Kinard Mythology Anthology Volume III
Page 48
The Great Invention
By Aislynn
It was a beautiful crisp morning in England. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the smell of scrumptious sausages and toast with jam drifted into my room from the dinner down on Main Street. I was ravoness from the night's sleep.Hungrily, I scarfed down the sausages and toast that I had decide to make. Oh I am so sorry I forgot to introduce my self I am Steven Michels,I am 34 years old and I have one dog and a fish. About half an hour later or so I was ready to walk out the door. I was walking down the street and I had arrived at work. I was halfway through done with carrying my first load, when I set down my heavy load and a brilliant idea popped into my head and that is when it all a started.
After I had gotten the days off from I started packing my bags to go travel to go buy a vehicle. I didn’t have any strong preferences for what I was looking for. By jolly it could even just be as non fancy as stale biscuits,just as long as it could work properly. Even though I didn’t have strong preferences, I ended up not seeing anything that liked or worked properly In the end,I was very disappointed with the selection and that's when when I got the idea to make my own vehicle. I didn’t have the exact plans, but I had some sort of an idea of what I wanted.
Later that month,I had at least made three vehicles but the first one explode, the second one burst into flames, and the third one fell apart. I didn’t know what to do I had tried to do everything and I was about to give up,when Hephaestus came upon me with a gift, it was wrench. The missing tool I needed.
“Thank you!” I exclaimed.
“ Well you are quite welcome.” Spoke Hephaestus in a booming voice
“But why did you give me this?” I questioned
“Because I could see that you needed help-,Hephaestus answered “and so I gave you it.”
I put the wrench in work and by god it worked! I could feel the rusted metal in my blistered hand.I had actually created a device that can help people travel. I used so much and it was so much easier to use than lugging 5-10 pound boxes every day for 5 hours.
A couple of weeks later my vehicle started to get attention. I was just driving around and then there must have been some newer people, a young couple in town because their jaws dropped as I drove by in my miraculous invention, carrying my heavy loads. They rushed up to me and asked if they could try it out and being the gentleman that I was, I let them drive it around the block, and by the second lap they had fallen in love with it. They had asked me to build one and with my trusty wrench that Hephaestus gave me I whipped one up, but I wasn’t going to give it for free I was going to charge $100 for it. When they had started to drive it around people became interested in it. And soon after that I was making 1000s of them. Everyone in england wanted them. People were coming from all over the world to buy one. And eventually I had become rich and everyone who got one absolutely loved it. So everyone lived contently in their lives.
The Second Titanomachy
By Sir. Charles Abrams
A long time ago their was a world of peace nobody battled anybody else and everybody lived happily among the rule of the gods. The god that ended the torrent of pain brought by Cronus, was Zeus. This meant Zeus would rule the earth realm. His two accomplices were his brothers Poseidon and Hades. Since Zeus could not rule everything on earth and the gods, he had Poseidon rule the Oceans and sent Hades to rule the underworld.
One day Hades felt betrayed by his brother Zeus and journeyed down the bottomless pit to wake their father, Cronus. It had been deemed by the fates that whoever brings back one from the dead shall be sent to the underworld for eternity. Cronus, seeing that Hades had awoken him, swallowed the fates and vowed to get revenge on Zeus. Luckily Hermes the messenger of the gods had been their to witness the awakening so he was able to warn Zeus. While Hermes was telling Zeus about the encounter Cronus and Hades were forming a greater army of titans than ever. Soon Hephaestus was forging weapons and armor for all of the gods. His hammer and anvil screamed for revenge. At this time Cronus’s was soul was consumed by the fates.They soon freed Atlas the titan who holds up the heavens. Cronus was smart and knew that this would cause Mount Olympus to fall down from the heavens. Cronus who was engulfed with fury screamed, “Zeus, my son I have awoken once again!”
His screams were heard all across Greece and Mt. Olympus. Zeus now enraged sent Hermes to scout Cronus. When he returned to Mt. Olympus Cronus had already summoned his army of titans from the dead and created a second army. Cronus not knowing that summoning back the army of titans would also bring back his father Uranus, made a third army the most deadly yet. He summoned all of his father's beasts the Sirens, Phoenix, Harpies, and Hades pet Cerberus. When Uranus awoke he brought back Mt. Orthys. Than the battleground was set, Thessaly the place where Titanomachy ended. Cronus’s resting place. The gods prepared at Mt. Olympus and the Titans prepared at Mt. Orthys. When the Gods and the Titans finally met at Thessaly only Cronus and the first army was their. Zeus asked, “Before we battle father, why did you summon your army from the dead, you know it is against the jurisdiction of the fates?”
“Silly fool”, Cronus yelled, “ You think the fates will help you know, I consumed them like I devoured your brothers and sisters, and soon you!”
Zeus and the other gods thought he was a fool to think he could win. He was cornered by them. At that moment The earth began to shake, the ground split open and the second army of Titans was released. The gods were surrounded. Cronus seeing his advantage plunged the Gods down into the deepest depths of the underworld. There in the underworld they realised that Uranus Cronus’s father was sleeping. They awoke him and told him about what his son was doing. Uranus then told them that the only thing that can defeat an undead army of titans is his pets. They told him that Hades controlled all of his pets. Soon after Cronus destroyed all of the farmland in the world and every living thing smelled of death, than he saw his father's pets were acting strange. They soon plunged into the underworld too. It was due to Cronus’s reign of terror they left. The only pet that remained was the most dangerous of all, the cerberus. Uranus sent the sirens back knowing they could do nothing but harm to the mortals, but the Harpies and Phoenix remained. He sent the Harpies out and they killed the new army of titans. Then he diminished the gods physical shape so they were only minds. He put them in the Phoenix which would return to Thessaly. The old army of titans killed the Phoenix, but out of the ashes the gods new forms appeared. The gods now had the power to kill but not be killed. The only one they could not kill was Cronus though for he still controlled the fates. The only one who could kill him was his father. Uranus using his last ounce of strength lifted himself out of the underworld killing himself but also Cronus.
When Cronus died the fates returned. They brought Uranus back to rule the earth eternally but he decided not, he healed Hades mind so he would no longer be jealous of his brother Zeus. The fates granted Uranus the power to control time but all he did was kill the remaining mythical beasts. He then turned himself into the Phoenix and watched over the fates, the gods, and the mortals for the rest of time.
The Tiger and the Boy
By Griffin Hinkley
In present day Siem Reap, Cambodia there was a boy named Chanda. Chanda had very little food and possessions and dreamed of going to College in America where he would have a better chance, with his treacherous life. So, first thing in the morning he got his spear and sling shot, and set off to get food and walked in the jungle quietly and admiring all the trees and monkeys hanging from them. A
fter wandering for a while he realized he was lost. So he sat down on a nearby stump moaning and praying to find his way out of there.
Suddenly, he heard rustling in the lushes brush behind him,he thought what if it's a boar I might be able to spear it and kill it, as he waited anxiously. He had his spear in possession. Suddenly, a giant and Aggressive Sumatran tiger leaped, Chanda quickly threw his spear only to hit it in the side and bounce off,which stopped him for a second. He quickly hurried up a palm tree near bye with his bag the tiger viciously leaped and missed by an inch. He finally got high enough where the tiger could not eat him. He started to think, oh no I left my family and I might never see them again now. Then he thought how to get down well the tiger was below him he smelt something and looked in his bag to see what it was and discovered fresh beef, he clenched the bloody and mushy meat it in his hands and threw the meat as far as possible he quickly jumped off the tree and ran ran as far as he could without looking back. He thought oh no i'll never see my family I've failed them, while tasting moist soil in his mouth, and that's when everything blacked out.
And he saw the Goddess Athena who was wearing gold armor and long black hair and said never run away without telling anybody
He woke up amazed to see his mom cooking warm soup. He asked what happened, she replied with a sob. A tuk tuk driver found you laying down by the highway 5 miles away,Wait shouldn't I be asking what happened. He replied,” I was lost in the jungle and I blacked out”.Then he fell into a deep sleep.