Book Read Free

Forge Kin

Page 5

by Jason Melzer

  It was like the dream I was given earlier but everything was dead with shifting sand forming small dunes in the park. It had to be over there. Link landed by my side and with his arm knocked me down onto my wings. The first shell streaked past us and blasted a hole in the roof a few meters away. Listal took a position above us with two glowing orange shields spread from her arm guards.

  Small explosions blasted against her shields as my friend held off the assault from above. A strange looking creature dropped down next to us as Listal quickly engaged it cutting its gun apart with her shields. The creature had a pink skin and was newt like in appearance. It even had flaps of skin on the sides of its neck that looked very much like gills. Wearing armor didn’t help it as Listal quickly cut the Shaizi down.

  Shouting brought me back to my senses, “You have to get inside before the rest get to us!” Loud explosions hit the rooftop all around us and I looked up to see dozens of Shaizi high above us and in the air. The explosions on Listal’s shield stopped long enough for my guide to pull me up and to a roof top door. I ran with Link as the Leshenkai soldiers lifted to the skies with shields drawn. To my right a small explosion tore apart our shuttle in the distance, reaching the door and Link forced it open.

  The door closed and explosions outside were muffled as Link bent a bar from the wall tying it through the handles of the door. “We must find the forge before they find us.” Link led me down the flight of stairs as I felt a need to tell him. “I think the forge is in the park.” Not even stopping we moved down a level in the building before a Shaizi burst through the ceiling above us and crashed into the floor.

  Link didn’t pause as he picked up a metallic chair in the hallway and turned smashing it down onto the creature. As it lay still I kept following Link with his questions. “How do you know it is in the park?” Finding another set of stairs we quickly walked with the sounds of muffled explosions above us.

  “I think I saw the round structure in it before. I think it was in a dream I had.” Link stopped and turned to face me. “We can’t go out there right now Simran. We must wait for the right time before we can go.” Turning around Link led me down another flight of stairs as I had more questions. “How do I start the forge when we get there?” Hearing the shattering of glass down a few flights of stairs we stopped when a screeching voice called out. “Search the building! Find the guide and human!”

  Link turned around and opened the doors of a large room with a table before he quietly closed us inside. Locking them I followed him to a large window on the side of the building that overlooked the park. I could see the sphere off in the distance before pointing to it whispering. “That was in my dream. I think the forge is there.” We both looked out to it and then up as we saw dueling in the air.

  Link got down on one knee and for a moment I thought I could see worry in his eyes. “We can’t wait for Listal. If that sphere contains the forge than there will be a metallic box cut into the side of it. Reach your key into the box and tell it to light with your flame. When it turns on the construction will come naturally. Don’t worry and just build. The gravity droids will work and defend you during the build.” Nodding to Link a knocking at the door surprised us.

  A shrieking voice came from behind the doors. “This one, it’s locked and the handle is cleaner. I can see it!” Looking back to Link he whispered “Follow me now!” Link took hold of a side table and slid it into the door before bolting for the window, crashing through it. Glass flew out and away from the building as Links wings opened and he started to fly for the park. Stepping back myself I ran and jumped out of the window and my wings opened pulling me forward.

  Looking back I saw the Shaizi blasting the doors to pieces with their guns. Seeing the flaming blue shell streak past me I dove down to gain speed before passing Link above me. Moving as quickly as possible I cruised past tall live grass and over dead trees. Most of the trees were fallen but a few of them were standing as I dodged between them finally reaching the sphere.

  The metallic box cut into the rock had a smooth grey interior as I landed and got my key off my neck thrusting it into the box. “I light you with my flame!” The key started to glow brightly as I put it back on and then it happened. My mind was filled as my feet fell away from the ground. Looking back to the battle Link soared over me as Shaizi soldiers were flying towards me firing blue shells from their guns. My mind felt pain anticipating my wounds.

  Turning my head slightly the blue shells stopped in the air before I noticed them hanging in front of me. As I looked back to the Shaizi they were thrown upwards at a high speed disappearing from view. Following the shells up to white floating robotic spheres I could hear the gravity drones in my mind. Rising up higher to be among them a large black bowl had risen out of the sphere as the drones threw the top of the sphere to the ground.

  An odd sensation came over me. I could feel the forges hunger for metal and I looked around to the war torn city to see the ruin that surrounded me. Looking back to the battle the words came naturally. “Feed me scrap.” Hundreds of gravity drones around me flew out of formation like a hive of bees rushing to a field of flowers. Feeling the forge heat up, I motioned to it leading it over the oasis.

  Already pieces of vehicles or damaged buildings were returning as the drones placed them in the bowl. The material liquefied and poured through holes in the bottom of the bowl and spheres of molten metal were hung in place under the forge with shields. Approaching them I could smell the differences between these metals as if the forge smelled metals for me.

  Link called up from the ground below. “Put on your gloves. You will need them for building the telemetry station!” Remembering they were in my pocket I put them on as more explosions drew my eyes to the roof top with Listal. Three of her soldiers already lay in the streets with the bones of their kin resting in the ruins of Latnisk. Worry came to my mind as I turned to an odd ship firing weapons at the forge before gravity drones moved into its path.

  Hearing the screams of the drones I watched their explosions as bits of burning metal spread out on the other side of the park. With the shuttle approaching me it turned and a large gun platform came into view, its guns pointing at me. Before it could fire an explosion threw out the gunner sending the ship crashing down into the park. A pair of Leshenkai fighters loudly passed overhead and engaged another target out of sight leaving me to keep working.

  Turning back to the forge I smelled something new and tasty. The sphere of quantum alloy was mostly white with rainbow ripples as a hunger for gold took my mind. I could smell the gold sphere as I reached for it and it came to me. With my gloves I reached in and pulled off a large marbles worth of liquid gold which formed in a small shielded bubble. Smelling the water I looked down to the oasis seeing the small sphere of liquid lifting up from the long grasses.

  Holding the gold I turned to the alloy and took a small sample for the seed crystal. A silent voice whispered as I looked at the liquid alloy. “Touch this alloy to your key and form the crystal so you may build the terminal.” Following directions my key touched the alloy before it crystalized. Pushing the crystal into my liquid gold marble I placed the sphere into the floating bubble of water next to me where it sizzled and hissed. Hearing a ringing come to my ears my eyes were drawn to the gold before the voice quieted the world around me.

  “I see your thoughts and inspirations young apprentice. Now be my hands and arm in saving the Leshenkai.” The wind was knocked out of me as I was thrown down from the sky to see one of my white drones pushing me. A silver colored glowing blade cut through it as the Shaizi was one of dozens that the drones were dealing with. Hitting the sands I tumbled softly and got back up before lifting off the ground. Hundreds of shells were being thrown over and past the forge as the Shaizi were testing the limits of the drones guarding me.

  The attempted assassin again dove with his silver glowing blade before Listal slammed and cut him down. Reaching up for the molten lead that orbited the forge my anger was po
werful as I took hold of it with a drone ready to throw it at my enemies. The world slowed down and I watched as two of Listal’s soldiers froze in their attack among the gunners. In that moment everything felt still and quiet.

  I felt as if my soul was pulled out of my body as I again stood in the meadow I had dreamed about. But grandfather stood with me. “Hello Simran. I am happy to see that you have healed so well and that you will be tall like your father.” I reached forward to him and standing straight up I hugged him, because I needed this. “I know you have missed me just as your sister has missed me. I want you to know that I am still watching over you. When I died the forge opened a door in my mind and now I watch over both of you with Terminus.”

  A few tears escaped my eyes and a single one escaped his. “Why shouldn’t I fight? The Shaizi are trying to kill all of us.” Grandpa seemed different as he didn’t smell of slag and smiled to me before looking down. “Before I grew up and followed the family traditions with the forge, I was angry and quick to judge. I tried to hide regrets from the occasional mistake with even more anger. But in the end I found a hero who taught me a better way.”

  Taking my hands in his he was still that kind old man I missed as he continued. “Do you remember who that hero was?” Nodding I looked away with shame answering him. “Mahatma Gandhi.” Feeling grandpa squeeze my hands he next touched my cheek to give kind words to me. “The good that can come from violence is only temporary. The evil that comes from it is permanent. Now let the shame and sadness go sweet child. Becoming an apprentice is a gift. You are worthy of this gift bringing you happiness.”

  Letting go of the shame I had to stop the molten metal from killing people. I had a telemetry station to finish before I could help end the war. Giving grandpa a kiss on the cheek it was time to go. “I will fix this I promise.” The meadow fell away as I became aware of the glowing orbs of molten metal around me. I would trust Listal and the others to keep me safe. Reaching for the molten lead I returned it to its hovering orbit around the forge.

  The rest of Listal’s squad had broken up the firing line as Listal flew to my side calling out to me. “Simran, you and your purpose is sacred and selfless. I want you to forgive the Shaizi for everything that happens today. Swear to me you will!” Nodding to my new friend Listal was a lot like grandpa. “I forgive them. I swear it.” Turning back to the work my new friend took off to guard me. My hunger for metal had been filled as many of the gravity drones began returning to the giant sphere.

  Link called up from the ground. “Use the gloves. They will change the shields to shape your construction with the needed quantum circuitry pockets.” The gold and quantum seed crystal had boiled most of the water from its shield now cooled and orbiting the forge. The deep voice from my dreams pierced the chaos of war as it dulled the explosions and burning trees below. “You lit the fire when you came to me with your flame. Now I will show you how to use the blaze.”

  My mind was opened up as I smelled the iron and motioned for it to leave the forges orbit and approach me. Looking down to the surface of the sphere I saw shapes appear before I reached out and began to trace them in the metal with my gloved finger. As soon as I would finish a set of shapes I would see it flow beneath the surface and a new set of shapes would appear. Tracing sharp angles and smooth lines I didn’t rush but kept the tracing neat. Seeing how I was inlaying shields into the iron these must have been the internal circuitry pockets Link mentioned.

  With chaos around I kept up the pace hoping to end the war sooner instead of later. Moments passed as I traced out the shapes on the sphere with the gravity drones hurling shells away. My defense failed me as a Shaizi soldier threw me to the ground cutting off a braid of smoldering hair and screaming. “Give me your key little child!” Near the burning trees I looked up to see a shadow come over the creatures snarling face. Listal struck him down and the energy released by her shield hurled his corpse into the burning trees behind me.

  The Shaizi crashed into the oasis into a large metal pipe which rang and began to leak water from a crack in its side. As more blue shells exploded in the sand around me I looked up to one of the gravity drones calling to it. “Open the flow of water. I need more water!” The gravity drone obeyed as the forge pulled me from the ground to the skies above the oasis.

  The drone pulled the pipe bending it with a spray from the side of the cap before it was soon torn open. Water began to gush into the oasis as the gravity drone returned to defend the forge. The sound of rushing water was distracting as I turned back to see Listal take a position by my side in the air. Flying to greet her she sounded and looked very tired. “Hurry, more reinforcements are coming. There are more Shaizi troops than we believed.”

  Listal turned and again flew up as I found the iron sphere waiting for me. Continuing to trace the shapes in the iron a loud explosion drew my eyes to its source. A pair of Leshenkai shields tumbled to the ground next to the cloud of dust along a nearby building. A different set of shields emerged from the new large dusty hole in the building wall. The shields were grey and the Shaizi wielding them tossed a Leshenkai helmet to his side.

  Listal appeared with speed as she swooped down and struck his shields before he turned and his shields crashed through another building. Going back to tracing on the sphere I completed a few more sets of drawings and they stopped coming. Screams filled the air as Tolan and his group arrive. New troops engaging the horde of Shaizi soldiers gave me time to make the basic shape I wanted. Picturing the shape of an obelisk I used the gloves and pushed on the shield around the iron.

  The shields shaped the metal for me as I made both ends square with one side being bigger than the other. Poking a hole in the top of the smaller square I reached for the seed crystal which came to me. Placing it in the hole I could see inside the iron with x-ray eyes as all of the sketches I had drawn earlier lined up. The calming voice of the forge spoke to me as I saw open holes on the sides of the obelisk. “Quench it in quantum fire and water and Koleas will hear your orders young apprentice.”

  Motioning for the quantum alloy to approach I pushed the obelisk into contact with the white and rainbow rippling sphere. Shields merged before rainbow fire filled the steel and carved art and symbols with the top shaping into a proper pyramid. The creation was almost mesmerizing leaving the metal orange hot. Looking down to the oasis it was time for the quench of water as I took hold of the obelisk and turned lowering it to the water’s surface.

  Gently dropping it down the shields withdrew and a loud hissing roar erupted from the water as the steel sank. Loud clangs and clouds of steam dampened the smell of ash and slag as I watched ready to see if it had worked. My second to last droid was knocked down as my last remaining guard droid exploded with their approach. The grey cutting shields of two Shaizi soldiers flew towards me and I could do nothing to stop them.

  As they approached Listal appeared rushing to the first and cutting him down. The second struck her and the energy from the blow threw her out of sight. Pleased with his horrible act he turned back towards me smiling as the obelisk below rang with the cooling steel. Before he could strike me another Leshenkai shield blade cut him down throwing his body out of the park.

  Kai had stopped to yell to me after transferring his momentum into the dead Shaizi. “Order Koleas to turn off the weapons the Shaizi stole from us!” Preti had to be fine as I looked over to see her and Chip fly by. “Hurry up Simran. We need to stop the fighting!” Link called over from the forge. “Touch your key to start the telemetry station now!”

  Lifting the cooling structure out of the water with my last gravity drone it dropped onto the street. Three meters tall and I touched its side with my key before landing on the ground. The voice from Koleas spoke quietly to me as if he was standing next to me. “Thank you for replacing the telemetry tower young apprentice. I am receiving the orders from your guide now. I will now give orders for the stolen weapons to deactivate and delay establishing communications with other worlds.”

>   Looking around for the source of the voice Tolan landed on the road with Glitch joining us. “Are there additional orders you would give me before you leave.” Looking at the sand in the streets and the smoke in the skies I knew what needed to happen. “Restart your weather program and bring the rain back to Latnisk. Then resume your normal functions. That will be all.” Looking to Tolan he nodded his head with a smile.

  Turning to Glitch the guide held a portal pad very much like the one we had used to leave Shoal. Looking away to a piece of ribbon blowing across the road Preti was with Chip scrolling through worlds for her task on a different portal pad. Spying my cut braided hair I picked it up and my eyes followed the ribbon to Kai sitting on the road side. He sat with a stained metallic cloth near a building with a hole in it.

  My wings spread as I flew over to ask him where Listal was. Landing by his side I saw the cloth covering most of the figure he held quietly. One hand fell out of the sheets and the claws drew me too look at the same red and black pattern with gold trim on my own nails. I fell to my knees holding my lost friends hand against my cheek shedding more tears. Kai spoke up first. “I don’t know if I can forgive myself for losing my last cousin.”


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