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Stealing Their Forever

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by Lonnie Doris

  Stealing Their Forever

  Lonnie Doris

  Copyright © Lonnie Doris 2020

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Lonnie Doris and Terri Anne Browning, except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.

  Stealing Their Forever

  Part of The Rocker…Series Universe by Terri Anne Browning

  Written by Lonnie Doris

  All Rights Reserved ©Lonnie Doris 2020

  Cover Design by Cassy Roop of Pink Ink Designs

  Edited by Lisa Hollett of Silently Correcting Your Grammar

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  Stealing Their Forever is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book can be reproduced in any form by electronic or mechanical means, including storage or retrieval systems, without the express permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer who may quote short excerpts in a review.


  Thank you to Terri Anne…

  Dear Readers

  A Note from Terri Anne Browning


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13



  Final Note from Lonnie and Terri Anne

  Thank you to Terri Anne…

  Special thanks to Terri Anne Browning for lending me the use of some of your words to bring this novella to life. You are such an inspiration in all that I do in my life. I fell in love with your books from The Rocker Who Holds Me and have waited with bated breath for each one to keep me in the universe of Demon’s Wings and OtherWorld, but most of all, the stories of Emmie and Drake. You never disappoint. Thank you for taking me on this journey with you. I’m so excited for everything we have planned for the future. I am so honored to work with you, but more importantly, to call you one of my closest friends.

  Loves and Kisses and all that Rocks in between.



  Dear Readers

  This is Helena’s story. I felt like I wanted to see what drove her to the levels of crazy Terri Anne Browning described to us in her The Rockers…Series. There are parts of this novella that incorporate Terri Anne’s words. There are some scenes in this novella that are taken directly (word for word, with Terri Anne’s permission) from The Rocker Who Shatters Me, The Rocker Who Hates Me, and Forever Rockers.

  In fact, a whole lineup of The Rockers…Series Characters You Hate is in the works.

  Next Up: Tommy Kirkman.

  A Note from Terri Anne Browning

  Before you start, please know that Lonnie Doris has my full permission to write Stealing Their Forever. We consulted throughout the production of this book, so anything you are about to read has already been 100% approved by me.

  Lonnie is very dear to me, and I was the one to suggest she write this book featuring Helena. I was curious about her, but I couldn’t get into her head as deeply as I needed to in order to give her story the depth it deserves. I think Lonnie did a kick-ass job with Helena’s crazy and putting true emotion into her.

  With the start of this book, I—and Lonnie—hope to bring you other exciting things in the future.

  As always, thank you for making this such a success and supporting The Rocker…Series Universe. None of this would be possible without you.

  All my love,



  “Daddy, please,” I beg. “Please just let me follow the tour for the remaining Demon’s Wings concerts.”

  My mother and father want me to jump right into a journalism career. I just graduated from college; I think I deserve a break. But really, I have no desire to work a day in my life. If I can just hold them off a little longer, I will find myself a rich husband to ensure I can live that dream. Truth be told, if I have my way, that husband will be the bassist for my favorite rock band, Demon’s Wings.

  “Young lady, I have had about enough of your whining for one afternoon. Your father and I—” my mother starts before I cut her off.

  “Mother, all I am asking for is six concerts, full VIP treatment, backstage and all, then I will come home and settle into my journalism career.” I explain to her with a roll of my eyes. It sounds like I am asking for a lot, but it truly isn’t. It isn’t like they can’t afford it.

  “Helena, you have had your fun the whole time you were in college. It’s time to take life seriously,” my father scolds, but it’s halfhearted to my ears.

  “Daddy, if you let me do this, I will use my journalism skills and write about the experience. Let’s call it an unofficial internship,” I say, batting my eyelashes at him. He tries to be as hard as Mother when she is in the room, but when it is just him and me, I have him wrapped around my little finger. Daddy doesn’t like to tell me no. He only does it to please Mother.

  “I will discuss this with your mother,” my father responds with a clenched jaw, while Mother huffs from across the table.

  I turn and leave the sitting room and head upstairs to my room, slamming my door. I fall back onto my bed. I’m not defeated yet. But everything is a fight with them. Mostly, with my mother—she’s the bad cop, never wants me to have any fun. Her idea of fun is her little cocktail parties so Daddy can schmooze all the rich investors for his software company.

  I’m a trust-fund brat, and I like it that way. I didn’t even want to go to college, but Mother won that battle. I showed her, though; I picked journalism as my major. It seemed like the easiest choice at the time. I figured it wouldn’t be so bad if I ended up in front of a camera reporting the news. That’s a last resort, however. I will land myself a rich husband, and I won’t have to work.

  As I lie on my bed, plotting my next move if they say no, there is a knock at my door.

  “Come in.”

  I look over as the door opens, and I see my father walking into my room. I sit up in my bed, swinging my legs off the side, and look at him.

  “Helena, we are going to allow you to have what you have requested,” he starts, and I jump off the bed and make my way over to him to hug his neck. He has just made me the happiest girl on the planet. But he stops me before I reach him by putting his hands up. He continues, “There are conditions here, Helena, and you need to understand them. We are serious this time.”

  “Yes, Daddy. I know. I suggested the conditions,” I respond.

  “Then it should make it easier for you to live up to your deal, young lady. Your mother and I have accepted the terms you have presented. You will write about your experience traveling, watching this band, and we will provide all your expenses. Upon your return, you will begin your career as a journalist.”

  “Thank you, Daddy,” I say as I finally get to hug him.

  “You have great potential, Helena. Don’t let it slip away,” he says before walking out the door and leaving me alone in my room.

  I pick up my phone and call my cousin Sean.

  “Guess who’s going to see the last six concerts of Demon’s Wings?” I brag with a giddy laugh. “That’s right—me. See you in a little bit.” I press end on my phone and place it back on my nightstand.

/>   While waiting for Sean to come over, I begin looking through my gigantic walk-in closet for outfits to take with me for my legendary journey.

  I pull out my suitcases to get myself organized. While going through my makeup case, I find my bottle of pills. When I was in junior high school, I was diagnosed with bipolar. I’m sure it was just my mother’s way of getting me to stop being high-strung—at least, she always thought I was. As long as she had me medicated, she thought she could control me more easily.

  I’m not taking these pills with me. I want to have fun, not feel like I’m in a fog. That’s how these pills affect me. I hide them in one of my drawers and continue with my packing.

  The last thing I want Shane to know is that I’m supposed to take these pills to control my disorder. Just because my mother wants to believe I have bipolar doesn’t mean I have to. I know once I am on the road and in front of Shane—and he falls in love with me—I won’t have mood swings anymore. I won’t have a reason to. My mother causes my moods, mostly the depression and sadness. She can’t see it, so I have given up trying to make her.

  With each item of clothing I pack, the more the excitement takes me over. I cannot wait to get on the road. The road that leads to my forever with Shane.


  The backstage VIP area has everything from gourmet hors d’oeuvres to fancy desserts and every type of alcohol anyone could possibly want. Emmie Jameson sure does go all out for the fans. But then again, the fans who are back in this area have paid a pretty price to be here. I have a lot of competition around me. Females of all shapes, boob sizes, and hair color are everywhere.

  The guys of Demon’s Wings hang out in this area before and after their concert. This is where they pick the girls who will stay with them for the night. It’s no secret Shane Stevenson is who I have my eye on, and only he will do.

  I’m lost in my thoughts, looking through the crowd to see if I can spot Shane, and then I turn and run right into him.

  My heart immediately begins racing. Here he is; I’m face-to-face with Shane Stevenson. His hair is a mess, but it’s so sexy around his gorgeous face. His jeans fit him just right, and that sexy-ass Demon’s Wings T-shirt is stretched across his chest. The sight of him is making my mouth water, but I can’t manage to find my words.

  “Sorry, darlin’,” he says in his raspy voice.

  But before I can respond, he moves past me to grab the hands of two average-looking females. Neither one of them looks like they know how to contour their faces, let alone how to suck his dick. Feeling deflated, I walk over to the bar and order a shot of tequila before I head to the pit area for the concert.

  Shane momentarily rejecting me is not going to deter me. I want Shane Stevenson. I know if I can get him in bed, he will fall in love with me and we can start our life together. I will have the best of both worlds—my parents off my back and the hottest man in America as my husband. Every woman with a working vagina wants Shane, and he will be all mine. All those chicks will hate me, but I don’t give a fuck.

  The tabloids have it wrong; he isn’t the hell-raising dick they portray him to be. Shane is just looking for love. Once he is with me, he will find it. I know he’s waiting for me to come along. I will change his world.

  I make my way to the pit area because Demon’s Wings is about to take the stage. The music is great, but I don’t expect anything less from this band. They put on a great show. I’m rocking out when I lose my footing and bump into a solid chest. Strong arms wrap around me to prevent me from falling. When I lift my head to see who my savior is, I find a handsome man with dark eyes and bronzed skin.

  “I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he says

  “Thank you.” His dark eyes look deep into mine. But this guy doesn’t look like he belongs at a Demon’s Wings concert, much less in the pit. He looks more refined than the rest of the guys banging their heads. I can see the heat burning in his eyes, and I know he is definitely attracted to me.

  “I’m Reginald,” he says.

  “Helena.” I cock my head in curiosity. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure,” he responds with a grin.

  “What brings you to a Demon’s Wings concert? You don’t fit the rock band type.”

  “I’m the editor at Rock America. I’m covering the concert for a story about the band,” he says with a shrug.

  Editor and not of just any magazine, but Rock America, the most popular and reputable magazine in the country. The wheels in my brain immediately start turning. This guy is going to come in handy for me if I don’t land Shane. I decide right then to turn my charm up a notch. I may not be sharing a bed with Shane tonight, but that doesn’t mean I can’t share it with Reginald. He’s good-looking enough, and from the way he is looking at me, I know he wants me.

  “I just graduated college with a journalism degree. I’d love to pick your brain on how to get my foot in the door somewhere. Let’s blow this place and go somewhere quieter,” I suggest in a sultry purr.

  “I really want to, but I’m supposed to—”

  I place my finger over his lips to stop him from talking anymore.

  “Please,” I say, looking up at him through my lashes.

  Reginald looks from me to the band onstage, then back to me.

  “I can catch up with them at their next stop.” He places his hand at the small of my back as we walk out of the venue toward the valet attendant.

  He helps me into a black Jaguar. It’s a sweet ride and screams money. We drive back to his hotel, making small talk along the way. Once we arrive, we make our way to his suite. Reginald orders us a bottle of wine from room service.

  We sit on the sofa and talk about the classes we both took in college while we wait for the wine to arrive. When there’s a knock on the door, he gets up and returns with the wine and two glasses. We sit and sip the delicious red, and he asks about my career plans now that I’ve graduated.

  I’m getting bored with the conversation because, even with my degree, I will never work for him—or anyone else, for that matter. I reach over and take his glass out of his hand.

  “Let’s take this conversation into the bedroom,” I suggest.

  “Isn’t that supposed to be my line?” he asks, lifting a brow.

  “I go after what I want. No sense playing coy, is there? I want you between my thighs.” I stand up and begin to strip off my clothes on my way into the bedroom, dropping my shirt as I walk. When I get to the door, I turn around to see him behind me. He grabs me up in his arms, kissing me passionately, and carries me to the large king in the bedroom.

  After he places me on my feet at the side of the bed, I unbutton his shirt and push it off his shoulders. He starts kissing my shoulder, working his way up my neck. When he reaches my mouth, his tongue dives in. He is definitely a good kisser. It makes it easier for me to replace his face with Shane’s. I should be in Shane’s arms right now, but I can fantasize it’s really him and not Reginald kissing me like this.

  He moans into my mouth, and I can feel his arousal pushing against me through his pants. His hands are roaming all over my body, sending tingles from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. Reginald pushes me back onto the bed and quickly removes my jeans and panties. He stares down at me, eyes filled with desire.

  I bite down on my bottom lip, He has me more aroused than I should be, and if he doesn’t touch me soon, I will take matters into my own hands.

  The next morning, I wake to an empty bed and the sound of the shower running. Reginald definitely knows how to satisfy a woman in need. I slowly get out of bed and head to the bathroom to join him when I glance at the dresser and see his press pass.

  Without second-guessing myself, I grab it and place it in my purse.

  That little badge may just come in handy.


  It’s the night of my final Demon’s Wings concert. This is my last chance to get Shane in bed so he can realize he’s in love with me, and then we can get married and I can be with him on ev
ery tour. I’ve amped up the sexiness with the outfit I’ve picked. If this doesn’t turn Shane’s head, then I’m stuck with Reginald. The reality is, he’s been spoiling me with nice gifts and fancy outings during the few days we’ve spent together in between concerts. I mean, I could do worse, but Shane is who I want more than anything.

  I show my stolen press credentials as I walk into the back entrance of the arena.

  I’ve got one goal and one goal only. This is it. I make my way through the crowd that has already assembled backstage before the show. Some of the faces are familiar, but the majority of them I have never seen before. I mingle, but I have not even seen a glimpse of Shane. I continue to walk around backstage, looking in different rooms, but I still have no luck in finding the Demon.

  Feeling confident he isn’t coming to the backstage area tonight, I make my way to the pit. The lights dim, indicating the band is about to take the stage. The arena erupts in screams and cheers as the fog starts filling the stage.

  Shane takes his spot, and I don’t take my eyes off him all night. I have to get him to see me. I know once his eyes meet mine, he will see my desire for him and realize I’m the one for him. We were made for each other. He just needs to see it.

  And then it happens.

  Shane looks down at me and winks. I blow him a kiss back. Shane’s eyes make contact with mine frequently over the course of the set, like he can’t stop himself. Like he needs to constantly have his eyes on me to remind himself I’m real. At one point, he motions his head, indicating for me to meet him backstage.


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