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Love Series (Complete Series)

Page 32

by Natasha Madison

  “I think I need to return the favor,” I finally say when he leaves my lips to kiss down my neck. I unbutton his shirt until it gapes open. My hand touches his hot skin, and he hisses. “I forgot what you looked like,” I say when my finger runs down his chest. I lean in, biting his nipple and then sucking right next to it, exactly where he gave me a hickey. I look up and see him watching me, but he doesn’t give me a second more. Instead, he pushes me back against the wall and attacks me with his mouth. We moan into each other’s mouths, my leg lifting over his hip, making it the perfect position for him to slide into me if we weren’t wearing pants.

  “Tonight,” he says when he leaves my lips. “Don’t give a fuck how pissed you are or how much you avoid me. Tonight, you’re coming home with me, and we are going to fuck each other out of our systems.” He rolls his hips, the friction hitting my clit. “Tell me you get me.”

  I nod. “That is what we need to do. One more time just to get it out of our system.” I lean forward, kissing him when I bite his lower lip. “One night, like the last time.”

  “Deal,” he says, and I push off the wall.

  “Don’t follow me in,” I say over my shoulder. “Wait a couple of minutes.” I walk to the front, going in the door.

  “There you are.” I hear Hailey say from beside Walker.

  “Sorry, I forgot something in the car,” I say, avoiding eye contact with her while I grab my shoes.

  Hailey laughs next to me. “That’s funny. We didn’t bring my car here.”

  My head snaps up. Fuck. “Did we pick teams already?” I ask, walking away and praying to fuck that no one else noticed I was gone.



  I watch her walk away from me, swinging her hips, and I make a whole list of fucking things I’m going to do with that ass tonight. This is the best idea I’ve had ever. We just need one more night to fuck off these frustrations. I’ve been on edge since I attacked her in my truck. Every single day, I’ve tried to get a minute with her, but it’s been so busy we haven’t had the time. I came so close to showing up at her house, but I didn’t know if she had told her cousin. I look back at my chest and see the little hickey she gave me; it’s not as good as the one I gave her. I didn’t even know I had given her one, but seeing my mark on her almost made me want to beat my fist on my chest.

  I walk in, rubbing the lip-gloss off my lips with my thumb, when I see Walker look at me with his eyebrows pushed together. I have no idea what is going on, but Hailey is beside him, and when she sees me walking in, her eyes go big and her mouth opens. Walker leaves her and meets me halfway.

  “You are fucking Crystal? Are you insane?” he hisses.

  “Hey,” I say, pointing at him, “I’m not fucking anyone.” And at that exact moment, it’s the truth. I’m not fucking anyone, but tonight ... tonight, I’m going to be fucking her.

  “Really?” He tilts his head, looking at me. “You still have lip-gloss on your lips, and your shirt is not buttoned properly.”

  “Fuck,” I say, turning and walking to the bathroom. I walk inside and see that I have lip-gloss all over my fucking face. I grab some brown paper towels, wet them, and wipe it off. When I walk back out, I see that Brody, Darla, Walker, and Hailey are all together. “So did you guys make the teams?” I ask, avoiding anyone’s eyes.

  “We did,” Walker says. “It’s going to be six of us. Against six of them.” He points at the other side. I see Crystal standing with the other nurses socializing.

  “So,” Walker says, sitting next to Hailey. “Who is going to go first?”

  Darla jumps to her feet. “I’ll go first,” she says as she gives Brody a kiss. I watch her walk down the lane, and her ball knocks down four pins. Shaking my head, I grab a beer from the tray next to Brody.

  “Hailey,” Brody says loudly, and I turn seeing her jump away from Walker. “Your turn.”

  Going to the balls, she grabs a pink ball and looks over at Alan in the other lane. They discuss something, and she watches him bowl, then repeats what he did and knocks down eight pins. She squeals and then walks back over and high-fives him.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Walker asks from beside me.

  “Don’t fucking touch my pediatrician. He just started. He’s the best around.” I look over to see Crystal talking to a guy I don’t recognize. Walker jumps out of his chair and goes to introduce himself while I laugh to myself.

  Crystal finally comes over to sit beside me. “When is it my turn?” she asks, looking up at the board. “I’m after Walker.”

  “Yeah. But I can say with confidence that I’m going to win tonight.”

  She folds her arms over her chest. “Really?” And she laughs. “Is that a fact?”

  “It is.” I take a sip of beer then hand it to her. She grabs the plastic cup of beer, taking a sip. “We should bet.”

  “Oh, really?” she says right when Walker finishes, and it’s her turn. She looks around and then leans in. “How about if you lose, you give head first.” She whips herself out of her chair. “Is that a deal?” she says over her shoulder.

  “What is a deal?” Darla asks, looking at us.

  “Winner buys the other one lunch for a week,” I say to her as Crystal picks up her ball. “No way she can win. Her shot is going to be soft.”

  I see Crystal line up and then walk out, throwing the ball straight down the middle. I close my eyes before the ball touches the pins, saying a silent prayer, but it isn’t answered. Instead, I hear her fucking squeal.

  “Soft, my ass,” she says as she comes back and sits next to me. “I believe it’s your turn. Loser buys the winner lunch for a week.” She smiles at me while I glare at her. “Should I just give you my orders now?”

  “It isn’t over till the tenth frame, doll face,” I tell her, picking up a ball.

  “Aww, did you just call me doll face?” Her face scrunches in a grimace. “I mean, it’s better than pain in my ass.” She shrugs.

  “You are a pain in my ass. For once, I’d like to have a day when you don’t second-guess everything I do,” I say, lining up my ball while she yells.

  “For once, I’d like to go to work with a doctor who I don’t have to second-guess. If you want, I can transfer to pediatrics. Alan likes me,” she tells me, egging me on as she leans back and smiles at Alan, who waves. I look at the ball, contemplating throwing it at Alan’s face. “Let’s see what you can do, Doctor,” Crystal says as I bowl, throwing the ball harder than I wanted to, but it goes straight down the middle and knocks down all the pins. I turn around with my hands over my head.

  “You two do realize that this is ten frames, and we just did only one?” Brody says as he grabs Darla to sit on his lap.

  “Please. I got him beat; he’s a princess,” Crystal says as she gulps down some beer.

  “Princess?” I laugh at her. “You cried when I picked up a frog and showed it to you.”

  Crystal slams down her hands. “That fucker was going to jump at me.” She storms up. “I want to change teams.”

  Everyone laughs at us. “Too late,” I tell her, looking up at the screen. “Darla, you’re up.”

  We watch Brody and Darla take their turn and turn to see Walker and Hailey with their heads together. “You think they are going to bang tonight or another night?” I ask her when she shakes her head.

  “It’s safe to say, between the two of you, you’re the only one getting banged tonight.” She laughs, drinking more beer.

  “Hooker,” Crystal yells, and Hailey jumps up. “You’re up.”

  For nine frames, we one-up each other. Until the eighth round. I’m about to go, and I just bowled a strike, so if I knock a spare, I’ll blow her out of the water. She knows that, and she leans in when she comes over and sits after her turn. “Your turn.” I get up to get my ball and she follows me. “And just so you know…” She turns and sees that everyone else is talking and not paying attention while I grab my ball. “I played with myself all week thinking about you.�
� My hand grips the ball, and I’m pretty sure if it was glass, it would shatter. “I even did it right before we got here.” She smiles and then walks away. I close my eyes, trying to keep the blood from flowing to my cock, who is trying to get out. I open my eyes, throwing the ball down the lane with so much force it goes left and knocks down only two pins. What a waste of a shot. I’m in a daze the rest of the game, not even sure I can talk to someone without cracking. Brody ends up winning the game, and Crystal beats me by one point.

  “The machine is broken,” I say, looking down at the score sheet. “There must be a glitch in the system. I had one more strike than you did.”

  Crystal looks at her nails and then up again. “Yes, and then you knocked two pins down, which means you suck and I win, so … I’ll text you my orders.”

  I don’t have time to say anything else because the rest of the staff comes over and discusses hitting up the bar. Crystal looks at Hailey. “You go ahead. I’m going to head home,” she says as she looks around.

  “Walker”—Crystal shouts—“you going home? Can you drive her?”

  “I’m not going to the bar,” Alan says with a smile. I swear I see steam coming from Walker’s ears as he steps in and leads Hailey away.

  “Okay, so we are going to the pub?” Crystal says. “Can I catch a ride with you?” I nod my head.

  “Anyone else need a ride?” But everyone is already on their own. Once we get in the truck, I turn to look at her. “I’m not wasting time at this fucking bar. We make an appearance for ten minutes, and then we leave.”

  “We can’t leave together,” she tells me. “That’s too obvious.”

  “Fine,” I hiss and I text her my address. I pull my house key from my keys. “You leave first, and then I’ll follow you.”

  “Ohh, alone in your house?” She smiles, getting out and putting the key away. “What am I going to do with all that spare time?” she asks right before I pull open the door.

  “You can get naked in my bed and play with yourself until I get there.” She stops in her tracks, looking around. “Besides, I lost, so I give head first. Gotta say, I was hoping to lose.” I wink at her as she groans.

  “Five minutes,” she hisses. “I’m suddenly not feeling well.”

  I throw my head back and laugh as I join the rest of the staff. Crystal takes off to shoot pool while Ava corners me. “So this was fun, right?” she says, leaning into me. “I’m glad we did it. It’s always fun to get out of the office and let loose.”

  “Yeah, it is.” I smile at her and see she has gotten a touch closer. “But I’m not feeling so well. I think I might hit the road.”

  “Really?” She pouts. “That’s too bad.” She touches my arm and walks away. I catch Crystal’s gaze, nodding. She looks around and then says goodbye to everyone with the excuse she is exhausted. I wave goodbye to her as I watch her leave. She texts me two minutes later.

  In the Uber.

  I text her back.

  On my way!

  I walk around, saying goodbye to everyone and wishing them a good weekend. I walk out to my truck and see that my tires have been slashed. “What the fuck is this?” I say, looking around to see if anyone is there, but no one is around. “This can’t be fucking happening.” I walk around the truck; all four tires are fucking finished. I pick up my phone, calling Crystal first.


  “Hey, I’m stuck,” I tell her. “Someone slashed my tires.”

  “Shut up,” she says. “If you didn’t want to have sex with me, you could have just said no. You didn’t have to slash your tires.” She laughs. “Do you want me to go home?”

  “Your ass had better be naked on my bed when I get there.” I hang up on her and call Walker, who sounds just as thrilled as I am.

  “This had better be you dying.”

  “It’s one step from death,” I tell him. “Someone slashed my fucking tires, and I really need a ride home. Like really, really.” I’m even to the point I might even fucking beg him.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m on my way,” he says as he hangs up the phone.

  Just then a text comes through from Crystal.

  I have arrived.

  I put my head back, counting down the fucking minutes.

  I’m in your room.

  Is that my bra?

  I laugh when she sends me a selfie of herself holding the bra, and I see my headboard in the background.

  Why are you not naked?

  Who says I’m not.

  It’s followed up with a picture of her bare legs on my comforter. My cock gets so hard he might combust. I see Walker’s truck pull into the parking lot. I don’t even wait for him to stop before jumping in. “I will pay whatever ticket you get, but you have to get me home.”

  He throws his head back and laughs while Crystal sends me another picture of her hip, and I can see black lace. I grip the phone in my hand, tapping my foot. I jump out of the truck when we make it to my house. “Leave.” I slam the door and run inside. Closing the door, I take the steps two at a time, but nothing could have prepared me for what I saw.

  There in the middle of my king-size bed on my white comforter is Crystal.

  Her black bra is pushed down under her tits, her nipples peaked and pebbled, her back against the pillow. Her legs are bent at her knees but open to show me that beneath the black lace thong, her fingers are playing with herself. “Took you long enough,” she moans and comes on her fingers while I watch her.

  “Playtime is over,” I tell her, getting closer to the bed. “For you, that is. I’m just starting.” Her eyes watch me.



  “Playtime is over.” His voice comes out gruff, strong, and my body gets tense again.

  He told me naked on his bed. I gave in halfway.

  He unbuttons his shirt button first. “You listened.” His shirt falls open, and I stare at his big, strong chest, my eyes flying to the mark I made on his chest in that alley.

  When the driver pulled up to his house, my hands were sweaty, and I had to wipe the palms on my pants. I unlocked the door, looking around at the big, open house. I walked up the stairs in his huge house, coming to his bedroom. I flipped on the light, taking in the huge bedroom. Brown wood beams are across the ceiling. Two gray chairs beside the windows on the side of a big king-size bed. I drop my purse in one of them, kicking off my shoes. I peel off my jeans, folding them, and then unsnap the bodysuit and pull it over my head. I walk to the king-size bed with the gray headboard. I climb on and sink down; it’s almost like a cloud. With his smell all around me, I did what he told me to do. I got ready for him. Now he’s here in front of me, peeling off his shirt. I thought I had his chest memorized in my head, but I was fucking wrong. Because there is no way those memories did him justice.

  His hands go to the top button of his jeans, kicking off his shoes while he pulls the zipper down. His black boxers hide what he has underneath. He pulls his pants off, leaving them in a heap at his feet. He climbs onto the bed, his hands pushing my knees to the sides so I open more to him. He pulls my one hand out of my panties and brings my fingers to his mouth. “Thanks for keeping her warm,” he says, sucking the juices off my fingers.

  The hand that was holding mine now rubs down the length of my lace-covered slit. “How fond are you of these panties?” he asks. But he doesn’t wait for an answer because he rips them off me, the lace no match to his strength, and then he tosses them to his bedside table where I found my bra. “To add to the collection.” He winks at me, and my stomach sinks. He looks down now, and I’m open for him. “Time for me to pay my debts.” He smiles, getting on his stomach with his arms beside my hips.

  I watch him blow on my wet slit, his mouth so close I tilt my hips up, and he licks from the bottom to the top, sucking on my pussy. My head flies back as I take in the warmth of his mouth. His hands push my legs back while he licks me up and down, his tongue circling my clit. “Fuck,” I pant out.

  My hands go t
o his head as his licks get harder, and he teases me more. He looks up, watching me, now biting my clit when he gets there and then licking back down. “Do that again,” I beg him. And I see him smirk as he does it again. My hands go back to the headboard as I try to ride his face. I’m frantic with need; I need him to just give it to me. His hands move up to my tits, rolling my nipples while he bites my clit. I move my hips side to side, and he still doesn’t give it to me. I groan in frustration, one of my hands squeezing the pillow while the other hand goes to his head. I hold his head as I try to move. His hands let go of my tits, sliding down, and he puts one finger in me, then two. I thrust my hips to meet his fingers as he sucks my clit into his mouth, and I close my eyes and fly off the cliff, coming on his fingers so hard.

  I lie back on his pillow, my chest rising and falling fast. My breathing trying to get back to normal. He leans over, opening his nightstand drawer to take out a condom. I watch him sheath himself, taking his cock in his hand and positioning it at my opening. I’m waiting, now almost holding my breath for him to enter me. We both moan as he slides into me a bit at a time till he’s buried fully inside me. “Definitely not what I remembered,” I tell him with my palm on his stomach as he slides in and out. We watch each other the whole time, never once looking away, except when we both come and our eyes close at the same time.

  We spend the night savoring every single second. I thought the hotel room was the best sex I had, but I lied. This, right here, tonight, which turned into early morning, is the best sex I’ve had in my life.

  We are on his couch, after coming down to get something to drink and eat, and I straddle his lap with his cock buried in me. I collapse on top of him, my eyes growing heavy. He places me on my side, sliding out of me to go take care of the condom. “You want to go back to my room?” he asks, and I just nod my head, or at least I think I’m nodding my head. Who knows at this point. My body is limp, and I’m curled up naked on the couch when I hear him laugh. He picks me up off the couch and carries me up the stairs, placing me in his bed that must be the definition of heaven. I turn on my side, feeling him slide in behind me and pull the covers over us. I close my eyes, telling myself I’m just going to take a power nap and then head home.


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