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The Veiled Descendants

Page 48

by Sophia Menesini

  Galene Eastern city in Arethusa near the borders of the The Eastlands. Where Lady Catherine, Joana's grandmother lives.

  Galleon​ A large three-masted sailing ship with a square rig and usually two or more decks.

  Gangplank​ A board or ramp used as a removable footway between a ship and a pier.

  Grace​ ​A Charis or Grace is one of three or more minor goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, and fertility, together known as the Charites or Graces.

  Gunner​ Gunners were leaders of small groups who operated on the artillery. They watched for the safety of their men and usually aimed the cannons themselves.

  Gunwale​ The elevated side edges of a boat, which strengthen its structure and act as a railing around the gun deck. In warships the gunwale has openings where heavy arms or guns are positioned.

  Helm​ The steering wheel of a ship, which controls the rudder.

  Helios Island to the east of Nereid. Was once a massive slave port and it's where Captain Shea Lara found Aster.

  Hippokampos General Soren of Arethusa's naval ship; a mythological creature with the head and body of a horse but bottom half and back legs of a fish. Often refered to as a Seahorse.

  Hold​ A large area for storing cargo in the lower part of a ship.

  Hull ​The body of a ship.

  Hypnus Eastern port of Lycos, near the volcano.

  Hydra of the Sea The Hydra was a Lycon royal vessel that carried the Pearl of Lycos before it was sunk by Shea.

  Iron Serpent The Oceanan naval ship that was sailing Beck and his people to Arethusa before it was sank by Perses.

  Knowman’s Canyon Apart of the Pieria Islands, south of Nereid.

  Libras Elves who can use air elemental magic.

  Libra Magic A common gift of the elves and one that solidifies a bond with the Air.

  Longboat​ The largest boat carried by a ship, which is used to move large loads such as anchors, chains, or ropes. Pirates use the boats to transport the bulk of heavier treasures.

  Lycos​​ Southern empire on Nereid ruled by emperors or empresses who come into power either by force or birth. Capital of the elven slave trade.

  Mainmast​ The longest mast located in the middle of a ship.

  Megathirio Elven word for water dragon; a giant water dragon with red scales that lives in the monster's trench of the Underdeep and breathes boiling water.

  Melinoe River Major river in Lycos.

  Merrow Former elves who were either banished or never escaped the Underdeep during their claiming and turned into horrid fish beings left in the depths. They fell under Perses command when he freed them from the ocean realm.

  Metis ​​Capital city of Oceanus.

  Nereid ​Island continent home to four countries: Arethusa, Oceanus, Lycos, and the Eastlands.

  Nereus River Largest river in Nereid, runs from the ocean through Arethusa and ends right before the border to the Eastlands.

  Nereidan Ocean The ocean on the east side of Aiolos reef that spans past Nereid and around many of the neighboring islands.

  Oceanus​ Free state, which won its independence from Lycos over a hundred years ago. Ruled by a lineal position called the governor and a senate.

  Oceanus Senate Elected officials that rule the free state of Oceanus alongside the Governor, who inherits their position.

  Old Sea Name for the Ocean between Tenaro and the AiolosReef.

  Orena Merchant island in the Old Sea that is the halfway point between Nereid and Tenaro. Known for its exotic markets and for being outside the law. Its a safe haven for outcasts, criminals, and runaways looking to escape their countries.

  Pearl of Lycos A black pearl the size of a child’s fist, surrounded by gold and silver tentacles inlaid with precious gems; passed from Lycon ruler to ruler until Captain Shea Lara stole it and sold it on the black market.

  Pinnace​ A light boat propelled by sails or oars, used as a go between for merchant and war vessels; a boat for communication between ship and shore.

  Pieria Islands South of Nereid, where Knowman's Canyon is located.

  Poop Deck​ The highest deck at the stern of a large ship, usually above the captain’s quarters.

  Port ​​The left side of the ship when you are facing toward her prow (opposite of starboard).

  Port Town The city on the shores of Orena.

  Poseidon​ God of the sea, earthquakes, storms, horses, and ruler of the Underdeep, the underwater realm of the sea gods.

  Quarterdeck ​​ The after part of the upper deck of a ship.

  Quartermaster​ After captain, the quartermaster has most authority on a pirate ship. As a captain’s right hand, he was in charge when the captain was not around. He had the authority, and he could punish men for not obeying commands. Quartermaster was also in charge of food and water supplies.

  Queendom ​A queendom is when all power is concentrated in a central female figure. A matriarchal monarchy ruled by a strong queen.

  Rigging​ The system of ropes, chains, and tackle used to support and control the masts, sails, and yards of a sailing vessel.

  Rivren Western province in Arethusa.

  Sagittarian Elves who can use fire elemental magic.

  Sagittarius Magic A common gift of the elves and one that solidifies a bond with Fire

  Scuttle​ A small opening or hatch with a movable lid in the deck or hull of a ship.

  Scylla ​​A legendary monster that lived on one side of a narrow channel of water, opposite her counterpart Charybdis.

  Seams The slums and underground of Lycos.

  Slaver’s Bay The largest slaves port in Nereid located on the shores of the Lycon capital, Acheron.

  Slippery Serpent The pub and inn in low town of Arethusa; Venus’s establishment.

  Spyglass​ A telescope.

  Starboard​ The right side of the ship when you are facing toward her prow (opposite of port).

  Starfish Cross The road on Orena that leads to the near center of island.

  Tartarus Realm in the underworld of eternal torment for immortals.

  Tauri Elves who can use earth elemental magic.

  Taurus magic A common gift of the elves and one that solidifies a bond with the Earth.

  Tenaro Islands The westernmost islands hundreds of miles off the coast of Nereid; aka World’s End.

  Thalassa​ Capital city of Arethusa.

  Titan War War between the gods and the titans fought long ago.

  Trident’s Fork Road Often referred to as the Trident; it runs up and down Nereid as the main road.

  Triton​​ A Greek god, the messenger of the sea. He is the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, god and goddess of the sea respectively, and is herald for his father. He is usually represented as a merman, which has the upper body of a human and the tail and fins of a fish.

  Underdeep​ The underwater realm of the gods.

  Vault of Secrets The Lycos Vault of secrets passed down through each emperor and empress currently in the possession of Empress Ceto of Lycos. The largest archive of information in Nereid.

  Veiled Duchess the Duchess; Shea’s ship, passed down to her from Paetre Lara and passed down to him from Captain Phoebus of Orena; dark cherry wood planks, almost black; burgundy sails; three masts galleon.


  First, I want to thank all of my supporters and the fans of these characters and books. You have been such an excellent source of light in my life, and I am so happy to share these crazy characters and stories with all of you.

  Thank you to my editor Kelley Frodel. Your comments keep me going, and your edits make my story possible. I've loved working with you, and I'm so glad to share this fantastic journey with your incredible talents.

  This year I was able to get the audiobook for The Veiled Threat, the first book in the series done, and it was because I found the woman who was able to bring all of my characters to life. To the real-life Shea Lara, Jess Nahikian, thank you for all of your hard work, and
I can't wait to start on The Veiled Descendants with you!

  To my husband, James, you're my biggest supporter, and none of this would be possible without you. Thank you for helping me achieve my dreams and always encouraging me to reach for the stars.

  To my parents, Mom and Dad, another book down. I love you both so much and thank you for instilling in me the drive to persevere even when it seems impossible.

  To my little sister, you little monster, I'm so proud of the work you've achieved this year, and now I'm going to have to write another book just to show you up. I love you, pumpkin head.

  To my girls, Lauren and Julia, you lot keep me sane and make me feel valued. Thank you. I could not have asked for better friends, even if I created them myself. You are both inspirations to me, and your futures are stories I refuse to miss out on. Thank you both for all your support.

  Lauren, you were able to recreate the world in my head on paper and I am so in love with the new map. Thank you for encouraging my work. You've always been one of my biggest supporters. None of this would be possible without you.

  And finally, once again to all my readers, thank you. Thank you for reading, for laughing, for crying, for loving, and hating along with me. Shea Lara is a character I hold very dear, and her story has changed my life. Thank you for joining me on this incredible voyage, and I can't wait to show you what happens next in the final book of the first trilogy, The Veiled Throne.

  About The Author

  Sophia Menesini

  Sophia Menesini lives in Martinez, CA, with her husband and their three dogs, Ziggy, Zeppelin, and Tali. The Veiled Threat was her debut novel, and The Veiled Descendants is the sequel in The Veiled Duchess Series. She has an Associates in History and currently attends UC Davis to finish her BA. Sophia is an avid tea connoisseur and lover of Scotland with an unconventional memory for obscure Disney and Broadway song lyrics.

  Books By This Author

  The Veiled Threat

  Captain Shea Lara is the leader of The Veiled Duchess, the most feared pirate ship in all of Nereid. And now, after completing her former mentor's final score, she's retiring. Everything she's known seems to be coming to an end. Until a night in her favorite tavern, when a mysterious stranger drags her back into the fold with an offer for a score, she can't refuse. All she has to do is kidnap the crowned princess of the northern Queendom, Joana of Arethusa. The prize is just within reach. But sparks fly as the two women collide. And a veiled threat that could upturn Shea's entire world storms on the horizon. Join the crew of Captain Shea Lara as they battle their way through dangerous court intrigue, rebellion against slavery, an unlikely romance, and ultimately face villains who masks conceal them till the very end. Something's brewing on the horizon and the Veiled Threat is just the beginning.




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