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The Blacksmith's Bride: A Golden Valley Story (The Brides of Birch Creek Book 1)

Page 7

by Laura D. Bastian

  “Nice,” Susan said. “Would that help you have more time to get all your projects done?”

  “Yes,” Michael said with a smile. “The first few months will be a bit difficult as he figures things out, but he’ll be able to pick up the materials and supplies I need and run errands for me. Get me more wood or coal, refill the water barrel, monitor the oil level and keep the bellows going. That way, if I can move faster, then I can earn more money to build us another room on that house.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” Susan said. Now would be a good time to tell him about her money situation back home as she got into her plan about building a boarding house. “I had an idea I wanted to run past you.”

  Before she could continue, the man returned with a boy of about twelve or thirteen with him. “This is the lad. Name’s Jessie. He’ll be a great help to you here at the smithy, and then when the day’s over, he’ll run and fetch wood and water and help with the chores at home.”

  Susan looked up in surprise. “Oh, he’ll be staying with us at our house?”

  Michael turned to her as if the information was new to him too. Of course, that was just like a man to not really think of all the details.

  “He’ll not give you any trouble,” Mr. Kline said. “He’ll stay in the shed with the animals.”

  Susan chuckled. “We don’t have a shed yet. I guess that will be on the list of things Jessie can help us with.” She met the boy’s eyes, and studied him for a few minutes. He looked bright enough and didn’t seem like he’d be difficult to deal with. He had a sadness about him that was probably due to the fact that he’d lost his parents. When Susan looked at Michael, she could see he would be a good influence on the boy. He knew exactly what Jessie had lost and would help him find his way in the world.

  “So do we have a deal?” Mr. Kline asked.

  Michael looked at Susan. “What do you say?”

  Susan shrugged. “I suppose, welcome to the family would work.”

  Jessie almost smiled, but looked relieved for sure. While Mr. Kline and Michael turned back to talk of business, Susan took Jessie by the shoulder. “Have you eaten yet?”

  “No, Ma’am.”

  “Well then, let’s see what we have here in the basket. I can’t promise it’ll be fantastic or anything, but I have recently figured out how to make bread, and not to boast or anything but I think it has turned out pretty decent. Here, try a slice and let me know.”

  Jessie took the offered piece and bit off the corner. His mouth turned up and he nodded eagerly as he took another bite. “It’s mighty fine bread, Mrs. Clark.”

  “Well thank you, Jessie. Have some more and then I’m sure Michael will want to go over a few things with you. Will you tell him I’ve headed home to get some things prepared for you joining us? I’ll see you at dinner time and then happily give you the job of taking care of the animals.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Jessie said, nodding his head as if he were tipping a hat. Susan gave his shoulder a pat and walked out of the smithy in order to head home and prepare for an extra body.


  Michael watched as Susan walked away from the shop, but had seen her talking to Jessie. Once Mr. Kline left, Michael would talk with the boy and find out what she’d said. His relief at how she’d handled the news made him realize he probably should have talked with her about it before he’d told Mr. Kline he’d take on the boy as an apprentice. Michael had only been thinking about his own benefits at having the boy help in the shop. There was no denying he’d be able to get so much more done with another person to run the errands while he did the iron work. And once he was sure Jessie could handle the job, he’d begin showing him the different steps for the shaping of iron.

  Mr. Kline looked at Jessie, then back to Michael. “I’ll be coming through here every week or so and visit the boy, see how he’s doing and give you a bit of payment for his food.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.”

  “I’m only sorry I’m not in a position to keep him with me. There is just no way I could take him on the stage coach. The company won’t allow it.” Mr. Kline patted Jessie on the shoulder. He met the boy’s eyes and Michael once again felt saddened by the loss Jessie was going through. He would do his best to help Jessie adjust.

  Thank goodness Susan had taken the surprise well. He hadn’t expected to take the boy home with him, but felt certain it would be good for him. Jessie would likely be vulnerable for a while, feeling completely out of place and like a burden if he was anything like Michael had been. When Jessie’s uncle had brought up the idea, Michael had been more than willing to help. If it hadn’t been for the kindness of others, his life would have been very different. It made sense that Mr. Kline would want him to have some stability and consistency, but it pained Michael to know the man wouldn’t be around all the time.

  Michael shook Mr. Kline’s hand and smiled at Jessie. “I’m sure Jessie will work hard and keep himself paid for, don’t you worry about that.”

  “I appreciate it,” Mr. Kline said. “Still, I’ll be sure to bring payment for his food.”

  Michael nodded and released the man’s hand, then Mr. Kline stepped to the side with his nephew and the two of them talked for a few moments before embracing and Mr. Kline walked out of the shop.

  “I saw you ate some lunch,” Michael said. “Is there any left in there for me?”

  Jessie nodded. “Yes, sir.” He picked up the basket and handed it to Michael.

  “Thanks.” Michael reached in and pulled out the remaining meal and started to eat as he studied the boy. It would take some time to figure out how best to help Jessie adjust to his new circumstances. His parents hadn’t been gone long, but long enough the immediate hurt had lessened.

  “So, for now, I’ve got all the supplies I need to finish out the day. How about you just watch and I’ll try to explain what I’m doing as I go. As long as you’ve got a good set of eyes and a decent memory, you’ll be able to pick this up.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Clark.”

  “You know,” Michael said. “I’m not sure I like that mister part. How about you just call me Michael?”

  Jessie nodded and looked at the fire.

  “Come on, let me show you around and give you the names for the tools.”


  Susan had a meal ready and the house and furniture organized and rearranged in a way to allow for another body inside in plenty of time for their arrival. Michael would have to share the bed with her, and Jessie would be on the floor. She put the blanket over near the other wall so he wouldn’t be stepped on if either of them got out of the bed in the middle of the night.

  It would be weird having a young man live with them. She hadn’t had many opportunities to interact with young people since she’d finished her own schooling. Of course, a youth like Jessie would be a completely different kind of child than anyone she had known in New York.

  Not sure when they’d arrive home, Susan headed outside and into the garden to look it over and check for any weeds she’d need to pull. They’d planned to do some planting tonight, and she figured they would probably get a lot more done with Jessie there. Hopefully the boy wouldn’t be too exhausted after a day working with Michael. She doubted she’d be able to plant the garden on her own, especially since she had no idea what to do with the seeds. Everything was much different than the little gardening she had done with flowers at her uncle’s place.

  The sound of rocks crunching alerted her that someone approached and Susan turned around to see Jessie and Michael coming to the house. The two looked comfortable together and she once again thought how good it would be for Jessie to have someone like Michael to look up to.

  “Welcome home.” Susan walked toward them and gave Michael a kiss on the cheek and patted Jessie’s shoulder. “I hope you’re hungry, because dinner is ready.”

  “Smells wonderful,” Michael said as they followed her into the house.

  Susan had stopped a few
feet into the house and turned around in order to see what his response would be to her sleeping arrangements, but he didn’t seem to notice it. That was just fine with her. It would give her time to get used to the idea of sharing the bed. Seeing his big body in the small house reminded her again of how much space he actually took up.

  “I found a nice piece of wood that will work as a stool for now.” Susan pointed at it. “Jessie, how about you take that one. Oh wait, did you both wash up?”

  Michael shook his head and went over to the pump. Jessie joined him and once they’d cleaned up, Susan had the food on the table and the three of them sat down.

  “I’ll say grace.” Michael bowed his head and the others followed his example. After expressing his appreciation for the food and the company of Jessie in their lives, the three said amen and their first family meal commenced.

  Susan looked at the other two at the table with her, and felt a tug of gratitude and emotion. She couldn’t quite explain it, but it felt right. As the evening progressed, they finished their meal, went out to show Jessie around the place, planted the seeds Michael had picked up from the mercantile, and got to know more about Jessie.

  Susan was sure it would take him a little while to adjust, but she wasn’t worried about him. In fact, she was glad he’d come to them.

  When it got too dark to see outside anymore, the three returned to the house and by the light of the small lantern, Susan showed Jessie where he’d be sleeping and then hung the table cloth from the little nails she’d hammered into the ceiling in order to give her a little privacy. She removed the outer dress, leaving on the white under dress she used to sleep in and climbed into the bed without much thought until she saw Michael staring at her in shock.

  She shrugged and turned to the wall. What did he expect? He brought someone else to their little house, and she was going to deal with it like a grown up. Besides, they were married, and she was still fully covered.

  Stifling a giggle at his confusion and possible discomfort, Susan pulled the blanket up and settled into the bed. Michael would need to make up his own mind on where he was going to sleep.


  After getting himself a drink of water and checking on Jessie once more, Michael gingerly climbed onto the bed with his wife. It was still so odd to think that he was married to her, but now things were even more awkward than before. He had a young man living with them now and that would make married life interesting. Susan seemed to think it funny, and that both relieved him and infuriated him.

  Why was she not upset that they couldn’t be alone as they shared the bed for the first time? Was it because she didn’t want to be alone with him? Or did she find it funny that having Jessie here would postpone any kind of marital relationship he might hope for?

  He had no one else to blame but himself. It had been his choice to take Jessie on as an apprentice. It would have never mattered before when he was single. Thinking like a married man would take some getting used to.

  With the weather being as mild as it was, they could easily have Jessie sleep out under the stars, but that wasn’t very neighborly. Without a shed or a barn, he couldn’t bring himself to ask the boy to sleep somewhere else.

  Michael would just have to get to work on that shed sooner than he’d planned. Or he could buy some lumber needed for adding another room onto his cabin with the extra money he’d get with having two extra hands. Of course, he could easily just go cut down the logs himself and make a shed from some of the smaller tree branches. Packing it with mud and grass to plug up the cracks. It would keep the rain off for the most part. By the time winter rolled around, they could either have another room added on to the house here, or maybe Jessie’s uncle would have made some other arrangements for his nephew.

  Michael didn’t get very far with all his plans as exhaustion started to take over. At least he wouldn’t stay up all night tossing and turning or even be too distracted by the warm body beside him. Maybe if he worked himself extra hard every day, he could handle sleeping in the same bed as Susan.

  Michael rolled to his side, and was more than a little shocked when Susan rolled as well and snuggled herself against his back. He froze and waited for a moment, but relaxed a fraction when he realized she was completely asleep.

  Maybe eventually sleep would find him.


  Susan woke to the sound of crying and it took her a moment to figure out where it was coming from. Michael, right next to her, was completely still. As she strained to listen for the crying that had brought her from her sleep, she realized it was coming from Jessie over in the corner. She listened for a few moments, wondering if he would need some comforting, or if he’d rather have her pretend she hadn’t heard it and just let him have a few minutes to express his sorrow.

  Before long, the crying ceased and Susan lay her head back down on the pillow.

  “I think he’s asleep now,” Michael whispered, surprising her.

  “I didn’t know you were awake, too,” Susan whispered back.

  Michael only hummed a small sound.

  “Was he crying for long?” Susan asked after a moment.

  “No, not long. I think he woke from a dream. I did that a lot not long after my parents died.”

  Susan reached for his hand, finding it resting on his stomach. He threaded his fingers through hers and she squeezed his hand gently.

  “He’ll do this off and on for a while. I think he’ll adjust though. Seems like a strong boy.”

  “I’m glad you were willing to help out,” Susan said, rubbing her thumb across the back of his hand.

  “It doesn’t bother you that we took him in?”

  “No, not at all,” Susan said. “In fact, I think it was a wonderful idea. People need people. I want to be able to help where I can.”

  Jessie rolled over and made a couple of noises almost like he was waking up and Michael gave a quiet shush to silence Susan’s words. She held still and waited, knowing she could tell Michael more of her plans for helping people come out west in the morning. With Jessie here, she knew having a place like her boarding house would be important.

  She closed her eyes and tucked her forehead against Michael’s arm as she drifted off to sleep again. This time she knew she’d dream of him. She needed to get Jessie a room of his own so she wouldn’t have to share a single room house with anyone but Michael.


  Michael was surprised he slept as well as he did. Though the presence of his wife right next to him occupied a lot of his thoughts, he also felt incredibly comforted. People really needed people, just like she’d said. Susan was a good woman and he was lucky she hadn’t thrown a fit when he ended up bringing Jessie into their lives. It wasn’t like they were his parents or anything. The boy was another mouth to feed and it would mean more work for Susan, but she had accepted Jessie without complaint.

  Michael got out of bed before the sun came up and gathered the eggs from the chickens, then whipped up some breakfast as quietly as he could while Susan kept sleeping. It was nice to do something for her. Besides, he enjoyed seeing the completely open way she slept. Her hair flying in all directions and her cute little mouth open just a little as she slept.

  Michael moved over to Jessie and woke him up, sending him outside to the outhouse in order to give Susan some privacy when he woke her.

  “Good morning, Susan.” Michael sat on the edge of the bed and touched her shoulder. “I’ve got some eggs made up and Jessie is outside. I’ll give you a few minutes if you’d like then we can have breakfast before Jessie and I head out.”

  Susan sat up and brushed her hair back out of her face and Michael had to hold himself back from reaching for a strand she missed.

  “Thank you for making breakfast.” Susan’s sleep deepened voice hit him right in the chest and Michael leaned over and kissed her softly.

  Susan pulled back as if shocked and Michael looked at her, trying to figure out what he’d done wrong.

  “My mou
th isn’t fresh,” Susan said, bringing her hand to her mouth and looking at him as if mortified.

  Michael laughed. “Nothing I’m worried about.” He moved in closer and tried to kiss her again, but Susan turned her head away with a giggle. “I don’t mind the neck, if that’s all I get.”

  Susan didn’t fight him as he wrapped one arm around her shoulder then nuzzled into her neck and gave her little nibbley kisses. Her warm body made him want to just climb back into bed and stay there with her, exploring more than just her neck, but he knew he had jobs to do, not to mention Jessie could come back in at any moment.

  “Tomorrow morning, maybe I’ll be able to see the other side?”

  Susan mumbled something, and though he wasn’t sure what it was exactly, he was sure it was an affirmative response. Michael stood up and as he stepped away from the bed, Susan’s sound of complaint gave him hope he had done something right.

  “I’ll go have Jessie help bring in some wood and give you a chance to get dressed for the day. See you in a few minutes.”

  Susan pulled the blanket off her legs then climbed out of bed and Michael hurried outside so he wouldn’t be tempted to stay.

  He took his time walking around the house then when he found Jessie on his way back from the outhouse, he showed the boy where to find the firewood and showed him where the axe was. He then explained the way he liked the wood split to make kindling as well as smaller sections that worked for the inside cooking stove.

  After they split a couple pieces and piled them into their arms, they headed back to the house. Susan had just returned from her trip to the outhouse and the three washed up quickly then sat down to breakfast.

  “What are your plans for the day?” Michael asked as they gathered the dishes up and took them to the small wash basin.

  Susan put the skillet he’d used to cook with on the counter and turned to him. “I have a couple ladies I was going to talk to. Some have given me some ideas for things to do and I wanted to get some input on an idea I had. I’ll have to tell you about it when I get a few more questions answered.”


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