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Stopping Time: Paranormal Fantasy Young Adult/New Adult Romance (Kerrigan Chronicles Book 1)

Page 13

by W. J. May

  Rae shot him an apologetic look, but before she could answer Luke stepped forward.

  “What if this is the guy?”

  The others paused for a moment, then followed his gaze. They studied the giant’s frozen, contorted face with comedic indifference before expressing their collective doubt.

  “This guy?” Angel repeated, giving him a shove with her foot. “This guy recently escaped from some kind of carnival. I seriously doubt he’s a time-jumping mastermind.”

  “That doesn’t mean he’s innocent in all this.” Devon’s face darkened as he looked at the frozen punch being leveled at his wife’s head. “No need to spare him.”

  Luke rolled his eyes, bringing them back on point.

  “Not that guy.” He cocked his head towards the giant. “The man he was trying to bring us to in London. This mysterious employer.”

  It was quiet for a moment before Gabriel looked up with a slight frown.

  “And he has a fix on horse races?” he asked skeptically. “Goes back in time just so he can take over the modern world, one schilling at a time?” He considered it briefly, then shook his head.

  “I agree,” Rae murmured. “Whoever we’re after, it’s not him. This is about some guy we pissed off at the racetrack. Although I have to say, the ogre seems pretty sure of himself.”

  Molly snorted, squinting just to see the top of his head. “Wouldn’t you be? I thought his kind died out in the Bronze Age.”

  “No, she’s right.” Julian stared at him curiously, ignoring the giant fist hovering beside his head. “He knew we wouldn’t fight him in front of witnesses. He knew we wouldn’t even try.”

  “So what does that mean, wise one?” Gabriel stretched out on the grass, looking as though he was preparing to nap. “You think he’s one of us? No ink on his arm.”

  “What would you suggest?” Devon asked sharply, eyeing his reclining posture with obvious disapproval. “You have any great ideas you’d like to share?”

  “Yes,” Gabriel replied instantly. “I want to leave.”

  His instinctual caution apparently only extended insofar as the actual townsfolk. Now that they were being held prisoner outside the city limits, all that concern melted away.

  “I want to be gone by the time Angel unfreezes them,” he continued candidly. “Take a few of them down in the process. Let them turn it into some kind of urban legend.”

  “You’re being serious?” Molly asked in shock. “You want to just...just go?”

  “They’re afraid of the man who employs them.” Angel folded her slender arms, leaning casually against one of the frozen guards beside her. “They’re not going to go back with some crazy story about how the lot of us just up and disappeared. They’ll come up with a reason why.”

  “After a night of heavy drinking, half of them will believe it themselves.” Gabriel’s fingers played absentmindedly in the grass, weaving a miniature noose. “It seems extreme now, but given that the only other option is being dragged back to London in chains to answer for our ink...”

  He trailed off, letting each of them make the decision for themselves.

  Rae’s mouth fell open as she stared at him, running his argument over in her mind. It was unthinkable, what he was suggesting. Absolutely unthinkable. One did not use their ink in broad daylight. Let alone in front of fifty witnesses. The issue was black and white.

  But Gabriel had a way of confusing those issues with a shade of grey.

  “Why do you think that will work?” Julian asked, not actually considering the idea but curious nonetheless. “What if they just tell the truth?”

  Gabriel stared up at his brother-in-law in silence. Eyes shining with a strange mix of patience, sadness, and pity. After a long moment, he bowed his head with a soft sigh.

  “I would never have gone back empty-handed.” His voice was quiet but certain. “If for some reason I wasn’t able to fulfill my mission, I would have had a pretty freakin’ good explanation why.”

  As far as Rae knew, it had only happened one time. That the notorious Gabriel Alden had come back empty-handed. That he’d failed to complete his objective. He’d done it to save her life.

  At the expense of his own.

  “We can’t just leave,” she said softly. Though, she had to admit, she was tempted.

  It would be easy, so very easy, to just walk away. Yes, the men would be left without an explanation, but no one would believe their story. After a while, they wouldn’t believe it themselves.

  Fortunately, she had a husband who wasn’t so easy to sway.

  “No,” Devon said firmly. As much as he relished the idea of simply bashing the giant’s head in and walking away, he didn’t actually entertain the notion for a single second. “Either we think of something now, or we let them take us in. No one here is just leaving.”

  “Cool, Dev.” Gabriel floated the cuffs towards him with a wicked grin. “Then why don’t you go put that guy’s hand back over your mouth, and I’ll slip these back on.”

  “Enough.” Rae interrupted them before things could go further. “Now, we can’t just walk away, but we can’t let them take us anywhere either. There’s no telling how far we’ve already thrown things in this century out of whack. There has to be a way out of this. We just have to—”

  “—make some new friends?”

  She and the others turned to Julian just as his eyes were darkening back to their espresso brown. One foot was angled towards the forest at the base of the hill and his head was tilted to the side, as if he was listening for something very hard. A second later, a smile lit his face.

  “Gabriel, put the cuffs back on. Angel, unfreeze them. The rest of you... follow my lead.”

  THERE WEREN’T TOO MANY people in the world who could make Rae willingly take a punch to the face. Unfortunately, Julian Decker happened to be one of them.

  “You’re sure this is absolutely necessary?”

  She winced preemptively, positioning herself in front of the massive fist. It looked even bigger than she remembered. And, even frozen, it looked like it was moving fast.

  “I’m sure,” Julian replied, holding his wrists together as Gabriel refastened them with the iron cuff. When he saw the look on her face, he flashed a crooked grin. “Just dodge it, Rae. Take it in the shoulder. No need to break that pretty face.”

  That pretty face turned up in a pretty smile as she showed him a pretty finger.

  He chuckled as he and the others put themselves back in place. Arranging their hair the way it had been before. Sliding their arms back into the frozen grip of their captors. Devon let out a sigh, then placed his guard’s hand back over his mouth, grimacing all the while.

  “Okay. Everybody ready?”

  Six pairs of eyes fastened on the psychic as he surrendered himself to the future once again. His entire body stilled, caught up in the vision, and for a split second he appeared to be counting something. Then he opened his beautiful eyes, and turned with a smile to his wife.


  Angel’s eyes danced as she fluttered her fingers. A second later, the entire clearing came back to life. Starting with the murderous giant hell-bent on breaking Rae’s face.


  She pivoted with a gasp at the last second, eyes exploding with tears as his knuckles caught her right in the arm. For a split second, all she could think about was the pain. Her entire world was about the pain. Then her brain woke up enough to realize that something else was happening.

  Someone was shouting. Calling out a breathless command to—


  She let out a silent gasp as Julian smashed his head back into the face of the man who was holding him. There was a spray of blood as a bone broke, but the psychic didn’t turn around. The second he was free, he was sprinting full-speed towards the forest. Shouting at the top of his lungs.

  “GUYS, RUN!”

  The gang needed no more invitation than that.

  Having been granted prophetic permission,
they threw off their captors with the greatest satisfaction. Calling upon all those skills they had kept at bay. All those talents they’d kept carefully hidden. Toeing the line perfectly between the real world and the supernatural as they left the shell-shocked horde in the dust behind them and took off running towards the trees.

  Atta boy, Jules.

  The blitz attack worked, just as he predicted it would, giving them a third option to either being interrogated or exposed. Though, how they were supposed to lose the angry mob in the forest, none of them had any idea. Just getting there would be hard enough.

  It was easiest for Rae and Devon, seeing as they were the only people who weren’t shackled and chained. That being said, the giant was every bit as fast as Rae had feared.

  And he was right on her tail.

  “Freakin’ A!” she shrieked, putting on a burst of speed as he made a wild grab for her hair.

  Tatù or not, she had taken down scarier guys in her sleep. The life of a PC agent didn’t exactly lend itself to fear. That being said, it was impossible not to feel a wave of panic with a two-ton monster giving chase. Especially when she’d quite recently felt exactly what he could do.

  As it to remind her a searing pain shot through her shoulder, watering her eyes as she quickened her pace, trying to outrun his long strides.

  “You’re quick, I’ll give you that!”

  Again, those knobbed fingers of his raked down her back. This time tearing a wide gash in the back of her white dress. As a trickle of blood reddened the edges, she pulled back her hand to throw a punishing strike at his face—

  Only to feel his fingers close around her wrist.


  She jerked it free at the last moment, using just the slightest bit of telekinesis to help herself along. While she had no intention of exposing her powers to the common world, she had absolutely no intention of losing her hand either.

  Fortunately, she wouldn’t have to choose again. Fortunately, her cry had caught the attention of someone else. Someone a lot less likely to pull his punches when it came to his wife.

  “Look out!”

  She slid across the ground just as Devon leapt over her, reversing his momentum on a dime and throwing all of his weight straight backwards as he flew through the air. It was a brilliant attack, hitting the man squarely in the face. Snapping yet another bone. Giving Rae the time to escape.

  If only it had been enough.

  No sooner had Devon dropped back to the ground than the man howled in rage and seized him by the collar. He jerked backwards with terrifying force, head snapping forward as his feet left the ground. For a second, time seemed to slow as he was suspended mid-air. Then the giant hurled him into the earth with the fury of the devil’s own thunder.


  Even so far away, Rae felt the impact. Even so far away, she heard the broken gasp.

  She let out piercing scream as his body went still on the ground. A single ringing cry. Then she was flying back the way she’d come, arms pumping as her feet flew over the grass. “Dev!”

  The others had doubled back the second they heard her call. Already Julian was running fast by her side, his dark eyes locked in terror on the body of his best friend.

  Together, they tore back across the clearing, knocking people out of the way as they ran. The giant was waiting with a sinister smile, hovering the way a lion guards its kill. They didn’t slow down as they approached, nor did they discuss what they were going to do. After so many years, there was no need. The adrenaline kicked in and they slipped into their roles perfectly.

  Julian went straight to Devon. Rae went after the man who’d done him harm.

  “You son of a bitch!”

  Caution went out the window. As did any and all restraint. Rae leapt into the air like the PC weapon she’d been trained to be. Coming down with devastating force on the man’s chest.

  ...and bouncing right off.

  Are you KIDDING me?!

  She landed in the grass with another curse, rolling several seconds until she was able to get to her feet. All around her, the clearing had filled with the sounds of a miniature battle as the rest of her friends launched themselves into the fray. Fighting with the same kind of reckless abandon. Eyes flashing with the same kind of blinding rage. Battling back the guards who’d caught up with them.

  But Rae and the giant only had eyes for each other.

  “Dev, can you hear me?”

  A few yards away, Julian was kneeling in the grass. Lifting his friend’s head off the ground as the fighting raged on around them. Devon was drifting in and out of consciousness, trying to stay awake as a torrent of blood streamed over his hair. One hand was shaking beyond his control, and when Julian tried to help him to his feet his entire body gave out beneath him.

  “Poor thing.” The giant smiled, flashing every one of his crooked teeth. “I do hope none of the damage is permanent.”

  A feral scream tore through Rae’s teeth as she launched herself forward once more. Kicking with all her might. Hitting with all her might. Punching, and tearing, and scratching as she flew at the man over and over. Using every trick she knew. Laying everything out on the line.

  What the heck is this guy made of?!

  She did some damage. Some. Forced him to defend himself. A little. But when all was said and done, she was fighting with the strength of a one-hundred-pound woman. Against a man at least three feet taller who weighed four times as much. Without ink, there was just so much she could do.

  In an act of desperation, she actually catapulted herself up on to his body. Holding on with her legs as she smashed her fist into his neck with every bit of strength she had.

  He didn’t even flinch.

  “Tired yourself out yet?” His eyes glittered in the setting sun as she tumbled back to the ground. “I’d be happy to carry you back to London myself.” There was a quiet moan from across the field, and his face broke into a sinister smile. “Don’t think we’ll need to be taking that man of yours with us. I doubt if he makes it off the field.”

  Rae’s blood boiled over as her body went very still.

  The logic parts of her brain shut down. The concept of reason completely abandoned her. The world around her tinted red, and even though she was missing most of her best tatùs she found herself suddenly scrolling through the ones she had left.

  I can’t knock you out, but I can still levitate you though the air, she thought, her eyes dancing with violent possibilities. Or maybe something more permanent. We’ll leave this century nicer than when we found it—


  She jerked out of her murderous trance as Gabriel appeared right in front of her, standing with his back to the giant. There was blood on his face and blood on his hands, but at the moment he looked more worried about her. Those sparkling eyes were staring with a wary kind of concern.

  “...what are you doing?”

  She stared at him blankly, then followed his gaze.

  Both hands were raised in the air. Ready for whatever burst of magical firepower she selected from her deadly arsenal. Pointed directly at the giant’s heart.

  Her mouth fell open as her face paled in surprise. She hadn’t realized she’d actually lifted her hands. She hadn’t realized things had progressed so far. Suddenly Gabriel’s concern made sense.

  “Are you okay?” He spoke louder than usual, purposely rousing her out of the daze. Behind him Julian was pulling Devon to his feet, draping an arm over his shoulder as the two of them headed for the trees. “Rae, we’ve got to go.”

  She nodded quickly, still appalled by what she’d almost done. He’d kept a steady hand on her, and the second it was clear she was back in the land of the living he began pulling her along.

  At least, that was the plan.

  She cast a panicked glance over her shoulder. Fully prepared to see the giant barreling after them. Fully prepared to fight him off with whatever strength she had left.

  But the man was just standing
there. Staring after them with a curious smile. Frozen exactly where he’d been standing just a few moments earlier, when Rae lifted her deadly little hands.

  A cold chill swept over her. One she found herself unable to explain.

  “Gabriel,” she panted, “why isn’t—”

  But she never got to finish the question.

  At that moment they arrived at the forest, at least thirty screaming men just a stone’s throw behind. Instinctively she looked for Julian, whose dark eyes were scanning through the canopy of trees. For a split second a look of panic flitted across his handsome face. Then he found what he was looking for and went rushing forward, pulling Devon along by his side.

  Rae stared after him for a moment, wondering if they’d broken their infallible psychic after all. Then she froze in her tracks. Mouth falling open in shock.

  No fewer than a hundred people were venturing out of the trees. People of all ages, shapes, and sizes. People leading animals, and holding children, and riding in one of a sea of wagons that bumped and rolled alongside. People who came to a sudden pause, staring at them in surprise.

  Julian made a bee-line for an old woman standing in the front. The same woman he’d no doubt looked into the future and seen. He slid to a stop in front of her, bowing his head in respect.

  “Szentély,” he panted, dark hair spilling into his face. “We need your help.”

  Chapter 8

  Over the years, Julian’s clairvoyance had saved the seven friends more times than they could possibly count. They’d learned to trust it implicitly. To stake upon it their very lives. In a world so prone to discord and chaos, his prophetic visions often felt like the only thing that could be counted on for sure. Even without a shred of context. Even if they didn’t make a bit of sense.

  If Julian told them to run into a burning building, they would go. If he told them to jump off a rooftop, they would do it without the slightest hesitation. The lightest suggestion was backed with the weight of two supernatural agencies. There was a picture of him mounted on the Oratory wall.


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