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Trekachaw Page 29

by B R Flores

  “I’m not going to ask you again. Did Myosis rape her?” Victis demanded.

  “No. Myosis did what every Gystfin does. He bit her head off.”

  “Have Zeta and Clyde stay with Tilly and Marilyn. Tell them not to let them out of their sight. Where’s Azha?”

  “I told Pify and Azha what happened. There’re on the telerobotic solar deck looking for energy anomalies.”

  “Find out if they’re still there and let them know I’ll be on the bridge,” ordered Victis.

  The bridge monitors were receiving multiple distress messages from the Cargo Ship. Takeda was requesting either Azha or Victis to return, and for emergency medical assistance. Victis switched coms and spoke with Takeda.

  “Who’s hurt and how bad are they?” Victis asked.

  “Atue and Boo are hurt bad. They have deep bite wounds and cuts from fighting Myosis and a Leader. They were killing Boo when Atue found them. Atue pulled Myosis off Boo, but then the Leader and Myosis ganged up on Atue. They were killing Atue when Duroc and Ajax came in. Myosis and the Leader let go of Atue and disappeared into a crate. We searched all the crates, the entire bay, and most of the ship. So far, nothing,” advised Takeda.

  “I’m dispatching Pax with emergency medical staff. Where do you want them?” Victis asked.

  “We were afraid to move Atue or Boo; they’re still in the cargo bay.”

  “Have Duroc meet us outside the ship. He can guide us in,” ordered Victis.

  Pax, Azha, and Pify landed on the bridge just in time to hear the end of the transmission.

  Victis gave them a brief recap and sent Pax on his way. He then directed his attention to Azha.

  “Find Phera and have her meet me outside the cargo ship. You stay here with Pify in case Myosis attacks this ship again. Akio, you take charge of Phera’s ship and notify all the other ships to be on ‘Keijo-alert’.”

  Clyde spoke up, “Captain Victis, I know how to transfer my energy. Can I try to help Atue?”

  “Yes, go Clyde. Do what you can. Azha, when you get to the Cargo ship, assign five Human Trekachaws to Pify’s ship, five to Choan’s ship, and five to Phera’s ship to assist Vopar. Have all of them report to the bridges. Roon, you’re coming with me to my ship. Azha, can you manage the cargo ship?”

  “Yes,” replied Azha.

  “Everyone to your assigned ships. Belton and Vious, take ten Human Trekachaws with you,” ordered Victis.

  Coms and monitors lit up with distress calls from Palatu. Myosis and the Leader were on a killing spree and there were no signs of them slowing down. Last count, over a hundred Quizans were dead.

  “Change of plans, I’m going with Belton to the Planet. Roon, take care of my battleship,” ordered Victis.

  Azha, Phera, and Clyde flew out of Pify’s ship en route to the Cargo ship. Not far behind them, Pax navigated the medical shuttle to the Cargo ship. Captain Pify ordered his thirty Umdul Battleships to activate ‘Bogtu Urp’ lock down and for the engineers on the Gor and two Crozin battleships to enter cryptic security codes, disable all weapon systems and extract the magnetic cores. The Engineers were to return to Pify’s battleship until told otherwise.

  Belton, Victis, and Vious streaked towards Palatu. Akio flew a shuttle to Phera’s ship to assist Vopar. Zeta, Clyde, and Deneb remained on Pify’s battleship to protect Kigen, Tilly, and Marilyn. And Roon was en route to Victis’s battleship by himself.

  GINZAL AWOKE FROM HER NAP and strolled onto the bridge. “Zeta, where is everyone?”

  “Gone. A lot happened while you were asleep. Myosis and a Leader killed Victis’s wife, scalped an Umdul Aid, and hurt a Ryquat nurse. Also, they almost killed Boo and Atue. Right now, Myosis and the Leader are slaughtering Quizans on Palatu.”

  “Where’s Azha?”

  “He went with Pax, Phera, and some other Trekachaws to the Cargo Ship.”

  “How long ago?” Ginzal asked.

  “About five minutes,” replied Zeta.

  “If anyone cares, I’ll be on the cargo ship with Azha,” Ginzal said with attitude.

  Azha selected the Human Trekachaws per Victis’s instructions and sent them on their way. Joshua and Nick asked to remain on the cargo ship because they felt ill. Azha knew they were lying, but he didn’t care. They were worthless anyway.

  Atue’s stripes were white and his eyes were hollow. Boo was torn apart, covered in blood, and his breathing was labored. Clyde bent over and felt Atue’s chest with his hand.

  “Phera, I transferred my energy to an injured female Trekachaw and it helped her. If I can’t transfer enough energy, are you willing to give yours, too?”

  “Absolutely, do it.”

  Clyde entered Atue’s chest and a soft glow appeared in his hollow eyes. Phera entered the top of Atue’s head. She knew her skills would ease his fears. Slowly she moved towards his cries for help.

  “Atue, I’m Phera. Clyde is transferring his energy to you. Can you feel him?”

  “Yes. Phera I’m scared, I’m dying and there is no Aeon Devotio waiting for me. I will not ascend to join the others,” cried Atue.

  “We won’t let you die. Absorb Clyde’s energy. Concentrate on living, not dying.”

  “Phera, I can feel him. How’s he doing this?”

  “Clyde knows how. I’m going to leave you to help him. Do not be afraid. Between the two of us we can save you.”

  “If you can’t, promise you’ll come back. I don’t want to die alone,” begged Atue.

  “We won’t let you down.”

  Phera exited Atue’s head, clueless as what to do next. Clyde was still inside his chest. She wondered how long he could transfer his energy without risking his own life. Atue’s eyes glowed brighter and his stripes had a slight tan color to them. This was crazy. Clyde had been inside far too long.

  Phera screamed, “Clyde stop, get out of there!”

  A dull glow exited Atue’s chest and morphed into Clyde. He was almost completely drained.

  “Phera, he’s not strong enough yet to survive. Can you transfer some of your energy?”

  “Tell me how,” asked Phera.

  “Enter through his chest and release your energy into his heart. You’ll know when you’ve given all you can.”

  Phera turned into energy and entered Atue’s chest.

  Boo moaned, “Aut diey?”

  Clyde placed his hand on Boo’s forehead, “No, Atue is alive. We’re getting you help real soon, save your strength.”

  Pax barged through the door with his medical team and began working on Boo. Phera’s energy was enough to save Atue and Boo was in stable condition and expected to live. Their deaths had been thwarted despite Myosis and the Leader’s best effort to end them.

  Azha entered the cargo bay and morphed into body form. He felt such a relief to see Atue alive, and then he saw Phera. She looked pale, and when she tried to stand she stumbled. Azha grabbed her around the waist and held her close for the first time since she became a Trekachaw. Phera wrapped her arms around his neck and listened as he whispered into her ear, “I have always loved you and I always will.”

  Phera kissed his cheek and whispered back, “I believe we are destined. Not now and not tomorrow, but someday we will find our way back to one another.”

  A small light hovered above, watching and listening to her unfaithful husband. Ginzal was furious. His betrayal was unforgiveable. Her light flickered red with sparks of purple. It wasn’t her imagination after all. Azha had been attracted to Phera from the very beginning. How could she have been so gullible. Azha was a fool. Everyone knew Phera wasn’t faithful to anyone. What was wrong with Azha? Ginger is the mother of his Human child and she gave up Aeon Devotio to bond with the great Azha. Where was Phera when he was being attacked in the shuttle? She had waited for Azha, scared and alone in space. Myosis could have come back and bitten her head off. She had even found a cavern on that moon just in case he wasn’t dead. What an ungrateful lying loser. ‘He doesn’t deserve me,’ Ginzal thought. ‘
If he wants to be with Phera, fine, she can have him.’

  Ginzal couldn’t stand to watch them any longer, and shot out into space.

  Belton scrambled together what was left of the Quizan soldiers. Myosis was long gone, leaving a path of destruction and carnage behind. Victis was as frustrated as ever. Myosis was always one step ahead. This had to stop. For now, it was best to leave the Human Trekachaws on Palatu with Belton. Victis had no business staying on Palatu any longer than necessary. He let out an ear-piercing whistle demanding everyone’s attention in the courtyard. “Belton prepare your Quizan Soldiers, and Vious, train the Trekachaws for combat. I’ll be available on com six if you need me.”

  Little did Victis know that while he was on Palatu, a catastrophe had unfolded on the Cargo Ship.

  PHERA NOTICED A RED-LIGHT HOVERING in the far corner of the cargo bay. She stiffened and slowly moved her head back to look into Azha’s eyes with a cold sobering stare. Azha blinked slightly, questioning her intent. Phera rolled her eyes up towards the red light and back down at Azha. Not a sound came from her mouth as he watched her lips move, Myosis. Steps away lay two Neco weapon within reach on the floor. At last, a chance to kill Myosis. Clyde caught on and was sheepishly moving towards the Neco Weapons. He acted as if he tripped, landing on top of them, then rolled over keeping one for himself and threw the other to Azha. The red light flashed and disappeared behind a stack of crates. Myosis was not going to get away this time.

  Clyde was the first to fire on the crate and Azha followed with repeated lasers blasts, blowing it apart into a thousand pieces. They continued to fire their lasers into burning flames of debris. This time Myosis would not escape. A scorched body screamed in agony. The scream was not that of Myosis. Before them lay a scorched black body curled-up into a ball. No one could save Ginzal. She had returned to confront Azha.

  Azha dropped to his knees. Clyde cried out that he was sorry, and Phera looked away from Ginzal’s smoldering body. Ajax kneeled over her, “Why was she up there? Why was she red?”

  Pax’s hands shook as he checked her for any signs of life. “Phera, can you go in her to find out if she dead? I don’t know how to help a Trekachaw.”

  Phera gasped. She wasn’t sure if she could bring herself to enter the brain of a dead Trekachaw. Clyde volunteered to try with Phera’s guidance.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Azha asked.

  “Gotta say we tried,” said Clyde.

  “I’m sorry, I just can’t do it,” said Phera as she turned away.

  Clyde took Phera’s hand, “Tell me how.”

  “Enter through the top of her head. Listen for her voice… her thoughts. Move slowly downward and around. If you cannot feel or hear anything, then she is gone.”

  Clyde turned into energy and slowly disappeared into the top of Ginzal’s head. He waited for her thoughts, but there were none. Methodically he moved, searching her brain for a sign. A hint of life was desperate to escape. A soul searching to escape this world. Clyde moved toward the essence, “It’s Clyde, what can I do?”

  “Find a way for us to escape this body and ascend in Aeon Devotio. Cut off my head. Ginger’s soul is waiting with me. Hurry, we must go now if we’re to continue our journey.”

  “Hold on, Ginzal.”

  Clyde’s energy flew out the top of Ginzal’s head and morphed into body form next to Phera.

  “Their Aeon Devotio is alive. I must cut her head off for them to ascend.”

  Azha grabbed a Neco weapon off the floor and sliced Ginzal’s neck, decapitating her. Two grey-death energies ascended and spiraled above, free and at peace. Azha reached up begging for forgiveness. They refused to allow him to touch them and steadily rose, then disappeared before his eyes. He could only pray they were in a better place, safe from this dismal world. Someday, he would ascend and tell them how ashamed he was for not being able to cherish their love.

  twenty eight



  COLE rose from the depths, screaming in pain and venom surged through his body, making them deathly ill. He was trying to kill Azha to avenge the death of Ginger. Azha had underestimated Cole’s strength and determination. He was using an exhausting amount of energy to fight suicide. If Cole won, Azha knew he would kill them both. Phera sensed Azha was in agony.

  “This was not your fault. All of us thought she was Myosis,” said Phera.

  Clyde and Pax were sliding Boo onto another gurney.

  Clyde spoke louder than normal on purpose, “Under the same circumstances, I would’ve done the same thing. Phera’s right, we all thought she was Myosis. Don’t blame yourself for her death.”

  “She was my wife and the mother of my Human child. My God, I killed her, and now Cole wants to kill us. What I’ve done is unforgivable.”

  Phera was afraid for Azha. She had never seen him in such despair, accepting defeat. Willing or not, she would fight his Human-half to save him.

  “Azha, you need to listen to me. I can speak with Cole and explain what happened. He needs know how important you are for the survival of Earth and what you’ve sacrificed for all of us. Will you let me try?”

  “If you fail, I will succumb to Cole. His hatred for me is debilitating and I deserve his wrath.”

  Clyde rolled a gurney over to Azha and gently nudged him to lay down. Given a moment to reflect, Phera regretted boasting how confident she was about interpreting Azha’s regrets to Cole. Phera’s energy disappeared into Azha to search for Cole. “Can anyone hear me?”

  “Phera, it’s Azha. I don’t know how you do it, but I feel relaxed.”

  “I must leave you to find Cole. I won’t be long, try to rest until I return.”

  “I trust you Phera.”

  “I will do my best,” she said lovingly.

  Azha felt her warmth leave and the darkness and despair returned. It seemed as if she was gone forever and then he heard faint voices. Voices that brought back memories of the caverns that echoed when he was a Quiey. They were soothing voices, soft as a song disguising the words into melodies. Phera was speaking with Cole. They were not arguing, nor was Cole angry. He listened, trying to understand them, to no avail.

  Azha awoke lying on the gurney alone. Apparently, he had fallen asleep. The question was, for how long? Cole was no longer present, and his despair was not clouding Azha’s mind. Out of the shadows Phera appeared. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m good. How long have I been asleep?” Azha asked.

  “A couple of hours.”

  “What happened? What did Cole say to you?”

  “Mostly we talked about your past and why you journeyed to Earth alone. Cole was angry because you stole his soul. I asked him for forgiveness so that you may continue to save us all. I explained how his Human sacrifice saved the Quizans, Earth, and you from dying. I spoke of our lost Quizan love and of Rodia’s death because of Kogbor’s vengeance. I reminded Cole that you never gave up on rescuing his mother and Ginger. We spoke of heroes and of their sacrifices with impossible expectations. Lastly, we talked about Ginzal’s death. He saw what happened in the cargo bay and understands that it was a horrible accident. Knowing however, does not lessen the agony he’s enduring. Together you have become a living legend who has earned respect from both friend and foe. He accepts his role and forgives you for what you have done and for what you must do.”

  “Thank you, Phera. We are at peace for the first time. You made this possible. Confessing my love for you was inappropriate, but I’m not sorry I said it.”

  “I love you too, but not the same. I am committed to Pify. We Owari bonded. The Umduls call it Pali-Otos. If you love me, be happy for me.”

  “Like you said, maybe someday,” Azha said with hope.

  Azha, when I said that to you, I meant it might be possible in maybe two-hundred years. No one can predict the future. Right now, you and I are not a good fit. We butt heads and disagree more often than we agree. Pify make
s me laugh and I’m his equal, or at least he made me his equal. On Opus, I am a Regent. Umduls are one of the most powerful and respected species in this Universe. He doesn’t get jealous or angry and he trusts me unconditionally, as I do him.”

  “But how do you bond or have sex with Pify? I know that’s important to you,” asked Azha.

  “You’re right. It is none of your business, but I’ll explain it to you anyway. I can satisfy Pify. He is unable to satisfy my needs. And for that reason, Pify supports my choice of having casual bonding with whomever I please. Umduls do not think of sex the same way Humans or Ryquats do, and definitely not the same as a Quizan. I find the Umdul way invigorating.”

  “How could Pify not care? That’s hard to believe,” argued Azha.

  “Knowing you Azha, I’m sure that is hard for you to believe. Nonetheless, it is the Umdul’s way.”

  “You’re telling me that you and I could bond and Pify would not care?” Azha said with a snide voice.

  “Yes Azha, that is exactly what I am saying. He would support me in my selection and not be jealous. Pify knows I will be with him for as long as he lives. I could teach you techniques that would enrich your life and soothe your uptight disposition, that is, if you can accept what I’ve told you. Maybe then, we could partake in pleasure and pick up where we left off at the Cupola Pod.”

  Azha was turning several shades of green with red and silver mixed in. Phera was heartless, taunting him with sex. He didn’t want to share her.

  Phera whispered, “You were my first as a Quizan. You were exhausting and erotic. I can’t imagine the fiery passion we’d have as Trekachaws. If you can accept my terms, I’m willing. If not, at least we have an understanding.”

  Azha couldn’t stop thinking about Phera, and he couldn’t stop feeling guilty. One thing was for sure, Azha had a lot to think about.

  PER PIFY’S REQUEST, VICTIS, PAX, Nikki, Cody, and Takeda rendezvoused with Azha, Phera, and Clyde on the cargo ship. Boo and Atue had been transported to Pify’s battleship for medical care and recovery. Duroc and Ajax were assigned to assist the Umdul Medical Toogus caring for Boo and Atue. The Human Trekachaws assigned to the battleships and those on Palatu were to remain on post until advised otherwise. The remaining sixty-one Human Trekachaws on board were summoned to attend a meeting inside the tier-one deck adjacent to the bridge.


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