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The Veiled Descendants

Page 33

by Sophia Menesini

  ​“I was thinking, we both love it here. Maybe after we defeat Perses, we could make an escape home here. When palace life is…complicated. We could come here, just for a little while. We could be the pirate and the princess just for a moment again,” Shea chuckles, taking another sip of wine.

  ​Jo smiles at the idea, and wonders if that would be possible. She saunters forward until she’s close to Shea’s side before answering.

  ​“It’s something to think about,” she whispers.

  ​And when Shea turns to her with a smile, her eyes widen in surprise as she finally notices Jo’s nude form.

  Her forest-green eyes roam the length of Jo’s body, and it sends shivers down the blonde’s neck. Shea turns completely toward her. She sets her glass on the ground, and once her hands are free, she wraps her arms around Jo’s waist.

  ​“You could have told me, now I’m behind,” Shea murmurs, her lips close to Jo’s.

  ​“Not at all, I wanted to have the pleasure of undressing you,” Jo responds, their lips touching in a ghostly embrace before she pulls away grinning like a cat that got a canary.

  ​Shea huffs as she tries to chase Jo’s retreating mouth, and mock glares at her queen.

  ​“Maybe I wanted the same pleasure,” Shea drawls.

  ​Jo smirks. “I’ll make it up to you.”

  ​She pulls Shea’s body back toward her and kisses her deeply. Her hands grip her hair, and the soft pearls elegantly scattered through her thick red locks caress Jo’s palms. She opens her mouth, allowing Shea entrance, their tongues meeting, and smiles into the kiss as her pirate moans in delight.

  ​Shea’s rough hands guide their way to Jo’s chest, massaging the two pale mounds, her thumb flicking over her right nipple.

  It’s everything Jo’s been missing for the past year. She pulls back once more and takes Shea’s hand, leading her to the bed. She pushes Shea toward the footboard, facing toward it, and steps up close behind her, easily parting the redhead’s hair and exposing the dress’s cinch at the top.

  Pearls fall from Shea’s curls to the ground, and Jo runs her hands down her body, tracing the inked lines creating the stunning Lionbird, causing the redhead to shiver in anticipation.

  ​She kisses the marked skin on her upper back, leaving a trail of soft touches down her spine.

  Shea arches into Jo’s mouth, gasping at the feather-like feel of Jo’s soft lips. She reaches back to touch, but Jo clicks her tongue and forcefully puts Shea’s hands back on the wooden footboard.

  ​Jo growls, “Stay.”

  ​Shea nods her head but otherwise doesn’t speak, trembling as a soft breeze flows through the warm room.

  ​The lanterns flicker, manipulating the shadows on the mural wall.

  Jo’s hands are reaching for the neck cinch when her eyes land on a short table next to the bed with a black bag laid on top and a decanter of oil. The bag is slightly open, so she tries to gauge what’s inside. Her eyes widen in recognition.

  ​She thinks back to the conversation she had with Dari after the proposal, an awkward one at that, but she really wanted to get something special for their wedding night. Something that would bring Shea a lot of pleasure and something she would remember. She shakes her head in amusement, surprised Dari managed to retrieve one in town.

  A chuckle escapes her as she wonders if she picked it up personally or sent someone like Caen to get it from the local cordwainer.

  ​Shea turns at the sound, but Jo leans forward and kisses her neck, distracting her.

  Her hands make quick work of the simple cinch and the beautiful gown flutters to the floor.

  Shea’s body glows in the lantern light, her muscled frame completely exposed. She’s barefoot already and Jo briefly wonders if she’d been wearing shoes at all during the party and ceremony.

  ​Jo reaches down and removes the gown, giving Shea an order to remain where she is while Jo sets the wedding dress aside. And she’s pleased when she returns to see Shea has done as she commanded.

  ​She steps up behind her, her longer legs placing her womanhood slightly over Shea’s bum. She wraps her arms around the pirate and pulls her back until there’s no space between them. She kisses Shea’s neck, sucking marks into the strong flesh. She wonders if her marks will show up through the tattoo on her back.

  Her hands pinch and caress Shea’s breasts, her left hand slips low past Shea’s chiseled stomach to her groin. She strokes the pirate’s swelling clit surrounded by copper curls, softly rubbing in circles until Shea’s chest is rising faster.

  ​“What do you want, Shea?” Jo asks, brushing her left hand farther back, teasing Shea’s entrance with her pointer finger.

  ​The room feels warmer and Shea gasps at the feeling of Jo’s hands on her body.

  ​“I don’t know,” Shea murmurs, she seems to be having trouble forming words.

  ​“Do you want me to stop?” Jo teases, stopping her hands.

  Shea jolts in her embrace, moaning an objection.


  ​“Then what do you want?” Jo repeats, mouthing a wet line along Shea’s sharp jaw.

  ​“Your mouth,” Shea answers.

  Jo smiles against her lover’s face.

  ​She kisses her sweetly on the cheek, and then promptly turns her around.

  ​Their chests press together and Jo kisses Shea again, biting at her full lips, tasting the last remnants of the wine on her mouth.

  ​She wraps her arms around her waist and guides her around the bed, until the edge is behind Shea’s thighs. Jo breaks the kiss and pushes Shea back, enjoying the little yelp of alarm as she loses her balance and falls, landing on top of the bed.

  ​She allows Shea to shuffle farther back onto the mattress, using her elbows, before climbing onto the large bed with her.

  It’s then that she notices Shea hasn’t dropped the illusion exposing her Lycon brand.

  “Did it heal?” Jo wonders, nodding to Shea’s chest, and it takes a moment for Shea to catch her meaning.

  “No,” she answers, frowning at the spot where it’s concealed over her heart.

  “I want to see all of you, Shea, you don’t have to hide from me.”

  Shea smiles. “I know. But it’s not hard to keep the illusion up now, it barely takes any concentration.”

  Jo chuckles, kissing Shea’s chest. She takes Shea’s left nipple into her mouth and suckles the skin, pinching it lightly with her teeth. Not to hurt, but the masked pain causes Shea to gasp.

  “I’d prefer if all of your concentration is on me,” Jo insists, licking her nipple again.

  The illusion fades and the enchanted mark appears. The mournful face of Scylla accompanied by tentacles and snakes.

  She grabs a pillow from the top of the bed and places it under Shea’s head. Then she reaches for the black bag on the table, moving it to the bed but keeping it off to the side.

  ​Shea eyes it, seeing it for the first time. But Jo doesn’t explain. Instead, she parts Shea’s muscular thighs, her white-blond hair falling along the crease between her groin and upper leg. She lowers her face closer to Shea’s sex, closes her eyes, and places a soft kiss on her folds.

  ​She loves the way Shea smells, like saltwater and a scent belonging entirely to Shea alone. She licks a line from her entrance to her clit, enjoying the way Shea’s thighs shake from the touch. She looks up through her eyelashes to see her wife’s face, her eyes closed, biting her lip as Jo samples her again.

  The captain’s hands clench the fabric of the bed.

  Jo lowers her mouth at last, thoroughly mouthing Shea’s clit. She moans into the redhead’s sex, letting the vibrations caress her.

  Shea’s breathing labors and the sound encourages Jo further.

  ​She pushes her tongue against Shea’s opening, fucking her deeply, and uses her right thumb to rub Shea’s swollen clit firmly. Her left hand reaches up to massage Shea’s breast. She’s close, Jo can feel it, and that’s when she removes
her mouth.

  ​Shea whines at the loss, reaching her hand toward Jo.

  Jo catches it easily and straddles the elf with a taunting grin. She leans down, kissing Shea’s full lips, tangling her hands in the red curls framing her face.

  ​“What are you doing?” Shea murmurs in between kisses.

  ​“Shh…it’s okay. Close your eyes and leave your thighs open.”

  ​Jo kisses Shea one last time, before getting up from the bed. She opens the black bag but checks to make sure Shea’s eyes are closed. She smiles at her lover. They’re closed. She pulls out the object and examines the craftsmanship.

  ​Jo whistles lowly, and she has to tell Shea to keep her eyes closed when she almost opens them at the noise.

  It’s a leather phallus, and well made, the cordwainer must have made a few before. She thinks it might even be softer than ones she has acquired before for previous lovers. The seams are well hidden and the cord that is exposed is soft to the touch, with a bit of a ridge to enhance the pleasure. The length looks to be about five inches with a three-and-a-half-inch girth. A little bit of wool sticks out from the seam but it’s easy to push back inside. Jo reaches for the oil and generously lathers it onto the toy; she rubs the oil in between her fingers and gently climbs back onto the bed.

  ​“Now?” Shea asks, asking if she can open her eyes.

  ​“Not yet,” Jo commands.

  ​She kisses Shea’s mouth, then her jaw, she trails down her neck lightly, sucking a mark onto her chest; she allows her tongue to wander down past her stomach. She lightly kisses Shea’s sweat damp curls, and then lavishes her clit, alternating between sucking and nipping the small bud. Her lubricated fingers find their mark, and she thrusts her pointer finger inside, pressing against the upper wall, making Shea keen as she exhales.

  She stretches her carefully, making sure she’s completely prepared. At three fingers, Shea is at the edge. Her back is arched, and her hands are in Jo’s hair, tugging, making Jo groan with want.

  Her own sex is thrumming between her legs, she wants Shea so badly, but she’s going to wait.

  Shea’s eyes are still closed as Jo grasps the leather phallus, lathering it with more oil off the bed, and positions the tip at her entrance. She kisses Shea’s stomach, smiling as the muscle flutters under her touch, and then pushes the tip inside.

  Shea’s eyes fly open and her jaw drops in surprise. Jo meets her gaze with a satisfied grin.


  Shea rolls her hips and Jo brushes her clit with her thumb, making Shea yelp.

  She nods harshly, as Jo pushes more of the phallus inside her wife, until it’s halfway to the base.

  “How did you?”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Jo tells her, blanketing Shea’s body with her own.

  She captures Shea’s mouth in a kiss, and it opens as Jo thrusts the last of the toy to the base inside.

  Shea’s breathing heavily and she whispers something that Jo doesn’t quite hear.

  “What was that?” Jo asks.

  “Move, damnit,” Shea groans.

  Jo chuckles and pulls the phallus out before thrusting it back inside. She keeps up a steady pace, sucking and biting Shea’s breasts as she penetrates her.

  Shea moans for her to go harder and Jo relents to her command, sitting back so she can rub herself while she thrusts the toy inside Shea.

  Shea watches Jo pleasure herself with heavy eyes and her own hands wander to her nipples, squeezing the areolas between two fingers.


  “I love you,” Jo tells her, her own breathing speeding up as she rubs herself to near completion.

  “I love you too, so much. I can’t,” Shea whines.

  “Gods you’re gorgeous,” Jo mumbles, then she pulls her hand away from herself to keep from finishing just as Shea orgasms after a particularly hard thrust from Jo.

  Shea’s thighs fall completely to the bed, her breathing releasing in staccato breaths. She looks to be on the brink of passing out, but Jo’s not done with her yet. She gently pulls the phallus from her lover’s entrance and places it off to the side.

  “Come here, darling,” Jo commands, pulling Shea up to her knees.

  Shea stares at her through half-lidded eyes, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

  Once they’re both facing each other on their knees, Jo moves in closer until her right knee is between Shea’s legs and Shea’s left is between hers. They’re so close to each other now, their chests are touching, and their knees are intertwined.

  Jo wraps Shea’s arms around her shoulders and she pulls Shea against her using her waist. Then she starts to grind her sex against Shea’s thigh, pushing her own up against her clit.

  Shea moans at the touch, her eyes screwing shut at the stimulation. “Jo,” she swallows some air before continuing. “It’s too much.”

  “Stay with me,” Jo whispers, and she gets their hips working in a rhythm.

  The position is intimate, and Shea’s gorgeous green eyes stare widely into Jo’s passionate blue.

  She leans forward and captures Shea’s mouth in a burning kiss, sweat dripping down their chests. They’re starting to move faster now, and she purposely pushes her thigh harder against Shea’s clit. Jo takes Shea’s bottom lip into her mouth, dragging her teeth lightly across it, and that seems to do the trick.

  Shea orgasms once again and Jo focuses on grinding herself harder against Shea’s thigh until her own sex is pulsing and she feels herself coming hard against her wife’s body.

  They collapse together onto the bed, their legs still intertwined, Shea’s head landing close to Jo’s.

  The pirate’s eyes are closed, but Jo knows she hasn’t passed out, not yet. She gives herself a moment to come down from the high before reaching for the phallus to remove it from the bed.

  But to do that she has to remove her legs from Shea’s and the redhead quickly voices her objection.

  “Don’t move,” Shea clumsily orders, and Jo laughs.

  “Someone has to get you tucked in,” Jo teases.

  She manages to extract herself from Shea’s legs and places the phallus on the bedside table.

  “Where in the Underdeep did you get that?” Shea asks.

  “It was a wedding gift.” Jo winks, and Shea chuckles, slinging a hand over her eyes.

  “I can only imagine,” Shea murmurs.

  Jo climbs back into bed, watching her beautiful wife lying there. She notices there are still some pearls left in her loose curls.

  Shea realizes Jo hasn’t laid down yet and removes her hand from her eyes, smirking as she catches her wife staring at her.

  “We should sleep.”

  “We should,” Jo agrees.

  As she says it, Shea’s legs part and Jo finds herself climbing in between them again. Jo mewls as her pirate kisses her deeply. Her eyes dart to the almost full oil decanter on the bedside table and decides it’s full enough for a few more rounds. She lets her hands wander down.

  Their wedding night continues in another wave of passion, distracting them both from the sinister change in the wind.

  Chapter 35: Warm by the Firelight


  “Time to come home, little sister,” a wicked voice whispers from the dark. “We’ll all be together soon. Enjoy the firelight.”

  A bloodcurdling scream breaks through the peaceful night.

  “Wake up!”

  Shea’s eyes fly open as she gasps, her hand swinging out to catch whoever is standing next to where she’s lying in bed.

  “Perses,” Shea cries out, still hearing his voice in her head.

  The figure catches her fist, and her eyes adjust to the darkness. Triton is standing over her.

  His clothes, brown pants with cords tied tightly around the calves and leather shirt with a hood, are obscured by a black cloak.

  “I heard him too,” Triton scowls.

  Another scream billows through the air.

  Shea snaps her toward the bed
room door, which is now open.

  Jo wakes to the sound of the second scream and yelps when she sees Triton standing over their bed. She grabs the blankets and covers herself. Shea couldn’t care less about modesty; she’s already leaping from the bed, running for her clothes folded on the vanity.

  “What’s happening? What are you doing here?” Shea hisses as Triton stealthily moves to the door, looking out into the hall.

  “After you left, I couldn’t get you out of my head. I needed to close the connection, but your magic wouldn’t let me. I needed to be closer, so I came to Port Town, and as I arrived, they did too.”

  “Shea?” Jo questions, pulling the sheet from the bed and using it to cover herself as she heads for her own clothes as well.

  “Who did?” Shea asks, ignoring Jo for now.

  “Merrow. Twisted fish folk that work for Perses. They’re burning the city, killing everything in their path, and I’m pretty sure they’re looking for you.”

  “Who is this?” Jo asks.

  “Triton, meet my wife, Joana,” Shea introduces them.

  Triton nods to Jo in acknowledgment.

  “I can see the resemblance,” Jo murmurs, buttoning up her jacket as Shea finishes getting dressed.

  “We don’t have much time, I reinforced the elf’s veiled magic on this home, but it won’t hold much longer; they’re going to break through.”

  “We need to get out of here,” Shea orders.

  Jo and Triton agree.

  Shea starts for the door but then remembers why Triton came here.

  “Well then, go ahead and close the connection so you can get back to the temple,” Shea tells him.

  Triton stares at her, his expression unreadable, and he shakes his head.

  “I’ll see you and your crew safely back to your ship, then I’ll break the connection. It’s the least I can do,” he says.

  Jo smiles at Shea subtly, and if Shea wasn’t so worried about hearing Perses in her mind, she may have winked back. Instead she keeps her expression neutral and nods.


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