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Taming the Highlander: Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Novel

Page 28

by Fiona Faris

  He couldn’t see where he was, but he heard rustling. Why was he so tired? He felt like he could sleep through ages. What did he smell? Was it horses? No, not horses, but sheep. He smelled sheep and hay. He was not in the keep at Cadney. If he had been, he was confident he would not be in a barn but rather in his own bed chamber. So, where was he? His skin felt hot. He tried to move but found he was too weak to even lift an arm. His mouth was dryer than the bottom of a stew pan left to smolder and crust. He wanted water, but he couldn’t speak. Pain caused him to groan.

  “Hush now, tak' some water,” an elderly man was leaning over him gently holding a cup filled with fresh water. A cool cloth came down on his forehead. Relief washed over him as he faded into blackness once again.

  Chapter Three

  “Whatever shall we do without you?” Amelia said. She was crying as she held tightly to their maid Gwen. Standing in the dirt path leading up to the front of Carlisle Castle’s main gate the three women were sobbing uncontrollably as Richard, their father’s most trusted footman, packed Ella’s trunks onto the coach carriage her father had hired to take her to her doom at Dunkeld.

  “Shush now Amelia, it’ll be alright.” She was trying her best to reassure her sister. But Amelia had no way of knowing Ella planned to escape long before reaching the Commander’s garrison. And while her plan did nothing to soothe the ache in her heart at leaving her sister’s side. Once she was able to secure a new identity and solid work, she would send for her. Maybe she could even secure enough coin to give her sister a decent shot at a happy marriage. Or if Amelia wished, they could live quite well together and keep hidden from their father and those would cause them harm, deep in the Scottish countryside.

  Ella wiped her own tears away, determined not to give her father the pleasure of seeing her cry. Although, she doubted he very much would bother himself to come down and say a proper goodbye to his eldest daughter. Nor was Ella sure she wanted to see him at all. As far as she was concerned, she had no father. Ella was content to live the rest of her days as an orphan. No true father would gamble with his daughter’s future the way he had.

  “Come Ella, we musn’t keep the carriage waiting.” Tilting her head upward she gave Richard a regal glare, daring him to come between her and her sister as they said their goodbyes.

  “Of course Richard,” she replied, in as stately a voice as she could muster. Richard had come into her father’s employ some three years prior. Ella had never trusted, nor liked the man. He was tall and thin; his complexion was ghostly white. With arms and legs that were too long for his torso, and the personality of a tit mouse, she couldn’t stand being anywhere around the man. All his appendages, from his nose to his fingers, looked sharp—as if they had been honed on a whetstone before being placed on his body. He too often looked at her with an emotion behind his eyes that she couldn’t name, yet it made her stomach turn. Ella and Amelia made it their mission to avoid the man at all costs. She knew he would do anything her father asked of him without a single thought of his own.

  Ever since her father had forced this marriage on her, Richard’s contempt for her had only grown. He had begun behaving less and less like the hired servant he was, and more like the heir apparent to the Pearson title. Reminding her at every turn over the last week that her time in Carlisle Castle and with her sister was coming to a close. She was certain he looked upon delivering her to her doom as an enjoyable task. God, how she hated the sniveling man.

  Before turning back to her sister, she thought to add, “And, I expect you will be most comfortable along the ride, up top with the carriage driver?” The shocked look on his face told Ella it was just as she thought. The ridiculous man thought he would be riding in the carriage with her all the way to Dunkeld. Ha, absolutely not! She didn’t plan on being in the carriage that long, as she was certain her opportunity to escape would come sooner rather than later, but anytime at all she spent traveling to Scotland would not be in the company of her father’s paid buffoon. Richard recovered quickly, answering her with a brusque, “Yes, miss.” She gave him a curt nod before focusing her attention on Amelia once more.

  “Please, Amelia don’t fret. Stay out of father’s way. Be good and focus on your studies. Listen to Gwen. I will write to you, as often as I can.” She wanted to cram all of the sisterly advice she could into these last moments with Amelia. She was a strong girl, but Ella was also strong and look what happened to her. Ella felt a rush of love fill her as she hugged Amelia tightly.

  “I will Ella. I promise, I will be good. I will look for your letters and write you in return,” she said, hugging Ella back.

  “And Gwen, please take care of Amelia and yourself,” directing her gaze over her sister’s shoulder at the maid. “I shall write to you as well, and Amelia will read my letters to you.”

  “Yes, Miss,” Gwen answered, then lowering her voice so only the three of them would hear. “Miss Amy’s been teaching me my letters and numbers. Mayhap, I’ll be able to write ye as well.”

  Ella smiled. First at the maid’s affectionate use of her sister’s nickname, Amy, and then with the realization that of course, her sister would try and teach their maid to read. Amelia wasn’t one sit idly by and sew or play music when she could be using her precious time to elevate the status of others. Another wave of emotion came over her as she took them both into another embrace. A fresh wave of sobs washed over her, at not knowing when she would see their lovely faces again.

  “Ladies, I fear if we keep on this eternal goodbye, we shall never get to Scotland,” Richard said from the top of the carriage. This time earning a scowl from all three, as each fought to suppress a giggle at how ridiculous he looked perched on high. “Scowl all you like, but if we tarry too long your father will not be pleased.”

  On her third travel day Ella had had enough. She’d been tussled and tossed all over the Scottish countryside. Her thoughts wandered to the rumors she’s heard earlier in Carlisle about the fierceness of the Jacobites and how they were planning an uprising throughout Scotland. Ella didn’t make a habit of listening to battle talk, or the gossip of politics. But with the town being overrun with military garrisons preparing to take their leave to fight for the crown, she’d found the talk was everywhere and impossible to avoid. If anyone had asked her then she would have proudly replied that she supported, the English in their fight. Now, however after three days staring at the landscape, she thought she could see why the people here loved their land enough to fight for it. It was beautiful country side. With lush green rolling hills dotted with wildflowers and grazing sheep and enormous cows.

  For the most part the days in the carriage were long and boring. The two nights so far on the road were no better. They had spent them in horrible roadside inns with bawdy serving women who only paid attention to Richard because he put on airs like he had coin; their flirting and carrying on made Ella nauseous. So much so that she was barely able to eat the terrible stews. She forced herself to eat knowing she would need her energy for her escape. But she certainly didn’t enjoy it.

  Her backside was sore, and she was travel weary to be sure, but she hadn’t wanted to make her attempt to flee so early in the journey. For one, she was keen on learning the habits of their driver and the needs of the horses. She watched for when and how he watered the horses as well as when he changed the poor beasts out for new. Figuring her best chance of escape would be when the two men were busy seeing to their needs, when they stopped for the horses, or when they stopped for the night. Not being familiar enough with the lay of the Scottish countryside, Ella figured her highest chance of success would come during the mid-day when they stopped to water the horses.

  She helped time in the carriage pass by reading the few books she’d brought along and writing a series of letters to Amelia. The letters were calculated on her part. She asked after their father and Gwen, detailed the beauty of the Scottish landscape, and wrote benign thoughts regarding her upcoming nuptials. She had purposefully made it seem t
hat she’d come around the marriage. Amelia of course, would never believe it, but she also didn’t intend for the letters to actually make it back to England. They were simply another tool by which to assist her escape. By leaving the letters out when they stopped, Richard, whom she was sure was spying on her in the name of her father, would find nothing odd or amiss in Ella’s correspondence. If she were truly lucky, when she did find the right moment to make her escape, her letters may buy her more time. She knew if she played the docile, content bride-to-be, when the time came Richard would be caught off guard, giving her a much better chance of success.

  She had worked out a plan of escape, figuring that more daylight would help her navigate the foreign terrain, she would wait until they stopped the horses for their first watering. If her figuring was correct it would be close to the noon hour. Being the third day of their journey, she hoped they were far enough from both Dunkeld and Carlisle that she would run less of a risk of getting caught.

  Looking out the carriage window, Ella looked longingly at the light blue sky as high white clouds floated in and out of her view. The lovely early autumn day gave her a sense of peace. Even thought it was too early for the leaves to begin to turn, the air had a slight chill that she enjoyed. Ella often ran warm, so when the weather began to turn away from summer into the cool autumn leading up to Michaelmas, she was much more comfortable in her own skin. Thankful for the good weather, she saw it as a sign of her plan’s success. With her woolen travel dress and cloak, she was quite comfortable. She had tucked some bits of bread and cheese in her cloak from the last evenings dinner. She’d also folded some parchment and a locket with a likeness of her mother on one side and Amelia on the other. These were the only possessions she needed.

  The position of the sun in the sky was high, it was close to their first watering stop of the day, and Ella was prepared to make her move. She knocked on the roof of the carriage which was her signal to Richard and the driver that she needed to tend to her necessary needs. Hopefully, timing it to the need of the horses for a rest. The carriage slowed, then stopped and Ella felt nerves begin to flutter in her stomach.

  This is it, she thought. Be brave.

  Opening the carriage door Richard looked more than annoyed at her intrusion. “Well then,” he said, sternly. “Let’s get it on. We need to get beyond Stirlingshire before stopping for the night.”

  None of that mattered to Ella for she didn’t anticipate being anywhere near Richard by nightfall.

  “Settle down Richard, we won’t be long. I’m sure the horses need water as well,” she said, sweetly, stepping down from the carriage. A small piece of bread fell from the folds of her cloak. She quickly kicked it under the carriage with her boot, hoping Richard didn’t notice.

  Outside of the carriage the day was indeed lovely. They had stopped in a small clearing off the dirt road. There were only two or three trees, the rest of the landscape was the rugged Scottish rolling hills of brush and bramble she had gotten used to over the last few days.

  Walking behind a large tree, she waited until Richard turned his focus to the driver and horses to make her move. She could hear him grousing about how long they had to stop. When she was sure he was no longer concerned with her and her whereabouts, and taking a deep breath, Ella made her move. There was rough bramble blocking every which way she turned, preventing her from actually running, and slowing her walking to a crawl. She ignored the scratching at her ankles as she kept moving forward, hoping that as long as she didn’t look back, Richard wouldn’t notice her moving away.

  “Aye lovey, where ye gettin’ off too?” she heard the driver yelling behind her. Oh holy hell, she thought. I didn’t even get out of eye shot.

  “Ella, Ella, what the bloody hell?” Richard yelled. Her breath quickened. Her escape attempt was not going as planned at all. She hadn’t figured on how difficult it would be to maneuver in the fields. And she couldn’t even get to a run. Knowing she would not make it away now, she had to think fast to cover what she was doing, and hope Richard believed whatever she came up with. Taking another deep gulp of air, she turned back to see Richard barreling toward her. His face red in anger.

  “Richard, thank god,” she said, as innocently as she could muster. “I was trying to find a place for some privacy, and it seems I have gotten stuck in these brambles. Please help me?” She gave him her best pleading look, trying her hardest to convey a sweetness she didn’t feel.

  “Like hell you were. There are several trees right here that are perfect for privacy. You were tryin’ to run off, don’t bother by denying it. Where did you think you would get to before we found you again, huh?” he asked, grabbing her arm in the same soft spot where Commander Evans had grabbed her less than two weeks before. “You can’t be late or missing for your own wedding, Ella. What would your father say?”

  She winced as he dragged her out of the shrubs. He was hurting her, and she let out a yelp of pain to let him know it, but his grip did not loosen. Why did men keep tugging at the same place on her arm? It was like they all knew the best place to grab onto a woman to maximize the pain and bruising.

  “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” she replied through clenched teeth.

  “I’m sure you don’t. No matter, you’ll have plenty of time in the carriage to think about it. I hope you were able to see to your needs. We won’t be stopping again.”

  “But Richard, you don’t understand,” she begged. “I didn’t see to any needs. Please let me go, you’re hurting me.”

  Ignoring her pleas, he pulled her back toward the carriage, roughly tossing her inside. She silently cursed her small frame. Had she been a larger woman he would not have been able to handle her so easily.

  “Your father gave this to me,” Richard said holding up a chain and lock. “He warned me to use it from the moment we left Carlisle, but I told him I had no need.” Her eyes widened in terror. Her father had meant to cage her like an animal in order to deliver her to Evans. Of all the… “I see now that like in most things, he was right. I’m locking you in Ella, this is for your own good.” And with a click of the lock he was gone.

  “How dare you! Let me out of here at once Richard!” Ella banged on the door with all her might. “Richard, I’ll murder you with my own two hands! You are a monster!” There was no response. After a moment the coach started up again. Her escape attempt failed. Ella felt the hot sting of tears come to her eyes. She continued to use her fists on the door, until she became so tired her could no longer hold her hands up. It was a futile exercise, but she was angry at herself that she let an opportunity slip away, and at the audacity of her father’s servant to lock her up like a common prisoner. She vowed to herself that at the next opportunity she would succeed. She sat in silence, crying to herself at the folly in her first plan until she was too tired to keep her eyes open. As she drifted off to sleep, she promised herself she would find a way to escape her fate or die trying. She only hoped her opportunity would come before they reached Dunkeld.

  She reached for him, but he was further and further from her with each step she took. She knew she’d never seen him before, yet she felt she knew him better than she knew herself. He was so tall and strong. A mighty warrior with flaming red hair. Even though he stood out of her reach in the mist, his emerald green eyes shined. They were green candles lighting her way toward him. He started to fade, she yelled for him. He reached for her. She tried to run to him but couldn’t move. At her feet were brambles and shrubs. She didn’t know why but she needed to get to him. Needed to fold herself in his arms. She knew it was the only way she would feel truly safe. His mouth was moving but no sound emerged. She reached for him again. This time he faded into the oblivion…

  Ella woke with a start. She had no idea how long she slept, but the sky was lit with the pinks and golds of dusk. They had hit a rough patch, and the carriage was bouncing as if the road were filled with rocks. A sheen of sweet flowered across her brow, despite the cool air. She had never had su
ch a vivid dream, the man with hair red as flame and haunting green eyes wanted her to come to him, and she had wanted desperately to go. Even as the details of the dream faded away the feeling of sadness of not having reached the red-haired man lingered. The dream was so real. What could it mean?

  Before she could think any more on it, the carriage jolted violently, sending Ella to her knees. What the devil is happening? She thought, struggling to get her bearings. Were they under some kind of attack?

  “Woaaaahhhh,” she heard the driver shout to the horses, then all was silent. The carriage tipped again, and Ella heard a distinct crack. She heard sheep bleating, violently, and men cursing and shouting. She couldn’t make out all of the voices, but she did hear Richard shout, “Out of the way man!!”

  Unable to right herself to see out the window and determine what was happening, bracing herself between the cushioned seat and the floor of the carriage, she held on for dear life. The shouting grew louder and the whole of the carriage fell hard to one side in a loud crash. She knew then they had lost a wheel. She was shaken but thankfully unharmed. Looking around, her eye caught a splintering in the wood right at the top hinge of the door. Her mind raced. She could easily pull the hinging off, releasing the door at the opposite side from where Richard had placed the lock. She looked out the window to check her surroundings, it looked as if there was only farmland around them—that, of course, would explain the sheep.


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