Mating Their Witch

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Mating Their Witch Page 7

by Tl Reeve

  Jamie went back to the window overlooking the back parking lot and frowned. What did they want from her? Did they expect her to be so gullible she’d accept everything they said? As it stood now, they made her head pound. “Why would someone be killing witches?”

  Ava shrugged. “It started a little over six months ago. So far, the tally has been six. But, after you moved home... er... here, they've increased and—”

  “Whoa, wait a minute,” Jamie said. “Are you trying to blame me for this mess?”

  “No,” Ava replied, her eyes wide with shock. “Never. I'd never blame you. Neither would my brother. But, you can see why he's worried. Right?”

  “Because I'm some powerful woo-woo witchy-poo,” she snarked. “Yeah, I'm even more convinced you all belong locked up in an asylum.”

  “I thought we were slightly crazy?” A ghost of a smile tugged at her friend's lips.

  “I'm reconsidering my stance.” Jamie glanced out the window overlooking the back of her apartment once more. “Blake is back.” She frowned. “If I believe you about Zane being the Alpha, what is Blake?”

  “A wolf in the pack?” Ava hedged.

  Jamie cocked a brow.

  “He's a member of the pack. Cute in a bumbling kind of way. He's a total sweetheart and couldn't hurt a flea unless provoked,” her friend answered. “He'd protect you to his dying breath.”

  “I don't want him doing that,” she said. “I mean, I can take care of myself. I've made it this far on my own.”

  “Yes, you have, James,” Ava agreed. “But, don't you want someone to protect you? To care for you, so you're not alone?”

  “Why?” What was the point? She'd been shuttled from one foster home to another before being shipped back to the orphanage so many times as a child. No one truly wanted her. No one wanted a child born out of wedlock. Hell, her own mother and father hadn't wanted her. They didn't even name her.

  “I think it's time for you to go, Ava. I appreciate you bringing me home. I'll walk to work in the morning.” If she didn't freeze first. Of all the times for her car to take a crap, it had to be in the middle of a cold snap. Not even the local mechanic was optimistic about her chances of resuscitating her beloved automobile.

  Ava engulfed her in a warm hug, squeezing her tight. “Please think about everything I said. Don't shut my oaf of a brother out. He's only trying to help. He doesn't mean to be a hard ass.” Ava hugged her again then stepped away and headed for the door. “He really does care about you... they both do. Be safe, James.”

  Before she could say she didn't want them to care about her or didn't want them to worry about her, Ava was gone.

  Questions swirled around her head. Why had Ava tried to explain everything? Why was she being so nice when Jamie hadn’t been? Did both men expect her to come running, and ask for their protection, so they could get in her pants? No, I'm not going to fall for it. Never again.

  Yet, as she stood at the window, fat snowflakes beginning to fall, blanketing the black asphalt, she worried about Blake. Wolf or not—not like she believed everything Ava told her—she didn't need a deputycicle sitting outside of her apartment in the morning. Nor did she want to explain why it happened.

  Jamie ambled into her kitchen and sighed. This is so fucked up. After turning on the coffee maker, she prepared a few sandwiches for her nightly watcher, then figured he might like some cookies as well. By the time she bundled up to deliver her bounty for the deputy, her house smelled like sugar cookies, and her mood had lightened.

  Maybe she didn't believe in what Ava and her brother subscribed to, but it didn't mean Jamie had to be rude to those who'd help her. She walked out the rear entry of the apartment and strolled over to the sheriff’s car. “I thought you'd like something to keep you warm.”

  He glanced up at her then down at the food before taking her offerings. “Thank you. But, you didn't have to do all of this for me. I'm just doing my job.”

  “It would be rude if I didn't,” she answered. “If you need anything else, I have more cookies, and I can make more coffee for you. Just come on up and let me know.”

  “Thank you,” he said again. “You know, you're going to be the best Alpha-mate around. I can already see it. Good night, Jamie.”

  She blinked a few times. The genuine fondness she'd seen in his eyes, stymied any rebuttal she might have conjured up. “Good night, Blake. Remember, come get more if you need it.” With a quick wave, she dashed back into the building, then hurried to her apartment. Damn it, why did everyone have to be so nice to her, or so patient with her. Why couldn't they be like everyone else? Because, they honestly believe you are a Bishop descendant and are part of their pack and Trinity. Hogwash. No way she'd fall for their delusions. She'd never be taken advantage of ever again.

  The knock at the door didn't surprise him. He’d scented his sister the minute she pulled into the driveway and got out of her car. The why is what got him; Jamie. Ava wrapped her dainty hands around her coffee mug and curled up on his couch. Tendrils of steam rose above the mouth of the cup before she blew on it, then took a sip.

  “Tell me again,” he started. “What possessed you to tell her anything about my case and the killer?”

  Ava rolled her eyes and snorted. “You know full well she deserved to know. It's also obvious whatever you said to her the other day, freaked her the hell out.”

  “What I said,” he snarled then scrubbed his face. “I told her the truth, and you know it.”

  “Yeah, well, you did it in your Alpha voice, and you scared her.” She took another sip before putting her cup on the table next to her. “Now, she's ready to have us committed to some damn insane asylum.”

  “Excuse me?” Had he heard his sister right?

  “You heard me hard head,” she replied crossing her arms. “She is convinced we're all nuts, and she's the only sane one. She doesn't believe in the Trinity, she doesn't believe she’s a descendant of Bridget. Nor does she believe Sarah was her mother, or Colin her father.”

  “We have proof. I can show her records. Someone stole her memories,” he said as he began to pace the length of the living room. “If we could find the person responsible for blocking everything out, maybe they can reverse it.”

  “I have a better idea, big brother.” Ava gave him a smug smile before pointing to the chair across from her. “Sit, and I'll explain.”

  Zane cocked a brow at her but did as she asked. “What is this glorious plan of yours, dear sister?”

  “Don't get snappy with me, mister. You might be the Alpha, but I'm still your sister, and I will kick your ass.” She narrowed her eyes at him, and he chuckled. Of all the women in the pack, he feared his sister the most. She was dirty when it came to fighting, and she'd use every one of her feminine wiles to get what she wanted, when she wanted it, and how she wanted it.

  Zane lifted his hands. “Fine. Please tell me what your plan is.”

  “You're going to tell her again and this time, show her.”

  Show her? He absently scratched his chest as he thought about what his sister told him. If he showed Jamie who he was, she couldn't tell anyone. She was bound to the pack. Bound to him and Cian as mates. Hmm... the idea had potential. “Maybe...”

  A slight creak at the top of the stairs, followed by the scent of his mate forewarned Zane that Cian was about to join this conversation.

  “Morning, Brat,” Cian called out as he walked into the living room. Zane glanced over his shoulder at his lover and had to bite back a smile as Cian worked to button his jeans and tuck his shirt in. Not that Ava hadn't seen Cian naked before, they had grown up together, Cian knew Zane was a possessive SOB and knew he didn't like for anyone to see his lover half dressed. Family or not.

  “Whatever, Red.” Ava volleyed right back at him as Cian stopped by Ava's seat and snagged her cup of coffee. “Hey! That's mine.”

  “Not anymore,” Cian took a sip of her coffee while Zane laughed.

  “Damn that's good.” Cian sat besid
e them on the couch and took another drink.

  “Knock it off, children,” Zane growled in what Ava termed his Alpha voice. “Ava stopped by because she had a conversation with our mate.”

  Cian cocked a brow as he cut his gaze to Ava. “Oh? And how'd that go?”

  “I think—” Ava snagged the coffee out of Cian's hand. “You both need to show her.” She glanced between him and Cian. “Everything.”

  “That includes us fucking.” Zane took a sip of his own coffee.

  Her eyes narrowed as she took another sip from her mug. “There is no need to be crude. She needs something she can see or touch.”

  “I'm game.” Cian’s quick response didn't shock him one bit, especially since Cian had been pushing over the last couple of days to complete the Trinity.

  “So, you think she'll see me, and Cian fucking and just want to strip down and join in?” Zane set his coffee down and Cian picked it up, taking a drink of his mate’s coffee.

  Ava nodded.

  “If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were dropped on your head as a baby. She's an innocent. A virgin. I seriously doubt her first reaction is to slide right on in between me and Cian or on top of him.”

  Ava laughed. “What gave you that idea?”

  “She deflected,” Zane answered.

  Ava sighed then rolled her eyes. “You’re so naive brother. Jamie’s not a virgin. If I had to guess, you asked her in the most inappropriate way, and she shut down on you.” When did his baby sister become so damn disrespectful?

  “So, you’re saying she’s not then?” Cian hedged.

  “What I think is if she sees you both in your wolf form, she'll know you aren't lying to her. It could trigger a memory or whatever.” She gave him a wicked grin. “Then you all fuck.”

  “Her plan has merit,” Cian said, taking another sip of his mate’s coffee.

  Zane rubbed at the back of his neck in frustration. “Yeah. It does.”

  Ava sat back on her chair. “Mine usually do.”

  “Or it could blow up in our face, and she could run. Then we’d have lost our mate, our Trinity, and the power that goes along with that.” Cian frowned.

  “There is that, too.” Zane didn't miss the sadness in his mate’s voice, and he couldn't blame him because he felt the same way at the possibility of Jamie running. They both were aware of the what would happen if Jamie ran and they never finished the Trinity.

  Zane glanced at Cian. “Go ask her out on a date. No sex. We're going to follow tradition and take her together the first time to solidify the Trinity.”

  Cian nodded in agreement. Neither of them would do anything to fuck up their chances, even though Zane had stuck his foot in his mouth a few times more than he wanted to admit.

  “You can't take her to Mass Hysteria,” Ava interjected.

  “Yeah, I know.” Zane rubbed at his chin in deep thought. “Take her to Cafe Bella. It's a nice restaurant that has dancing. Feed her, calm her, and seduce her.”

  Desire swirled in Cian’s green eyes as he nodded.

  “Why just Cian?” she asked.

  Cian snorted.

  “Because he's gets too Alpha with her and ends up scaring her,” Cian answered.

  She pointed at Zane. “Told you.”

  “Cian is the peacemaker of the pack. He has a sense of humor I don't always have.” Zane took his coffee back from his mate.

  “How about never?” Ava joked.

  “Keep it up,” Zane growled. “I'm about to go Alpha on your ass.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I get it,” she said, standing. “If you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I have to get back to work. James has the day off, just so you know.”

  Cian quirked a brow at Zane. “James?”

  Ava grinned. “I love the nickname I've bestowed upon her. Anyway, I’d better go.” She pointed at Cian. “No playing hide the pickle with her on the first day, she's more liable to break it off than anything.”

  Cian laughed. “We'll see, squirt.”

  “Whatever.” She rolled her eyes. “I'm out of here. Catch you losers later.”

  Ava flounced out the door, like she entered it, as a big ball of energy. He glanced over at his mate who wore a shit-eating grin. “All right, spit it out.”

  “That's not what you said last night,” Cian said, wiggling his brows.

  Zane chuffed out a laugh. “I swear.”

  “You did a lot of that, too. I counted at least ten fucks, five damns, and a hail Mary to boot,” Cian teased.

  “You are sorely testing my patience right now, mate,” he growled. “My dick is hard just thinking about what you have planned for Jamie tonight, and I won't be there to help out.”

  “Such is life,” his mate growled. “We'll be fine. My only desire is to get her to relax with us. I have every intention to bring her home with me, and then we can both show her, who we really are. The sex might not happen, and I'm okay with that. This will be a metric shit-ton for her to take in.”

  “You can say that again.”

  “This will be a—” Zane pounced on Cian, covering his mate's body with his own.

  “Asshole,” he grunted, before running his tongue over the mark he'd left there. “Always got to push me.” He ground his hard cock into the curve of Cian's hip. “Always got to say shit when you know I'm on edge.”

  Cian whimpered and moaned when Zane bit his neck. “Not fair.” His mate shuddered. “I'm going to be hard all fucking day now, while I'm trying to seduce her and make her want to come home with me. I'm going to be picturing her and you and me naked. Fucking. Like animals.” His hips lifted and brushed across Zane's groin.

  Son of a bitch, he saw stars.

  “Good, me, too,” he snarled. “We need to be unhinged tonight. We can't hold back from her now, knowing what we know and what she doesn't.”

  Cian's hands slid up under his shirt, and his mate scored Zane's nipple with his thumbnail. He bucked and let loose a groan. His lover palmed his ass and held him still as he ground their crotches together. “I like coming unhinged.”

  Zane laughed. “You like coming, period.”

  “I do. I freely admit it.” Cian captured his lips and kissed him. Theirs mouths molded together in a sensual kiss meant to torment the both of them for the rest of the day.

  What Zane wouldn't give to rip Cian's clothes off right then and there and fuck. Hard. All day long. However, they a plan to put in motion which meant he had to go to work, while his mate prepared the house. He pulled back after one last kiss and took a deep, steadying breath. “So, you know what you're doing then?”

  “I should hope so. I'd like to think I had mad skills the day I claimed you,” Cian joked.

  “You claimed me, huh? I distinctly remember you being very nervous, fumbling with your pants the minute I told you, ‘you're mine.’” The pulse at his mate's throat throbbed, and his earthy-scented arousal wrapped around Zane. “Uh huh, you remember. Now it's your turn to do the same to our girl.”

  Cian adjusted himself and stood. “Hell, yeah. I'll bring her home. I promise.” He kissed Zane again then gave his shaft a quick squeeze. “Keep this primed and ready for us. Something tells me, we're in for a long fucking night.”

  Cocky and head sure, his mate strolled out of the living room and back upstairs. When he returned a few minutes later, the pep in his step had doubled, and he whistled some song. Zane didn't know if he should be nervous or afraid. But, he settled on cautiously optimistic. If it all worked out right, Jamie would be under their roof by the end of the night, and they'd be completing their Trinity bond. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. “I hope to hell this works out.”

  Getting Jamie to go on a date, should be easy. He'd already had her between them once, how hard would it be to do it again? Cian walked up to her door and knocked. Chances were, she was holed up inside, not wanting anything to do with anyone. He didn't blame her. Over the course of the last a few days, her life had been turned upside down by two aggressive wolves. Pre
sent company included.

  When no one answered, he knocked again. If she didn't answer, he'd bust her door down. Because she'll warm right up to you after you go barging into her home. His reasons were legit. She was his mate, and with a killer on the loose, she was in danger. He knocked again.

  “All right, all right,” Jamie's muttered curse filtered through the barrier. “Wake me up from a sound sleep like some asshole bill collector.” She yanked the door opened and gasped, stumbling back a few feet, before catching herself on one of her chairs. “What are you doing here?”

  “I have come to ask a favor from you,” he said stepping into her home. The place wasn't too bad. Not very homey but not drab. “It's after ten, why are you still in bed? Are you sick? Why didn't Blake tell us?” He gathered her up into his arms and carried her over to the threadbare couch.

  “Put me down, you big oaf!” Jamie yelped, smacking his chest. “There isn't a damn thing wrong with me. I was tired and cold. My bed was warm. Idiot.” She smacked his shoulder again. “Asshole.”

  “Sorry,” he said, not letting her go. “Look, let's start again.” He nuzzled her cheek, breathing in her soft scent.

  “What are you doing?” She pushed away from him.

  “I missed you,” he replied. “I was affectionately showing you as much.”

  “Uh huh,” she snorted. “What do you want?”

  “We need to start over,” Cian said. “We've, Zane and I, have gone about this the wrong way. It's just... well, we're worried about you, and when we worry, we tend to get a skosh overbearing.”

  “Try more like up-in-my-face-overbearing constantly.”

  “Okay, I'll agree with you on that. We have been.” He nodded. “So, I'd like to try this again.” He rested his hand on her hip. Warmth bloomed there and traveled up his arm, then settled in his chest. Cian moaned.

  “Something wrong?” Her pupils dilated, and the honey-sweetened tendrils of her arousal wrapped around him.

  “You're joking right?” He chuckled. “It's taking all of my will power not to kiss you this second. Take pity on me.”

  Jamie scoffed. “So, what did you want?”


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