Book Read Free


Page 8

by Lori G. Matthews

  Alex nodded. “Sure, same time.”

  Sam waved and headed back to the house.

  “Bye, Sam—bye, Jade.”

  Sam was mortified. Jade was toast.

  * * *

  The next day, Sam rose again at the crack of dawn. The decision had been made the night before to only indulge in one cup of coffee. And to not wear white. At least the swelling on her head had subsided. What hadn’t subsided was the steamy, X-rated dream she’d had last night about Alex taking her behind the honeysuckle. Sam had tossed and turned for hours after, finally succumbing to some self-satisfaction to relieve the tension. Thankfully, she didn’t have to work today, because she was exhausted. And her hand was stiff.

  At seven a.m., Sam pressed the button to open the gate. Alex was dressed the same as yesterday, only today the tank was green, and Sam was sure it would match her eyes. It was time to step up her game. Although she had no idea how. She bit down gently on her thumb, trying to think of something. This fuck buddy business was hard work. She still wasn’t sure she could pull it off. “Fuck buddy” implied two people simply hooking up, but Sam needed more of a connection to have sex with someone. Maybe the better term would be “friends with benefits.” Yes. Perhaps that was the answer. Become friends, establish a connection, then have sex.

  Her buzzing phone startled her. Luckily the coffee sat safely on the countertop. “You’re up early.”

  “Are you having sex yet?” Jade asked.

  “No. But I have a plan.”

  “Do tell.”

  “I’m not feeling the fuck buddy thing.”


  “I’m gonna call it ‘friends with benefits.’”

  “Whatever you need to call it to get that chastity belt off.”

  “I’m gonna take it slow, get to know her—”

  “Then bang her.”

  “Well, that’s the plan. I just need to feel a connection.”

  “Good. Go make friends.”

  Sam spent the rest of the morning propping up her confidence. Around lunchtime, the crew left to get something to eat, leaving Alex and Yogi in the backyard alone. Time to implement the plan. Sam breezed through the doors with a bowl full of water for Yogi. The best way to a woman’s heart was through her dog. Wait. Heart? Libido. That’s what she’d meant.

  Alex sat with her back against the old retaining wall drinking a bottle of water, boots and socks lying in the grass. Her tank was still on, much to Sam’s disappointment. Maybe the temperature would rise through the afternoon.

  “Do you want something other than water?” Sam asked.

  “No, I’m good thanks.”

  Sam placed the bowl on the ground next to Alex. “I brought Yogi some, just in case he was thirsty.”

  Yogi padded over and lapped at the water.

  Alex looked on with mock disgust. “God forbid he drinks from the bowl I put down.”

  “Well, he obviously adores me,” Sam said.

  “Who wouldn’t?” Alex whispered.


  “Nothing.” Alex took a swig from her bottle.

  A joyous thrill passed through Sam, tickling her insides, and she sat down next to Alex, pulling her knees up to her chest and resting both arms on them.

  Alex’s hat was off, and the sunglasses now perched precariously on top of her head. “I don’t know if I’d get that close. I’m kinda gross right now.” Sweat glistened all over her body.

  Sam wanted to run her hands over those strong arms, wanted to taste the salt on Alex’s neck. “I don’t care. How’s it going?”

  “Pretty good. How’s your head?”

  Sam rolled her eyes skyward and absently touched her forehead. “I’m such an idiot. You bring out the idiot in me.”

  “You’re not an idiot.”

  “I am. It’s like The Three Stooges around here. I literally walked into a door.”

  “I think your knees were weak from Yogi’s awesome kiss.”

  Sam giggled. “You’re funny.” She tilted her head towards the sun and took a deep breath. “You know, I can be funny. I can be cool funny.”

  “I think you’re funny.”

  “No, I’m dorky funny around you. Not cool funny. I say stupid things and do stupid things. I walk into doors. I babble. I get drunk.”

  “And you’re blaming me?”

  “Yes, I am.” Sam playfully shoved her, and Alex toppled over. “It’s all the sexual energy you give off. It’s uncomfortable for us mere mortals.”

  Alex laughed, righting herself. “I’m sorry I make you uncomfortable. I’ll try not to be so sexually appealing.”

  “How you gonna do that? You’d have to show up for work dressed in a burqa. And that wouldn’t be enough, because those peepers would still be showing. You’d have to be in a burqa and your Ray-Bans. Then maybe you wouldn’t turn me on.” As soon as the words slipped out, Sam groaned. Good God. That was definitely her outside voice.

  Alex’s eyebrows shot up. “I’m sorry, what was that?”

  “Nothing.” Sam covered her face with her hands.

  “Oh, it wasn’t nothing.”

  “It was nothing!” Sam hid behind her hands.

  “It was far from nothing. Am I turning you on?” She poked Sam in the ribs.

  Sam tried to ward off the onslaught by grabbing Alex’s hands. “No, no, I didn’t say that.”

  Alex held onto Sam’s hands. “You did. You just did. You said I’m turning you on.”

  Sam pulled her hands back and turned away, hiding blush number one hundred and two. “I don’t think I did.”

  Alex stretched out on the grass and put her hands behind her head. “So I’m turning you on. That’s titillating.”

  “Titillating? That’s a big word.”

  “Yeah, writer, remember? The burqa comment was cool funny, by the way.”

  “Yeah?” Sam asked.

  “Yeah. You were cool funny and titillating all in one conversation. I think you’ve put your past struggles behind you.”

  Sam settled into the grass next to Alex, all her nerve endings firing. “You know, just because you turn me on doesn’t mean I’m gonna fall into bed with you.”

  “Whoa!” Alex’s eyes widened. “Who said anything about falling into bed?”

  “We should just be friends.”

  “Absolutely.” Alex’s lip quirked up in amusement and she shot a sideways glance at Sam. “How’s your boyfriend?”

  “Ugh. You saw through that, didn’t you?” On a whim, she sat up, snatched the sunglasses from the top of Alex’s head, and put them on. “How do they look?”

  “You look hot.”

  She beamed at the compliment. “We’re gonna be friends, right?”

  “Yes. Besties. Do besties get to flirt with each other?”

  Sam didn’t hesitate. “Yes, flirting is allowed.” Friends with benefits would absolutely flirt.

  “What about random touching?”

  “How random?”

  “You know, like…” Alex took her bare foot and ran it up Sam’s bare leg.

  She got chills despite the ninety-two-degree heat. “Yeah, random touching’s okay.”

  “Cuddling? I only ask because of your current condition.”

  Sam nodded, still rocking the sunglasses. “Definitely. I cuddle my friends all the time. Ask Jade.”

  Alex’s brow creased with thought. “Kissing?”

  “With or without tongue?”


  Sam’s lips pressed together. “Hmm. I don’t think so.”

  “Sounds like it might be a gray area.”

  “No, not a gray area. More like a no-fly zone.”

  “Without tongue?”

  “Like a kiss hello?” Sam asked.

  “Yeah. A kiss hello.”

  “That’s fine.”

  Alex tilted her head. “What happens if I go to kiss you hello, and my tongue accidentally finds its way into your mouth? Like it slipped or something.”

  “Like on a banana peel?”

  Alex struggled to keep a straight face. “Yes, yes, on a banana peel. Like would you reject it right away, or would there be some possible lingering?”

  “Hmm. I may allow some lingering.”

  They both giggled.

  “Nice guns, by the way,” Sam said.

  “Thanks.” Alex gave a wink and flexed.

  Sam figured she might as well get all her favorite parts out on the table. “And, nice six-pack.”

  “Do you like them?” Alex pulled up her shirt.

  “No, you don’t have to show—oh, fuck me,” Sam murmured when she got the close-up. God help her. And her wallet. “We good? We’ll be friends. Promise me we’ll be friends.”

  “I have to promise?”


  “Okay, I promise.”

  “You have to raise your hand like this,” Sam put her two fingers together, “and swear.”

  “I prefer a pinkie swear. Because it involves random touching.”

  “Okay, pinkie swear.”

  Alex sat up and they locked pinkies. “I promise to be your friend, and only your friend, until you deem otherwise.”

  They held their fingers together for a couple of seconds longer than necessary.

  Sam licked her lips. Random touching felt pretty damn spicy. “Good. And now, I’m gonna head inside.” Sam stood and started walking away. “I’m paying you to work, not get me all hot and bothered.”

  “Oh, I can do both.”

  Sam grinned and skipped into the house, brimming with newfound confidence. Friends with benefits felt like a winner. She passed the powder room and stopped short, gazing at her reflection in the mirror. Hot damn, she did look good in these sunglasses. She finger gunned herself. “FWB,” she said out loud. “Friends with benefits.” She took the stairs two at a time, and tripped over the last one, landing with a thud.

  Chapter Nine

  On Wednesday morning, Alex prowled around looking for something to eat.

  It didn’t take long for a hungry Sophia and Lenna to wander into the kitchen.

  “So, how’s the job going?” Lenna asked, stifling a yawn as she poured a cup of coffee.

  “Good so far.”

  “How was Sam?”

  “Sam who?” She received a soft smack on the head. “Ow. She was good. It was…interesting.”

  Lenna groaned, taking a seat at the table next to Sophia. “What does that mean?”

  Alex decided on cereal for breakfast. “Well, there was some kissing.” She poured some into a bowl before sitting down. “Of the French kind. And some heavy petting and rubbing.” Alex stopped to monitor her audience.

  Sophia’s look was one of mild interest.

  Lenna’s look said, I’m gonna cut your tits off and put them in a blender. “What did you do?”

  Alex poured milk into the bowl. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Always assuming the worst.”

  “Alexa?” Lenna’s cheeks took on an angry reddish hue.

  Alex peered down at Yogi. “Ask him. Yogi, what did you do to Sam? You Frenched her, didn’t you.”

  Yogi whined and wagged his tail.

  Alex pointed at her faithful pooch. “You Frenched Sam right in the mouth. It was wet, and it was sloppy, buddy. You might have to clean that up if you wanna get to second base.”

  Yogi barked, stood up and stretched, then plopped down again.

  Alex looked at Lenna. “I think they’re a thing now.”

  “You’re a shithead.”

  Alex chuckled and shoveled a healthy spoonful of toasted oats into her mouth. After swallowing, she made a face at Lenna. “Your lack of faith in me is disheartening. I promised I would behave, and I did—sorta.”

  The tit stare returned. “Sorta?”

  “Well, there was some flirting. But in my defense, I didn’t start it. And have no fear,” Alex put a hand up, “it’s not going anywhere. She just wants to be friends.”

  Lenna stood and whacked Alex on the head again. “Behave. I need to get ready for work.” Lenna started up the stairs. “And when do I get to meet her? She’s my favorite actress. Invite her to dinner.”

  “Yes, we all know she’s your favorite actress. And thanks for the concussions!” Alex glanced at a wickedly grinning Sophia. “Oh, Jesus Christ, what’s with you?”

  “You’re into Sam.”

  “What?” Alex blew out a quick breath. “Please. We’re just gonna be friends.”

  Remembering the pinkie swear promise made Alex smile. It was adorably silly, and she loved it.

  Sophia’s silence made Alex paranoid. “What?”


  “I see your wheels turning.”

  “My wheels aren’t turning.”

  “Listen, I know you’re a shrink and all, and you love to psychoanalyze people, but family members should be off-limits. So stop.”

  “Some of the best relationships begin as friendships.”

  “Relationship? Who said anything about a relationship?”

  Sophia ignored her. “Your sister and I were friends first.”

  “I know. For two years. Your courtship is in the Guinness Book of World Records. You were the anti-U-Haul.”

  Sophia’s eyes took on a dreamy quality. “Yeah, we were.”

  “Ain’t love grand.”

  “It is. You should try it again sometime.”

  Alex swirled her spoon in the bowl, sadness creeping into her voice. “I tried it once. Didn’t end too well.” The heaviness of her past still weighed on her soul.

  “I know, honey.” Sophia squeezed her hand.

  They sat in silence for a few moments until Alex changed the subject. No sense dwelling on painful memories.

  “How’s the planning going for Lenna’s fortieth? Is Monette ready to close down the bar so we can party?”

  “We’re all set.”


  “Hey, why don’t you see if Sam will come over for dinner? Lenna would get a big kick out of it. Maybe sooner rather than later, as an early birthday present.”

  “I’ll ask her. I mean, we are good friends now.”

  * * *

  Sam’s long hours meant no interactions with Alex on Thursday. Thankful for an early dismissal on Friday, she hustled home, hoping to catch Alex before she left. Time to institute the new plan. FWB!

  Sam’s heart rate accelerated as she pulled through the gate. The truck was still parked in the driveway. She hurried through the house and stepped onto the patio. Alex was at the other end of the yard alone, her crew having already left for the day.

  “Hey, Sexeyes. I think you should stay for dinner tomorrow night.”

  Alex smiled broadly. “Wow, we just became friends. Isn’t it a little soon for that?”

  “Friends have dinner together. We can get to know each other. What do you say?”

  Alex rested her arms on the shovel. “Only if there’s cuddling.”

  Sam’s brows knitted in thought. “No guarantee. I mean, it’s only our first friend dinner.”

  Alex put the shovel down and wandered over to the patio. “Are you a good cook?”

  “No, if I’m being honest. Better eat a snack before you come.”

  “Let’s see. No cuddling and the food will suck. You’re not making this very appealing.”

  “Well, there’s a chance the food won’t suck.”

  “Which would mean there’s a chance of a cuddle?”

  “I dunno about that,” Sam said with a small smile.

  “Should I bring anything?”

  “Nope. Just yourself.” And your sweet, tight ass. And your sexy smile. That was her inside voice, right?

  * * *

  Later that evening, as Alex stared at the computer screen, a certain blonde was front and center on her mind. When she closed her eyes, she could see Sam’s smile, the dimples deeply indenting her cheeks. Without overthinking, Alex grabbed the phone and fired off a text.

  What’s the dress code for tomorrow ni

  She stared at the screen, hoping for a quick reply. When it didn’t come, she put the phone down and glared at the laptop. Restless energy made for jumpy legs, so she went downstairs to get some water.

  Sophia and Lenna were curled up watching a movie. Alex hovered beside the sofa.

  “What’s with you?” Lenna asked.


  “Sit down. You didn’t miss much. It just started.”

  “Na, I’m working on a chapter.”

  Sophia picked her head up from Lenna’s shoulder. “Was that somebody’s phone?”

  Alex took off, stumbling over Yogi, who had planted himself at her feet. She righted herself and flew up the steps.

  “Whoa! Be careful!” Lenna shouted.

  Alex charged into the office, door slamming behind her. She smiled when she saw the answering text.

  Do you have anything formal?

  I have a tux. You taking me to prom?

  A smiley face emoji came back. Wouldn’t mind seeing you in that.

  What are you going to wear? Alex typed.

  I have a white Giorgio Armani gown for special occasions.

  Well, I wouldn’t mind seeing YOU in that.

  Oh yeah?

  Actually, I wouldn’t mind seeing you get out of that.


  I’m here all night.

  Let’s scrap the formal and go casual.

  How casual? Alex asked.


  Laughter bubbled up from Alex’s chest. Sam positively killed it on text.

  * * *

  The next day, Sam arrived home at three p.m. She bustled around the kitchen and kept checking the clock, anxious for dinnertime. By five p.m., things were almost ready. Poking her head outside, she called to Alex, “Hey, everything’s almost done. You wanna come in?”

  “Sure.” Alex grabbed the shovel and rake, putting them in a neat pile by the patio. She stepped inside, carrying a backpack. “Can I shower?”

  “Yeah.” Sam led the way to the guest bathroom upstairs. “Just come down when you’re done.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Alex came sauntering into the kitchen.

  Sam’s gaze lingered. This was the first time she’d seen Alex with her hair down. It fell in loose waves around her shoulders. Auburn highlights shimmered. She’d had the privilege of hanging around a lot of stunning women, but none could hold a candle to this one. She averted her eyes, not wanting to be caught staring.


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