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The Omega Professor's Secret Baby

Page 7

by Cora Crawford

  He didn’t bother showing up to class that day. He would be leaving for his sister’s in no time at all, and he needed to pack.

  Chapter 14

  Mac took the weekend to think about everything Ashley had said to him at the diner. After two days of deep contemplation, he came to his conclusion.

  She was right. Mac had made the biggest mistake of his life.

  Even if he couldn’t have Wilson, he wasn’t going to be mated to Paul. Mac deserved to mate with someone who he loved--and who loved him. Not some random creepy omega his father had picked out for him. He just wished Ashley would’ve been his voice of reason before he had made his announcement. It was going to be a lot harder to go back on what he already said. In fact, it was probably going to make the situation a lot worse. But he didn’t care. Mac deserved to live the life he wanted, not the life his father chose for him.

  On Monday, Mac went to his classes as usual. That night, he headed to his father’s house to talk to him. There was no way he was going to admit his wrongs during another family dinner. This was a conversation that needed to happen between him and his father. He had thought about calling and letting his father know that he was coming, but he’d ultimately decided against it. He was just going to show up at his father’s door, and that’s exactly what he did.

  He took a moment to calm himself and swallow his fear before he knocked on the door. It took a moment for his father to answer, but when he did, the man looked surprised to see Mac.

  “Mac? What are you doing here?”

  “Can I come in?” Mac asked. “I have to talk to you about something.”

  His father didn’t seem to take kindly to the words, but he moved out of the doorway nonetheless.

  Mac squeezed past him and walked inside. He followed his father’s lead into the living room. His father sat back down and picked up a drink before he spoke.

  “So. What did you want to talk to me about?” Mac’s father prompted.

  Mac took a deep breath before he started speaking. “What I said last week wasn’t true. I’m not going to be with Paul. He’s not who I want, and I don’t think it’s fair for you to expect me to live my life the exact way you want me to.”

  His father sat there in silence for a moment. He looked down at his drink and swirled it around a couple of times. Mac was sure it was the calm before the storm.

  “Are you kidding me?” his father finally said. “That’s how you’re going to treat me after everything I’ve done for you? After everything I given you? People these days are so ungrateful.”

  Following his father’s response, Mac wanted nothing more than to apologize and back down. But he needed to stay strong. He was finally standing up for what he wanted, and he couldn’t back down now. He was an alpha. It was time he started acting like one.

  “I’m sorry you feel that way, but I still won’t marry Paul. I appreciate everything you have done and given me. I’ve had a great life, but I want to continue being happy. I don’t want to do everything you want me to and be miserable for the rest of my life,” Mac said.

  His father didn’t seem as angry, but he was silent again, which was making Mac nervous. He desperately wanted his father to accept his wishes.

  “I guess you’re right,” his father sighed after the longest few minutes of Mac’s life. “I just want you to have a good life. That’s why I push you to do so many things. If you really don’t want to marry Paul, then you don’t have to.”

  Hearing his father’s words came as a huge relief to Mac. He felt as if he could breathe right for the first time in far too long.

  He felt free.

  Before Mac could say anything, his father continued to speak.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t initially understanding. I’m already stressed today. I have to find a new history professor for the next semester. It’s hard to find professors in the middle of the academic year,” his father admitted. “And I’m going to have to reassign all the students in his class to new professors so they can finish out the semester.”

  Even though his father didn’t name which professor he was talking about, Mac already knew. He didn’t say another word to his father, nor did he listen to the rest of the man’s speech.

  He needed to stop Wilson.

  Mac turned around and took off in a dead sprint out of his family’s house. He ignored his father calling out to him as he got into his car. He needed to get to Wilson’s apartment immediately. He couldn’t let Wilson leave without telling him the whole truth. He couldn’t let him leave, period.

  But he knew there was a chance he was too late.

  The alpha drove like a madman. He was terrified he would get to Wilson’s apartment only to discover he was already gone. He couldn’t believe the omega was leaving and hadn’t even bothered to tell Mac.

  This wasn’t happening. Mac was supposed to get the opportunity to win over Wilson. He hadn’t given it his best shot yet. This wasn’t fair. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen.

  On the way to Wilson’s apartment, Mac was so nervous he was sweating bullets. He hadn’t come clean to his father for no reason. He could accept if Wilson truly didn’t want him. But Mac had so much more he needed to say to the other man.

  As soon as Mac pulled into the parking lot, he spotted Wilson. He hadn’t left yet, but Mac had barely gotten here in time. The omega was packing boxes into his SUV. It was now or never. Mac was either going to win Wilson over or he was going to lose him forever.

  Mac drove over to where Wilson was parked and came to a screeching halt. He barely parked his car before he jumped out and started running.

  Chapter 15

  Wilson could admit he felt weird leaving the University after he handed in his immediate resignation to the Dean. He also couldn’t deny there was a part of him that wanted to tell Mac everything before he left. No matter what the voices whispered, Wilson knew what he had to do. And that was to leave quickly and quietly before this situation got any worse.

  After he left the Dean’s office, Wilson headed straight to his apartment. He spent the rest of the day packing up his belongings, grateful his apartment had come fully furnished so he had no furniture to move.

  It wasn’t an easy task, and the omega still wasn’t feeling great. Not to mention it kind of felt like a defeat. Wilson had made a promise to himself. This was supposed to be his new home. Yet here he was less than a year later, packing up everything once again. It wasn’t a nice feeling.

  It took Wilson all day to pack up his apartment. There were a couple of times when he needed to take a break and cry about the situation. The damn pregnancy hormones were getting the best of him.

  One of the worst parts of the whole day was packing everything into his car. It was tiring the pregnant omega out quickly, and he was running out of energy. But he didn’t have another option. It had to be done, even though he was tempted to leave it all behind and be done with it.

  Somehow, though, he mustered up the energy to finish. He was packing the last box into his car when he heard a familiar voice yell from behind him.


  He looked over his shoulder, expecting his pregnancy brain to be getting the best of him. It sounded like Mac’s voice, but that wasn’t possible. There was no way Mac was there at the last second to stop Wilson from leaving. That only happened in movies.

  But he was.

  Wilson was torn when he saw Mac approaching him. There was a side of him that wanted to jump into his car and drive off instead of listening to anything that came out of Mac’s sweet mouth. The other part wanted to stay in that very spot and listen to every word.

  Ultimately, he knew he couldn’t leave without listening to Mac now that the alpha was standing directly in front of him.

  “I know you probably don’t want to, but please hear me out,” Mac pleaded.

  Wilson couldn’t do anything but nod for Mac to continue.

  “I’m sorry things ended up like this, but it’s not what you think. I don�
�t care how cliche it sounds—you didn’t see what you think you saw.”

  Wilson raised his eyebrows at the alpha. “What did I see, then?”

  “That was Paul,” Mac sighed. “The omega my father chose as my mate. Ever since we were introduced, he’s been trying to seduce me. He kissed me at the party. There was a split second where I was thrown off. It just took me a moment to push him away. You happened to walk up at the exact right second to get the wrong picture.”

  Wilson looked down at the ground, tears burning in his eyes. He wasn’t able to look into Mac’s. They were filled with such sincerity that it confused Wilson even more. He wanted to believe the alpha and forget the kiss had ever happened. But was that even possible at this point?

  When Wilson didn’t say anything, Mac kept talking. “None of that matters. I already told my father I refuse to take Paul as my mate,” the alpha explained.

  Wilson looked back into Mac’s pleading eyes. “Why would you do that? I’m sure Paul is a respectable omega and would make a fine mate.”

  Mac immediately shook his head. “I won’t accept anyone who isn’t you. I love you, Wilson. I’ll wait as long as it takes to win your heart.”

  Wilson couldn’t hold back his tears. They were flowing freely down his face now. Every time Mac spoke, Wilson only ended up more confused. His heart and his mind cried for two different things. He couldn’t decide what the right decision was. His sister was expecting him, but would Wilson regret it if he left?

  Mac hesitantly took a step forward so their bodies were practically flush against one another. His arms came to rest on the sides of Wilson’s upper arms. The alpha looked deep into Wilson’s eyes as he said, “We belong together, Wilson. I know that we belong together, and I’ll do anything to make you see that too. I don’t care what it takes—I’m going to do it.”

  Wilson could practically feel his inner walls come tumbling down with every word. It was time to tell Mac the truth, once and for all.

  “I’m pregnant,” Wilson whispered. He could see the emotions on Mac’s face change as the alpha registered the words. His expression went from pleading to shock. Although he was clearly surprised, he didn’t look upset.

  “Y-you’re what?” he stuttered.

  “I’m pregnant,” Wilson repeated.

  Mac looked away for a moment before he asked, “Is it mine?”

  Wilson waited for Mac to look back at him before he nodded.

  Mac looked more confused than he did earlier. Not just confused—hurt, too. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

  Wilson’s heart felt crushed. Not telling Mac had been such a difficult decision, but he’d never wanted to hurt the alpha. He’d wanted the complete opposite. “I was scared it would ruin your future if I told you. You’re someone with a lot of potential, and I didn’t want to be the one to hold you back. And if I didn’t hold you back, I thought the scandal of it all would.”

  Mac shook his head at Wilson’s words. “You silly omega. You should never hide anything from me. Especially our baby. I’m here for you. I always will be.” He hesitated, mulling over his words. “I love you. I’ve loved you since I first saw you.”

  The men both lost their words as they stared into each other’s eyes. Mac slid his hands up Wilson’s arms until they were cupping his cheeks. Wilson’s tears started to flow again. There was something about this moment that was so tender, he couldn’t believe it. This was what Wilson had always hoped he and Mac could be. But this level of understanding and happiness had never seemed possible.

  “I love you too,” Wilson whispered to Mac.

  The alpha’s face softened at his words, but he didn’t say anything in return. Instead, he gently brought his lips to meet Wilson’s once more. Their lips glided against each other as if they were made to fit together. To move together. To dance together. Mac’s lips on his were a feeling Wilson would never get tired of, but he definitely wanted to try.

  Their lips parted, and Mac rested his forehead on Wilson’s. “The only future I care about is the one with you and our baby in it,” the alpha said.

  Wilson felt as if his heart came back together and became stronger than ever all at once. This felt like a dream. There was no possible way things could work out this perfectly.

  The omega didn’t say anything. He simply put his lips back on Mac’s where they belonged. Soon, their exchange became more heated. Their hands were dying to feel each other's smooth skin, but there were only so many places they could roam in the middle of a parking lot.

  When Mac peeled his lips away from Wilson’s, they both needed a moment to catch their breath. Mac smirked down at the omega. “Maybe we should take this inside.”

  Wilson gave him a sly smile back. “My bed is still in there.”

  Mac didn’t wait for anything else to be said. He scooped Wilson up into his arms and carried the laughing omega into his apartment. He didn’t put Wilson down until they reached the bedroom, and then it was straight onto the bed.

  Mac didn’t let their bodies separate for long. He covered Wilson’s lips with his once more as he started taking off their clothes piece by piece. Before they were completely naked, the alpha looked down at Wilson and asked, “Are you okay with this?”

  Wilson didn’t even have to think before he nodded his head. Mac finished stripping their clothes off, leaving their bodies bare.

  Wilson’s heart pounded as Mac guided him back onto the bed, the alpha resting his hand on the back of Wilson’s head until it hit the pillow. The way Mac was looking him over made it seem as if he was trying to impress every bit of Wilson’s body in his mind, and as his fingers whispered over the spots his gaze had touched, Wilson shivered.

  It felt like so long since they’d been in each other’s arms, but despite all that had happened between them, it also felt like picking up where they’d left off. Wilson’s lips parted naturally to receive Mac’s tongue and he moaned as the alpha’s strong body came down on him.

  His legs fell open as Mac’s strong hands ran up his thighs and the alpha positioned himself at Wilson’s entrance. It was hard to think, his mind racing with so many thoughts, but for once, self-consciousness wasn’t among them.

  He waned this. He wanted it so bad he could barely even breathe, and when he felt Mac’s cock against his tight hole, he gasped a little.

  “I’ll be gentle,” Mac promised, misinterpreting the sound.

  Wilson bit down on his lower lip and braced himself for the pain of Mac easing in his huge cock, but even that was pleasurable. He arched his spine instinctively and Mac held his hips down with a husky chuckle. “Careful, don’t hurt yourself.”

  “I need you,” Wilson panted. It was like he was in heat all over again, but he was beginning to realize that was just the effect Mac had on him.

  Judging from the look that came into the alpha’s intense eyes, he felt the same way.

  “Damn, you’re tight,” he muttered in concentration as he eased his shaft in. He was only halfway, but Wilson still felt filled to the brim.

  It took all he had to relax instead of writhing like his body wanted, but when Mac was finally all the way inside him, it was well worth the restraint.

  Wilson moaned his name, wrapping his arms around the stronger man’s neck. His fingers glided over the muscular planes of Mac’s shoulder blades in an attempt to pull him closer. Mac’s sculpted abs were grinding against Wilson’s already stiff dick with every thrust of his hips. He went slowly at first, but Wilson could tell it took as much restraint for him as it did for the omega.

  Before long, neither of them could resist. As Mac’s thrusts grew more powerful, Wilson’s body responded in kind, arching and groping eagerly for more. His breathing was already shallow and his cock throbbed between their close pressed bodies. Mac wasn’t even touching him and he felt close to coming.

  When Mac looked down at him, his eyes were dark with lust. “If I don’t pull out, I’ll knot you…”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thi
ng.” Wilson took Mac’s face in his hands and pulled him in for another kiss, welcoming him deeper into his body at the same time.

  Mac groaned his approval against Wilson’s lips and crushed the smaller man’s body to his. Wilson could feel the front of his knot stretching him open, and his ass clenched in anticipation. It felt good, but there was a primal part of him that was afraid, even though he knew Mac would never hurt him.

  “Just a little more,” Mac warned him, his voice strained with ecstasy. He laced his fingers in Wilson’s and pushed his hands down against the bed as he gave one more firm thrust, working his full knot into the omega’s tight ass.

  Wilson gave a cry of pain and pleasure, and as the knot pushed against his prostate, it became far more of the latter. His orgasm was instantaneous, his come spilling between their torsos as Mac continued to grind against him. The alpha’s thrusts were hard and short now, the look on his face one of intense hunger that made Wilson feel cherished and ravished at once. Each thrust brought another wave of pleasure crashing down over the omega’s body and by the time Mac’s seed filled him, he was already moaning the alpha’s name.

  The moonlight streamed through the window as they stared into each other’s eyes. Mac’s fingers trailed a lazy pattern over Wilson’s damp skin.

  “Wilson,” he finally whispered. “Be my mate.”

  Wilson raised his eyebrows at the man. “Forever?”

  Mac nodded. “Forever.”

  For a moment, all Wilson could hear was his pounding heart. He felt Mac’s beating steadily inside of him, his knot still locked inside the omega.

  This was it. Mac was really asking to mark him. He wanted him, not just for a night, not just for a season of their lives, but forever.

  All the lingering insecurities melted away in that moment. There was nothing else to be said. Wilson raised his chin up to show his submission to Mac. He would become the alpha’s for as long as they lived.


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