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Page 32

by Nicholas Hale

  "What kind of spells can oracles cast?" Lorian asked out of curiosity.

  "By ourselves in our natural form—none. But the master has enhanced my body with the ability to discharge numerous destructive spells if the need arises. That bolt was but a small taste of what I'm really capable of."

  "Tell me a few of them..."

  "Er...well...there's the lightning bolt..."

  Lorian waited.

  "I was commanded to answer questions of import! I have not the time for your inane curiosities. We need to make haste!"

  Lorian laughed as Orcus sped up gaining a good bit of distance.

  He was beginning to like this creature.

  They finally arrived at the library. It felt like he was entering a tomb untouched for hundreds of years. There were books in the shelves, but Lorian felt they would come apart if he touched them. He walked across the library and stopped at one aisle. He ran his fingers across the spine of one book he found interesting. It was caked with dust, but the book was sturdy as he pulled it out.

  "Here are the levers," said Orcus from an adjoining room.

  Lorian followed the voice and found himself in room much like the pit. Except there was no viewing area here. He saw Orcus floating above three levers in one corner of the pit.

  "The number of levers you flip determines how strong your opponent will be. Try this one."

  "What are—?"

  Before Lorian could finish, Orcus flipped the lever. It made the clanking sound of gears and within seconds, the center of the pit began to glow. A golden sphere exploded and a large skeleton bearing a broad axe was hurtling towards him. Out of sheer instinct, he let loose a stream of elemental fire from his hand. The skeleton exploded on impact.

  "What the hell are you doing?" he shouted at Orcus, who was still floating above the lever, which now seemed to have reset its position.

  "Calm down. I knew the simplest one could do you no harm. I just wanted to show you how it worked. You can pull it as many times as you like. Good practice for the spells you'll be learning. Although if you really want to beat what the master has in store for you next, you should be able to defeat the creature you summon with all three levers pulled."

  For a second Lorian thought Orcus was about to pull all three. Thankfully he didn't.

  "What about the places in the castle I can visit?"

  "This library and the training room are yours. Temporarily, of course—they belong to the master. Meals will be served twice a day in dining hall. I will come and fetch you when it's time for dinner. The only rule is to not force your way into any chamber. The ones you shouldn't enter are locked anyway. And if you want to live longer, you should keep away from those locked doors."

  "What about the holding chamber where I was kept before this? Can I go there?"

  "You can, but why would you want to go there?" asked Orcus.

  He came extremely close to Lorian and was peering at him intently with his eye.

  "No reason. I think that's all the questions I have."

  Chapter 45

  Toskk could barely keep track of Riven's movements. He appeared momentarily every now and then as a flash when the light from Toskk's torch shone off the dagger that Riven was wearing on his belt. He wasn't sure how Riven knew these sewers so well. He knew that Riven had known some of the passageways, but right now they were in the deepest bowels of the sewers.

  And the stench. Toskk was no stranger to rot and decay, having grown up in the alleyways of Archon, but this stench was overpowering. It was all he could do to keep himself from retching. Yet Riven had no difficulty with the smell. A few weeks ago, he wouldn't have dreamed of entering this part of the sewers. And if he knew Riven had been down here, he would have had some very strong words for him.

  Yet now he was glad for Riven's knowledge. The Black Ravens had grown desperate in their hunt. Even without the bounty, it seemed everyone in Archon was looking for him.

  He hadn't spoken to Daed personally since the day when they hatched this ridiculous plan of selling the egg. Daed had mentioned he would need a week or so to find a buyer. It had been five weeks now, and Toskk was getting restless.

  "We're almost there," yelled Riven.

  Toskk still couldn't see him, but he was glad to hear the voice.

  He wished Riven wouldn't shout. You never knew what was lurking this deep in the sewers. But lately Toskk had come to trust that Riven knew things. He knew things that an ordinary person could not know. This scared him to no end. Riven had always been strong willed and extremely cunning for his age. More recently though, Riven's instincts had been nothing short of exceptional.

  "Slow down, Riv," he yelled.

  His voice was punctuated by loud clanks. He couldn't be sure what was making the noise, but it was something in the walls. Like machinery working. For a place so deep inside the sewers, it was loud. Or perhaps it was because there was no other sound that the clanking noise was so prominent. It would strike every twenty seconds or so. Like a rhythm.

  Before long, he found himself walking into an opening. A small alcove where three of the sewer tunnels met. The place was damp and there were crates strewn around in one corner. There was a pile of sludgy water at the center of the room, the source of which seemed to be a half torn sack of…something.

  The room seemed aglow with a natural green light. Toskk wasn't sure what the source was. It seemed to be emanating from everywhere in the room. It was just...there. Toskk found Daedalus sitting on one of the crates. He seemed worn and when his own eyes adjusted to the lighting he could see dark circles underneath Daed's eyes. It seemed even he was suffering from a lack of sleep. Toskk looked around and didn't find Riven.


  "Get on with your meeting. I'm fine," came a reply seemingly from all three tunnel entrances at once.

  "Your little brother really knows how to pick a meeting place," said Daed.

  "I'm barely able to tolerate this stench. How did your delicate person make it here with your innards still in place?"

  "Scent incantation. Though I must say it took quite a bit of my energy to make it overpower this stench. I still keep getting whiffs of the sewage. Come to think of it, it's worse this way. I should probably get rid of the spell and just take it in at once. I might get used to it."

  "Don't. I can guarantee you'll wish you didn't. And what the hell is that sound? I told Riven we needed a quiet place."

  "Oh, that. It's part of the pumping machinery actually. Its energy source is magical, but the pump itself is straightforward. There are a few scattered around the sewers. This one sounds old. I doubt anyone comes here to fix it any more. Can't blame them. This place is uninhabitable. You couldn't live here for more than a day without catching some horrible disease."

  "When did you become an expert on sewage machines?"

  Daedalus laughed.

  "Every mage in my profession knows them. They're disgusting. The machines smell, but the magical power source is very useful. It can used to power other equipment as well. If you're ever running low on gold, it's a good way to get hold of a power source. Or at least used to be. The new ones are all warded, so it's not worth the effort trying to break them. Some of them have traps that go off in your face. The sewer dwellers try prying them out once in a while, but the traps are horrible. They spray the sewage all over you."

  Toskk shuddered as he thought about being sprayed with the sewage. This place was smellier, so he was guessing the trap would be twice as effective.

  They stood there looking at each other for a few seconds before Toskk spoke.

  "Small talk's done. You know what I'm here about."

  "The buyer. I've been asking around, and I have a few prospective customers."

  "I don't want prospective customers! I want someone who can take the damned thing off me. As soon as possible."

  "It's not really that easy to ask around about eggs, you know. Especially now. Ever since that bit with Garvin. And with your bounty going up. What th
e hell happened? One day it's two hundred. The next, it hits eight hundred and every bounty hunter is about to start looking for you before it gets cut down again."

  "I'm not sure I understand either, but I really can't complain with how it's turned out. I'm glad Garvin's dead. That's one less blade aimed at my back."

  "Toskk, did you see his place?"

  "I did."

  Toskk winced as he said it. Who in Archon hadn't? It looked worse than a slaughterhouse. Whatever did that to his household was not human. Toskk regretted saying he was glad. Although he was glad to have Garvin off his back, no man deserved that kind of death. And his family...they were innocent.

  "Well, regardless, there are lots of rumors going around about this egg. Everyone knows your name now. People know you were mixed up with Garvin. And people know you have an egg. And that Garvin died because of that egg. There are some pretty interesting stories woven around those facts. One of them says you're a werewolf. Didn't help that Garvin died on the night of a full moon and—"

  "Rumors later, buyers now. You said you had some prospective ones. What's keeping them from becoming actual buyers?"

  "I need to be careful Toskk. I know for a fact that one of them was actually an agent of the Ravens. Fortunately he didn't know who I was. And I found this out before I went to meet him. A very narrow escape, if you ask me."

  "Any good ones in your list?"

  "Two of them are good. One is a mage of some repute from Ryga. A man by the name of Thaugmir. Very powerful. Very feared. One of his apprentices is in Archon right now. I put the word out and made sure it reached him. He sent back word that he was getting in touch with his master immediately. I should hear back from him in a day or two."

  "The other one?"

  "Funnily enough, he isn't a mage. I think he could be a thief, but I'm not sure."

  "No thieves. Too risky. He could be connected to the Ravens."

  "It's all right, Toskk. This one seemed genuine. He actually found me. Cornered me at the apothecary and put a blade to my back. Took me out to an alley nearby and spoke in whispers. Funny thing is, if he were actually a Raven, I would be on the rack with the Heartrender himself looking over me. So I know for sure that he isn't."

  "What is he then? Can't be a freelancer. There aren't many of us left around. And certainly not with enough gold to buy a dragon egg."

  "I'm not entirely sure myself. But he had black leather armor under a black cloak. Enchanted without doubt. I felt shivers when I was near him. And I was pretty careful before getting into that apothecary. He seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Right behind me, at that."

  "Anything you remember about him?"

  "He was behind me from the start so I couldn't get a clear view. It seemed even harder than normal. Like I was enveloped by a larger shadow when he was near me. Like it moved along with him."

  "I don't like it. Stay away from him."

  "Er...that's the problem. And that's why I wanted to talk to you. He knows who I am. He said he wanted the egg, mentioned a price and said I would be selling him the egg. I tried explaining that I was only the middleman, but he didn't really care. Said I had to convince you to sell him the egg. And he said it was in both our best interests to do so..."

  There was silence for a few moments while Toskk was thinking.

  "How much is he offering?"

  "A bit less than market value for an item as powerful as this. But then again, he does have leverage. Toskk, I don't think we should mess with him. I'm not much of a mage when it comes to battle, but I have a feel for magic. That's my trade. I can feel the magic in weapons, books, trinkets and even humans. This one was quite powerful, even though he wasn't a spell caster."

  "Is he human?"

  "Seemed to be. His voice was. And I felt his hand on my shoulder. So I guess he was."

  "Well, stall him. I'd rather not deal with him if it's avoidable. Try and get an answer from that Rygan mage's apprentice. Tell him whatever you have to. That we have buyers coming out of the walls."

  "And what after that? I don't want to piss him off. The shadow person, I mean. He didn't look like he wanted to hear a no."

  "Cheer up. If the sale is made, we'll be far away from Archon. Before him or the Ravens or the Summoner can do anything about it."

  "I'm not too sure."

  Daed looked a little worried. Toskk knew the man in the shadow was a problem. But he had to show Daed it was nothing to be worried about.

  "I'll take care of it. We should get going now. Riven will be coming to check on you. The only thing I want to hear from you next is a time and place for the exchange, and the amount. I'll take care of the rest."

  Toskk looked around and suddenly Riven was in the room. He was poking at one of the puddles with his dagger.

  It seemed Toskk never had the chance to get a good look at the dagger. It seemed very ornate. He was wondering if Riven had stolen it. He was about to ask about the dagger when Riven had poked something in the sludge that popped with a nauseating sound and released a mist of green gas. The air was suddenly filled with a stench stronger—if possible—than the one that was already there.

  "Riv! That's disgusting!" Toskk said while covering his nose and mouth. "Take Daed home. I can find my way back."

  "Fine," said Riven, although he seemed to ignore the part about stopping with the puddle.

  Toskk turned and made to leave from the tunnel through which he entered. He made a mental note of the turns he took while getting here, so he hoped he could find his way back.


  Riven watched as Daed and Toskk began talking. They were speaking about the smell. He really wanted to stay and listen. He wanted to know if they would discuss the massacre at Garvin's place.

  But there was a more pressing concern. The shadow.

  There was a man of shadow following them. Riven had noticed this earlier. The man had been following Daed, and when Riven left Daed at the meeting place and went to fetch Toskk, the shadow followed him. The man knew how to fight from the looks of it. He had a short sword and a dagger strapped to his waist.

  His cloak was black as night. There was something unsettling about him. An aura of shadow emanating from his body.

  It's only a trick, the voice said. He is strong. And he is fast. But he is human. Your blood will hurt him.

  There was a time when Riven had been afraid of the voice inside his head. Especially when it spoke about his blood. But Riven knew that between Toskk and Daed's stupidity, the voice was the only thing he could trust. Neither of them were thinking straight. They were picking battles with more powerful men while they themselves were weak. Daed had not even known that the shadow was following him. And the shadow seemed to know that it wasn't too hard to hide from Daed.

  He knew the shadow was listening. He had to be in earshot. He would be in one of the three tunnels. Well concealed, but not concealed enough.

  Riven knew every corner of this section of the sewers. These were the darkest and smelliest part of the sewers. Even the sewer dwellers did not like coming here because of the stench.

  He took care timing his steps with the clanking noise. The sewer machine made the awful sound. Truth be told, there were better places for them to meet. Riven could have taken them to a dozen other places, which smelled half as bad, were more silent and just as safe.

  But he needed this one. There was a good chance that the shadow man might know other parts of the sewer well. But this specific part of the sewers, Riven was sure he didn't. Because the shadow man was struggling to try and keep up with Riven. If fact, trying to be silent, he was much slower than Toskk as well.

  Riven had seen what the man could do. He wasn't sure what kind of power he possessed, but he would utter phrases. And when he did, he would get pulled into the darkness and appear out of another place. It seemed much like how mages were supposed to teleport.

  But Riven knew that wasn't it. The man's power was somehow tied to the shadows.

  Riven assumed the ma
n's hearing and other senses were good as well. So Riven needed the noise of the sewer machine. To make the man strain his ears to hear Toskk and Daed speak. He needed the noise to cloak his own steps. And he needed this place because he knew it well. Better than the man in shadows.

  Riven knew there was no way he could take the man in a fair fight. Riven couldn't take a normal Black Raven in a fair fight. He did not know if this man was a Raven, but he sure seemed like it. He had followed Daed and now wanted to ambush Toskk. Riven had to act quickly.

  After doubling back some distance, he started moving back towards the alcove. There were three tunnels and one of them was littered with crates and a lot of sewage water. The crates would give him the cover needed to hide. That was where the shadow would be. And sure enough he was.

  It was also the tunnel through which Riven had led Toskk into the alcove. The shadow chose this tunnel because he means to ambush Toskk, said the voice. Quiet, said Riven. I know.

  Riven slowed down as he saw the man crouching behind one crate. He seemed very close to the opening, but was concealed enough to not be seen by those inside.

  Riven could hear Daed speaking

  "A man by the name of Thaugmir. Very powerful. Very feared. One of his apprentices is in Archon right now."

  Riven slowed down now.

  Don't be hasty, the voice said. I'll let you know when to strike. Ready your blood.

  Riven took out a small vial from his belt. He looked at it as he waited for the next large clank to sound. This close to the man, he had to time it well. He looked at the blood inside the vial. It looked dark-red in color and hadn't congealed yet. He had drawn it from his own thigh when he went back to fetch Toskk.


  The voice had shown him the power of his blood. He had known it was unusual several years ago. They had a rat back at one of their shacks. It had attacked him when he went to retrieve some gold he had hidden. He was too small back then to put up a fight, and it had taken a small chunk out of his hand. Riven ran away as fast as he could. He came back a few days later with Toskk on some other business. The rat was lying dead in a corner. Riven had stayed back after Toskk left and looked at the rat more closely. There was blood around its lips. His blood.


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