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The Reluctant Bride (The Ladies Club of Laramie Book 4)

Page 4

by Everly West

  Eva had no idea what it would take to pull off this charade, but she trusted Levi. All she knew is that he would need to produce some really convincing documents to fool her father once he learned of her marriage. He would demand to see the proof of their marriage and if there was the slightest flaw with the papers, her father would raise the alarm and all hell would break loose and she would be right back where she had started—waiting for her father to marry her off to a stranger of his choosing.

  She wouldn’t allow herself to doubt that Levi could provide the convincing documentation. This plan of hers had to work and she knew Levi was business savvy enough to know exactly what to do. She was certain of it and she was could trust Levi to set her plan into motion.

  She had no doubt there would be hell to pay once news of her marriage to Levi got out, but if she didn’t go through with, it was only a matter of time before her father found her another husband of his choosing and it would be someone who had a lot to offer her father, not her.

  She would rather take matters into her own hands instead of waiting to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. At least with Levi, she knew she could trust him to keep his word.

  The clock struck three o'clock. The waning sunlight of the cloudy February afternoon warned her it was time to go. Her heartbeat hiccupped against her ribs and she inhaled a slow deep breath for courage. This was her chance.

  She gathered her velvet cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders. She stuffed her kidskin gloves into her reticule and pulled the drawstrings closed. It was time.

  Eva held her head high and cautiously opened the door to her bedroom. Stepping out into the hallway, she listened. All was quiet except for an occasional clanking of pots and dishes that could be heard coming from the kitchen. Cook was preparing the evening meal and she wouldn't be home to eat it.

  Her trunks were packed and waiting in her bedroom. She just hoped her father would allow her to take her personal belongings when he heard the news.

  She smiled to herself at the thought of boldly declaring her marriage to her father. Eva had to admit the prospect was both frightening and exhilarating, but one thing she knew for certain was that there was no love lost between her father and her pretend husband-to-be. None at all. And Levi would protect her. Of that she had no doubts.

  Tiptoeing down the carpeted stairs, she cautiously entered the grand foyer. Again, silence. She had a ready-made story prepared in case her departure was intercepted, but so far luck was on her side.

  Standing at the front door, her heart in her throat, she pulled her cloak's hood up over her hair and stepped outside into the chilly air, careful to close the door quietly behind her.

  The click of the latch sounded like drums in her ears. She chastised herself for being afraid. And yet, she was. Afraid of being discovered before she could put her plan into motion. Afraid that her father might actually carry out his threats to have her committed to a nunnery in France. Afraid she might miss her one and only chance to escape this wretched life she had been dealt. Her steps quickened to make her escape.

  Eva knew that when Levi was a young man of fifteen or so, he’d endured her father's threats and insults. Now, he was a man and Eva knew him well enough to know he was not easily pushed, that even if he was pushed too far, he wouldn’t go to extreme measures to defend himself. She wasn't afraid he would hurt her father. She worried her heartless father would hurt him.

  A twinge of guilt pecked at her courage, and her steps faltered on the snowy sidewalk. Levi deserved better than to be placed in the middle of her battle with her father. He had worked long and hard to build his life. Who was she to tear it down with her selfish request?

  She was just around the corner from Levi's hotel when her courage slipped. Was she being selfish? Too selfish? Perhaps this idea of hers required more thought as to the consequences for Levi. Perhaps she should—

  "Aren’t you Miss Delacroix?" Eva turned to see a young woman entering the side door of the Grand Union Hotel—Levi’s hotel and place of residence.

  "Umm, yes, I am. Do I know you?" Eva pushed her hood back and studied the woman. Her dress was plain gray wool and her cloak had seen better days. No. She didn't think their paths had crossed, but then again, the woman seemed to know her.

  "No. At least, we've never met officially, but I know who you are. I’ve seen you a few times during The Ladies Club of Laramie meetings. I brought drinks and refreshments once or twice to the club members.”

  The young woman motioned to the door in front of her, her hand on the knob. “Would you like to come this way instead of going through the grand lobby? That is, unless you prefer everyone to notice your arrival.”

  Eva studied the woman again. It was obvious she knew something, but how much and what was unclear. Perhaps it was safer to enter the side door. Less chance she would run into one of her father's friends coming out of the gambling parlor. The last thing she needed was her father showing up with dueling pistols and demanding retribution. It was all so exhausting.

  She followed the young woman into a long hallway. Just before they came to the end, the woman turned left down another hallway, stopping at a closed door on the left. "Mr. Copper will be along shortly. You can wait for him inside. If there is anything you need, anything at all, Miss Delacroix, please do not hesitate to ask. My name is Mary." The woman curtsied and turned to leave. Eva stopped her with a hand to her arm.

  "Please, call me Eva. All my friends do," she offered.

  The tall willowy woman blushed prettily and curtsied again. "Thank you, ma'am. I'd be honored to call you Eva. Mr. Copper will be along shortly."

  Eva nodded and opened the wooden door cautiously. She gasped when she stepped inside.

  The room was beautiful. Absolutely. Incredibly. Beautiful.

  "Oh my." They were the only words she was able to speak.

  She pushed her cloak off her shoulders and lay it across the back of the settee. Her reticule followed.

  Eva stood motionless and took in every detail. Where on earth had Levi gotten so many candles? They were everywhere, casting the darkening room with a romantic glow only candles could bring. How had he done all of this in such a short time?

  He left the Quincy ranch shortly before she and her family, and yet somehow, he’d done all of this. He was so kind. And thoughtful.

  She sat down and sank into the stuffed cushions of the floral settee, her guilt pushing tears into her eyes. Levi was such a dear friend. Could she put his future at risk to escape her father's wrath? What would happen to him once she left Laramie?

  Perhaps this plan of hers required more thought. Before it was too late.

  * * *

  Levi's agitated footsteps paced another lap across the main room of his third-floor suite. He knew Will was watching his every move, but he needed time to think before he answered his friend’s questions.

  "Levi, are you sure about this? I don’t know this young woman, but I would think she might be more than a little upset when she learns she's legally married to you instead of her proposed temporary wedded bliss. Do you know the reason behind her wishes not to be wed to you legally?”

  “Yes. She said she’s tired of not having a say in her life.”

  “Then give her a say. Tell her she can be an equal partner in your marriage.”

  “She won’t believe me even though she says she trusts me. Her father has really done a hell of a job on her and she won’t be happy until she’s free to go where she wants and do what she pleases. Besides, Will, I can’t guarantee I’d be willing to let her go when she’s ready to leave. I—care for her.”

  Will gave him that look that said he knew what Levi was trying so hard not to say, but his friend let the obvious response alone. Instead, he offered Levi sage advice.

  “Then if you can’t be honest with her about your true feelings and you are determined to marry her, then you need to persuade her to change her mind about this pretend marriage. You need to make her want to stay married to you
and you need to do that before she finds out the truth. If she finds out that you betrayed her trust before she decides to stay, then you my friend are gonna be in a very bad place.”

  “Damn it, Will. Don't you think I know all that? I plan to tell her the truth as soon as the right moment presents itself."

  “Don’t you think any information after the fact is gonna be too late?” Will’s sardonic grin didn’t help him much at the moment, and his observation hit a little too close to home.

  Levi didn't want to have this conversation, but it was the only way he could simultaneously follow through with his promise to Governor Moonlite and help Eva. He refused to analyze his own feelings in the matter.

  "Are you sure about this, Levi? When Eva finds out that you tricked her—"

  "Damn it, Will. You owe me." He paced around the room again, stopping in front of his friend. "You owe me a lot of money and I'm offering you a clean slate if you will do this for me."

  "I'm not saying I won't do it, Levi. I'm just appealing to your sense of honor before I agree. Are you certain you can live with yourself once this deed is done? Can you live with the consequences if Eva is not as understanding about the matter as you hope?"

  He wasn't certain of anything at the moment, but he had made promises he had to keep.

  "I don't have to tell you how I feel about Eva. She is very...special to me, so I would never hurt her. And, I will admit, it is my greatest hope that I can convince her that our marriage can be a blessing to her. I am also hoping that I can make her—" he stopped short, unsure how to articulate his feelings in front of his friend.

  "You are hoping to make her fall in love with you. I can see it on your face. It is the first time I have ever seen you allow your emotions to show so openly. I hope that is for my benefit only. To show the woman how you feel could be detrimental at the onset. You may scare her off if she thinks you might want to consummate this marriage and make it impossible for her to escape before you have convinced her to stay." Will stood and clamped his hand on Levi's shoulder. "I fear for you, my friend. This is a gamble you can't afford to lose. But, if you are determined to move forward with this plan of yours, I will do my part and wed you to your heart's desire."

  Levi's relief was palpable. "Thank you, Will. Consider your debt to me paid in full."

  "We shall see whether you feel you have made a good wager when this is all said and done. Now, my friend, let's get you married, shall we?"

  Relief flooded Levi's chest. "Yes, let's get me married. To Eva." He spoke the words to hear how they sounded. They sounded wonderful to his ears.

  "I'm ready. The room has been prepared and I am hopeful my bride suffered no difficulties in escaping her father's house without detection."

  "How do I look?" Will asked.

  Levi turned to see his friend splashing good bourbon down the front of shirt. His vest was buttoned crooked and he gave the overall appearance of a drunken fool.

  "You certainly are determined to play the part of a blundering fool. Any particular reason for the subterfuge?" Levi pushed his arms through his new black suit coat he had bought just for the occasion. He grinned at his friend and shook his head in amusement.

  "I want to make certain if this plan of yours goes south, I have a ready-made excuse to deny my culpability and feign innocence," Will said. "I'm a federal judge, Levi. My career might be more inclined to overcome a weak moment in judgment than a deliberate act of misusing my judicial powers. I, too have a reputation to protect, gambling debt or no."

  "I understand, Will, and I promise if something untoward happens, I will not hold you responsible in any way," Levi assured his friend.

  Will threw his head back and laughed. "Levi. You have so much to learn about women. I'm not fearful of you. Or the law. It is the woman you are about to marry that puts fear into my heart."

  "Eva is such a sweet timid thing. She isn't capable of wishing harm on another person."

  His friend laughed again. "You have had no experience with a vengeful woman, I see. Let us pray that remains so as the months before us unfold. Now, let us proceed with this plan before we both come to our senses and correct the error of our ways."

  Levi dismissed his friend's dire warnings. He knew Eva. Will did not. She would thank him for his treachery when she grew to love him. He was certain of it.

  He led Will down the carpeted hallway to the grand staircase and down to the first floor, then down a back hall to the private area of the hotel where they would be less likely to be seen by someone they knew.

  It was unfortunate that the room where their ceremony was to be held was located directly across from where The Ladies Club of Laramie held their weekly meetings. He didn't worry about today since it was Sunday, and after the marriage was announced, it wouldn’t matter anyway. He just didn’t want Eva’s friends, or her friends’ nosey mothers, to start asking questions that would make Eva question the circumstances of the marriage until he had a chance to make her love him. Like a wife loves her husband.

  Levi nodded to a couple of gentlemen in the hallway. They were headed to the gambling room, so they didn't stop to chat. For that, he was grateful. His mind was too distracted for idle chatter.

  "Here we are," he informed Will as he reached for the doorknob. Levi hesitated a moment and took a deep breath.

  "Having a change of heart, my friend?" Will spoke from behind him.

  "No. Not a change of heart. It's just that...when I walk through this door, my life, and Eva's life, will change forever." Refusing to allow his doubts to make this decision for him, he twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open.

  There stood Eva, her coat draped over her arm, her hand on the doorknob as if she were preparing to leave. Had she changed her mind? Levi's heart punched at his ribs.

  "Eva. You’re early. I wanted to be here when you arrived. Are you going somewhere?"

  Chapter 5

  Eva was still standing at the door, her hand on the knob trying to decide whether she should stay or go when Levi opened the door to her.

  There he stood, in his black suit, looking so amazing and as handsome as any man she had ever laid eyes on.

  His dark beard and mustache were neatly trimmed and his black hair, curling just at his collar, gave him a rakish appearance that made Eva's toes curl inside her shoes.

  And, he was not alone. She stepped back to allow the men to enter. The man with Levi closed the door behind them and locked it.

  "Eva, I’m so glad to see you made it safely out of your house. I take it your parents are not aware you are absent yet?” He asked.

  “No, they are none the wiser at the moment, but that won’t hold true for long, I fear.” She felt like a coward for keeping quiet when she should be setting her friend free from this ludicrous plan of hers.

  He smiled at her and took her coat from her arm and lay it across a chair nearby. Then, he led her to the sofa to sit as he took a seat beside her. The concern on his face made her guilt pinch again. She should really say something...

  "Eva, I want you to meet a good friend of mine. This is Will and he has agreed to perform the ceremony for us."

  The man offered her a nod in greeting and a stiff bow. What must he think of her, asking Levi to pretend to marry her?

  "Hello, Will." It was all she could muster for fear her emotions would give her doubts away. Did Levi think this person would fool an observant eye as someone who could officiate a wedding ceremony?

  Levi took her hand in his. She liked the way his skin felt against hers.

  "Shall we begin? I'm certain you want the marriage certificate signed before there is any chance your father can discover your plan and stop us," Levi suggested.

  The image of her father storming into the room and harming Levi in any way pushed her doubts down deep. There would be time for regrets later. Now, she must pretend to wed her friend or suffer the fate of an arranged marriage with someone of her father's choosing. The thought should make her ill, and yet—

>   “Eva? Are you alright?” She heard the concern in Levi’s voice.

  "Yes. I’m—no.”

  “What is it? Aren’t you feeling well?” Levi reached out and pulled her closer to him.

  She had to make certain he understood what he was getting himself into before she could proceed. “Levi, are you certain this is something you want to take on? I mean just because I asked you to pretend to marry me doesn’t mean you should. My father is a very vindictive person. You of all people have first hand experience at my father’s acrimony. He can ruin you, Levi. He can take everything you hold dear away from you because—that’s who he is,” she managed to say, her guilt pushing her doubts ahead of her desperation.

  “Eva, you know me better than that. I’m not afraid of your father. In fact, I welcome the opportunity to go head to head with him. So, bring on your wrath, Mr. Henri Delacroix. We are more than ready for you,” he teased.

  Eva heard the humor in Levi’s words, and she began to relax. She trusted Levi and she knew if anyone was a match for her father, it was this street smart man who pulled himself out of the gutter by his own boot straps.

  “I think you are worrying about nothing, Eva. Once your father sees you are married, he will resign himself to the fact and leave us alone. Now then, I hope that relieves your fears. Are you ready?”

  Eva inhaled a deep breath for courage. She wanted to escape her father’s machinations, and this was the only way she believed would make him stop trying to use her for his own benefit unlike Levi who genuinely cared for her and had her best interests at heart. What on earth had she done in her miserable life to warrant such a dear and honorable friend?

  “Eva?” She heard Levi calling her from her worried musings.

  “Yes, I am ready.” She knew Levi could handle whatever her father brought to his door and she trusted him. Yes, she was ready.

  "Good. I'm glad to hear it." He pulled her to her feet and lead her to the table that held a bible and a piece of paper—a certificate of some sort.

  "Thank you for being so kind, Levi. This room is beautiful." Eva was touched by all of the things Levi had done to make their make-believe wedding seem special.


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