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Mentor's Match: A Submissive Series Standalone Novel (BDSM Romance)

Page 9

by Tara Sue Me

  “It shouldn’t take too long. I just want to be sure I’m making the right choice for me.”

  She ended up telling him yes. Of course she did. To have a man like him tell you he would do something as extreme as giving up part of who he was? How could anyone turn that down? She couldn’t.

  She glanced at the clock for the third time in as many minutes. He was to pick her up in fifteen minutes for their first date. He wouldn’t tell her his plans for the evening, just that she should wear something casual. She ran her hands down her blue jeans. She’d paired them with a light blue tee she hoped wasn’t too casual.

  She stood and paced. Why was she letting this date get to her? She wasn’t this nervous before her date with Morris.

  She snorted. Like anyone could compare the two men.

  One look at Morris had told her he wouldn’t be any trouble at all. And even though she knew he found her attractive, he didn’t look at her with that stare she swore could peel back every protective layer she had and peer into the hidden parts of her soul the way Fritz could.

  When she took all that into consideration, of course she felt a little nervous. Besides, she had a feeling sex with Morris would be boring as hell. Fritz’s statement that he hoped they had sex, even if it was minus the kink, wouldn’t leave her alone. There were many ways to describe sex with Fritz, but boring as hell wasn’t one.

  The sound of a car pulling up to the guesthouse made her jump. He'd arrived. She ran into the bathroom to check her appearance in the mirror one last time. She'd pulled her hair back into a ponytail and smiled to ensure there was no food in between her teeth.

  She’d just nodded in satisfaction, content she looked passable, when he knocked on the door.

  “Coming,” she yelled on her way to let him in.

  As always, he momentarily stunned her. It wasn’t fair to the other man on earth how breathtaking he looked.

  “Hey, Kate,” he said when she opened the door and said nothing.

  “Hey,” she managed to get out and stepped to the side so he could pass. “Want to come in?”

  "Just for a minute."

  She saw the basket in his hand as he passed. “Is that what I think it is?”

  He placed it beside the door. “It is if you think it’s a picnic basket. Are picnics okay with you?”

  “Okay with me? Are you kidding? I love picnics. It’s been ages since I’ve been on one.” In fact, she couldn’t remember the last one.

  “I’m happy to hear that. I figured we’d find a spot somewhere around here, on Daniel’s property. While we were out fishing, I thought I saw a good location.”

  “Sounds good,” she said. “Lead the way.”

  She followed as he walked. He didn’t seem to be completely sure where the spot was he’d noticed from the boat. Every so often, he’d stop and look. She feared he’d never find it and was about to say as much when he turned and pointed. “I found it. This way.”

  From there, it didn’t take long to make it to the spot. She walked beside him and as they approached, she saw he was right. It was a beautiful place to picnic. Wildflowers covered the ground and there was a small clearing that hinted they weren’t the first couple to have discovered this spot.

  Out of habit, she glanced at the sky and was surprised that it looked like rain might be in the forecast. But she’d watched the weather earlier and didn't remember rain being mentioned.

  One glance at Fritz showed the weather didn’t bother him. He put the basket down and from the top he took out a blanket. He unfolded it and looked at her. “Can you hold that side down?”

  “Sure.” She stood and watched as he finished spreading the blanket out and set everything out. He had it all wrapped up in either plastic containers or foil. She stifled a giggle because it definitely wasn't a Martha Stewart picnic, but he’d obviously put it together himself and that was damn impressive in her book.

  “Do you think it’s going to rain?” She asked when he finished taking food out.

  He stopped and looked up for the first time. “I didn't hear a mention of rain, but it looks like it, doesn’t it?”

  “It’s not doing anything now. Let's ignore it.”

  He passed her a plate and then opened containers filled with an assortment of items. Sandwiches. Fruit. Potato salad. From the bottom of the basket, he brought out a bottle of wine and two glasses.

  “You thought of everything,” she said. “I'm impressed. You must have done this before.”

  “I’ll never tell.”

  She laughed, and that was fine, she didn’t want to hear about his picnics with other women, anyway.

  For the next little while they ate and chatted contently discussing everything from work to baseball. It came as a surprise to her that he had an interest in baseball. She'd never heard about that many Germans following the sport. Then again he was never the typical anything.

  He grinned and his eyes dance with playfulness when she told him she couldn't eat another bite. “Are you ready for dessert?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said, right as a fat raindrop landed on her nose.

  There were times a rain shower would pop up and it would almost tease you with its subtle approach. This was not one of those storms. Within a matter of seconds, the bottom of the sky fell out and drenched them.

  “Damn, that was fast,” Fritz said, looking up at the sky as best he could, but not moving.

  Why should he move? It wasn’t like there was anywhere to go. The nearest shelter was the guesthouse and it wasn't a short walk to get back. What point would it serve to run when they’d be just as wet if they stayed where they were?

  She giggled at the entire situation.

  Fritz looked at her as if she’d gone mad. “This is funny?” But he was smiling when he asked.

  She stood up. “Not funny. Just fun.” She threw her arms out and spun around, laughing. “I’ve never done anything so ridiculous in my entire life.”

  She held her hand out to him. "Come join me." She didn't think he would. It was too hard to imagine the no-nonsense German goofing off in the rain. He stood up though, but instead of doing anything light hearted, he pulled her to him. She lifted her head and her breath caught.

  He looked heartachingly beautiful with the rain running down his head. God, who knew a man could be so hot simply by being wet?

  "Kate," was all he said and then his lips were on hers and he was kissing her with a passionate intensity she felt to her toes. She slipped her hands under his shirt and brushed the taunt muscle of his chest.

  He fisted her hair and held her to him. Her only reply was to moan and shift her body closer. The sensible side of her whispered she was crazy to be standing in the rain so shortly after being sick. But as soon as she thought that, she shut the thought down. She could drown in this man. Surely his kisses alone could sustain her.

  He pulled back and panting, whispered, “Dance with me.”

  She couldn’t formulate a response with him smiling at her at her while the rain continued.

  “Yes?” he asked.

  She laughed. “Sure, why the hell not?”

  He spun her around, and they started the most absurd, fantastical, hilarious version of the waltz that had ever been danced. She’d have bet money on it.


  “I need a bath,” Kate said. “Dancing in the rain was fun, but now I feel icky.” She looked over her shoulder and caught his gaze. “Come with me?”

  He raised an eyebrow. Not surprising, she thought since they had done nothing physical since he’d made his pronouncement. Instead of saying anything further, she slipped her shirt over her head.

  By the time he made it into the bathroom, she was naked and waiting. Unscented bubbles filled the tub since she decided he probably didn’t want to smell like a rose garden. She’d even set out a pile of towels for them to dry off with when they finished.

  He kept his eyes on hers as he slipped his pants down and stepped out. He shrugged off his shirt and it join
ed the pants in the discarded clothing pile. When he had nothing left on, she held out her hand and led him into the tub. He stepped in behind her, placed a hand on either shoulder and kissed her neck.

  "Sit down," he said. "I have you."

  She sank into the warm, sudsy water and he followed, settling in behind her, a leg on either side of her. She leaned back with a sigh as his arms came around her. His fingers stroked her upper arms. The sensation aroused her more than she thought possible.

  She wondered if he would take the initiative to do anything tonight? Or was he going to leave everything to her? The thought of taking charge both excited and freaked her out. What if she did something he didn’t like? She pushed the unwelcome thought away, otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to move.

  She decided he had way more self-control and self-confidence than she did. Tired of waiting, she turned around, careful not to splash too much, and sat back down straddling his legs and facing him.

  He didn’t look surprised at all. “Took you long enough.”

  She laughed. “It’s strange, being here like this, and not having you in control.”

  “A good strange, or bad strange?”

  "I haven’t decided yet."

  “Let me know when you do.”

  She tried to position herself. Alone, it was no problem, but he was freaking huge and she had to work around him. She twisted this way and that, attempting to get comfortable and it wasn’t until he sucked a breath in through his teeth that she realized how close she was to his cock.

  “Sorry,” she muttered and settled for straddling his legs. “I’m set now.” She looked around. “I’ve decided this is a good strange.”

  He made a noise that was somewhat of a grunt and somewhat of a moan. Unable to tell if he agreed with her or not, she asked, “What do you think?”

  He looked at her strangely. “Kate, I can’t think of anything other than driving my cock into you with you sitting on me like you are.”

  She gave him a smile and ran her hands down his face, along the column of his throat, and lower, brushing his chest. “I like touching you.” She ran her fingers back up his body and across the expense of his shoulders.

  He didn’t answer, so she spent more time doing that exact same thing. Ever so slowly, she ran her hands all over him. She’d never touched him so freely, and she explored the different areas of his skin. The hardness of the muscles of his chest, the slip of his waist, and further down to his legs, which tensed at her touch.

  He gave little information away with his body language. And she made it her new goal to see how wild she could make him. First, she slowed herself down. She took her time in exploring every bit of him she could reach, above the water and then dipping underneath. She dropped her head to his neck and nibbled along the skin there. Then stuck out her tongue and tasted him, enjoying the light salty flavor of his skin. She bit his earlobe and that made him moan. Oh yes, she could get used to teasing him. She dropped her mouth and licked his chin. The stubble scratched her tongue, but even that felt good.

  "You better watch it." He warned in almost a growl.

  She didn’t stop.

  "You're playing with fire."

  "I hope so, she said, because she was. She shifted, bringing her body closer to his, so she nearly brushed his erection. Then she moved her hips, gyrating faster the closer she got. She brushed him once, twice, and still she didn't stop, wanting to make him crazy.


  She picked up her pace.


  She closed her eyes, concentrating on how the touch of his body against hers below the water made her a trembling ball of need. She shifted her hips again, coming against him harder.

  Suddenly, his arms came around her shoulders, locking her to hi.. His hands were everywhere, all over her. And his touch was so hot. So very, very hot.

  But if he thought any of that would make her pull away, he was mistaken. She loved it. And she pulled back, but only to offer herself to him.

  He knew what she wanted and brought his hands up to stroke her breasts.

  "Harder." She thrust her chest toward him. He circled her nipples and lowered his head to tease one with his teeth. She whimpered and dropped her hand below the water to bring relief to her aching clit but he grabbed her wrist.

  "No." He placed her hand back above the water. "Not yet."

  She wanted to whine that that wasn't fair. That wasn't their agreement. But she didn’t because following him brought more pleasure. She couldn’t help showing her displeasure with a heavy sigh though.

  "Trust me." He leaned his head down and whispered in her ear, "It will be even better this way."

  He teased her with his hands and his mouth and his tongue. Much the same way she had done him. Eventually, he got her to where she was wild with need and consumed with lust. She wanted him. He moved his hand down between her legs to play with her clit and she bit her tongue so she wouldn't come. She mumbled incoherently to the point that she wasn’t even sure what she was saying, when he whispered again, “Stay with me. Almost.”

  She let him tease her for a few more minutes, but then reached down and took his hand, shifting their bodies. She moved, so she was on top of him, and lining herself above his cock, sank down on him. With her hands on his shoulders, her nails dug into his skin, but he didn’t seem to mind. His hands stayed on her hips, not guiding, just holding her steady.

  “Fuck,” he said as they watched his cock sink inside her.

  “I plan to,” she whispered.

  But slowly at first. She lifted herself up using her upper body strength and moved up and down as though she had all the time in the world. As if she could stay there forever, enjoying the way she moved and he moved in and out of her body.

  She continued her movements until she felt his body strain to go deeper and harder. It felt heady to be in that position for once with him. To be the one in control. But she would think about that later. At the moment, she only wanted to focus on the pleasure their bodies brought. She wanted to remember him this way. With his eyes filled with lust and need and want. All for her.

  She captured his mouth in a harsh kiss, her lips becoming hard and demanding in a way she had never been before. He responded in kind, his kiss as urgent as hers. They continued like that, kissing and trying to get into the other deeper. They could never get deep enough, fast enough, or hard enough. She broke away, gasping for air.

  She thought he might try to take over and it wouldn’t have surprised her. But instead he kept his hands on her waist, content to let her take the lead.

  Eventually, she felt his body strain against hers in an effort not to take over. Her movements became less and less gentle and more frantic as her body betrayed her need. He was right there with her with a satisfied and mumbled, “Yes. Ride me.”

  With that she gave in and rode him as hard as she could, spreading her legs and taking him deeper. She looked in his eyes. “Do it.”

  He lifted and held her steady as he thrust upward, hard, bringing her close to her release.

  “Oh yes,” she said. “More.”

  “Yes?” he asked.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  He intensified the yeses with thrusts up into her body, even as she was still riding him. Her release crashed over her in a rush and she stilled above him as she came. He dropped his head and pressed his lips to her neck, thrusting one more time into her hard and deep and he shouted with his own release.

  It was several minutes before she could speak. When she finally found her voice, all she could get out was, “The water’s cold.”

  He lifted his head and glanced at their surroundings. “What’s left in the tub, that is.”

  She reached for the towels she’d laid out only to discover that because of their bathtub antics, they were completely soaked. “So much for being prepared.”

  She stepped out of the tub, careful not to slip on the wet tile and grabbed the bathrobe hanging on the door. Before slipping
it on, she found a dry town in the linen closet for him. He nodded his thanks and wrapped it around his waist.

  She felt odd and couldn’t put her finger on what it was. It couldn’t have been the sex. They’d had sex before and she hadn’t felt odd after.

  That’s when it hit her.

  Every time they’d had sex in the past, he’d spent time on aftercare. But since they hadn’t been in a scene, heck, he wasn’t even Topping her, there was no aftercare to do.

  She was shocked by how much she missed it. She’d never thought much about it, never considered what it would be like to not have it. Now there was a wet floor to clean. Analyzing sex could happen later when she was alone. She didn’t need to look at Fritz to know he was watching her.

  “I’m going to clean this mess up,” she said.

  He walked over and kissed her shoulder. “Let me do it. I’m not convinced you’ve regained all your strength back from when you had the flu.” She tried to protest, but he put his finger over her lips. “I’m doing everything I can to not act like a Dominant. It’s hard and it goes against my entire nature. Let me do this one thing.”

  She’d known it would be hard for him to ignore that part of himself, but he’d never articulated it before. And now that he had, she could see the strain in his eyes.

  Besides, was she seriously going to turn him down when he offered to clean up the mess they’d made? Not likely.

  She brushed his cheek and thanked him. “I’ll go find something for dinner.”

  After they had dinner, she brought up the thing that had been bothering her for days. “Fritz,” she said, and once she got his attention, she added before changing her mind, “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course. But you know that.”

  With a deep breath, she clarified, "It’s only, that is. Well…it’s not very vanilla."

  “Are you sure you want us to talk about something like that?”

  “Yes.” She sighed and played with a hangnail before looking at him and telling him the truth. “The thing is, you’re the only person I can ask about this. It has to be you. You’re the only one who knows. And I think when you hear, you’ll understand.” She shook her head. “No, I guess you’re right. Just ignore it.”


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