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Crimson Scarver : The Grace Flynn Chronicles

Page 17

by P. L. McCall II

  Chapter 17 – Defining Grace

  Paris, France

  The clothing provided by Daedalus would have drawn envy from most young fashion conscious maids. The navy blue dress was tailored to Grace’s lithe form perfectly. One could tell by the Daedalus ’s impeccable attire he knew how to dress, but apparently he could even make an ex-thief look fetching.

  Grace had looked over the dossier upon her arrival and it all seemed in order. Everything she had ever wanted was now within her grasp. No longer would she have to rely on criminal activities to keep her fed and clothed. She had the means to live a life as a young heiress. The money Daedalus had paid her was much more than she could have anticipated or even achieved on her own.

  Yet despite this boon of good fortune Grace still felt empty inside, the fire that had burned within her for so many years, seemed to kindle and yearn to engulf her once more. But something was different now, burned out was the flame of revenge, it was replaced by a beacon of hope that would guide her to an unexpected prospect. A future that involved a man she had only just met, but under great peril had come to admire in a most surprising way. Grace knew what she had to do and left her quarters to embrace the change that had come to her.

  Minutes later, she found Daedalus in the library drinking a glass of wine and staring deep into the hearth as its amber flames licked the fresh wooden logs.

  “Come to say goodbye?” Daedalus said distantly.

  “Yes I have.” Grace stated flatly.

  “It is wise of you to seek another path and enjoy what life you have been presented. I am glad that I could help you on your way to happiness.”

  “Happiness is that what you call it?”

  Daedalus turned and looked at Grace. A look of bewilderment passed over his face. “Has madness taken you? You are free Grace Flynn, and all that comes with that title. You are wealthy, a goal that many strive for, and you have your youth something desired by many, myself included.”

  “So now you are an expert on what makes Grace Flynn happy, how rash you are. Yes, I have had my revenge, but now I am free, and do you think I would give it up to be locked away in society and all that la-de-dah nonsense. Then you are a fool and really know nothing about me. I think you should update this dossier.” Grace shook the file prepared for her by Daedalus in his face. “In fact I think you should start over.” Grace barked and threw the file into the fireplace. Daedalus made no move to stop her, but she did notice him smile slightly.

  “So where do we go from here Miss Flynn?”

  “First you are to hire me back and then you will take me to lunch, I am famished.”

  “Grace, you do realize what you are giving up?”

  “Daedalus, I am well aware that your employment could ultimately bring about my demise. Yet I have never truly lived until meeting you. So I am satisfied that my choice is the right one, for us both.”

  “Now you assume to know my needs, Grace.” Daedalus quipped.

  “I know that few will keep your company willingly and besides someone has to keep you in line.” Grace retorted,

  “Fine, Miss Grace Flynn, will you accept my offer of employment though it might ultimately see you to a most heinous end.” Daedalus inquired.

  “Yes I do and who says you might not meet that heinous end?” Grace grinned.

  “Point taken, did you burn?” Daedalus asked.

  “You mean the banknotes and the property title? I may be hotheaded but I am no fool. A girl needs a place for retirement once days of adventure are over.” Grace informed her employer.

  “There is one more matter which we must discuss.” Daedalus stated plainly. He then reached under his chair and produced a wooden box. Daedalus held the box out to Grace.

  “What is this?” Grace asked as she reached for the box.

  “I think you have earned it.” Daedalus stated with a nod.

  Grace sat in a nearby chair and gingerly opened the box, held within it, was a neatly folded red fabric. Grace’s eyes grew larger and her breath halted for a moment. She gazed up at Daedalus.

  “The Bloodsilk has been cleansed of its evil spirit, I used strong alchemy to do so. Like you it is completely healed and it was your own blood that cured it.” Daedalus paused. “It will no longer hunger for blood and should provide you with healing, also it will double your strength and agility.”

  Grace started to speak when Daedalus held up a hand to silence her. “You and this scarf are bonded, I believe it suffered as you did when away from you. The choice is yours Grace, you may keep this gift or I can stow it away forever.”

  Grace ran her fingers across the silk cloth and felt a familiar tingle tickle her fingertips. She smiled and tears welled in her eyes. Daedalus was right, it was healed. She could feel its joy surge through her. “Soon old friend, we are not done you and I. Today, I must be just me, one last time.” Grace whispered and closed the box.

  “Thank you Daedalus for healing us both, yet the Crimson Scarver can wait one more day to be reborn. Today I want to be just Grace Flynn.”

  “Very good Grace, now let’s have lunch. I know a fabulous place owned by a vampire, they say the food is to die for.” Daedalus smiled in return as he stood.

  He then offered his arm, Grace rose and took it, together they left the library. Grace smiled as she listened to Daedalus describe the menu and for the first time in her life, she was happy.


  P. L. Mc Call II is most famous for his Steampunk novella entitled: Dr. Daedalus, The Devil’s Army. He is the creator of the “GOD GATES” intellectual property that contains the “Crimson Scarver” GRACE FLYNN, (The Most Dangerous Woman Alive).

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