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Page 16

by Lori G. Matthews

  “You gotta stop doing that.”


  “That lip thing.” Alex pointed at Sam’s mouth.

  Sam giggled and grasped Alex’s finger. “What? This?” Sam bit her lip and batted her eyes seductively.

  Alex’s breathing hitched. “Yes.”


  Alex still stared at Sam’s lips. “Why what?”

  “Why do I have to stop doing it?”

  “Because it turns me the fuck on.”

  Sam was proud of herself for not blushing. “Okay, good to know.” She reached for her phone and pulled up the voice memo app. “Bite lip to turn Alex on.”

  “You gonna refer back to that later?”


  While the chicken cooked, they walked around the backyard hand in hand, Alex proudly showing off the new landscaping. Although they shared multiple hugs, their first kiss remained elusive.

  When they got back inside, Alex grabbed Sam from behind. “You ready?”

  “For what?” Sam turned, breathless with anticipation, wondering if this could be the big moment.



  Alex grinned wickedly. “Wanna get some plates, lover of baby goats?” She removed the chicken from the pan.

  Sam set the table and Alex brought the food over.

  They sat down and began to eat.

  “Wow, this is delicious. You’re a good cook. Guess you’ll make someone a great wife someday, huh?” Sam asked, but then remembered Alex’s past, and her face fell. “Oh shit, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m so sorry.”

  “Hey, it’s okay. Please don’t feel bad.”

  “It was insensitive. Ugh.” Sam covered her face with both hands.

  Alex gently pulled her hands away. “Please, it’s okay. You are one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. You could never be insensitive. I know you were teasing.”

  “I’m so stupid.”

  “Hey, you know what? I did make a great wife and will again someday. I hope.” Alex squeezed her hand and smiled.

  Sam’s mood lightened. “How are Sophia and Lenna?”

  “They’re good. They miss you. Make sure you don’t have any plans for Thanksgiving. Evidently you’re coming to our house.”

  Sam was confused. “For Thanksgiving?”

  “Don’t ask me. Lenna’s obsessed with you and Thanksgiving for some reason.”

  “Maybe she’s thankful for me.”

  “I’m sure that’s it.”

  Sam couldn’t imagine being happier than she was right now. When they finished eating, she stood and cleared away the plates.

  “I can do the dishes,” Alex said.

  “No, you cooked. I clean. Go sit down and relax.”

  Alex rose from the table and headed into the living room. A moment later, she called out, “Addictions? Is this a new script?”

  “Yeah. It’s a great story. Zach’s trying to get me a reading for the lead.”

  “What’s it about?”

  “A woman in a rural town whose family is battling the opioid crisis.”

  “Sounds powerful.”

  “It’s got Oscar written all over it. I’d love to get it.”

  Sam finished loading the dishwasher and glanced over at Alex, who was sitting on the floor with her back against the couch. What a gorgeous profile. Suddenly, Sam’s palms were sweaty. Nerves started to get the better of her. She would never hear the end of it from Jade if they spent the entire evening together and didn’t kiss. It had to be tonight. And why should she be nervous? It’s not like she’d never kissed anybody before. She’d kissed plenty of people.

  Sam bit her thumbnail. But this was different, somehow. A lot was riding on this kiss. She took a deep breath and walked into the living room, coming to a stop next to Alex, who smiled that sexy smile. Sam’s heart fluttered, and suddenly her palms weren’t the only things moist. She began tossing pillows on the floor.

  “That’s a lot of pillows.”

  “Yeah, I kinda have a thing for throw pillows.”

  After clearing a space, Sam sat on the sofa and leaned one arm against the end, trying to look smooth, but then she thought better of it and shifted so her back rested against the arm instead. This was a tactical decision. It afforded her a nice view of Alex’s profile. More importantly, it was easier to get prone in this position. It was time to step up the wooing. Sam pulled her knees into her chest and blurted out, “So, is it time?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Alex flinched at Sam’s outburst, but her mouth twitched with mirth. “Time for what?”

  Sam gently pushed Alex’s head with her foot. “To kiss. I don’t consider that peck you gave me this morning a kiss.”

  Alex turned, looking wounded. “You didn’t like it?”

  “It was anticlimactic.”

  “Well, if you remember, I was pressed for time.”

  “I’m not considering it our first kiss,” Sam warned.

  “Nor should you.”

  “I’m hoping you can do better.”

  Alex nodded. “I’m pretty sure I can.”

  Sam nervously nibbled on her thumbnail. “What’s gonna happen afterward?”

  “I’m pretty sure I’ll get all hot and bothered and wanna rip your clothes off.”

  Sam smiled. “Well, that’s a given.”

  “What do you want to happen?”

  Sam tickled Alex’s ear with her toes. “Does this gross you out? I like to toe my friends’ ears. It’s my thing.”

  Alex cocked an eyebrow. “Well, you’ve got quite a fetish, and to answer your question, no, it doesn’t gross me out. I’ve got sensitive ears, so you’re kinda turning me on.”

  “Interesting. Your ears are an erogenous zone. I’ll remember that for later.”

  “How much later? I’m getting older by the minute here.”

  Sam laughed. “I guess you think we should be further along?”

  “I know we should be further along. I’m wondering how long it’ll be before we have sex.”

  “Jade mentioned the summer of 2022.”

  “Sounds about right.”

  Sam gathered her courage. “Do you think we should kiss now?”

  “Yes. We should’ve a long time ago. I should’ve gotten in the backseat of your car that first day and kissed you then.”

  “Oh, c’mon! You barely looked at me. And I wouldn’t have let you.”

  “You would’ve let me. I would have hit the recline button on your seat and dropped you right into my lap. And you were the only thing I was looking at.”

  That day remained etched on Sam’s brain. She recalled with exquisite detail her physical reaction to seeing Alex for the first time. “You’re probably right, but we would’ve missed all this. The buildup, the anticipation. C’mon. Tell me this hasn’t been the most fun thing ever. You and me, the flirting, the random touching, the cuddling. Admit it.” Sam shifted so she could wrap her arms around Alex’s neck and bite her earlobe. She whispered, “Admit it.”

  Alex shivered. “You did not just bite my earlobe.”

  “I did. And I’ll do it again. And I’ll keep doing it until you admit how much fun this has been.” She bit the earlobe again before running her tongue along the outside of Alex’s ear.

  Alex closed her eyes and whimpered. “Okay, I surrender. I admit this has been an absolute blast.”

  Sam stopped the assault and sat back, quite pleased with herself.

  “Obviously, admitting my ears were sensitive was a tactical error on my part. However, paybacks are a bitch, blondie.”

  Sam spoke into her phone. “Alex’s ears are an erogenous zone.”

  “Did you just take another voice memo?”

  “I did. I love this thing.” She played back the most recent memos, chortling at the “babe” comment. “Who knew voice memos could be so much fun?”

  Alex grabbed the phone and pressed the record button. “Have sex with Alex before s
he’s eighty.”

  Sam laughed, then became serious. “What if it’s not good?”

  “You don’t think the kiss will be good?”

  “I don’t know. How do we know?” Everything depended on this kiss. Well, that may be overly dramatic, but she’d been looking forward to this moment for months, praying the reality would be as good as the fantasy.

  “I guess we just do it and find out.”

  “Should we?”

  Alex stood, grabbed Sam’s feet, and slid her slowly down the couch until she lay flat on her back, then crawled onto the couch until they were lying next to each other.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m gonna plant one on you, right here, right now, so prepare yourself.”

  “I’m nervous. Aren’t you nervous?”

  “No. Close your eyes.”

  “Maybe I should picture you in your underwear.” Sam giggled.

  “Well, you don’t have to picture me. Just say the word and the shorts are off.”

  “No, silly. Emma told me a while ago that I should picture you in your underwear, to make me less nervous.”

  “I would hope picturing me in my underwear would make you feel something other than less nervous.”

  “Believe me, it does.”

  “And by the way, I don’t have any on. Might wanna take a memo.”

  “Oh.” Sam caught her lip between her teeth. The visual of Alex sans undies was almost too much for her already impatient libido.

  Alex began closing the distance between them.

  “You realize this will be our first official kiss,” Sam whispered, staring at Alex’s lips, which were now millimeters from her own.

  “If you keep talking, it might be our last.”

  “It’s just—”

  Alex put a finger against Sam’s lips.

  Sam took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, then closed her eyes and waited.

  She didn’t have to wait long, as Alex’s lips soon replaced her finger. Both women sighed into the kiss. Those luscious lips were as good as advertised, and the way they gently moved over Sam’s mouth was almost criminal. A spark ignited in her lower belly.

  Alex turned her head for a better angle and deepened the kiss. After a few moments, she pulled back.

  Sam’s eyes blinked open, wondering why they had stopped. A quick glance into green eyes told her all she needed to know, and she moved in to continue what they’d started. The kisses were slow and languid, but the fire inside Sam raged.

  Alex moved a hand behind Sam’s head and pressed her closer. When Alex opened her mouth, Sam took advantage and slipped her tongue in.

  They both moaned.

  Alex was a drug, and Sam couldn’t get enough. She finally understood the true meaning of the word swoon.

  They continued kissing for what seemed like forever. Fingers were tangled in each other’s hair. Tongues chased and played. Sighs and moans mingled together. The air around them sizzled and they both trembled.

  Finally, Alex pulled back and rested her forehead against Sam’s.

  Sam caressed her cheek. She wanted much more but was still unsure of what Alex was feeling. She ran a thumb over Alex’s bottom lip, mesmerized by the softness. Alex opened her eyes and Sam saw such want it left her breathless.

  Alex found her voice first. “So was our first kiss all you hoped it would be?” She nuzzled Sam’s neck, waiting for a response. When none was forthcoming, she pulled away.

  Sam nodded as tears pooled in her eyes.

  Alex softly touched Sam’s face. “Are you okay?”

  Sam placed a hand over Alex’s and kept nodding. She couldn’t verbalize the feelings in her heart. How could she tell Alex how crazy she was about her? How head over heels? The price was too steep if Alex didn’t feel the same.

  “Was the kiss bad?”

  Sam shook her head.

  “Was the kiss good?”

  Sam’s head bobbed. She was afraid to speak, not wanting to cry, not now. If she cried, then her nose would run, and then she’d be sniffling, and there goes more kissing until she washed her face.

  Alex flipped over and pulled Sam to her chest. She slid both hands underneath Sam’s shirt, fingertips drawing lazy circles over her back. “Hey, you okay?”

  “Yeah. Sorry for getting emotional.”

  “It’s all good. Although I must admit I’ve never kissed a girl and made her cry before.”

  Sam rolled to the side, putting her head in her hand.

  Alex wiped away a trace of moisture under Sam’s eye. “The kiss was pretty incredible.”

  “Fucking incredible.” Sam moved in closer, lips brushing softly against Alex’s. “Would it be okay if I said I wanna take things slow?”

  “Of course. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Not until you’re ready.”


  Alex playfully moaned. “Another promise?”

  The corner of Sam’s lip quirked up. “Promise?”

  Alex removed her hand from under Sam’s shirt and raised a pinkie.

  Sam laughed, loving that pinkie swears were their thing now. “I guess this means our friendship is pretty much fucked. I mean, friends do not kiss like this.”

  Alex leaned forward, trying to recapture Sam’s lips. “Mmhmm.”

  Sam continued. “You know what else this means? We’re dating.”

  “Yes, dating.” Alex ran her tongue along Sam’s lower lip.

  “Oh, shit.” Sam momentarily lost her train of thought, distracted by the tongue. “I’m serious, Alex. We’ve moved on to the next stage. Right?”

  Alex found a sensitive spot behind her ear.

  “Ohhhh, God.” Sam groaned. “No more…sleeping around.”

  Alex stopped. “I haven’t been with anyone since I met you. I swear.”

  Sam’s gaze lingered on plump, kiss-bruised lips. “I believe you.”

  Alex kissed her so deeply she almost passed out.

  Both of them were almost past the breaking point, on the verge of drowning in this sea of lust and ripping off clothes. But Sam knew it was too soon to get naked, so she rolled away from Alex and purposefully, playfully fell on the floor next to the couch.

  Alex peered down. “Whatcha doing?”

  “Whew! Gotta cool off a bit. It’s a little warm on the couch. I’m sweating in all the wrong places.”

  “Yeah, well, you might wanna come back. Don’t want you catching a chill.”

  Sam giggled. “No, we don’t want that.” She crawled back onto the couch, crushing her mouth to Alex’s.

  Alex moved Sam onto her back, never breaking their kiss. A hand started to wander, going down Sam’s side and finding its way under her shirt, lightly brushing back and forth across her stomach. Fingers inched higher.

  Sam broke the kiss again. “That hand of yours seems to be on a walkabout.”

  “It has a mind of its own.” Alex kissed Sam’s jaw while her thumb lightly caressed around the top of Sam’s shorts. She hummed into Sam’s mouth. “Maybe we need to revisit our friendship rules… Well, we’re not friends anymore.” She made her way back to Sam’s ears, flicking her tongue at the lobe. “Dating rules.”

  “Uh.” For a moment, no sounds made it through to Sam’s brain, her sense of hearing gone as soon as Alex’s tongue plunged inside her ear.


  “Uh…huh? What? Oh, dating rules, okay.”

  Alex’s lips were back on Sam’s and all talk of rules was momentarily forgotten.

  The next time they came up for air, Sam had no idea what day it was. “What?”

  Alex chuckled. “Rules?”

  “Oh, yeah, okay.” Sam’s heart threatened to beat right out of her chest. She couldn’t remember ever being this turned on.

  “Flirting still okay? I mean, I feel it’s a given. Until 2022. Then it becomes moot.” Alex’s tongue lazily circled around Sam’s ear.


  “Kissing with tong
ue? I think we have recently established that the no-fly zone has been lifted?” She buried her tongue in Sam’s mouth.

  Sam’s eyes rolled to the back of her head.

  “Sam?” Alex pulled back. “Agreed?”

  “Yeah, yeah, agree…with you.”

  “Okay. Now that’s kissing on the mouth, the original rule. What about kissing other places. Like here, for instance.”

  Alex’s lips found their way to Sam’s neck—her erogenous zone. “Oh God. Oh God.”

  “You okay?” Alex gazed at Sam with mock concern. “Did I hit a nerve?”

  Sam groaned. “You hit something.”

  “Mmhmm, okay. So kissing here is allowed?” Her lips traveled down Sam’s neck, stopping to suck on her pulse point.

  “Uh, oh shit, I’m…so… Fine, I’ll allow, yeah, right there.” Would it be embarrassing to have an orgasm right now?

  Alex’s lips traveled lower, and her teeth raked across Sam’s collarbone. “Here okay?”

  “Oh boy,” Sam whimpered. “I think so. But maybe we should table kissing other places. And come back to it.”

  “Fair enough. Should we cover random touching next?”

  “I…guess?” Sam was afraid of where this was going to lead, not sure if she had the self-control to get through it.

  Alex’s hand found its way back under Sam’s shirt. “Is this okay?” She softly trailed her fingers over Sam’s stomach.

  “Oh, it’s…” Sam couldn’t finish. Heavenly came to mind. Don’t ever stop was a close second.

  “Okay? It’s okay?” Alex caught Sam’s lip between her teeth.

  As soon as Sam got her lip back, she nodded. “Uh-huh. It’s okay.”

  Alex’s hand crept higher, brushing the bottom of Sam’s breast. “How about here?”

  “Ah, I’m thinking that might be a no-fly zone.”

  “Not a gray area?”

  “No, I think, for now…oh…” Alex’s fingers circled around her breast, coming tantalizingly close to a nipple. “For now, we’ll call it off-limits. For now.”

  Alex’s fingers traveled to the top of Sam’s shorts. They paused, then continued their journey. “How about here?”

  Sam gasped. “Jesus, ah, probably not.”

  “Okay, got it. Now, just to be clear. Just to recap.” Alex’s hand covered Sam’s breast, giving it a tiny squeeze. “This area is off-limits, for now.”


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