Wicked Respite
Page 15
In truth, Jack had cleared more potentially-dangerous hotel rooms than his partner. Brian might’ve been older, seasoned, but Jack was trained in an area that saw a lot more dangerous characters being taken down.
“I’ll take the lead,” he announced as he drew his service weapon and ran his hand over the door handle.
Brian’s eyebrows drew together. “Why are you taking the lead?”
“Because I’ve been through my fair share of doors before.”
“And you think I haven’t?”
“I think you’ve had less of a need to go through them here.” Jack didn’t want to offend his partner but understood it would be safer for both of them if he went first. “I promised Ivy I would come home to her tonight.”
“You think you won’t if I go through first?” Brian wasn’t the sort to get offended, but he couldn’t help himself. “That’s … great. Glad to know you have such faith in me, buddy.”
Jack managed to hold back a sigh, but just barely. “If you think I don’t have faith in you, you’re wrong. You’re the best partner I’ve ever had. Of course, my previous partner plugged me twice in the chest and left me for dead in an alley so you don’t have a lot of competition on that front.”
Brian’s expression darkened. “Is there a specific reason you reminded me of that at this point in time?”
“I’m simply trying to be practical.” Jack refused to back down. “I’ve done this before, multiple times. Have you?”
“I’ve been through doors before.”
“When a potential serial killer might be on the other side? That’s what we’re dealing with. This guy has killed two women that we know of – the list could be a lot longer in other states – and is potentially on the hook for other murders. He’s not going to be taken without a fight.”
“If something happens to you … .”
Jack shook his head, firm. “Nothing is going to happen to me. Do you think I would leave Ivy? That is never going to happen. I still think it’s better for both of us if I go first.”
“Fair enough.” Brian nodded and drew his own weapon. “Let’s get this over with. I want this guy in custody.”
“You and me both.” Jack used his free hand to rap on the door as hard as possible. “Police. Open up.” He didn’t wait for a response. Instead, he slammed his foot into the door, which gave way with a terrific splintering of wood as it flew inward.
Jack’s movements were smooth as he stepped into the room, which was empty. He checked blind spots over both shoulders before moving toward the bathroom. He locked gazes with Brian for an extended period of time and then threw open the bathroom, his gun trained on the inside of the small room.
No one was there.
Jack checked behind the shower curtain to make sure and then lowered his weapon. “He’s not here.”
“I noticed.” Brian moved back into the main room, pulling up short when he saw a pile of photographs sitting on the bed. “What do you think those are?”
“We should check.” Jack snapped on a pair of rubber gloves after holstering his weapon and then grabbed the photos. His frown only deepened when he realized what he was looking at. “It’s Amy.”
“Yeah?” Brian wasn’t surprised. “Are they of your camping trip?”
“No.” Jack shook his head. “I’m pretty sure that’s the bar out on the highway, right?”
Brian accepted the photo Jack handed him and scowled. “Yeah. That’s the place.”
“And that’s Amy.” Jack tapped the photograph. “It looks like she’s not looking in the direction of whoever took the shot. I very much doubt she knew it was being taken … or that Jeff took it himself. That place isn’t big enough for someone to stay hidden.”
“No.” Brian was thoughtful as he caught up to what Jack was trying to say. “You think someone tipped him off that she was here, don’t you?”
“I don’t know.” Jack continued to flip through the photos, his lips curving down when he came to a specific one in the stack. Max was in it, and he had his arms around Amy’s waist. They stared into each other’s eyes in such a way that Jack knew neither one of them realized they were being watched. “I’m wondering if Max is the one who made him come here.” Jack held up the photo. “Maybe he had someone following Amy, waiting for the right time to approach her. None of these photos were taken at the lake house … and there’s no little kid in them.”
“You think that Jeff wants the boy,” Brian mused, rubbing his throat as he considered the statement. “That would make sense. He treated Amy like a dog – no, worse than a dog – but the boy is his son. He’s the sort of person who would want to take ownership of his son.”
Jack felt sick to his stomach. “He would want to mold JJ to be like him. That’s who he is.”
“I would agree with you there.”
Jack let loose a heavy sigh. “He’s not here. We have to find out where he is. He must’ve registered a vehicle with Stan.”
“I don’t think Stan follows standard rules when it comes to his guests.” Brian’s tone was dry. “He just wants the cash.”
“Well, we still have to figure out what he’s driving.” Jack was firm. “I want to see him coming when it’s time. I don’t like this.”
“I don’t either.” Brian glanced around. “Let’s gather all the evidence we can and then go through it back at the cottage. I think we’d both feel better if we checked on Amy and Ivy.”
For Jack, that was an understatement. He managed to keep his emotions in check and nod, though. “Yeah. I definitely want to check on them. If Jeff made it this far, knew this much, there’s a possibility he managed to suss out the location of the lake house.”
“I think he would have photographs of the boy if that were true,” Brian replied. “Still, this isn’t coming together for me. Jeff needed help to get as far as he did. We need to figure out who that help is … and if he or she is still in town. That’s the only way we’re going to be able to keep JJ and Amy safe over the long haul.”
“We’ll figure it out.” Jack was bound and determined that was true. “The only way I can keep Ivy and her brother safe is to find Jeff. They’ll both find trouble the longer this drags out. I want it taken care of … and fast.”
“Then we need to sit down and go through this, get Amy’s opinion on what he might do. She knows him better than us.”
“Which is why she’s so terrified.”
“We can’t change that until we find him, and I think we’re going to need her to do it.”
“Fair enough.” Jack dropped the photographs into a plastic bag and moved to confiscate the computer resting on the second bed. “Let’s get on it. There’s no way he’ll return to this place.”
“No. He’s probably out there watching us right now, fuming and furious.”
“Which means he’ll figure out a way to move on Amy that goes around us. We can’t let that happen.”
“Oh, we’re not going to let that happen. This guy has terrorized his last woman. He’s a plague on humanity and should be treated as such.”
AMY WAS DELIGHTED WHEN Ivy let her into the cottage.
“Oh, wow, look at this place. It’s … magical.”
To Ivy, it was simply the house she grew up in. It was so small, Max was moved to the basement when he got older as a child because there were only two rooms on the main floor. Since moving in, Jack had started (and finished) a massive basement remodel and there were now several serviceable rooms in the basement, including a man cave area just for him … although he rarely used it. He much preferred hanging out with Ivy upstairs, although she figured that might change once they had a few kids and they spent two days in a row trapped in a small house during a snowstorm.
“I like it.” Ivy sent Amy a warm smile as she locked the door, making sure to test it before ushering Amy further into the cottage. “This is where Max and I grew up. I bought it from my parents when they decided they wanted to move to a townhouse because
it was easier than keeping up on their own yard.”
“It’s wonderful.” Amy ran her fingers over the mantel. “I bet you and Jack spent a lot of snowy days in front of this fireplace over the winter. I’ve always wanted a fireplace.”
“We definitely enjoy a roaring fire. I like to read in front of it, too. Jack is happy just sitting next to me and watching a game.”
“Maybe one day I’ll get a fireplace, too.”
Ivy’s heart went out to her. “I’m betting that will happen sooner than you think.” She thought of her brother’s house, which was small and something of a bachelor pad. “I bet, once things are settled, Max finds a bigger house.” She hadn’t meant to say it out loud. It was more of an internal muse than anything else. She had a big mouth, though, and the words escaped before she realized her error.
“What?” Amy’s eyebrows drew together in puzzlement. “I don’t understand. Are you saying that Max will get a house for all of us? You can’t be serious.”
Actually, Ivy was deathly serious. “He really likes you.”
“He doesn’t know me. Not really.”
“I don’t think that’s true. You’ve definitely kept him out of the loop on the big secret but once he finds out, it’s actually going to make him feel better. Not about what you went through, of course, but about why he didn’t feel you wanted to share information with him. This is a big secret.”
“Yeah, but … I have a child. My son. JJ is the most important thing to me. That’s not going to change.”
“Of course it’s not. Max happens to love kids, though. You’re going to be fine on that front. I bet he and JJ bond so fast it will make your head spin.” Something occurred to Ivy. “How did you manage to keep Max from finding out about him, though? Didn’t Max pick you up at the lake house for dates?”
“No.” Amy turned sheepish. “I told him I was nervous about not having my own vehicle so I met him for the first few dates. I wasn’t planning on going out with him at all. He was persistent, though. He kept coming in and sitting at the bar so he could talk to me. This went on a full two weeks before he even asked me out … and then it continued even after he asked me out. It was like a game to him, or at least that’s what I told myself.”
“Max likes to play games,” Ivy acknowledged. “He wouldn’t play games like that, though. I know you’re afraid to tell him – and I honestly don’t blame you – but I think you’ll be surprised by his reaction. It will just make him like you more, marvel at how strong you are, and embrace your son right from the get-go.
“It was smart to meet him at restaurants and stuff,” she continued. “Keeping your son safe is important and you didn’t know him other than to think he was a nice guy who liked to flirt with you. Still, you spent a few nights at his house, didn’t you?”
“I did. Caroline thought it was a good idea. I’d never spent a night away from JJ before that. I thought he would have a lot of questions, but he never asked one. Caroline is really good with him.”
“I’m glad. I’ve always thought she was a nice woman. She’s safe right now. JJ is safe. That’s what you have to keep reminding yourself. Pretty soon, you’ll both be safe forever. Jack and Brian will make sure of that.”
“I hope so.” Amy’s expression was wistful. “I’m just afraid that Max is going to turn his back on me because I lied.”
“You didn’t lie. You just didn’t tell him the truth.”
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
“Not exactly.” Ivy internally debated how much she should tell Amy and then decided that the only way to make the woman fully trust her was to open herself up. “Jack and I didn’t tell each other the truth the second we met. That took a bit of time.”
“It did? See, I would’ve thought you and Jack were in sync from the start.”
“In some ways we were. In others … well … it wasn’t that easy.” She took a deep breath. “Did Max tell you why Jack moved to Shadow Lake?”
Amy looked taken aback by the question. “Um … I don’t think so. He just said that Jack used to be a detective with the Detroit Police Department and got tired of the nonstop crime and violence so he moved here.”
“Is that all he said?”
“He also said that you and Jack were like magnets and couldn’t stay away from each other and he thought it was weird.” Her smile was small and girlish. “He made me laugh when he was reenacting some of the scenes he witnessed. He said Jack was practically panting after you.”
“I think it’s fair to say that Jack and I were panting after each other,” Ivy clarified. “When we met, it was like lightning struck. I knew I was attracted to him, but I fought it because I wasn’t really looking for a boyfriend. He felt the exact same way about me.”
“That’s how I was with Max.”
“And yet he chased you.” Ivy smiled as she pictured the full-court press her brother must have put on the young woman, wearing her down until she finally agreed to go out with him. “Jack and I both fought it … until we found out we were sharing dreams.”
Amy’s face was blank. “I don’t understand. What do you mean? You’re saying that both of you wanted the same things and then somehow realized it, right?”
Ivy shook her head. “No. That thing I did today, seeing your past when I touched your son’s bear, that’s only one of the things I can suddenly do. It started with sharing dreams with Jack. I thought it was happening in my head, but it was happening in both our heads.”
“No way. How?”
“I still don’t know.” That was the truth. “Jack called me to him somehow. He was suffering from nightmares. It was the same thing over and over. He was in a dark alley, a man he knew and trusted pulled a gun, and he shot him twice.”
Amy was horrified. “What a terrible dream.”
“Yeah, except it wasn’t a dream. That’s what really happened to Jack in Detroit. His partner was dirty and shot him, left him for dead. Jack was stuck in a loop because of it and I sort of helped him along.”
“And you were really in the same dreams together?”
Ivy chuckled at the incredulous look on her face. “Yeah. Something slipped one time and we realized it was really happening. Ever since then, we’ve been together. It seemed somehow kismet.”
“That’s not what’s happening with Max and me, though,” Amy countered. “We weren’t magically drawn together.”
“Weren’t you?” Ivy wasn’t so sure. “My brother seems to think so. How else do you explain hooking up with him and finding me?” Her smile was broad. “I mean … other than being an absolute delight, I’m the only one who could’ve seen what you were really hiding and confronted you. You weren’t ready to open up yourself, but the universe realized you needed help. That’s why it sent you Max.”
Amy had never spent much time thinking about things like that, but she couldn’t stop herself from laughing. Ivy sounded so sure of herself. “Do you really believe in destiny? Like … really and truly?”
Ivy nodded without hesitation. “I believe that Jack and I were always meant to find one another. I think it was supposed to happen this way. He unlocked something inside of me and it’s continued to grow over the past year. More than that, though, I unlocked something in him, too. He’s my match.
“As for Max, I think there’s a reason he was drawn to you from the start,” she continued. “I think sometimes two souls recognize each other. I believe there’s magic all around us and you and Max happened to meet at the exact right time.”
“I care about him a great deal,” Amy admitted. “I didn’t want to. I planned on keeping him at a distance and making sure he didn’t get too close. I failed, though. I found myself looking forward to every visit … and laughing when we talked on the phone … and wanting to be near him every moment of the day. I’m still afraid.”
“Listen, it’s not going to be easy.” Ivy’s tone was measured. “He’s going to have a lot of questions. He’s going to ask why you didn’t trust him enough to tel
l him the truth. He’s going to be upset for a little bit. He’s going to get over it, though.
“My brother is the most easygoing guy out there,” she continued. “Sure, he has a few high-maintenance tendencies, but he’s one of the best guys I’ve ever met. You’ll see. A year from now, you’ll be laughing at the fact that you were so afraid.”
“I hope so.” She rolled her neck and stared toward the grocery bags on the table. “So, should we start making Jack’s potato salad? I get the feeling he’s going to be crushed if it’s not waiting for him when he gets home.”
“That sounds like a plan.” Ivy patted her shoulder before moving toward the refrigerator. “We need big pans for the potatoes and eggs. Jack is a fanatic for eggs in his potato salad.”
“Is there another way to make it?”
Ivy laughed. “I think you’re going to get along with everyone just fine. Don’t worry about that. It will all work out. Trust me.”
Jack let Brian and himself into the cottage shortly after noon. He picked up takeout for lunch – an apology of sorts for invading the house – and smiled when he caught sight of Ivy and Amy cooking up a storm in the kitchen.
“Are these chunks small enough?” Amy asked, gesturing to a bowl of something she held in her hand.
“That’s great.” Ivy beamed at her. “Jack is particular about his potato salad eggs. He’s kind of a baby that way.”
Jack’s smile slipped. “Oh, really?” he drawled.
Ivy didn’t seem startled to see him. In fact, the look she pointed in his direction was downright mischievous. “Am I wrong?”
“You heard us coming in,” Jack noted, placing the takeout bags on the table and moving around it so he could give Ivy a kiss. “You’re a snarky little thing, aren’t you?” He tapped her chin and grinned. “That smells great, by the way. Is it ready? I brought food for everyone because we need to talk and I didn’t want you to get stuck making lunch. I wouldn’t mind a sneak preview of tonight, though.”