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The Bad Boy's Woman (Hidden Masks Book 2)

Page 19

by Nia Arthurs

  “We just got back together, actually.” I eyed him. “You keeping tabs on Monique?”

  He raised his hands. “Hey, I’m not interested in getting kicked out of school for indecent conduct with a student. Plus, I just hit on her that night because I knew it would get to you. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  “That better be the truth.”

  “Or what? You’ll knock me out?”

  I slipped a hand into my pocket. “Just tell me why you called me here.”

  “We got a hit.”

  I stiffened.

  Alex didn’t seem to notice and continued excitedly. “His name is Frank Banes. He’s a thug known to do anything for money.”

  “How’d you know it’s him? I thought the guy was smart enough to stay away from all the security cameras.”

  “Yeah, he was good but not good enough. We took this long to ID him because we had to comb through all the security footage in a five-mile radius. Do you know how boring it is to watch a black and white recording of people just going about their day?”

  I shook my head because if I spoke, Alex would be able to tell I was nervous.

  “Anyway, we’re closing in on him. The moment we find Banes, he’ll tip us off to who hired him and we’ll put the sucker behind bars.” He slapped my shoulder. “Whether it’s your dad or not, we’re about to find out.”

  I wrestled with what to do with Alex’s information.

  School ended and I headed to Pizza Joe’s, no closer to an answer.

  “Babe,” Monique touched my arm, “you okay? You completely zoned out on me.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You said your throat was dry so I brought you some water.” Monique stood by and watched me guzzle it down. I could see her concern, but I pretended I didn’t.

  My hands shook. I hid them behind my back.

  Monique noticed. “James, you’re shaking.”

  “It happens when I’m around you.” I smiled at her. “I get nervous and sweaty too.”

  She laughed. “Whatever. You should probably get back to work before the manager sees you.”

  “I will.” I continued to smile until she’d left. When the door closed behind me, I collapsed against the bench and clutched my chest. I’d been feeling weird since this morning, but I was hoping it would pass.

  After my shift, I drove to my parent’s place. It felt strange knocking on my own front door. When Mom opened up, her face paled. “James?”

  “I didn’t come to stay,” I said. “I just came to give you a warning.”

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  “Was Frank Banes the guy you used to set the fire?”

  She bowed her head. “Son…”

  “The police are onto him.” I swung around.


  I paused.

  Her voice trembled. “I’m sorry. I felt cornered. I thought it was the only way.”

  “I don’t care what you thought. If you ever try to hurt Alex again, I won’t care that you’re my mother. I’ll bring you to justice myself.”

  She kept quiet.

  I got into my car and drove away.

  A FEW HOURS LATER, I got a text from Alex asking to meet up. I called him to set a time and place. Realizing it wasn’t that far from the motel, I walked out.

  I headed down an alley. Rats screeched beneath piles of garbage. The lamppost flickered. My sneakers crashed into a puddle as I hurried to the back door of the club that Alex directed me to. He was waiting on the street. The orange light above revealed his stone-cold face.

  “Alex, what’s—” Before I could get the rest of the greeting out, he hauled me by my shirt collar and slammed his fist into my face.

  I went flying.

  Pain shot down my jaw. Anger soon followed. I stumbled to my feet. “What the hell, man?”

  “You tipped them off, didn’t you?” He approached and slammed me in the stomach this time. “Frank Banes disappeared. Into the wind.”

  I coughed and wheezed, “Why are you blaming me?”

  “You’re the only one that knew apart from me and Officer Tony.” Alex clawed his fingers. “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you. It was my fault. I was just so desperate to form an alliance, get to know my little brother that it blinded me to the truth.”

  I said nothing.

  Alex laughed darkly. “You and your dad might have won this round, but I won’t stop until I get to the bottom of this. We’ve got enough evidence to take this to the media and start a nation wide witch-hunt. Someone will find the money trail and point it back to your dad. I swear it.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Alex paused and stared at me. “For what?”

  “Betraying you. But there’s someone I had to protect.”

  He eyed me but there was a softer sheen to the glare. “You’re too young to be going through so much crap.”

  I wiped my busted lip with the back of my wrist. “Are we done here?”


  I turned and walked away, but a pressure in my thigh made it hard to do so without limping.

  “Hey, James!” Alex yelled.


  “Whether you like it or not, you’re someone I have to protect too.”

  I nodded. “You can try.”

  Alex said nothing.

  I walked out of the alley and back toward the motel. My head spun and the street signs became blurry. I stumbled on the side of the road, struggling to make sense of my whacky vision. The concrete was one big blob.

  A sudden light flashed up ahead. I walked toward it, pulled to anything that would ground me. A horn blared in the distance.

  Then I collided with a machine.

  Felt my body get thrust into the ground.

  The collision jarred my vision back to life and sent an explosion of agony over my torso and back. A car door opened and closed. Someone rushed to my side. A woman. She pressed her hand on my shoulder.

  “Oh no. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. Didn’t you see me? You just jumped into the road. I tried to slow down, but… I’m so sorry. Let’s get you to a hospital.”

  “It’s fine. It was my fault.”

  She stared at me. “Are you sure?”

  I nodded. “It would have been worse if you hadn’t stepped on the brakes. Really, it was just a light tap.”

  “Okay.” She drew back. “If you say so.”

  The lady stuck around to see me get back on my feet and then drove off. I limped to my room and tore my shirt off to check for bruises. My skin was sensitive to the touch. Dizziness overcame me again.

  In that moment, I thought I was going to die and the only person I wanted by my side was Monique.

  I didn’t remember calling her, but when I looked up again, she was there. Her warmth filled me up and made the pain more bearable. As I looked at her, as I breathed her in, I realized I would never love anyone else the way that I loved her.

  And so I let out a breath and said the words.




  I LOVE YOU. Marry me. They were two phrases I never thought I’d hear James say. Right when I was giving him my answer, he passed out and I had to call my dad to help me take him to the hospital.

  After the nurses rushed him into the examination room, Dad led me to the chairs lined up in the hall and gave me an eye. “You want to explain to me why James is living in a motel?”

  “His family life is… strained. It was the best thing for him to do.”

  “Still, he’s only sixteen. He shouldn’t leave home.”

  “He’s been through a lot and he’s working hard to make it on his own. I thought you admired self-made men.”

  “Not for my daughter.”

  “Dad,” I cleared my throat, “tonight, James asked me to—”

  “Where is my son?” A voice rang.

  Dad and I shot out of our seat as Natasha Sawyer skidded around the corner. She saw me and ran straight over. Clutching my
hands, she wailed, “I heard he got into an accident.”

  “That’s what James told the doctors a few minutes ago. Apparently, he was taking sleeping pills and it messed with his head. He’ll be alright. We’re just waiting for him to be moved to another room.”

  “I’ve already paid the fees and told the doctors to do whatever it takes to make him better.”

  “Natasha, how did you know he was here?”

  “The hospital called. I’m friends with the director.”

  My eyes widened. Wow. I’d thought she’d have said she knew a secretary or something.

  Dad cleared his throat. “Uh, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Frederick Hughes.”

  “Natasha Sawyer.” She looked at dad. “You’re Monique’s father?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  A smile crept past my lips as they introduced themselves and made small talk. The families were meeting minutes after James’s engagement proposal. I figured he’d get a kick out of that when I told him.

  A few minutes later, the doctor allowed James to see visitors and I gave Natasha the first slot. I wasn’t sure what James said to her, but she left shortly after, not bothering to speak to either of us.

  Dad looked confused. “What do you think happened?”

  I shrugged.

  “Go on ahead, baby. I’ll wait here until you’re done.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” I walked into the hospital room. James was lying on the bed. He wore a hospital gown, but the bruises on his arms were still on display. I couldn’t believe he’d been hit by a car. The sight of him in pain was overwhelming.


  “Hi.” I walked over to his bedside. “How are you feeling?”

  “Good. You don’t have to whisper.”

  “I know,” I said softly. “I just… I’m afraid talking too loudly will break you.”

  He chuckled and then moaned in pain. “Please don’t make me laugh.”

  “Sorry.” I adjusted the blanket.

  “Did you call an ambulance earlier?”

  “No, my dad dropped us.”

  “Your dad is here?” He straightened. “Let me talk to him.”

  “About what?”

  “Getting married.”

  I choked. “James, you almost died tonight. And how did you know I said yes? You passed out before I could give my answer.”

  “I knew you were going to say yes. I can read you like a book, Monique Hughes.” He struggled to sit up. “Besides, it’s better for me if I talk to your dad now. I can wrack up the sympathy points.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  He smiled. “Call him in please.”

  I never heard what James said to my father because they kicked me out soon after, but whatever was exchanged left my dad very quiet.

  Dad left the hospital and led me to the car without a word. When we stopped in front of our apartment, Dad remained seated so I did too.

  “Monique, I’m going to ask you a question and I want you to be honest.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Are you pregnant?”

  “What? No!”

  “Because if you’ve been sneaking out to a motel to meet your boyfriend all these months—”

  “Dad, James and I haven’t done that yet.” I winced.

  “Is marriage what you want?” Dad stared at the steering wheel. “Do you know how difficult it is to stay with one person the rest of your life? There’ll be good times and bad times and times you want to throw in the towel. It’s not all roses and daises.”

  “I know that.”

  “You’re too young to know that. To experience that. Frankly, I’m shocked and a little offended that you two would even mention that to me.”

  “I understand and I’ll respect whatever choice you and Mom make. But I think you know that I’m not the type of person would come to that decision lightly.” I swallowed. “You raised me to be responsible and mature. To make the right decision.”

  “And marriage in high school is the right decision?”

  “It is for me.”

  Dad stared long and hard at my face. “I’ll discuss this with your mother.”

  It sounded more like a threat than a promise so when they called me and James in for a meeting with them both, I was a little nervous.

  James held my hand and smiled at me as we slipped into the couch and stared at my parents. Mom’s face was expressionless. It was hard to tell what they would say.

  Dad cleared his throat. “I… am not the man I wanted to be. All my life, I dreamed of being rich but I didn’t know how. So I gambled and I wrecked my family’s life. I wanted Monique to marry someone better than me, someone who could provide for her the way I never could.”

  I squeezed James’s hand.

  This felt like a rejection.

  A strained smile crossed Mom’s face. “Your father and I don’t understand why you’d want to put yourself in a position to face challenges and struggles that are beyond your years. We want you to stay our little girl forever.”

  Tears glittered in her eyes. My heart trembled. “Mom…”

  “But you grew up a long time ago. I watched you work hard at school, with your friends, at your jobs. You took on more responsibility than you should have, and you didn’t complain. If this is something you want to do…”

  Dad sniffed. “Then we’ll allow it.”

  James bowed his head. “I’ll protect her with my life, sir.”

  “You better. I expect you to rush into burning buildings for her just like you did for the other woman.” Dad glared at him. “Or I’m ending you.”

  James flinched.

  And just like that, my parents gave their consent.

  I walked James out of my apartment and watched as a myriad of emotions played over his face. He blew out a breath. “My heart’s racing so fast right now…”

  “Mine too.”

  He swung his arm over my shoulder and drew me close.

  “We did it. Now it’s just your parents,” I said.

  “Let me handle them.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Thank you. For choosing me.”


  We looked out over the dewy night.

  “Things are only going to get more complicated from here, aren’t they?” I mumbled.

  “Probably.” He glanced down with a smirk. “Are you having doubts?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”


  “Nothing. Whatever happens, I promise to love you, James Sawyer.”

  “I love you.”

  We kissed, drawing strength from the sincerity of our love and the force of our commitment. Whatever the future held, I knew one thing for sure.

  I would love James Sawyer forever.



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  The Taming Series

  Taming Mr. Jerkface

  Taming Mr. Charming

  Taming Mr. Know-it-all

  Taming Mr. Darcy

  The Seven Realms Series



  The Tree of Knowledge (coming soon)

  Love & Reggae

  Amid the Noise

  Count Me In

  Buffalo Soldier

  Confessions of A Church Girl

ss Houses

  Fitting In

  Standing Out


  Whiter Than Snow

  Married By Science


  Fool Me Never

  Audrey’s Choice


  From the Stars

  River’s Journey

  That Was Then


  Becoming Rachel

  Desperate for a Date

  Something New

  Love In Many Shades Series

  Cece & David

  Cece & David 2

  Cece & David 3

  Cece & David 4

  Boyfriend By Series

  Boyfriend By Blackmail

  Boyfriend By Midnight

  Boyfriend By Design

  Lovesick Series





  Book 3 In The Hidden Mask Series



  SOMETIMES I WISHED I’d never gotten married.

  Tonight, I’d stumbled out of the bathroom, tears glistening in my eyes. A small stick dangled from my twisted fingers. My thumb gently scraped the monitor. The two lines in the center mocked me, taunted me. I didn’t allow myself to linger on what those lines meant.

  Not now.

  I clamped the stick tight, raised my arm and threw it. Watched it sail and finally clatter on top of the glass shards sparkling on the carpet.

  My chest screamed as it landed. I felt like someone was peeling my rib cage open, one by one. Emotional torture. That’s what it was. I was trapped in a prison of my own creation.

  A prison called love.

  The dull ache spread through my entire body. Every fiber, every nerve, roared in agony. My fingers gripped the grooves in the wall. I struggled to move.

  One step.


  I was in the cramped living room.

  A putrid scent followed me. It clung to my clothes, triggering my gag reflex. I glanced down and grimaced at the nasty splotch that weighed the already sagging material of my collar. My nose crinkled.


  I’d been throwing up a lot lately. At first I assumed I’d caught the stomach flu but…


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