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The Veiled Descendants

Page 21

by Sophia Menesini

  ​“Oh no,” Shea protests. “What happened to you two hating each other? I can’t believe you drank all my rum.”

  ​Beck and Jo grin at each other and get up from the desk.

  Shea watches the two of them warily and shakes her head as they both begin stalking toward the bed.

  ​“I don’t think so,” Shea snaps.

  ​But Jo has managed, with some difficulty, to make it to the left side of the bed Shea’s on and scooches in, holding the pirate close as she begins to squirm.

  ​Beck meanders to the right side and climbs on, lying across the foot so that all three of them are lying in Shea’s bed.

  ​He can feel Shea’s obnoxious kicking feet and rolls over onto them, pinning them under the covers. Jo throws him down a pillow, and he pulls the outer quilt over him.

  ​“You two are in so much trouble,” Shea threatens.

  ​But Jo is already fast asleep, and Beck is just about there; he’s so out of it that he can’t stop himself from saying, “It’s because we love you, Shea.”

  ​And he passes out before he can see the tips of her ears tinge pink.

  Chapter 22: Shape of You


  “She overreacts! We were just talking, and I asked him! And at least he doesn’t lie to me like I’m some little kid,” Aster snaps, pacing back and forth while James lounges on a makeshift bed in the supplies room.

  ​This has been their sacred place since they’d gotten together six months ago. They placed the nine barrels together and tied them, then they bought a mat with a couple blankets to put on top, and what an adventure that had been.

  ​The room was fairly large and much of the crew’s food and supplies obscured their little alcove in the far back. A lit candle casts shadows, and the inner room of the ship rocks as the waves crash softly against the outer hull of the ship.

  ​Aster ignores James’s ridiculous smile and his shirtless frame as he continues to rant about his overbearing mother.

  ​“I know he’s dangerous, it’s not like I cornered him somewhere below! He was up on the deck with Caen, and who better to ask about magic than the god who gifted magic to the elves in the first place?”

  ​James is lying on the makeshift bed staring at Aster’s slim but muscled body as he storms back and forth, barefoot and nude expect for a small pair of shorts.

  The limited light from the small candle highlights his pale skin and makes James’s mouth practically water with want.

  ​“So, what did he say?”


  Aster stops and turns to James with his hands on his hips.

  ​“Poseidon, what did he tell you?”

  ​“Oh.” Aster sighs, looking crestfallen. “I’m not a late bloomer. I don’t have the gift.”

  ​James sits up, a frown marring his handsome features. He jumps off the bed and steps toward Aster, drawing him into his arms.

  ​“I’m sorry, love.”

  ​Aster groans, resting his head in the middle of James’s broad chest.

  ​“Every elf I know has magic, I just feel like less of one without it,” Aster mutters.

  ​James looks down at him and cups the sides of his face, bringing his head up, making him look into his eyes.

  ​“Hey, you are every bit as strong as Shea, magic or not. You’re an incredible swordsman, a great fighter, you’ve been trained by the best. You have more gifts, more things to offer the world than a bit of a fancy water show,” James states, kissing the top of Aster’s forehead and smiling when those beautiful green eyes flutter closed.

  ​“Thank you. I just, being an elf, it’s my culture, my race, and after my ears, I just hoped I’d inherit something that could replace them. Something to outwardly show a part of who I am. But I can’t even do that right; I’m abnormal, deformed,” Aster says, pulling away from James.

  ​But James isn’t letting him go that easily. He grabs Aster from behind and pulls him back against his chest, his hands spanning along the blond’s sides. He kisses the side of Aster’s face, making him chuckle, but then he reaches up toward the scarf that always covers his scarred ears.

  ​Aster feels the tug at first and starts to object, but James shushes him and goes back to pulling the scarf completely off.

  ​They were at least clean cuts, to a poor man’s sight, they’d look almost human, but the tops are flat where the tips were cut instead of rounded.

  ​James remembers the days after it happened, the screams that could be heard across the ship, the shame, and the anger. He’d been with him every step of the way, watching his love heal the best he could over the past year. But it hadn’t been easy.

  Aster had started covering them when an elf on one of the islands in Knowman’s Canyon commented and shunned him, calling him a stain to the race. It had taken Caen and half the crew to hold Shea and James back from killing the old crone.

  ​He turns Aster around in his arms, and then steps back. Aster reaches up to cover his ears with his hands, but James stops him.


  ​Aster freezes but nods his acquiescence.

  ​James smiles and keeps his eyes on Aster’s as his hands go to his pants. He kicks off his boots and laughs when he sees Aster’s eyes widen as he finishes unlacing the top of his breeches. He smirks, watching Aster’s gaze flutter to his lower half as he pushes his pants down, stepping out of them and standing before his lover completely naked.

  ​“What are you doing?” Aster murmurs, his gaze staring at James’s half-hard erection.

  ​“Am I ugly to you?” James inquires.

  Aster’s stare snaps up to his face as he looks up at James with a shocked expression.


  ​“Really? But I have scars like you. Does that also make me deformed?”

  ​Aster opens his mouth, shaking his head, but James continues. He points to a long white scar down the side of his thigh.

  ​“Rigging accident. Was climbing the ropes for the first time, I didn’t listen to Tero, and a pin came lose. Broke my leg too when I fell.”

  ​James turns, laughing softly when he hears Aster gasp, either from his ass or the massive scar on his lower back, he couldn’t say. He prefers to think it’s his ass.

  ​“I’m sure you’ve wondered where I got it. First year on the ship, was found by some rival buccaneers in the eastern port of Lycos, Hypnus, I believe it was. For entertainment, they each took a turn carving a pattern into my lower back. Paetre found me before they could do much else, but one managed to carve his initials among the mess. I have another man’s name scarred into me; do you think I’m less for it?” James looks over his shoulder to Aster.

  He sees his younger lover shake his head, his eyes glistening.

  ​James turns back around and walks closer to Aster; the boy’s ears turn pink as they stand together, inches apart from one another.

  Aster’s eyes concentrate on James’s.

  ​He lifts his arm and shows Aster his side. A long, deep scar spans from his right nipple to just under his arm pit.

  ​“Before Shea was Captain Shea, I took a knife for the first mate. Got in between an Oceanan soldier who liked frisky women and I made sure he didn’t touch her.”

  ​“You’ve never told me that story,” Aster whispers in awe, caressing the side of his lover’s face, swiping his thumb on James’s temple while staring into his blue eyes.

  ​“I promised her I wouldn’t tell a soul. Oops.” James grins and Aster smiles back.

  ​James finally holds up his hands and Aster raises a brow, confused as he doesn’t see any visible scars. He places his hands in James’s and shivers at the warmth from his naked body.

  ​“Do you think I’m less because my hands are rough from days of service at the helm, do you think my touch is disgusting because they’re no longer smooth?”

  ​“Of course not,” Aster sighs. “They’re a part of you. And I love you.”

  ​“And these”—Jam
es breaks his hands from Asters, allowing them to wrap around his waist, and places his palms on top of Aster’s ears—“are a part of you. I love you, Aster, and you are beautiful. These are part of your story and they tell everyone how brave and resilient you really are.”

  ​“Thank you,” Aster whispers.

  He pushes up onto his toes, kissing James fully and deeply.

  ​James reciprocates the kiss; Aster moves his hands from James’s waist up and around his shoulders and James reaches down, picking Aster up under his thighs. The younger man quickly wraps his legs around the black-haired man.

  ​James carries him over to the makeshift bed on top of the barrels, setting him down on the mat.


  ​James pulls away, looking into Aster’s eyes to make sure everything’s okay.

  ​“Too much?” James asks.

  ​Aster shakes his head; he pushes James back and walks over to his clothes lying in the corner. He rummages through them and pulls out a small vial containing some sort of liquid. He looks back at James with a smirk and strips out of his shorts, his own member thick and hard.

  ​James smiles as he realizes what the vial contains and opens his arms as Aster comes back to him.

  ​“Are you sure?”

  ​Aster smiles, handing James the vial. “With all my heart.”

  ​James grins and takes the vial, setting it aside on a close barrel, not covered by the blankets and mat. He takes Aster by the hand and they climb into the makeshift comfort until Aster lies beneath James.

  ​James settles between Aster’s legs, and they moan together at the feeling of their members sliding together, their pre-cum slicking the way. James kisses him with so much passion, he nibbles on his bottom lip and leans all his weight on his right arm as his left travels down, tweaking his lover’s nipple.

  ​Aster arches against him, and he gasps as James breaks the kiss only to envelop his left nipple in his mouth.

  ​He uses the distraction to grab his pillow and quickly slips it under Aster’s hips before getting back to work pleasing his boyfriend.

  ​Aster moans as James sucks on his other nipple, lightly grazing his teeth across the pink bud. He moves lower, peppering kisses along Aster’s taut stomach and down until his mouth is right over his member.

  ​It’s erect and white pearls glisten at the peak as James blows a light gust of air across the tip, making Aster’s back arch as he presses into the touch.

  ​Their eyes meet briefly.

  Aster’s cheeks are flushed from the pleasure, and James grins as he swallows his lover down to the root, the blond hair tickling his nose.

  ​The blond teen cries out in pleasure at the tight heat. James’s tongue runs along the well-sized length, and the wet warmth has Aster tightening his hands in the blankets under him.

  The room feels warmer than before and James keeps moving, plying his lover’s thighs wide open.

  ​Aster presses himself further into James’s warm mouth, feeling the back of his throat constrict. James gags a little, so Aster pulls back, looking embarrassed at losing himself. James smirks around the length and wraps his wicked tongue around the tip, swirling it, before swallowing Aster again.

  ​Aster reaches down and taps James on one of his hands that is holding his thighs open and apart.

  ​“Love, I’m going to cum,” Aster moans, trying to warn his lover to pull off, but James keeps going.

  The teen gasps as he starts moving faster.

  ​The sensation is overwhelming, and his hands fly to the jet black of James’s hair, holding on for the ride.

  ​“Oh gods…”

  ​He barely feels James’s left hand leave his thigh. A feather-like touch brushes his virgin entrance.

  ​Just the smallest amount of pressure and Aster keens as he cums into James’s mouth.

  ​James smiles shyly and leans over the edge of the bed. He spits out the salty liquid quietly, wiping his mouth with the pad of his thumb. Then he returns to his lover and kisses his way up Aster’s body, his own member still hard between his legs. He lands a deep kiss on the younger’s swollen lips.

  ​“Ready?” James inquires.

  Aster dazedly nods, reaching his hand down between James’s legs, giving the hard member a gentle stroke.

  ​James groans, leaning his head against Aster’s chest as those skilled fingers slide up and down his erection.

  ​Finally, he finds enough strength to pull away and kneels back, reaching for the vial. He pops the cork off the top and drizzles some of the oil into his hand. It smells like lavender. He carefully pushes Aster’s legs up and tells him to hook his arms behind his knees.

  ​James has to bite his lip as he moans at the sight his lover makes.

  ​He liberally rubs the oil around Aster’s entrance, hoping that the orgasm will have helped him relax.

  Carefully he pushes his pointer finger in, watching Aster’s face for any sign of pain. He knows there will be some discomfort, but he doesn’t want to hurt him.

  ​James leans over the blond. He’s so tight, James’s member jolts in anticipation.

  ​Aster smiles for him to continue, telling him it’s okay to move.

  James leans down and captures his mouth.

  ​He waits for the okay to add a second finger, and with the addition, the passage tightens even more. He carefully stretches him, whispering how much he’s loved in his ear until he has three fingers pumping inside.

  Aster’s erection has hardened again and James grins at the feel of the half-hard member poking his thigh.

  ​He adds more of the oil, and after a few more moments, Aster feels adequately stretched.

  ​He winces as James pulls his fingers out.

  ​“Are you okay?” James asks once more. “Are you sure?”

  ​Aster laughs. He surges up and kisses James until he’s quiet.

  ​“I’m sure, James. I don’t want my first time to be with anyone else. I want you. I want this.”

  ​“Me too,” James whispers in agreement.

  ​He kneels back once again, takes some more of the lavender oil, and rubs it up and down his length, shivering at the feel. Then he moves into position, carefully placing his tip at Aster’s small entrance. It gleans in the firelight from all the oil.

  ​He places Aster’s legs up over his shoulders. Then he leans over him, pressing Aster’s legs back against his chest, and pushes slowly inside.

  ​Aster cries out at the intrusion. His face scrunches up in pain, and James can tell his eyes are watering. He starts to pull out, but Aster stops him.

  ​“Don’t you dare!”

  ​James stops. He doesn’t move; he waits for Aster to adjust, he waits for him to tell him what to do.

  ​James is trembling from the effort of not sliding further in, the tightness around his tip is agonizing, but he doesn’t move, he watches Aster’s face.

  ​Aster exhales slowly, his eyes open. They’re glossy, but he’s not crying. He smiles up at James reassuringly and nods.

  ​“You can move again.”

  ​And just like that they keep up the rhythm, James slides in a few more inches, stops, waits for Aster to give the okay. Until finally, he’s all the way in.

  ​They’re both gasping and sweating from the effort, the room is suffocating and warm. But neither of them complain. All that exists in this moment is the two of them.

  ​James leans his forehead against Aster’s, they kiss gently, and blue eyes meet green.

  ​“Move,” Aster commands.

  ​And James obeys.

  ​The first thrust sends them both reeling.

  Aster cries out and James stutters, worried, but his lover pushes back, silently asking him to keep going.

  ​The pressure is like nothing James has felt before, he’s never felt closer to the person below him as he thrusts into his body. Sweat drips down his muscular back and he can feel Aster’s blunt nails marking his skin.

�After a few more thrusts, James doesn’t know if he can go much longer, the pleasure is like nothing he’s felt before, and Aster’s blissful face is pushing him to the edge.

  ​James reaches his hand down between them, grasping Aster’s length and massaging him to completion. The blond cries out in ecstasy as James hits something inside him and he readjusts his hips, aiming for that perfect spot.

  ​He pulls Aster closer as he feels him spill his seed over James’s hand.

  James thrusts a couple more times until he orgasms inside Aster.

  ​The room is unnaturally quiet except for their heavy breathing as the candle flickers, casting their shadows on the wall.

  James has Aster’s head tucked against his chest and he waits for his okay before he pulls out.

  ​“I’m okay,” Aster tells him.

  James nods in response, unable to speak just yet, and pulls out of Aster’s warm embrace until he’s lying beside him. Aster winces but otherwise his face stays relaxed.

  They’re both lying on their backs, staring up at the wooden ceiling, catching their breaths, when Aster begins to laugh.

  James pushes himself up onto his elbows, looking over at his younger lover, raising a brow with concern.

  “Are you okay?” James asks.

  “That was…” Aster pauses and James’s stomach drops.

  What if he thought it was bad? What if he didn’t like it?

  “Awesome,” Aster finishes and grins up at James with a loving smile.

  James breathes out in relief and returns the grin. He pulls Aster close until he’s lying on James’s chest.



  “Was it good? I mean…was I good?”

  James smiles at him softly. He hugs him closer and whispers, “You were amazing. Thank you, Aster.”

  They lay there together, the ship slowly rocking them to sleep, when James hears Aster whisper.

  “I love you, James.”

  He feels Aster reach down, and the candlelight flickers before going out. His lover settles back on his chest and James knows he’s not expecting an answer, but James finds his face with his hand anyway.


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