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Winter's Awakening (Light Coven Chronicles Book 1)

Page 24

by Alessandra Jay

  Jade and Nova giggle and Hunter clears her throat. “Wow. If I wasn't so desperate to eat these cookies, I would totally be a pile of mush after that,” she says sarcastically. I laugh and push her arm softly with my elbow. “Scarlet just performed a cast that I didn't even know we could do. She placed her feelings for me into my heart. It was like a bubble of love exploding in my chest.” He says to Ava. The head Elder slowly shakes her head. “I’ve never heard of a cast like that. It looks like we’re going to be learning a few things from you, too, Scarlet,” she says, looking surprised.

  Again, Hunter clears her throat, obvious in her attempt to return to the cookies. And I decide to startle them again. I gather up my power and think of each Sister, plus Evan, having a cookie in their hand. I will it to my fingertips and tap the counter. And in the next second, all of the Sisters gasped. I bring the cookie to my mouth and bite half of it off. The first moan I hear is Evan’s and smile to myself, committing that sound to memory for all of eternity. I shove the rest of the cookie in my mouth and almost choked on it when I saw Hunter fall to the floor. Gracefully, of course. She’s lying on her back with her eyes closed.

  My heart is beating fast, and I'm starting to panic. “Hunter, oh, my God. Did you choke on the cookie? Are you allergic? Did I kill you?” I shake her and felt my stomach drop when her eyes fluttered open. “Hunter! What happened? Did you faint? Are you okay?” I ask her, while helping her sit up. “I’ve never tasted anything so good in my life.” she utters, trance-like, as we all uncontrollably laugh. “Really, though, we’re going to have to keep these stocked around here,” she says, as she finishes her cookie. More moans and more cookies gone, and I feel much better and a great deal less stressed than I was before. I hop up on the counter across from Hunter, and I pick up another cookie. But I play with it instead of eating it.

  “So what exactly does the prophecy say?” I ask no one in particular, nervous about the answer. Ava flicks her wrist, and the prophecy appears on my lap. Picking up the prophecy now was different than picking it up the first time. Now it feels heavier, more important to me and sort of magnetic. I read it over and over again until I can repeat it without looking at it. I look down at my swinging feet, thinking of nothing, yet thinking of everything. “Are you okay, Scarlet? Do you want to bake again?” Hunter asks, genuinely, jokingly, and hopefully. I smile at her and silently thank her for lifting me out of my overwhelmed thought bubble. Smiling and turning to Ava, I finally ask, “Okay. So you've found your chosen one. Now what?” I sound braver than I feel. Even Evan looks surprised.

  “Well, as you read, you will have a coven to help you along your path. But all we received were locations. So we will have to announce the Caster Matches to see who takes their place in your coven. After they are chosen, they will train with you when you get more proficient and comfortable at casting. For now, the ones that make it will stay here in your wing or at Salem Village. I understand you have classes, and that’s okay. But maybe, instead of a full class schedule, you could switch to a reduced schedule?” She asks as she turns to Evan, “You, too, Evan. You're one of the best casters there are, and you run the Village. You could spend your time there, teaching her everything she needs to learn.”

  She points over to where Jade is sitting eating another cookie. “Jade is really good with numbers and organization, so she’ll take care of scheduling. She’s already written out the times you will need to be here.” Ava finishes and takes another cookie, as Jade wipes her mouth clean. Raspy and intelligently, Jade speaks up. “Actually, it was easy to get your work and school schedule, so I wrote down exactly where you need to be and when you need to be there.” She raises both hands up to her sides, palms facing up, and she snaps her fingers. In one hand a cookie appears, in the next a paper.

  She lifts it high, and I watch it leave her hand, floating in the air. She blows it midair and it slowly flies my way, landing right above the prophecy that’s on my lap. A white paper charted with different color ink in each box fills the white sheet. On the bottom is a smaller chart, explaining what color is associated with what schedule. The calendar is full, completely full. Glancing around for any free days, I feel my shoulders sag when I only count three.

  Hunter slides over by me and puts her arm around my shoulder. “It only looks bad because it’s new. Just because you'll be busy doesn't mean it won’t be fun. Are you having a good time right now? Aside from this news, of course,” she says, surprising me. She’s right. I am having fun. And Evan is here. If we weren't talking about the future or the prophecy, I would be completely happy. I smile up at her and give her my thanks as she winks at me and slides back over by the cookies. “Advice like that will cost you more desserts.” She points and wiggles a finger at me. Laughing, I put my hands up in surrender. “Fine. I owe you something delicious.” I promise her. She nods once and grabs another cookie. I think she’s eaten nine already. I shake my head and turn towards Jade. “Thank you for this. It’s really very helpful.” Evan holds out his hand for me to show him the schedule.

  Jade snaps her fingers again, and another paper that looks like mine appears in her hand. She shrugs her shoulders with a sorrowful look, blowing it towards Evan until it lands in front of him. He picks it up, and I hear him snort. “Me too?” he asks, handing it to me. I sympathetically look up at him, as I give him the paper and he gently kisses me on my forehead. “I think that’s enough for today. What do you say, Scarlet? We could discuss the Caster Matches tomorrow.” Ava says, as she stands. Satisfied with the information I’ve learned, I nod my head and push myself to stand up.

  “Yes, thank you.” I breathe out, mentally exhausted. Ava nods her head understandingly and makes her way to stand by my side. “Nova’s taken care of your work schedule for the weekend. That way you can stay here and get a feel of how things work in Eden. It’s Belle’s turn to cook tonight. But since your family is coming, a chef will come in and prepare a celebratory feast, in honor of our new Sister.” She hugs me. Taking a step back, she faces me. “Now, there are a few things I must tend to, but please feel free to do anything you'd like. The other Sisters are here for anything and everything. If you have a question, just seek one of them out. Evan, you've been here plenty of times. You can show Scarlet around. Show her the wing you all will be occupying, third floor, black doors, facing the forest.” She finishes as Jade snapped her fingers again. A third paper appears on my lap.

  “Thank you Jade. Scarlet, she casted you a map of the estate. She’s casted it to show exactly where we are when we are on the grounds. You can see all of us are here in the kitchen,” she points to where there are small letters gathered in the kitchen area. Each of our first letters represent each person. There’s even an E for Evan there. This will definitely come in handy. Placing a hand on her shoulder, I look her in the eyes. “Thank you for everything, Ava. You're everything and more that I wished you'd be. It really is an honor to have you by my side, guiding me.” Her bright smile can make anyone feel better. She nods once and leaves the kitchen. Evan comes up behind me and leans into my ear, as a few of the other Sisters leave the room. “I want to show you something,” he whispers to me, whisking me away into what I'm sure is another magical room.

  Chapter 26

  Evan’s Hideaway

  Evan looked excited to show me around. I like that he can share this world with me now. His importance here is comforting. It helps with my own new titles, except I'm a totally different type of caster than any other caster in this world. Half angel, how is that even possible? Surely, Dad would know if he was falling for a fallen angel. I’ve always been considered the normal one. I didn't have any of this world to deal with. Now I'm getting hit by it in full force. I don't know how much more news I can take. But then again, I think of all the casters that are counting on me. I'm glad my family will be here soon because I’ve really got to sit and talk with Dad. It’s time I learned about my mother.

  Racing through the hallways and missing a whole lot of rooms again
, I make a mental note to give myself a slower tour later with the map that Jade made me. I can easily get lost in this mansion. Coming up to a dark blue door, Evan peeks over his shoulder at me and opens it quickly, stepping through. I expect to see something extravagant but look around dumbfounded, as we enter a room that only leads to stairs. Letting out a dramatic sigh, I spin around in the room. “These are the most beautiful stairs I have ever seen,” I say with a twang in my voice, sounding like Mack.

  Evan snickers and rolls his eyes as he pushes me up the stairs. It turns into a spiral, leading up to a mystery. The stairs are made of a black onyx stone, making it feel like you’re walking on nothing. Slowly as we walk up, I glance up and see darkness. I send a weary look behind me to Evan, but he looks like a kid on Christmas day. Now eager to see what this turns into, I take off skipping steps to make it to the top faster. I hear Evan gasp then laugh, as his footsteps come up close behind me. So I try to go even faster.

  Almost dizzy now and out of breath, when the stairs come to an end, I shout, “Hallelujah!” The top step turns into the floor of a small rooftop hideaway. We are completely out in the fresh and pure air of Eden. I spin in a circle with my mouth open wide. I can see all of Eden. I can see how far the colorful forest goes. I can see villages spread throughout the far west side. There are golden buildings on the east side of the forest that remind me of Salem Village, Evan’s Village. I spin around to Evan, where he’s standing on the edge of the roof, as he watches me take in the breathtaking scenery.

  “When I was a kid, my dad would bring me here to the Sisters’ estate, when him and my mom had meetings with the other Village founders or when he was called to a Marked meeting. I would get so bored that I would wander around the mansion. That door we came through was nothing but a brick wall. Ava caught me wandering around here a few times, playing by myself in the hallways. So she took my hand and brought me to this part of the wall. She tapped her finger, and it became a door. When we stepped inside, these stairs appeared right before my eyes. When we reached the top, where we are now, there was nothing. She told me that I was special, and that I was going to do something important one day. She gifted me a wand that could temporarily let me cast and allowed me to make whatever I wanted it to be. She promised to keep it here forever. I always thought that I was special since I was the only child in Eden.” He’s right. That does make him special. I wonder why children aren't allowed here. They would love it. I think everyone would.

  “It’s beautiful, Evan. I could stay here all day.” I say as I sit on the edge with my feet hanging over. Evan sits next to me and takes my hand in his. “I could have made anything. But I liked being able to see how vast this world is. You could really breathe up here. You know?” He says looking out in the distance. I nod my head in agreement. Evan and I stay comfortably silent on his rooftop for a while, before Hunter summoned us back inside. It was bittersweet walking back in. I was happy that my family was here, but I really enjoyed the refreshing silence with Evan.

  “Let’s stop by your wing, so you can see it before we meet up with everyone,” he suggests. I still can’t believe I have my own wing inside of the Elders’ estate. I wonder how long it will be until I stop feeling the grandeur of it all. As we walk through the endless halls, I can’t stop my thoughts from clouding my mind. Even though I know a lot of information, I'm still confused and afraid. It does make me feel better knowing that I will be protected by Evan and his cousins, at least until I can protect myself. The scariest part though isn't the inevitable war against the dark coven. It’s the part about the angels that keeps reverberating in the back of my mind.

  Who knew fallen angels actually existed? And my mother, is she an evil one? Or was she a good one? I feel so lost. I need answers. And I need them fast. Sensing my rising panic, Evan turns around and pulls me in close to his chest. “I know this is all scary, Scar. But I promise, I will do everything in my power to always be there with you and for you. You're not alone, love,” he says quietly. “Thank you, Evan,” I say, muffled in his chest, as he kisses the top of my head and takes my hand in his. I was glad when it only took two turns from Evan’s rooftop oasis to get to my wing. Pulling me through a set of big double doors painted black, Evan grandly announces my entrance. “Sister Scarlet Winter, your wing.” He bows as his hand is pointed towards the whole other house we just entered.

  The first thing that hits you when you enter is the brightness. It’s so bright it feels like you're outside. I'm surprised to see the design is very modern, with floor to ceiling windows that show the amazing view. Dark, shiny wood graces the floor. Brown furniture with marble accents are spread throughout the rooms. To the left is the living room area. Straight ahead is nothing but a hallway of windows. A balcony follows the entire wall, and to my right is where it expands. Evan takes my hands and leads me past the living room. We make a right turn into the dining room that’s decorated similar to the living room. Behind the dining room are stairs leading up to a second floor. But Evan passes them and brings me to another closed door. I push the saloon style doors and walk through to a beautiful all marble kitchen with white accents that decorate the walls. Everything looks pristine. If I start touching things in here, I’ll never stop.

  Promising myself to explore the kitchen more later, I take the lead this time and walk out. With Evan on my heels, I make a right to the hallway behind the kitchen. There are at least nine doors in this huge hall, but I only peek into one. It looks like a master bedroom, with a walk-in closet and a connecting bathroom. There are windows hidden behind floor to ceiling curtains, with little light peeking through. “These are the guest rooms. Your room is upstairs,” he explains. “Our room.” I correct him. A bright smile graces his perfect face, and I suddenly want to see what our room looks like. I let go of Evan’s hand, and I take off running to the dining room. Evan laughs and runs up close behind me. Noticing the stairs, I take a hard left, but Evan snaps his fingers and appears at the top of the stairs. Gasping and slowing my pace down, I pout as I cross my arms in front of my chest. “Cheater!” I say to him, as I brush past his arm. He snickers loudly, amused.

  It’s huge up here. We have come into a library, lined with bookshelves filled of ancient books. Evan takes my hand and brings me next to the couch. He lifts his hand and halfway pulls out a book. A door shows itself within the bookcase. Fascinated, I hesitate walking in. Looking at the book Evan touched, I commit it to memory for future use. Walking in, the first thing you see is the king-size bed. It’s low to the ground and looks incredibly comfortable. I throw myself on it, belly down as I continue to admire the room from this position. There are really very minimal things in here, but I like it that way. There are two doors side by side on the opposite side of the room. One door is open, revealing a walk-in closet. It looks like there are clothes in it already.

  Curious, I go in at a slow pace. My hands glide across delicate dresses and skirts, my size, my style but better than what I'm used to wearing. I’ve never felt fabric so soft. I walk to the drawers in the back of the closet, and I open the top one. It’s filled to the top with lacy panties. Feeling my cheeks get hot, I quickly shut the drawer and make a full turn so I can walk back out. But in the far-left corner there is a very antique-looking chest. I walk up to it as if I'm in a trance, moving forward in a haze. I gracefully fall to my knees, so I'm eye to eye with the beautiful chest. Running my hands over the pearly gray wood feeling its smooth surface, I bring my hands to the front of the large chest and run my fingers over the engraved SW, reading my initials. I get the sudden urge to open it to see what’s inside, but there is no latch or lock.

  Just then I feel my spine fill with the electric warmth that comes when Evan is near, as he bends down behind me looking over my shoulder. Leaving a sweet trail of soft kisses from my shoulder to my neck, his deep voice sounds in my mind. “That’s your welcoming gift from the Elders. When a caster receives their power, they come here to complete the transformation. The Sisters give the caster a c
hest,” he says softly. Out loud and stunned, I ask, “How do I open it?” I can feel his lips curl up into a smile against the back of my neck. “You feel it. Cast it open. Only you can, well, you and your Anima Partem, if you’re lucky to find yours.” he says with a wink, encouraging me to cast it open.

  Immediately I shut my eyes and find my power. Casting it out of my fingers, I focus on the chest opening it on my command as I snap my fingers. Still, I get surprised when the lid of the chest easily lifts. I suck in a breath as I slowly push the rest of the lid open. Inside, it is organized to perfection. There is a miniature crate of potion bottles of all shapes and colors in one corner. Another crate filled with candles of varying colors and sizes, on the opposite side. There is a hollow tube-like jar resting on its own in the center. Next to it is a round velvet pouch filled with stones. And on the other side of the pouch is a gorgeous leather-bound book with a matching leather cord wrapped around it. Instinctively, the first thing I reach for is the book. As I take it out, I lean back, so I'm sitting on the floor in the crook of Evan’s arm.

  “That’s your book of shadows. It has a connection to you. Anytime you do a new cast, it writes itself in that book. The leather is left plain, so you can cast your own engravings into it. I’ll show you mine when we get back to Syracuse,” he explains. I unwrap the cord from the book and slowly open it to see my name written in beautiful calligraphy. I turn the page, and the first spell that presents itself is a levitation cast. When did I do a levitation cast? Could it have been the chair, the night of my first vision in the dorm? Turning the page again, I see a mind-communicating spell. Must be the day of my birthday, when I heard Evan speaking to Lucas. I flip the pages to see only a few more spells written inside. The rest is blank. I slowly close the book and hold it to my chest. “Fascinating,” I whisper.


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