end.

  "Daddy's girl." He struck my sit spots, and I cried out.

  "Daddy Slade's little angel." I bit my lip to keep from laughing or arguing. I was no angel.

  The punishing barrage continued as he listed out each and every term of endearment the two of us had ever shared. There was a lot, more than I realized. I was writhing under his firm hands by the time he finished, gasping for breath. "Okay! Okay! I get it."

  "Oh, darling baby girl." Blake's deep voice rumbled in my ear, and I wondered when he had gotten so close. "I don't think you do. Every time you sit this week, you will think of us and what we did to you and what we are going to do, and that's a promise."

  His breathing was heavy and expectant, and he grabbed my ponytail once more, tugging it less than gently while he waited for my answer. There was only one to give and I gave it without hesitation. "Yes, Sir."

  His hand replaced Slade's on my now throbbing backside and I shivered. At this point, I was praying for the belt, because that would mean we were almost finished. No such luck.

  "Mine." His hand fell hard against my torched and tender skin.

  "My sweet girl."

  "My baby girl." I labored through each stroke of pain as it came. Blake and I had less terms and titles, but I knew he would go through every one.

  "My submissive." I choked back a sob at the weight their words carried. I loved every single one and wanted so desperately to be everything they thought I was.

  Suddenly, two hands caressed the supple and injured skin, and I gasped. Both of them. At once. Just like they had promised.

  The swats fell in unison. Slade on my left side, and Blake on my right. "Ours." They spoke the word together with each swat, never breaking rhythm. They drilled the mantra into the forefront of my brain, until I was saying it with them.

  "Yours," I whispered, surprised at how natural it felt, even after all these years.

  And just like that, the spanking stopped, and Blake was once again commanding my attention and obedience.

  "Are you getting the picture, baby girl, about how much you mean to us?"

  I was. I really was. The truth had me in tears. I could only bob my head up and down in response and pray that would be good enough. It was.

  I saw out of the corner of my eye when Blake reached down and picked up the belt he had unceremoniously tossed to the ground earlier. I gulped with need and anticipation. My ass throbbed, and I knew that once the belt was added to my punishment, sitting for dinner would be an extremely difficult feat. It wouldn't be the first time.

  I felt the movement behind me and knew instinctively that Blake had handed the belt off to Slade. Dayum. Slade could wield a belt with a precision that was downright scary. They were not messing around, it seemed.

  The first scalding lick of leather sent my tender backside into a flame of fire. I grabbed the fabric of the bedspread in my fists and listened for the lecture I knew was coming.

  Blake did not disappoint, speaking in that forceful, no nonsense, way of his while the belt continued to fall, each stripe slightly lower than the one before it.

  "You will forgive yourself, today, baby girl. And you will forgive us, and we will all forgive each other. And you will learn to let go and not beat yourself up over the past. You were young, and hurting, and didn't have the direction and guidance you so desperately crave. But you will now, if you choose to accept it. In a minute or two, Slade is going to give me the belt, and I'm going to finish your spanking. What happens after that is up to you."

  Chapter 6


  I lost track of how many times Blake flicked the belt across my throbbing backside. I have no idea how many times he made me count my worth and discount the lies I was so used to telling myself. Blake had a gift for making a spanking break through my emotional walls. He always had. I don't even remember exactly what he said, only that, by the time he was done, I could literally feel the stress melt off my shoulders and the wave of relief only a clean slate and true forgiveness can bring.

  When the spanking finally stopped, I was a wilted mess, sobbing into the bedcovers, but somehow I felt lighter than I had in years. But I was still scared. Scared that, now that it was over, everything would change and all the lovely promises they had made in the heat of the moment would cease to exist.

  The bed sank beneath me, shifting under their combined weight as they each sat down beside me, their hands resting on opposite sides of my butt. I pushed into them, wanting the comfort they offered, as they softly rubbed the scorched skin, murmuring words of comfort and forgiveness.

  I reveled in their aftercare, soaking up every last drop, using it to draw the strength I knew I would need for what came next. Even without looking at them, I could feel their patience waning. Sighing, I rolled over and pulled myself into a sitting position between them.

  The tension in the room was tangible, and at that moment, I thought I might do or say anything to ease it. But that wasn't what they wanted, either.

  Looking between them, I caught Blake's eye and smiled. "Thank you for my spanking, Sir."

  His eyes were warm and full of relief when he reached for my hand. "You're welcome, baby girl. Do you feel better?"

  Sucking in a deep breath, I exhaled slowly, quieting my mind and gauging my emotions, before nodding. "I'm getting there. It's progress. Five years of built up regret probably won't go away in a day."

  "We can all heal together," Slade said, taking my other hand. I turned to him, knowing this would be the hardest part, and just stared into his eyes for a minute. Slade had the kindest warmest eyes surrounded by thick dark lashes and a beautiful smile. These things created a deep contrast when paired with his hard jawline, thick muscles, and unusual name. When I looked at him, he often seemed far more intimidating and Dom-like than Blake did. But when he looked into my eyes, I only saw my Daddy.

  Seeing my Daddy and saying it out loud were two different things, though, and my stomach clenched as I tried to wrap my mind around the vulnerability of using the title again.

  Once I spoke the words they were waiting for, I was putting my trust in their promise to move forward—as a threesome. It was a possibility I had never considered.

  They had, though, I reminded myself, trying to stay the panic simmering below the surface. They had, and they had a plan. Just as they had known exactly how to handle a tag team spanking, they knew what came next. My job w
as to trust them again, after all these years.

  Slade squeezed my hand, tightly, and I knew he was giving me permission to not say anything. He was considerate like that. He would never want me to feel obligated or put on the spot. The simple gesture calmed my fears, and I finally found my voice. I didn't know what would happen after I said the simple words, but I knew I wanted to say them.

  Burying my face in his neck, I spoke the words meant for him and him alone. "Thank you for my spanking, Daddy."


  I watched the tender moment unfold between Slade and Merry and pushed back a twinge of jealousy. Slade was the soft one—it's who he was. I could never be that way, and it was nothing to be jealous of.

  I was about to claim her as mine. We both were, but I would be first. It's who I was.

  "Meredith." My voice was sharp and firm, and her whole body reacted, snapping to attention as she turned to look at me. "It's time, baby girl." I worked the button fly on my worn Levis and looked at her pointedly.

  It was adorable the way her eyes widened and her cheeks turned to pink as her eyes darted between me and Slade. Catching the unspoken question, I nodded. Yes, here. Yes, now. I snapped my fingers and pointed to a space on the floor. She could barely look at either of us as she climbed out of Slade's embrace and slid to her knees in front of me. She was embarrassed, and I knew it was bound to be awkward, but that couldn't be helped. She was going to have to get used to it. A little humiliation would be good for her.

  Widening my stance, I folded my arms across my chest and watched, relishing the small details. Her hands shook with nervousness as she slowly pulled down my zipper. Her eyes glistened with leftover tears from her spanking, and her hair was mussed from the way she had wiggled and squirmed each time the belt made contact. Her eyes met mine in a look that conveyed every emotion she was feeling all at once as she pushed my jeans over my hips and my boxer briefs along with them. My erection sprang free of its constraints and nearly hit her in the face.


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