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Winterland Daddies (Second Chance Ranch Book 1)

Page 12

by Rayanna Jamison

  When we came in, I said goodnight to Slade and Nan, kissing her on the cheek before heading up the stairs. I held my breath as I pushed open the door to my room, praying that she would be there. The invitation had been extended, but the issue would not be forced.

  The sight that greeted me, of Merry laying naked atop my fluffy black duvet, took my breath away. I had not expected this and even froze for a minute, not quite sure how to act.

  She smiled then, and I sprang into action, pushing the door closed and locking it tightly. As I crossed the room, I saw the bottle of lube on the nightstand and frowned. I didn't put that there. I was much more careful than that. I picked it up and turned to her expectantly. "What's this for, baby girl?"

  The blush that started at her breasts, working its way up her neck, until finally reaching her freckled cheeks was exquisite. She shrugged. "I thought we could play. You wanted to touch me, you know," she whispered. "Back there?"

  Damn. My cock sprang into action with those two words, and I reached for her, grabbing a handful of hair and using it for leverage as I coaxed her into a kneeling position.

  "Back there?" I teased with a smile. "You mean your tight little asshole?"

  She couldn't meet my eyes as she nodded, staring down at the bed.

  "Oh, my sweet baby girl, I want to touch you there so much," I sighed. "I want to lick your sweet little pussy while I fuck your ass with my fingers and make you squirm and moan and cum so hard, you can't see straight." I watched her chest heave with excited breaths as I whispered in her ear. "But what makes you think you deserve that kind of attention, tonight, my naughty little sub?"

  I bit back a grin as her head flew up, and her eyes searched my face with alarm. "I-I haven't been naughty!" she cried.

  "Haven't you?" I asked, reaching down to cup her mound with my free hand, flicking a single finger through her soft folds while I spoke. "Want to explain to me what you were thinking putting that little girl on Axel, without asking me?"

  As I expected, her eyes flashed with anger. "Want to explain to me what you two are thinking, trying to help these kids without bothering to talk to them or get to know anything about them?" she snapped, glaring at me. "For your information, that little girl has been around horses nearly all her life, and she was bored senseless with Abigail. She's not timid; she's angry. She needs a challenge, something in her life she can conquer, so to speak. She needs to feel like she has a little control. This is supposed to be therapy. You have to figure out what a child needs and what horse is going to help them receive it. But, I don't know what the hell the two of you have been doing, walking around with your heads up your asses, it looks like."

  Releasing my grip from her hair, I snaked my hand around and landed two sharp smacks to her bruised rear end. I had been expecting some sass, and that was fine, but naughty language was never acceptable. "Watch your mouth," I growled.

  She immediately turned meek, looking at me sheepishly as she winced. "Sorry, Sir."

  Shaking my head, I pointed at my erect cock. "Such a naughty little mouth. Better put it to good use."

  Biting her lip, she nodded, bending at the waist to take me into her mouth. I groaned with pleasure, the minute her hot lips touched my tip. "All the way in, sweetheart. Make me cum. If you do a good job, maybe you can have your reward, still."

  The motivation of having her pussy licked and her bottom fucked was enough to spur her into action. Cupping my balls in one hand, she wrapped the other around the base of my shaft, stroking while she sucked diligently, working her tongue around my tip in quick circles. God damn. Her fingers tickled the base of my scrotum, and her hot lips made a suction around my head that sent shivers of shock coursing down my spine.

  I grabbed her hair by the handful and pulled her closer, forcing her to take me down her throat, stopping just before she gagged. I thrust my hips, enjoying the vibration of her lips on my cock, when she gasped in surprise.

  I loved to watch her suck me, her eyes wide, each time I pushed my length further into her mouth. The little hums of appreciation she gave, and the way she swirled her tongue around the head of my cock, and the way she squeezed my balls a little tighter every time my body reacted to her ministrations.

  She was a good little cock sucker. Watching her body tremble with desire as she serviced me had always been a favorite of mine, and this time was no different. My whole body shook as I spilled my release into her mouth, watching as she opened her jaw wider to take all of me. Slowly pulling away, inch by inch, she licked every last drop from the tip of my cock, until I was finished. Then, she smiled up at me. "Did I do good, Sir? Do I get my reward?"

  "Damn straight. Now lie down on the bed, and scoot your cute little butt over here."

  She obeyed quickly, lying with her hips barely supported by the edge of the bed and her legs pressed together. I knelt by the edge of the bed, my head level with the vee of her thighs and shook my head. "Spread those legs wide, baby girl. Show me what you want."

  She shook her head, and I grabbed her knees, forcing them apart, until she was spread eagle at eye level. Her pussy glistened with arousal. She was more than ready for her rewards, and there would be many.

  I licked my lips and dipped my head until it rested just between her thighs, so she could feel my breath on her as I spoke. "Is this what you want, baby girl? Do you want me to eat your pussy?"

  Blushing, she shook her head.

  "Do you want me to lick it, while I play with you?" I stuck two fingers between her folds and strummed her like a guitar. Extracting her juices, I teased her back hole with the tip of my moistened finger. "Do you want to know what it feels like to have your sweet little ass fucked with my finger while I lick your pussy until you scream? Is that what you want?"

  Her face was strained with a mixture of humiliation and need. I pushed my finger past the barrier of her rear entrance, watching her face transform as I penetrated her. Her eyes grew wide and frantic, and her mouth opened in a soft "o" of surprise. Just when she looked like she might tell me to stop, I lowered my face and dove my tongue into her, lapping up the juices of her arousal. I smiled to myself when she cried out, writhing against the bed. This was going to be too easy.


  Holy fucking Hell. Ever since Blake had talked about fucking my ass, I hadn't been able to erase the idea from my brain. It was permanently etched there and would be until I experienced it. I couldn't stop thinking about it, with a mixture of fear and excitement. Would it hurt? Would it feel good? Would it give me those subby feelings I got when I sucked his cock or let him spank me? Those questions had been on my mind for days.

  So much so, that I lay myself naked on his bed and all but begged him to fuck my ass, at least with his finger. Trust Blake to turn the whole thing into a giant mind fuck. Sex, then business, then one false move from me, and we are lickety split back to sex, this time, with me sucking his cock as punishment for cussing at him. I knew he had planned the whole thing, carefully orchestrating it to play out just the way it had. He had wanted to reverse the roles, making the entire thing into his idea, even though it had been mine. It wasn't selfish or even a control thing. He knew that I would do better with the experience if I was in the right mindset to receive it. And so he did whatever it would take to get me there, back to the place where I was not in charge, and I was completely at his mercy. That was his gift.

  Still, nothing could have fully prepared me for it. The rush of pain and pleasure I received when his finger entered me slowly, and his hot mouth closed over my aching pussy. The minute his finger was inside me, my subby meter tipped the scales from mildly subby to full-on pile of sub mush—just from a finger in my ass. It was that moment that I knew I was forever screwed. I had no doubt that Blake knew exactly how powerful the feelings could be that it evoked. I wanted to mewl "yes, Sir" over and over again. I wanted to scream my apologies and kneel at his feet. Oh, God.

  He was working me over now, pumping his finger in and out of my back hole, while his to
ngue strummed my clit at a level that could only be called expert. I trembled with pain and pleasure, sending shockwaves coursing down my spine and through my legs. I squeezed them together, crushing his head like a vice between my knees, and grabbed a pillow from behind me, pulling it over my face to muffle my screams of pleasure as I came. My cries were frantic as the release rushed through me. Grabbing the back of his head, I shoved his face further into my pussy and lifted my hips off the bed, pushing into him, desperate for relief. When it came, I pushed him away, just as quickly, all but pulling him off me. Every nerve ending was exploding, and my body felt like it had been thrown atop a pile of flames.

  "Oh, God, Blake." He was kneeling at the end of the bed, watching me with a salacious grin as I writhed under the waves of pleasure that were still coming. "Oh, God."

  "That was just an appetizer, baby girl."

  "No, no, I don't think I can take any more. I'm so tired," I moaned. I had come hard and fast.

  Blake just shook his head and smiled. Jumping up, he joined me on the bed, lying against the headboard and pulling me up to cuddle in the crook of his arm, with my head against his chest.

  "The night is still young, baby girl."

  I whimpered, "Don't you have to work early? We should really get some sleep!"

  "Tomorrow is Saturday. Horses have to be fed and stalls mucked, of course, but nothing terribly pressing."


  "Speaking of work," Blake started. I groaned, knowing what was coming.

  "No," I answered, not giving him a chance to ask.

  Blake, being Blake, ignored me. "You have a gift, Meredith, for working with those kids. Far more than Slade or I will ever have."

  I shook my head, hiding my face in his chest. I didn't want to talk about this. I'd seriously rather talk about anything else, but I knew Blake wouldn't drop it. He always assumed he knew what was best for me and what I needed. The worst part was he was usually right.

  Blake continued to prod, pulling my chin out of where it was nuzzled in his chest, forcing me to crook my neck up to look at him. "I never would have thought, in a million years, to pair that tiny, angry girl with my most feisty horse, but the change in her was instant and transformative. You're so good at that."

  "I just listened and went with my gut. Anyway, it was all a fluke. It doesn't mean anything."

  "Come to work with us. Please, Merry. For the kids."

  I shook my head emphatically back and forth. "No. No. Nope. I've been down that road, remember? And I sucked at it. I have no patience. I probably ruined half of those kids."

  Blake's growl rumbled low in his chest. I felt the vibration of it before I heard it. "You were practically still a kid, yourself, Meredith. Where would this ranch be, if everyone gave up the second they made a single mistake? Hell, we make mistakes, every day. Sara being a case in point."


  "You think Nan never made mistakes? Nan made them all the time. And she apologized, learned from them, and moved on, and she taught us to do the same, but I'm starting to think you never really learned that lesson."

  At the mention of the word lesson, I sat up like a flash, my hands flying back to cover myself. Those were fight or flight words, and I was currently in flight mode.

  Blake looked on with amusement. He said nothing, letting his stern face and my reaction speak for itself. I sighed. "Fine. I'll come work with you guys. What days does Sara come?"

  Blake heaved a heavy sigh, and I knew he wasn't pleased with the conditions of my response. "Wednesday and Friday."

  "Fine. I'll work on those days. You have to make sure I don't lose my temper with those kids, Blake. If I do, you have to, you know—"

  "Punish you?" Blake filled in where I left off with a smile. "I can do that. Not a problem. Two days a week? That's it? Are you sure? You could earn a little extra money."

  "I'm sure." My lips pursed tight and I glowered at him. "Take it, or leave it."

  "Fine. I'll take it." He smiled mischievously. "You know there's a sweet little girl on Tuesdays—"

  "Drop it, Blake."

  He dropped it. Nan hadn't raised a fool.

  Chapter 14


  I loved watching Merry work. She was a natural with the kids and the horses, alike. In all honesty, she reminded me a lot of Nan in that way. But she didn't trust herself. It was her biggest downfall.

  Right now, she was in the arena with a group of kids from a group home with a less than stellar reputation. Four older girls and one older boy sat atop horses while Merry worked with the youngest, a small and smart as a whip boy named Tobias. I chewed the inside of my cheek while I watched her say something to the older kids before leading Tobias and his horse, Leon, to the far end of the massive arena where we had some jumping fences set up for the advanced classes. My stomach knotted as I watched them, considering. Leon was a good horse; Tobias was a strong rider, and Merry needed to learn to trust herself. Questioning her calls would not be doing any of us any favors. Clenching my hands into fists, I stood in watch. Everything was going fine. Merry began exactly as I would have, talking to Tobias and Leon, having them do a few low practice jumps first, which both Tobias and Leon handled like the pros they were. The older kids, whose names escaped me at the moment, were beginning to cause a bit of a ruckus, as she gestured him over to the main jump fence. I couldn't hear everything that was being said, but I heard enough to know that the kids were picking on Tobias, and that they didn't want him to succeed. I could tell from the look on the kid's face that he could hear them perfectly, and even Merry's jaw was set in a hard line, as she checked Tobias and Leon and gave a few last minute instructions. Tobias nodded and started to trot with Leon, gaining speed into a full canter, and headed straight for the first fence. Their form was exceptional—the jump was going to be perfectly executed. The older kids were snarling and grumbling, but their yells had quieted when Merry turned to glare at them. They were a few feet away from the fence; Tobias leaned in, and Leon's front hooves raised off the ground. I held my breath, even though I knew they had it in the bag. And, suddenly, Leon reared up onto two legs, flinging Tobias' small form off his back and flying through the air. Well, he would have flown, anyway, but he still had the reins, so he kind of hung there, getting flung around as the horse bucked wildly. "Drop the reins!" I yelled, taking off towards them in a full sprint.

  "Drop the reins!" Merry repeated.

  "Aww, look, the little baby can't jump, after all!"

  "Not such a big shot now, are ya, Toby?"

  "Have a nice trip, see ya next fall!"

  I shook my head in disgust as I ran past the group. That last hurled insult hadn't even made sense in this situation, I thought wildly. I reached Tobias in record time and knelt on the ground next to Merry, who was on her knees next to him, checking him over. I nodded to her and jerked my head toward the huddle that was getting closer and closer.

  The kids continued to snicker and make snide remarks under their breath. "Serves him right, for being such a show off," I heard one of them say. Merry heard it, too, and her eyes blazed with anger.

  "You go deal with them," I urged. "I've got this."

  I winced as soon as I said it. The ground shook around me as she stormed off.

  "What in the actual fuck is your problem?" she yelled. "Are you that jealous and threatened by a little boy who's half your size that you can't even be bothered to ask if he's okay? That you would actually rather sit there on your high and mighty little pedestals and continue to insult him and dare to say things like it serves him right? What the hell is wrong with you? Have you no compassion or care for anyone other than your pathetic little selves?"

  I looked up to see their eyes widen and took a little pleasure in the fact that they were seemingly stunned into silence.

  Merry didn't care. She was on a roll, now, and happy to continue her rant. "Do you realize…" she began, her voice low and seething with anger "…that he could have been fucking killed or seriously inju
red? Do you know that? Do you even fucking care? Of course not, that would require you to be decent fucking human beings for more than a millisecond at a time, wouldn't it?"

  Oh, holy hell. I watched with a wince as Blake stomped towards her. She saw him coming and stopped mid-rant, giving off a deer in the headlights look before bursting into tears and taking off toward the barns.

  I watched Merry run off, knowing there was nothing I could do about it, right then, except to give her space. Tobias' injury was more important. He was the smallest of the group, but also, the bravest. I hoped his fall wouldn't change that.

  I scooped him up, off the ground, and carried him off to a hay bale near the entrance to the arena. Blake got the horse under control and led him into a nearby pasture to graze. Neither of us wanted to take a chance upsetting Merry, at that second. We were giving her a wide berth. For now, at least. At the storm in Blake's eyes and the knot in my stomach, I had a feeling that wouldn't last long.

  Kneeling on the ground in front of Tobias, I gave him a quick once over, checking his eyes, first, for any sign of concussion or head injury. Not seeing one, I shook my head. How had the horse gotten spooked?

  "Hey, buddy, you okay? Anything hurt?"

  Tobias shook his head. "I'm fine. I want to ride. Can I try jumping again? That was so cool!"

  "You liked that, did you?" I grinned, thankful that both his pride and spirit were still intact.

  "It was like flying!"

  "Until you fell," I quipped. Tobias' wide grin lit up his face.

  "Yeah, that part sucked. But next time, I won't fall."

  Turning to gaze into the field where Leon was still acting strangely, I shook my head. "I don't think that's such a good idea for today, buddy. It's not like Leon to act that way. I need to get him checked out and make sure he's okay, just like we have to get you checked out.

  "I'm fine! I don't need a doctor. I need to ride!" Standing, and utterly convinced that the kid was right as rain, I ruffled his hair.


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