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Harry Blount, the Detective; Or, The Martin Mystery Solved

Page 28

by T. J. Flanagan

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  Transcriber's Note: The original copy of this text did not have a Tableof Contents. A Table of Contents has been created for this electronicedition.

  The following typographical errors present in the original text havebeen corrected.

  In Chapter III, "Breakfast, over Mr. Stafford strolled out" was changedto "Breakfast over, Mr. Stafford strolled out", and a quotation mark wasadded after "she must do as she pleases."

  In Chapter VI, "mumured something not very angelic" was changed to"mumured something not very angelic", "asserverated that he believedhimself" was changed to "asseverated that he believed himself", "somecl-- something which would enable me" was changed to "some cl--somethingwhich would enable me", and a quotation mark was added after "Mr. HenryHall, No. -- Harley St., London."

  In Chapter VII, a missing quotation mark has been added after "he havesomething?", an exclamation mark following "Here Mike" has been movedfrom outside to inside a quotation mark, and a missing period was addedafter "slipped through his fingers like quicksilver".

  In Chapter IX, "all sorts of nice things about, you" was changed to "allsorts of nice things about you", "You might as well go ahead Dick" waschanged to "You might as well go ahead, Dick", and a missing period wasadded after "who took a great fancy to Hall".

  In Chapter X, a missing quotation mark was added after "the Emperor ofNowhere has died and left you a kingdom".

  In Chapter XI, "Kate became embarassed and blushed" was changed to "Katebecame embarrassed and blushed", "aware he is an imposter" was changedto "aware he is an impostor", and "Her's was the original" was changedto "Hers was the original".

  In Chapter XV, a missing period was added after "the two inns in Naas".

  In Chapter XVI, "her all night vigil" was changed to "her all-nightvigil", and "Mext morning, immediately after breakfast" was changed to"Next morning, immediately after breakfast".

  In Chapter XVII, "if the matter was followed furthur" was changed to "ifthe matter was followed further".

  In Chapter XVIII, a missing quotation mark was added before "The partywanted was our friend Hall", and "Mr. Jacobs, however, knew Mr. Blout"was changed to "Mr. Jacobs, however, knew Mr. Blount".

  In Chapter XIX, a quotation mark was added before "How blind youfathers", and a quotation mark was deleted after "exclaimed the doctor".

  In Chapter XX, a missing period was added after "laid two letters beforehim", a quotation mark was removed after "The other is 'life,' orworse.", "Such fellows as Jaggars and 'The Knifer'" was changed to "Suchfellows as Jaggers and '
The Knifer'", and "Thus communing with himselfBlount, walked rapidly" was changed to "Thus communing with himself,Blount walked rapidly".

  In Chapter XXII, "put himself out Blount's reach" was changed to "puthimself out of Blount's reach".

  In Chapter XXIII, "Quirk, sir, And I heard" was changed to "Quirk,sir, and I heard", and "an' would'nt give 'em to me" was changed to "an'wouldn't give 'em to me".

  In Chapter XXIV, quotation marks were added after "necessary to close inon him" and before "I can't tell yet", "this dull indifferance" waschanged to "this dull indifference", and "she's being sacrified in theaffair" was changed to "she's being sacrificed in the affair".

  In Chapter XXV, a quotation mark was added after "Here are your papers,Mr. Martin."

  In Chapter XXVI, "I found 'The Knifer' easy enough in Lieth" was changedto "I found 'The Knifer' easy enough in Leith", and "at the risk ofbeing set down for a boar" was changed to "at the risk of being set downfor a boor".

  In Chapter XXVII, a period was added after "L500 on L200,000".

  In addition, the phrase "No.-- Harley St.", which appears frequently inthe text, has been changed to "No. -- Harley St." throughout.

  In the advertisements, a period was added after "Birthday and Weddingcelebrations", and a comma was added after "dyspepsia".


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