Mating Their Witch

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Mating Their Witch Page 8

by Tl Reeve

  “A date,” he whispered, pressing his lips to her neck, unable to resist the temptation. “A proper date.”

  Jamie sucked in a breath and shuddered. “A proper date?”

  “Yes,” he murmured. “One date with me.” He shifted her weight, pulling her closer, so she could feel how much she affected him. He pushed his hand under her shirt and skimmed his thumb over her side.

  Her soft supple flesh rippled under his touch. His wolf reveled in it, demanded he take her right then and there. But, Cian resisted. No way in hell he'd fuck this up. Zane and he would claim her together—after his date. If she agreed. And if she didn't? Well, he guessed they'd have to persuade her another way.

  “When?” She sighed. Her breath came in soft pants as she leaned into him.

  “Tonight,” he answered, desperate to get her naked, and bury himself inside of her. “Seven o'clock?”

  “Okay,” she agreed, then pressed her lips to his neck.

  His wolf howled in triumph, but he didn't dare move for fear she'd reject him again. Instead, he sat still and allowed her to explore him. She breathed in his scent and ran her tongue up his neck then nipped the lobe of his ear. Cian growled and tightened his hold of her. “Careful, little witch. You'll get us both in trouble.”

  Her husky chuckle shot straight to his cock, stiffening it more against her hip. “You're so cute when you're frustrated.” She pressed her lips to his jaw and kissed a path to his mouth before sucking his bottom lip between her teeth. His dick jumped. Son of bitch, she was going to kill him.

  “You haven't see frustrated yet, babe.” He palmed her breast and grinned when a whimper of pleasure spilled from her. “Turnabout is fair play.”

  “So it is,” she said.

  Her mouth slanted over his in a demanding kiss. Their tongues tangled as she rubbed her body against his. Shit, he needed to gain some control, but he didn't want to. He craved this unhinged Jamie. Not the conservative one who rebuffed them. He fisted her hair, and tugged slightly to control the kiss. He plundered the dark recesses of her mouth, then pulled back with a growl.

  “I'll see you tonight, sweetheart.” He set her on the couch and stood. Then, while still facing her, he reached down and made a show of adjusting his junk. “Fuck, you've got me all kinds of turned on.” He smirked. “See you later.”

  Cian stepped out of Jamie's apartment and leaned against the wall, taking deep breaths as he attempted to control the raging hard-on he was currently supporting. A throat cleared, and he jerked his head up, noticing a smirking Blake who was walking up the stairs.

  “Everything okay?” Blake asked.

  “Fine. Everything is fine.” He gritted his teeth as pulses of desire still flooded through his body. Son of a bitch, he'd blow his load on the first stroke inside of her sweet, little pussy if he went just by the damn kiss. Cian bounded down the steps, past the deputy.

  When he reached the bottom step, Cian turned and called back up to Blake. “Is Zane out on patrol or in the office?”

  “Office,” Blake yelled.

  “Thanks.” Cian headed for his bike.

  A short drive later, he was pulling into the station parking lot and parked next to Zane’s vehicle. Cian took his helmet off and left it on the handlebars before he strode toward the entrance of the building. Once inside, he greeted the front desk deputy then continued down the hall to Zane's office.

  “He's down in the Forensic Labs,” Jacinda said as she came around the corner. “He should be back in about ten minutes; they were about done when I left.”

  He nodded. “Thanks.” Cian stared after her for a moment. Something was off. “Are you okay?” The smile she gifted everyone was missing, and her bright, cheerful grey eyes were dull almost. As Beta of his pack, it was his job, his duty to assist Zane in all things with their pack. Caring for the wellbeing of those who had been working on the cases fell under that category as far as he was concerned. And, with the murders happening one right after another it seemed, if Jacinda needed anything, they’d be there for her.

  “I'm okay.” Jacinda's voice wobbled, and the scent of her despair reached his nose.

  “No, you're not,” Cian stated. “Allow yourself to grieve. No one will think any less of you.”

  “I have to keep it together for all the families right now. There’s no time to be a crying mess.” She didn't believe him.

  “Zane and I both grieve the loss of each witch. He's well aware of what each death means, and he is doing everything in his power to find the murderer. You know how determined he is and how he can get.”

  “Yes, he's a very driven man.” The pack had no idea how determined Zane could really be, but Cian knew they would see it soon with the continued investigation of the murders.

  “If you need to talk, we're both available.” Cian caught Jacinda's gaze and held it. “Any time of the day or night. Got it?”

  “Got it,” Jacinda replied. “Thank you.”

  “No thanks needed. Get back to work,” Cian ordered while giving her his warmest and friendliest smile before she turned and walked back down the hallway.

  Cian stepped into Zane’s office then closed the door behind him. He needed a second. After having Jamie so damn close to him, her little body rubbing all over his lap, he was ready to blow. Also didn’t help having his monster of a bike vibrating between his legs, either. He adjusted himself again and swallowed a moan. Shit. He was too amped up. He needed to cool off before he did something stupid.

  “How'd it go?” Zane asked as he kicked the door closed behind him.

  “Well, hello to you. I'm fine by the way.” Cian didn't miss Zane's impatient snort. “It went fine. Better then fine.”

  Cian kept his gaze focused on the photos sitting on his mate’s desk. They were of him and Zane or him, Zane, and Ava. They were kids in most of them; in a few, they’d been older. It didn't surprise him when Zane stopped mid-stride to his desk and turned to glare at him. He liked fucking with his mate. Made life interesting, especially since he knew Zane would fuck with him later. Zane inhaled deeply then released a long, slow growl.

  “Explain,” Zane demanded as anger radiated from entire body.

  Cian laughed. “You're so fucking easy to agitate. You know that?”

  “Fuck you,” Zane snapped.

  “Nope. That's your job.” Cian quipped then decided it might be to his benefit to stop teasing his lover. They were both on edge with the last piece of the Trinity so close, yet so far away.

  “Did you fuck her?” Zane spat as he sat in his chair.

  “No. You said not to. Why would I?” He had poked Zane enough. No need in them getting pissed off at each other.

  “I can scent her on you.” Zane dropped his head and rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Yeah, well she gave me a good morning kiss.”

  Zane snorted. “A good morning kiss? Sure.”

  Cian gave his lover a smug smile. “It's got to be you. She was all sweet, soft, and pliant in my arms.”

  Zane lifted his head and glared at him. “Did you do what you were supposed to do, or was it a make out session?”

  Leaning back in the soft leather office chair, Cian crossed his ankles and placed his hands behind his head. “Of course, I did. Tonight, at seven.” Cian eyed Zane. “I'm not sure what was sweeter. Her kisses or the scent of her arousal. My dick is still aching.”

  “Fucker.” Zane stood then came around his desk to lean up against it. “Telling me that shit isn't exactly helping.”

  “It's not supposed to help, it's supposed to amp you up.” Cian chuckled when Zane kicked at his crossed ankles.

  “Keep pushing, because any more amped up, and you won’t make it to the date,” Zane snarled.

  Seven came awfully fast. Faster than both men wanted to admit. Even after their little romp in the shower, Cian could feel the tension radiating from his mate. He didn't fare any better. Anticipation coiled in his belly. It made his dick hard and his instincts on point. His wolf pace
d below the surface waiting to grab their mate and bind her to them.

  Next to him, Zane clenched his jaw. His grey eyes shifted from wolf to human several times. “Get it together,” he whispered to his mate. “If she sees the wolf too soon, she'll freak out.”

  “I'm trying,” Zane snarled. “I've never been this fucking nervous about a damn date ever.”

  Cian chuckled. “Deep breaths. Keep your eye on the prize, claiming our mate.”

  “Not helping. All I want to do now is fuck and rut.”

  The door swung open, and Jamie, dressed in a killer set of painted-on jeans and another one of those scoop-neck sweaters she loved to tempt them with, stood before them. “Boy, you two don't have indoor voices, do you?”

  Zane twitched and a pink tinge colored his cheeks. “Well...”

  “You look amazing,” Cian said, stepping forward. “Sorry you had to hear our little conversation.”

  “No, it's fine. I'm a bit surprised, he” —she pointed to Zane— “gets nervous is all.”

  “Yeah, well,” Zane replied, pushing passed Cian. The asshole gathered Jamie up in his arms and planted a kiss on her lips. So much for waiting.

  Jamie struggled for a minute, before she clung to him, rubbing her fine little body all over Zane. The scent of both Zane and Jamie's arousal ricocheted through him. His shaft twitched, going from semi-hard to fully erect in seconds. His mouth watered. His palms itched to touch both of them.

  When Zane pulled back, he set her on her feet, and held her steady. “I have been waiting to do that again for a while.”

  Jamie blinked at him then covered her mouth with her hand. She shook her head, then opened her mouth but closed it just as quickly. Then she cleared her throat. “I... thank you. Let me get my bag. Wait!” She held up her hand. “You’re coming, too?”

  Zane nodded. “Yeah. I didn’t want to feel left out. I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I’m not sure you know what ‘best behavior,’ means.”

  Cian laughed. “She’s got you pegged.”

  Zane scowled. “I’ve been informed I shouldn’t be an Alpha asshole with you and I should be myself.”

  “Huh.” Jamie shrugged.

  “I could use a little sugar, too, babe,” Cian said, stepping forward.

  Her cheeks turned red, and her breath hitched. Before she could say anything, he swooped in and captured her lips. Their tongues tangled, and he swallowed her strangled moan when he grabbed her ass. Fuck yes, she couldn't deny the pull between them now. Not when she was all hot and needy.

  “Son of a bitch,” Zane snapped. “If we don't go now, we're going to end up fucked six ways to Sunday and in a puppy pile no one will want to leave.”

  Cian chuckled. “Take a second then grab your stuff, babe. We'll be outside waiting for you.

  Jamie gave a slight nod. “Okay. I'll only be a minute.”

  Cian took Zane's hand in his and led his mate out the door. They'd unintentionally come on to her a little too hot. “We need to—”

  Zane pounced the minute Cian shut the door. He flipped them, so Cian’s ass was pressed to his mate's groin. Zane groaned in his ear, while he cupped Cian's junk and squeezed. “Fuck,” his mate cursed. “This is bad.”

  “Feels pretty good from where I'm standing.” He rubbed his ass across his lover’s erection and grinned when Zane sucked in a breath.

  “We should be controlling this urge not the other way around,” his Alpha said. “I feel like a fucking teenager. Like the first time I mated you after the full moon.”

  “Well, the moon is upon us,” Cian pointed out. “And it is the Trinity. We're made to fuck now. All three of us are together. It'll only get worse before it gets better. But, we've got this.” Zane squeezed his dick again, and Cian bucked. “Fuck, we've got to stop. Later. We'll finish this later with Jamie.”

  Zane took several deep breaths then shivered. “You're right. Shit.” Cian turned to face him as his lover scrubbed his face. “This is rough.”

  He laughed. “You can say that again, mate.” The door opened, and Jamie stepped out into the hall. “You okay, babe?”

  She gave a shaky nod. “Yeah, I'm good.” Her sweet aroma thickened as she stepped between them. “So, where are we going?”

  “Somewhere other than Mass Hysteria,” Zane said.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because you told Ava you didn't like it there,” Cian replied. “We want you comfortable with us, so you know we're being honest and truthful with you.”

  Jamie smacked her forehead. “I'm going to kill her.” She sighed. “I was angry, okay. Pissed off by my reaction to the both of you. If you'd like to go to Mass Hysteria, I don't mind.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Zane led the way down the stairs and back out of the building. “So you know, Blake will be following us. He's just there for back up.”

  “Expecting problems?” she quipped, as a coy smirk tugged at her lips. Her brown eyes twinkled with desire as they stepped out into frosty evening air.

  “Nope,” Cian said. “He's our just in case.”

  “Right,” Zane added. “It'll make both Cian and I feel better to know if things get heated between us, he'll be there.”

  “Because things aren't already heated,” she laughed. “This is ridiculous and fun at the same time.” She laughed again.

  “We'll see how ridiculous it is later,” Zane muttered while taking her hand. “Come on, no need for you catch your death out here.”

  “Snuggled between the both of you, I doubt it,” she said, pure honey in her voice. The girl was tempting them beyond belief.

  “We can make it cozier, babe. You might want to consider what'll happen if we do.”

  Jamie licked her lips. “What? What will happen?”

  Zane stopped short and whirled on her. “I'll be burying my dick in your tempting pussy first and filling you up. Then Cian is going to fuck you as well and dump his load deep inside of you. I'll be so damn turned on by the time he's through with you, that I'll get inside Cian next, while you watch. If by chance you want to join in, you can either suck his dick or ride him. Either way, we'll all three be getting off multiple times. Got it?”

  Holy fuck, so much for subtle. Her desire thickened in the air. Cian's balls drew up. Fuck, this was going to be a long-ass night.

  “Oh, I got it,” she whispered. “Thanks for the visual.”

  “You're welcome.” Zane reached down and adjusted himself then stormed off toward the patrol car.

  “He's intense,” she said, glancing up at Cian. “I thought he was told to tone it down.”

  “Well, you are our third, and he really wants you. Both of us do. Cut him a little slack tonight, okay?” he said. “He's worried about you, has another murder case on his hand, and he had to tell a potential mate, his third is dead.”

  Jamie bit her lip. “I'm sorry. For your loss.”

  “Our loss. She was a witch, too,” he replied as he wrapped his arm around her and guided her to the car.

  “I still don't believe, but it doesn't mean I don't understand.” She cuddled into his side as they strode across the parking lot. “So, does this mean you're going to handcuff me and stick me in the back of the patrol car, Sheriff?” she teased, leaning against the driver side door when she arrived.

  “Depends, Miss. Have you been a bad girl?” Zane growled.

  “Maybe,” she answered.

  “Later, I'll give you an intimate pat down,” he said. “Get in. Lucky for you, it’s a bench seat, and you'll fit between Cian and I.”

  They arrived at the bar ten minutes later. The place was already alive with thumping music and raucous laughter, relaxing his mate. They placed Jamie between them, each one taking her hands. “Have fun with us tonight, Jamie.”

  “I'll try.”

  “Good girl,” Zane crooned.

  As they stepped inside, the cacophony of sound assailed them. The jukebox played some twangy tune while some
of the patrons sang along. Ah, the full moon. It made everyone a little punch drunk. “What do you want to drink, babe?” Cian asked, guiding her over to a table.

  “Beer, any kind is fine,” she said, taking a seat.

  “Be right back.” Lore worked the bar with Gideon. Both wolf and witch functioned in tandem together, filling and serving orders. “Evening guys, how's it going?”

  Lore rolled her eyes and snapped, “If I get called ‘sweet momma’ one more time by one of your mangy wolves, I'm breaking faces.”

  Gideon laughed. “The moon is making everyone aggressive right now. Me not so much.”

  Lore snorted as she pulled out Cian's order, not even having to ask. “Sure. So, it wasn't you who grabbed my ass and said, and I quote, ‘Let's fuck. Right here, right now?’”

  “Momentary lapse is all. I apologize, Beta. It just came out of my mouth.” He winked at Lore who flipped Gideon off.

  “Keep your dick in your pants,” he said. “You keep your hands to yourself as well, Lore.”

  “Will do,” she said. “So, did you finally bed your mate? You and Zane smell like her.”

  “Not yet, but we will,” Cian replied.

  “If you need any help.” Gideon slapped his hand over his mouth.

  “Uh huh, moon isn't affecting you at all.” He snarled. “No, thank you, Gideon. Zane and I will be just fine without outside interference.” His lip curled, and he felt his wolf press forward. If the boy only realized who Jamie was to him, he wouldn’t have said something so stupid.

  “Right, sorry.”

  “No interruptions unless the place is burning down, then you’d better hope it wasn't your fault.” Gideon and Lore nodded before he pushed off the bar and headed back to the table.

  “Problems?” Zane asked.

  “Nothing I couldn't take care of,” he answered.

  “Seemed intense,” Jamie added.

  “Nope. Regular issues,” he replied. “Gotta keep the staff in line.” He took a long pull off of his beer then placed it on the table. “Want to dance?”

  “I know what happens when we dance,” she said.

  “So, you're saying yes?” A sly grin pulled at his lips.


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