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The Poetics of Sovereignty

Page 75

by Chen Jack W

  Wang Mang 王莽 (r. 9–25), 181

  the Cultured Emperor Tang

  Wang Niansun 王念孫 (1744–1832),

  Taizong), 5


  Tang Xuanzong 唐玄宗 (r. 712–56),

  Wang Rong 王融 (467–93): “Preface

  31–32, 238

  for Poems Composed on the

  Tang Zhongzong 唐中宗 (r. 684,

  Third Month, Third Day, by the

  705–10), 31–32

  Winding River” 三月三日曲水

  Tangyin tongqian 唐音統籤 ( Assem-

  詩序, 195n106

  bled Volumes of Tang Poems), 5–6

  Wang Shichong 王世充 (d. 621), 20,

  Three Augusts. See sanhuang


  ti 體 (“normative body”). See under

  Wang Shizhen 王世貞 (1526–90), 7–



  Tian, Xiaofei, 147n101, 183n60, 211

  Wang Tong 王通 (584–617), 62n33

  Tiele (people), 40–41

  Wang Xizhi 王羲之 (ca. 307–ca. 365),

  “True King” ( wang 王), 51–55 passim,

  3–4, 150, 154

  261n155, 279,

  Wangcheng 王城 (Duke of Zhou’s

  Tuli Qaghan 突利可汗 (603–31), 40

  capital), 276–77

  Turks, 15, 19–20, 38–42, 44–46, 90,

  Wechsler, Howard J., 29n48, 33,

  187, 188n72, 193, 196n114, 197,

  37n70, 48n1, 61n33, 295n79, 329,

  300n97, 334

  343, 350–51

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  Wei Dao’er 魏刀兒 (fl. early 7th c.),

  Wu Zetian 武則天 (r. 690–705), 22,


  26n43, 47, 132, 162, 255

  Wei Mingdi 魏明帝 (r. 226–39),

  Wujing 五經 ( Five Classics), 38, 51, 132,

  126n52, 353, 355


  Wei Shang 魏尚 (fl. 2nd c. bc), 89

  wuwei 無為 (non-action), 51, 65, 80,

  Wei Shaodi 魏少帝 (r. 239–54), 96

  204, 205n143, 206, 256n136, 257,

  Wei Shou 魏收 (506–72), 139n85, 141

  361, 366

  Wei shu 魏書 ( History of the Wei Dy-

  nasty), 134–35, 139n85

  Xiahou Zhan 夏侯湛 (243–91), 150–

  Wei Wendi: see Cao Pi

  52 passim

  Wei Zheng 魏徵 (580–643), 26n43,

  “Xian Pool” 咸池 (song composed by

  28, 30, 32–36, 45, 60–61, 79–81, 188,

  Yellow Thearch), 355n88

  295, 355n88; on Feng and Shan

  Xianbei 鮮卑 (people), 1, 179, 204

  rites, 329, 340–41; as historian, 132,

  Xiang Mandu 項曼都, 183n61

  134–35, 145, 190, 325

  Xiang Yu 項羽 (232–202 bc),

  Wen Daya 溫大雅 (d. ca. 635): Da

  202n131, 378

  Tang chuangye qiju zhu 大唐創業

  Xiao Changmao 蕭長懋 (458–93),

  起居注 ( Diary of the Founding of


  the Great Tang), 16, 19

  Xiao Gang 蕭綱 (503–51), 141n89, 142,

  Wen Yiduo 聞一多, 210–11, 214


  Wen Zisheng 溫子昇 (495–547), 139,

  —Works: “Chang’an Has Narrow


  Lanes” 長安有狹斜, 358n93; “Im-

  “Western Melodies” 西曲, 175

  prisoned, Telling of My Aims” 被

  Western Wei Gongdi 西魏恭帝 (r.

  幽述志, 174–75; “Jiangnan

  554–56), 62

  Lieder” 江南弄, 176n38; “Jiang-

  Western Wei Wendi 西魏文帝 (r.

  nan Longings” 江南思, 368–69;

  535–51), 125n49

  “Letter to the Prince of Xiang-

  Wheatley, Paul, 277

  dong” 與湘東王書; “On Snow”

  “White Snow” 白雪 (ancient poem),

  詠雪詩, 226–27; “Song of Picking

  235n65, 236, 363–65

  Lotuses” 採蓮曲, 369

  wooden automata, 319–20n24

  Xiao He 蕭何 (d. 193 bc), 287–89,

  “Wu” 武 (piece composed by King

  293, 306–7, 309

  Wu), 104–5

  Xiao jing 孝經 ( Classic of Filial Piety),

  Wu Jing 吳兢 (670–749), 26, 75


  Wu Jun 吳均 (469–520): “On Snow”

  Xiao Tong 蕭統 (501–31): “Preface to

  詠雪詩, 224–25

  Wen xuan” 文選序, 354

  Wu Yun 吳雲 and Ji Yu 冀宇, 10,

  Xiao Yan 蕭衍 (464–549). See Liang

  149n103, 192–93, 194n99, 196n114,



  Xiao Yi 蕭繹 (508–54), 141, 226

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  Xiao Yu 蕭瑀 (575–648), 24, 25, 57–

  Where I Smashed Xue Ju”: To


  Imperial Command” 五言奉和行

  Xiao Ziliang 蕭子良 (460–94), 175,

  經破薛舉戰地應詔, 255–58, 259,

  215nn18–19, 216

  263, 265

  xiaoshi 小詩 (“little poems”), 175

  Xu Ling 徐陵 (507–83), 141, 147

  Xie An 謝安 (320–85), 233–34n61

  Xu Shen 許慎 (ca. ad 55–ca. 149), 114

  Xie Daoyun 謝道蘊 (fl. 4th c.),

  Xu Yaozhi 許瑤之 (fl. 5th c.), 214


  Xuanwu Gate Incident 玄武門之變,

  Xie Huilian 謝惠連 (407–33):

  21–26, 30–32, 44, 46, 88, 105, 258,

  “Rhapsody on Snow” 雪賦, 218,


  220–21, 234n64

  xuanxue 玄學 (“Learning of the

  Xie Lang 謝朗 (fl. 4th c.), 233n61

  Dark”), 122n39

  Xie Lingyun 謝靈運 (385–433),

  Xue Ju 薛舉 (d. 618), 20, 240, 241–66

  122, 218


  Xie Tiao 謝朓 (464–99), 221, 226;

  Xue Ren’gao 薛仁杲 (d. 618), 242,

  “Together Composing Poems on


  Things Espied from Our Seats” 同

  Xue Shou 薛收 (592–624), 132, 292–

  詠坐上所見一物, 215–17, 221


  Xieli Qaghan 頡利可汗 (r. 620–30),

  Xue Yuanjing 薛元敬 (fl. 7th c.), 132

  38, 40

  Xue Zhou 薛冑 (fl. early 7th c.), 328,

  Xin Tang shu 新唐書 ( New History of


  the Tang Dynasty), 15–16, 21, 38,

  Xue Zongzheng 薛宗正, 40

  210, 341n56, 342; “Treatise on Arts

  Xueyantuo 薛延陀 (Tiele), 41

  and Letters” 藝文志 ( Xin Tang

  xunshou 巡狩 (“ritual tour of inspec-

  shu), 5

  tion”), 242, 249, 251n116, 254, 257,

  Xin yu 新語 ( New Discourses). See

  263, 312–28 passim, 333, 347

  under Lu Jia

  Xunzi 荀子, 126; “Discourse on Mu-

  Xing Shao 邢邵 (b. 496), 139n85, 141

  sic” 樂論篇, 124n47; “Discourse

  Xinluo 新羅 (people), 334

  on Rectification” 正論篇, 61n30;

  Xiongnu 匈奴 (people), 45n101, 89–

  “Discourse on Ritual” 禮論篇, 85;

  90n86, 118, 149, 191n85, 193n91,

  “Fu Riddles” 賦篇, 214–15; “Regu-

  195n107, 196n114, 202n133, 228n49,

  lations of the King” 王制篇, 279,

  229, 301n104

  280; “Way of the Sovereign” 王道

  Xu Chengzu 徐承祖 (fl. 18th c.),

  篇, 92–93


  Xu Jingzong 許敬宗 (592–672) 22,

  Yan Shigu 顏師古 (581–645), 38n75,

  132, 229n51, 233n60, 343n63; and

  154n121, 166n13, 166n13, 167n18,

  Hanlin xueshi ji, 237–41, 246; “In


  Five Syllables: Harmonizing with

  Yan Xiangshi 顏相時 (fl. 7th c.), 132

  “Traveling Past the Battlefield

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  Yan Yanzhi 顏延之 (384–456), 122;

  65; and violence, 250–52 passim,

  “To Command: Poem on Viewing

  258, 260, 262–63

  the Harvest at North Lake” 應詔

  Yi Yin 伊尹, 89n85, 127

  觀北湖田收詩, 260n149

  Ying Shao 應邵 (ca . ad 140–ca . 206),

  Yang Shidao 楊師道 (d. 647), 238,

  Fengsu tongyi 風俗通義 ( Compre-

  239–40, 246, 341; “In Five Syllables:

  hensive Understanding of Popular

  Harmonizing with “Traveling Past

  Customs), 113–14

  the Battlefield Where I Smashed

  Ying Zhen 應貞 (d. 269), 151n114, 152

  Xue Ju”: To Imperial Command”

  Yiwen leiju 藝文類聚 ( Assembled


  Categories of Arts and Letters),

  249–52, 254, 258, 263


  Yang Su 楊素 (d. 606), 17n15, 143n96

  yonghuai shi 詠懷詩 (“singing of my

  Yang Wen’gan 楊文幹 (d. 624), 22

  thoughts”), 217

  Yang Xiong 揚雄 (53 bc–ad 18), 119,

  yongwu shi 詠物詩 (“poem on things),

  121, 122n38

  124, 214–37 passim, 241, 382

  —Works: Fa yan 法言, 274; Fang yan

  You Mao 尤袤 (1127–94), 41

  方言, 182n59; “Plume Hunt Rhap-

  You Si 游似 (d. 1252), 32

  sody” 羽獵賦, 273; “Rhapsody on

  youxian shi 遊仙詩 (“poem on roam-

  Tall Poplar Palace” 長楊賦,

  ing with the immortals”), 357

  199n120; “Sweet Springs Rhap-

  Yu 禹 (sage-king), 84, 92, 127, 166n12,

  sody” 甘泉賦, 273

  169, 293, 345, 353, 371; as exemplar

  Yang Xuangan 楊玄感 (d. 613), 17n15

  of askēsis, 280–81, 289, 350, 373;

  Yao 堯 (sage-king), 33n63, 65n42, 84,

  and ritual correctness, 340

  92, 101, 129n59, 135, 137, 205n143,

  Yu Chan 庾闡 (fl. 4th c.), 151–52

  206n146, 207, 250n111, 253, 254,

  Yu Shiji 虞世基 (d. 618), 34

  292–93, 316, 344, 345, 355–56,

  Yu Shinan 虞世南 (558–638), 132,

  360n96, 361, 371, 373n121; and rela-

  146–48, 355n89

  tionship to Shun, 104, 336–38

  Yu Xin 庾信 (513–81), 141; “Rhapsody

  Yao Silian 姚思廉 (d. 637), 132, 293–

  of Lament for the Southland” 哀


  江南賦, 300n98

  “Yellow Bamboo” (song). See under

  Yu Zhining 于志寧 (588–665), 132,

  Mu Tianzi zhuan


  “Yellow River Diagram” 河圖,

  Yuchi Jingde 尉遲敬德 (585–658),

  260n151, 262, 299n93, 361nn98–99,



  yuefu shi 樂府詩 (“Music Bureau po-

  Yellow Thearch (sage-king), 65n42,

  etry”), 140n86, 165n9, 170, 173, 175,

  66n43, 81n73, 129n59, 196n118,

  183n60, 186, 189n76, 192, 224–25,

  202n128, 205n143, 261, 264, 353,


  373n121; and music, 355n88, 364–

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  Yuefu shiji 樂府詩集 ( Collection of

  Zhao Shuai 趙衰 (fl. 7th c. bc), 108

  Music Bureau Poetry), 166n10,

  Zhao Wangyuan 趙王元 (fl. 7th c.),

  176n38, 186


  Yutai xinyong 玉臺新詠 ( Recent

  Zhao Wu 趙武 (fl. 6th c. bc),

  Songs from Jade Terrace), 141n88,

  Zhao Yi 趙翼 (1727–1814), 43

  147, 176n38

  Zheng Rengui 鄭仁軌 (fl. 7th c.), 240

  Yuwen Huaji 宇文化及 (d. 619), 17,

  Zheng Xuan 鄭玄 (127–200), 111n14,

  20, 23

  116n22, 123n41, 125n51, 208, 313n6

  Yuwen Kai 宇文愷 (555–612), 184,

  Zheng Yuanshu 鄭元璹 (fl. 7th c.),

  295n76, 318


  Yuwen Shiji 宇文士及 (d. 642), 23

  Zhenguan 貞觀, definition of, 2

  Yuwen Shu 宇文述 (d. 616), 17,

  Zhenguan li 貞觀禮 ( Ritual Code of


  the Zhenguan Period), 37, 341

  Yuwen Tai 宇文泰 (505/7–556), 125

  Zhenguan lü 貞觀律 ( Laws of the

  Yuwen Yu 宇文毓 (534–60). See

  Zhenguan Period), 37

  Zhou Mingdi

  Zhenguan zhengyao 貞觀政要 ( Es-

  sentials of Government in the

  Zanker, Paul, 48–49

  Zhenguan Reign), 26–30, 33–35,

  Zhan He 詹何 (Chu recluse), 79–81

  73–76, 78–81, 144–46, 273–75, 374

  Zhang Heng 張衡 (78–139), 140;

  Zhenguan zhi zhi 貞觀之治 (“Good

  “Rhapsody on the Eastern Me-

  Government of the Zhenguan

  tropolis” 東都賦, 180n49; “Rhap-

  Reign”), 32–38 passim

  sody on the Western Metropolis”

  zhiyin 知音, theme of, 147–48,

  西都賦, 294

  Zhong Rong 鐘嶸 (ca. 468–518): Shi

  Zhang Houyin 張後胤 (fl. 7th c.),

  pin 詩品 ( Gradations of Poetry),


  122n40, 155, 214

  Zhang Wencong 張文琮 (fl. 7th c.),

  Zhongzi Qi 鍾子期 and Boya 伯牙.


  See zhiyin

  Zhang Zai 張載 (d. ca. 304), 150–52

  Zhou 紂 (last Shang ruler), 56, 57–58,

  Zhangsun Wuji 長孫無忌 (d. 659),

  84, 101, 104, 260n149, 281–84, 287,

  23–24, 46, 238–40, 246, 363n105:

  292, 308–9, 338

  “In Five Syllables: Harmonizing

  Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤 (1017–73), 114

  with ‘Traveling Past the Battlefield

  Zhou li 周禮 ( Rites of Zhou), 6, 60–

  Where I Smashed Xue Ju’: To Im-

  62, 116, 125n51; “Record Examining

  perial Command” 五言奉和行經

  the Artisans” 考工記, 193n94,

  破薛舉戰地應詔, 247–49, 255,


  257, 258; “Memorial on Presenting

  Zhou Ren 周任 (Western Zhou min-

  the Correct Meanings of the Five

  ister), 61

  Classics” 進五經正義表, 260n151

  Zhou shu 周書 ( History of the Zhou

Zhao Gao 趙高 (d. 207 bc), 33–34

  Dynasty), 180

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  Zhou Yafu 周亞夫 (d. 143 bc),

  261n158; “Webbed Toes” 駢拇,

  301n104, 307


  Zhou yi 周易 ( Classic of Changes), 61,

  Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮 (181–234),

  116, 125–26, 135–36, 199n123,


  361n100; “Commentary on Ap-

  Zhushu jinian 竹書紀年 ( Annals

  pended Phrases” 繫辭傳, 2n2,

  Written on Bamboo), 283

  79n65, 80n69, 91n88, 205n143,

  Zi Zang 子臧 (Zang Xibo 臧僖伯; fl.

  344n64; “Explicating the Tri-

  6th c. bc), 30–31

  grams” 說卦, 195–96n112; Hexa-

  Zizhi tongjian 資治通鑑 ( Compre-

  grams: “Jie” 節, 219n30, 220; “Jin”

  hensive Mirror in Aid to Govern-

  晉, 66; “Kun” 坤, 205n142; “Qian”

  ance), 17n14, 19, 21–25 passim, 35,

  乾, 250n109; “Yu” 豫, 348n77

  39, 56–57, 73, 93, 94, 182n56, 295,

  Zhu Jing 朱警 (fl. 1522–66), 5

  325, 348

  Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130–1200), 164

  Zong Bing 宗炳 (379–443), 95n97

  Zhu Yi 朱异 (483–549), 34

  Zou Yang 鄒陽 (ca. 206–129 bc), 218

  Zhu Zishe 朱子奢 (fl. 7th c.), 239

  Zuo Si 左思 (ca. 250–ca. 305), 151n114,

  Zhuanxu 顓頊, 65n42, 129n59,



  Zuo zhuan 左傳. See Chunqiu Zuo-

  Zhuangzi 莊子, 69, 173n31, 196n118,


  344; “Heaven and Earth” 天地,

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  Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series

  (titles now in print)

  11. Han Shi Wai Chuan: Han Ying’s Illustrations of the Didactic Application of the Classic of Songs, translated and annotated by James Robert Hightower

  21. The Chinese Short Story: Studies in Dating, Authorship, and Composition, by Patrick Hanan

  22. Songs of Flying Dragons: A Critical Reading, by Peter H. Lee

  24. Population, Disease, and Land in Early Japan, 645 – 900, by William Wayne Farris 25. Shikitei Sanba and the Comic Tradition in Edo Fiction, by Robert W. Leutner 26. Washing Silk: The Life and Selected Poetry of Wei Chuang ( 834 ?– 910 ), by Robin D. S.


  27. National Polity and Local Power: The Transformation of Late Imperial China, by Min Tu-ki 28. Tang Transformation Texts: A Study of the Buddhist Contribution to the Rise of Vernacular Fiction and Drama in China, by Victor H. Mair

  29. Mongolian Rule in China: Local Administration in the Yuan Dynasty, by Elizabeth Endicott-West


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