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The Omega Professor's Secret Baby

Page 1

by Cora Crawford

  The Omega Professor’s Secret Baby

  Cora Crawford


  Free Read

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Free Read

  Free Read

  Chapter 1

  This was it. This was Wilson’s first day teaching history at his new university.

  The omega combed a hand through his brown hair and sighed as he stared out the window of his classroom from his desk, which he swore was from IKEA. Everything at this university seemed cheap and poorly built, from the leak-stained ceiling tiles to the whiteboard that was nearly impossible to write on. Even the markers were cheap. He adjusted his glasses, but that didn’t make the view of the back of the next-door building any better.

  Briarwood University had never been somewhere Wilson thought he would be teaching at. His old job had been better. So much better. There had been more resources, better pay, and it was in a much better location--picturesque coastal Florida. Briarwood University was in the landlocked midwest, nowhere near Wilson’s beloved ocean.

  But Wilson had been a fool and had gotten involved with another professor. He’d thrown it all away. His beach, his condo, his friends… all gone, all over a fling.

  If the professor Wilson had gotten involved with hadn’t been a cocky alpha that thought he could use Wilson however he pleased, maybe the relationship--if Wilson could call it that--wouldn’t have gone to shit. At least not so quickly. Wilson blamed the other professor to the point of nearly hating him over it, but he did blame himself, too, for getting involved with him when his instincts told him to do otherwise. To run for the hills.

  It was something inside him that he really blamed. Something about alphas drove Wilson completely crazy. He wanted nothing more than to submit to them. The only problem was that alphas were always trouble. They always found a way to turn Wilson’s life upside down. He always found himself in messes they caused.

  Wilson’s ex had always been the dominant one in the relationship to the point of toxicity, and he had been furious with Wilson for not quitting his job. Sometimes Wilson liked his ex’s dominance, but that was one of the times he didn’t enjoy it at all. That had been the last straw for Wilson. He wasn’t going to quit the job he had worked hard for--the job he was so passionate about--to sit at home and do nothing.

  Maybe things would’ve turned out differently if his ex had wanted kids. Wilson had thought that naturally, with a steady job and relationship, his ex would want to get him pregnant. As alphas normally did.

  It had been a heartbreaking conversation over dinner in Wilson’s then-favorite restaurant. Wilson’s ex looked him in the eye and told him that he never had any plans of impregnating anyone. Wilson had put it aside and decided the relationship was still something, until his ex had told him to quit his job and stay home for no reason. If they had kids running around, Wilson would have thought about staying home, but not in an empty house.

  It was the first time Wilson had ever put his foot down in their relationship, and his ex had not responded well to it. They had gotten into a huge fight, and Wilson had ended up deciding he deserved a lot more than what he was getting. It had been an empowering decision that Wilson never thought he would make; but once he had, he knew it was the right one. Even though it meant sleeping in a hotel room for a few days.

  The next Monday, when Wilson arrived to work, he had been called to meet with the Dean. The Dean had told Wilson there were many rumors being spread around about him--specifically about how his esteemed papers were plagiarized. The Dean believed Wilson, but that didn’t mean everyone else did. The omega had put in his resignation then and there.

  As soon as the semester was over, Wilson moved away to take his new position. He had spent the whole summer working to clear his name. This semester was a fresh start, and Wilson wasn’t going to let anyone else push him around.

  And he’d certainly sworn off alphas.

  He just hoped he could keep his distance from them this time.

  Wilson nervously paced around his classroom as he waited for his first class of the semester to arrive. His hands were pulling at themselves behind his back. The omega had a terrible nail biting habit he was trying hard to resist, and he knew he needed something to occupy his hands.

  Wilson shuffled papers on his desk around, making sure they were in perfectly neat stacks. He wrote his name on the shitty whiteboard that the markers simply did not want to cling to, and then he paced some more.

  He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous. It wasn’t like anything was going to go wrong. He had taught a class a million times before. What was different this time was that Wilson felt like he needed to do everything perfectly. He knew he wasn’t exactly being realistic. Nothing was ever going to be perfect.

  There was just something in the air that was making Wilson anxious. He didn’t know what it was or why, but it had him in a mood long before anyone came into his classroom.

  The omega didn’t have any more time to wallow in his thoughts as the door opened from behind him. He spun around to see the first set of students coming into the classroom. Only a few of the students made eye contact with him before they all started finding seats.

  Not exactly a friendly bunch.

  At nine on the dot, Wilson stood behind the podium and cleared his throat.

  “Welcome, everyone,” said the omega. “My name is Dr. Pines. Today, we will go over the syllabus for the semester, and then the rest of our time will be spent in a discussion.”

  Wilson moved to pick up the papers that were sitting on his desk. He had just gathered them into his hands when the door opened from behind him again. The omega looked over his shoulder to see a gorgeous young man coming through the door. He was tall, more than a few inches taller than Wilson himself. It was obvious he spent a lot of time in the gym, too, and Wilson had to fight to keep his gaze from roaming the young man’s muscular body. His light blonde hair was short and styled, and his light blue eyes seemed to pierce straight through Wilson. The omega hoped no one caught onto his momentary pause as he turned all the way around.

  “You’re late,” Wilson said, cringing at how strained his voice sounded.

  The young man looked at him and smirked at his words. “I still showed up, didn’t I?”

  “My class is important, and I expect it to be treated as such,” Wilson told him. “That means I expect you to show up on time. I can understand to-”

  “I don’t really care what you think,” the student scoffed.

  Wilson was only taken aback for a moment. It was obvious that the student was a typical alpha--but Wilson was his superior inside the classroom. He knew he had to demand respect from the get-go or the students would walk all over him.

  “First of all, you will refer to me as Dr. Pines. You also will be on time, or it will negatively affect your grade. If you choose not to care, then neither will I.”

  The young alpha gave Wilson a look, but gave up. He turned away from Wilson and sat in an empty seat, his broad arms taking up the entire desk.

  Wilson wasn’t going to let the interaction bother him. Maybe if he started putting his foot down the first time he needed to with alphas, they wouldn’t give him as much trouble. Hopefully, his admittedly attractive but troublesome
student would leave him to do his job in peace.

  As soon as the student was settled in and Wilson was sure he wasn’t going to say anything else, Wilson passed out the syllabus for the class.

  “As soon as everyone has a syllabus, we’ll get started,” he announced.

  The rest of the class passed without any further disturbances. The alpha didn’t say a single word for the rest of the class. He just stared. Wilson could feel the man’s gaze following him throughout the whole class period. It was slightly unnerving, but by the end of the class, Wilson was able to mostly ignore it.

  When the time came, Wilson dismissed the class, and all the students stood out of their chairs and walked out of the classroom. All except for the young alpha. He was still sitting at his desk, watching Wilson intently.

  Wilson wanted nothing more than to look away, but he just couldn’t. It was the weirdest staring contest the professor had ever partaken in. Finally, the alpha stood up from his seat and slowly walked down the stairs toward Wilson.

  The omega quickly backed away, but his back hit the whiteboard and he found himself stuck. The alpha stopped a foot away from Wilson and leaned forward until his arm was resting by Wilson’s head.

  He slowly leaned down and whispered, “My name is Mac, and you will address me as such.”

  Chapter 2

  Mac had never been so distracted during a workout. Normally, his time at the gym was the only way he got his mind to slow down. Not today. Today, all he could think about was his new professor. No one had ever stood up to him--not even any of the other professors. They were almost all omegas, and they were scared of him before he even walked through the door. They all turned a blind eye to him.

  They were probably more scared of his father, though, if Mac was being honest. His father was the Dean of Briarwood University. Everyone knew that if Mac didn’t like a professor, he would find a way to get them fired. So everyone kept quiet.

  Except for Dr. Pines.

  Mac looked the professor up as soon as he walked out of the classroom. His name was Wilson Pines. He had relocated to their University that year from somewhere that was twice the size.

  As soon as he had walked into the room, something about Wilson had called out of Mac. When he had said something about Mac being late, there was nothing the alpha wanted to do more than to dominate him. Not just verbally dominate, either--Mac wanted to bend the man over the desk and take complete control over him.

  Something about an omega trying to rule over an alpha was a complete turn on for Mac, and Dr. Pines standing up to him had driven him wild. This was something Mac had never experienced, and the professor was impossible to get out of his head. He was adorable, and that didn’t help with Mac’s dominating thoughts.

  The omega had light brown hair that reminded Mac of summer and sand. It was slightly disheveled, which looked great on him. His green eyes had been partially hidden behind lenses, but nonetheless, they were breathtaking. They were dark green, like an emerald. Completely unique and enthralling. And he was much shorter than Mac which he found adorable.

  There was no denying it. Mac wanted his professor. And what Mac wanted, Mac got.

  Mac’s strong arms pumped up and down, supporting a heavily weighted metal bar. He was at a workout session for the football team and was just trying to clear his mind. There was no need for someone to spot him, not when they would just realize he had a hardon. His situation was completely distracting him from his workout.

  The alpha sat up with a groan and reached for his phone. The song that was playing had a strong sexual sound in the beat. It wasn’t helping at all. While he was looking for a new song to play, he received a text message from his sister.

  Mac, I know you’re at football practice but call me ASAP!!!

  Mac sighed at his melodramatic sister and started to gather his stuff. He was leaving his workout early, which was something he had never done before. In his mind, there was no point in trying to work out when he was so distracted. As he walked out to his car, a sporty bright yellow Mustang, he replied to his sister.

  I’m leaving early. Meet me at our spot.

  Mac had referred to one of the old diners in town as ‘their spot’ for as long as he could remember. The diner was where they were brought for ice cream whenever their parents felt like they deserved it. The place was filled with happy memories for the siblings, and they frequently met there to talk about whatever was on their minds.

  Ashley beat Mac to the diner. By the time he walked in, she was already sitting at their usual table, slurping down a strawberry milkshake.

  “What’s up?” Mac asked as he slid into the booth in front of her.

  She looked up in surprise and gave him a sheepish smile when she realized who had joined her at the table.

  Mac rolled his eyes. “You need to pay more attention to your surroundings.”

  Ashley returned the eye roll with ease. “Yeah, I know. You tell me all the time.”

  “Then why don’t you take my advice?” Mac quipped as he raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Because I don’t want to,” Ashley shrugged. “How was your first day of class?”

  Mac knew that his sister was simply trying to be nice and make small talk. She just didn’t know how loaded that question was.

  “Fine,” he choked out. He hated to lie to his sister, but there was no way he was going to tell her about the omega he had just met. Especially considering he was one of Mac’s professors.

  Ashley looked surprised at his response. “Are you sure? Because your answer didn’t make it seem like it was fine.”

  Mac scowled at the menu he was looking at. “I said it was fine and I meant it.”

  “Okay. Geez.”

  It was obvious that Ashley didn’t understand her brother’s attitude. She rarely did, and Mac was in a mood a lot. He knew that it hurt her when he acted like a jerk around her, but he just felt overwhelmed at the moment. Ashley could read him too well. She knew that his day had been weird, but Mac didn’t want her to keep asking. He wasn’t going to tell her even though he hated keeping anything from her.

  The siblings stayed silent until after a waiter came to take Mac’s order. The man was making obvious eyes at Mac, but he wasn’t interested. He was whipped by an omega after meeting him once. It was almost shameful.

  “So,” Mac said, trying desperately to break the tension no matter how much he hated to do so. “What did you need to talk to me about so urgently?”

  “I had two guys ask me to the campus mixer.”

  Shit. Mac had completely forgotten about the campus mixer happening later that week. His mood had been messed with so violently today that he didn’t even want to go. But Mac knew if his father didn’t force him to go, Ashley would. He really had no option of not attending the event.

  “How is that a problem?” he asked.

  She playfully glared at him. “Obviously because I don’t know who to choose!”

  “Who’s hotter?”

  Ashley cocked her head to the side and tapped her finger on her chin as she thought about her brother’s question. After a moment she said, “It’s equal.”

  “Well, it seems like your case is hopeless then,” Mac chuckled.

  Ashley glared at him as she threw her straw wrapper in his direction. “Don’t be rude. I really need your help.”

  “Fine,” Mac said. “Who are these two gentlemen who asked you to the campus mixer?”

  “Danny and Ashton,” she said.

  Mac took a moment to clarify. “Both from the football team?”

  When his sister nodded, Mac glared at her in return. “Neither are very good options, but if you have to pick between them, I vote for Danny. At least he’s more of a gentleman than Ashton is.”

  Ashley looked physically relieved. “Thank you, I really don’t know how I would decide on anything if you weren’t around.”

  “I do what I can,” Mac laughed.

  “Do you have a date yet?” she asked.

/>   Ashley’s question made Mac stop cutting his pancakes for a moment. Sometimes it was nice to have a sister, but most of the time she was too nosy. Besides, they had come to discuss her problems, not Mac’s.

  “No,” he answered her as he started to cut his food once more.

  “What?” his sister gasped. “Less than a week away and you don’t have a date? Do you have anyone in mind?”

  Mac glared down at his pancakes as he forcefully shoved a bite into his mouth. This really wasn’t any of her business. Mac didn’t always have a date to events.

  Well, that wasn’t exactly true. Now that he thought about it, Mac couldn’t remember the last time he went somewhere stag.

  “I think I’m going to try something new this year. I’m going to go alone,” he announced.

  Ashley looked slightly unnerved by his response, but she knew better than to push him further at this point.

  Mac was going to go to the mixer stag. The only thing was, he wasn’t doing it to shake things up. Mac was going without a date in hopes of seeing Wilson there without a date as well.

  Chapter 3

  It had been a long first week at Briarwood University for Wilson. The students weren’t up to the same standards as they had been at his old University. At least they didn’t give him any trouble--other than that one young alpha--which he was thankful for.

  That alpha, Mac, had Wilson’s class three times this week. It was slightly unnerving. The blond man never said anything during their discussions. He didn’t even write anything down. During class, Mac sat there and never took his eyes off Wilson, just like he did during the first class. Sometimes Wilson would catch Mac’s gaze out of the corner of his eye and he would stumble over his words.


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