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Double Bosses: An Office Romance

Page 4

by Parker Grey

  I sigh, because I’m getting the feeling that Lawson is toying with me right now, and it’s the last thing I need.

  “Didn’t mention what?” I snap. “That he wants us to put everything aside and fly across the world tomorrow at his whim, and we’re going to do it because he’s paying us gobs of money? Yes, Law, he did mention that part.”

  “No,” he says, and now he’s grinning.

  It’s a fucking irritating grin.

  “He wants us to bring Jenna.”

  There’s a brief moment of silence, and then the blood roars through my ears so loudly that for a moment, I can’t hear anything else.

  Then it recedes, only to be transported directly to my dick.

  Four days.

  In another city.

  With Jenna.

  “He does?” I say, my mouth slow to catch up with my brain. “What for?”

  “Someone to take notes, he says.”

  Lawson steps forward, crosses my office toward me, and puts both hands on my desk, leaning in slightly.

  “That’s three nights in a hotel room,” he murmurs.

  I know exactly what he’s thinking.

  “Three nights with no one else from the firm,” I continue. “Three nights where no one can cost us our jobs.”

  Now Lawson’s grinning again, and it makes him look almost feral. I’m sure I must have the same look in my eyes, a glimmer of hope and lust.

  Three nights that we can spend with our sweet peach Jenna. Three nights to claim her, feel her velvet skin against ours, make her sigh and moan.

  Three nights to make her come so hard and so many times that she loses count, three nights to share her with my best friend while we give her the best time of her life.

  I’m already getting hard, just thinking about a hotel room.

  It’s fucking ridiculous.

  “Good,” I bark out, more harshly than I mean to.

  Lawson just laughs.

  At least they got us first-class tickets, because first-class on an international flight ain’t half bad.

  On this one, each first-class seat reclines fully, contained within its own short-walled pod. There’s a TV opposite the chair, a desk tray that pulls out, and endless wine. For an airplane, it’s spacious and luxurious.

  I get the seat-pod by the window, while Lawson and Jenna sit across the aisle, in the middle of the plane, Jenna on the side nearer to me.

  I watch her as she sits down, stuffing her gear away. It’s obvious that she’s never flown first class before from the way she looks around the cabin in wonder, and from the way she asks the flight attendant how much the champagne costs.

  It’s free, of course. We’re in first class.

  Lawson sits in the seat-pod adjoining Jenna’s, but since there’s a plastic divider between them I’m not jealous.

  Until he slides the divider down. Then I’m a little jealous.

  I’m more jealous as he winks at her, sinking back in his seat as it reclines, smiling his nice, easy smile. I can see her relax from here, as the free champagne and Lawson work their magic.

  Not yet, I remind myself. You’re on a plane. There’s a grandma with a hearing aid two feet behind you and a family with two small kids a row up. I think the woman in 3B is probably a nun.

  It doesn’t help. I’m already imagining myself kneeling in front of Jenna’s seat as I pull away her leggings, inhaling her scent. Burying my face in the sweet wetness between her legs, feeling her stiffen and relax underneath my hands as I lap her slowly but steadily, making her wait for her first orgasm.

  “Can I get you anything else?” the flight attendant asks with a charming British accent, plucking the empty champagne glass from my hand as I feast my eyes on Jenna, my thoughts only on her.

  I glance up at the woman. Cute, but no competition. I shouldn’t have another drink, because I’ve got ten hours of work to do on a nine-hour flight, but my eyes are glued to Jenna and Lawson and it’s taking everything I’ve got not to leap over the aisle, claim her mouth with mine.

  “Wine,” I say, more gruffly than I mean to. “Red wine.”

  The flight attendant smiles like I didn’t just bark a command at her.

  “Right away, sir,” she says, and gracefully walks down the aisle.

  I lean back in my chair. Lawson glances over, looking perfectly at home and relaxed.

  He’s still talking to Jenna, his hand on her side of the divider.

  I’m not jealous. I’m not jealous.

  I’m just going to need that wine.

  Chapter Ten


  I’ve never flown first class before. I don’t think I’ve ever flown business class before.

  Hell, the fanciest I’ve ever flown was the time that I traded places with someone who wanted to sit next to his girlfriend and I got the exit row. That was nice.

  But it’s nothing compared to this — my own personal pod, on an airplane. Free champagne, free drinks, with a seat that reclines into a bed and my own larger-than-usual TV screen.

  It sure beats the hell out of trying to fall asleep with a blown up pillow around my neck while the guy next to me in economy snores like a dying rhinoceros.

  I lift the last bite of my brownie to my lips, then wipe my fingers on the napkin. A cloth napkin. The silverware is real metal, not the plastic stuff you get in economy.

  “How was it?” Lawson asks from a few feet away.

  My heart hammers, even though the question is totally innocuous. For a few hours now, as we ate and drank, we’ve just been chatting. Kade, sitting across the aisle from me, chimes in every now and again.

  It’s… pleasant. Right now Lawson doesn’t feel like my boss. I don’t feel like his employee.

  I feel like we’re flirting, but that’s only because we are. We shouldn’t be — even if we don’t know anyone else on this plane, we shouldn’t be — but we are.

  Kade, too, watching from across the aisle with his dark eyes glimmering, teasing, almost taunting me.

  I haven’t forgotten what happened in the bathroom yesterday. There’s no way I could forget it, so every interaction we have is laced with the weight of tension, with the memory of Kade asking me how wet I was with his lips on my ear.

  “It was great,” I answer honestly. Maybe not bakery-great, but for airplane food?


  “You’re not going to get a taste for the good life now, are you?” Lawson teases me. “You’ll be demanding a raise from us in no time.”

  Across the aisle, Kade flips his desk tray away, stands, and stretches. It’s the first time I’ve seen either of them in anything but a suit — Kade in jeans that fit him perfectly and a t-shirt that shows off every ripple of his perfectly muscled body, Lawson in sweatpants that somehow make his ass look amazing and a shirt that I already want to tear off his body.

  “Next thing we know she’ll be ordering Dom Perignon for lunch meetings,” he says, his low voice crackling through the air, shivering down my skin.

  I bite my lip, starting to get warm despite myself.

  You’re on a plane with hundreds of other people, I remind myself. Some of them are two feet away. Nothing is going to happen here.

  “She’ll be walking in wearing designer heels and demanding to know who ate the leftover Kobe steak she left in the fridge,” Lawson teases.

  I blush, my stomach knotting, my core starting to overheat.

  “If I were eating Kobe steak, I bet I’d go out for lunch, not bring in leftovers,” I tease right back.

  Lawson grins. Above me, Kade chuckles.

  “See? She’s already got ideas,” Kade says. “She’ll have to fly economy on the way back.”

  “Oh, come on,” I mock-protest. “I’d have to report you to the ethics committee or something.”

  They both go instantly still, just for a moment. My mouth is suddenly dry, and I grab the glass of red wine I got with dinner — in a real wine glass — and down it.

  “Kidding,” I say quietly

  But the spell is broken. Lawson leans forward in his chair, toward me, toward the gap in the barrier between us.

  “You know this is dangerous, don’t you, peach?” he murmurs.

  Instantly, my skins fizzes like someone’s poured sparkling water on it, and I gulp.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  He moves forward in his chair, leaning toward me and his fingers find my knee. I’m covered in an airplane blanket already, because airplanes are always freezing, but I shiver with desire at his touch.

  “And you know we’re going to do this anyway, don’t you?” Kade rumbles above me. He’s still standing there casually, one arm slung atop the short plastic wall surrounding my first-class pod, but his eyes are dark and dangerous, promises held within.

  Just as I’m trying to figure out what to say, the lights go out.

  I gasp and blink, startled, but Lawson just chuckles again. The running lights along the two aisles are still lit, and none of the other passengers seem alarmed.

  “That just means it’s bedtime,” Lawson purrs.

  “Yeah, when the flight crew wants us all to shut up and go to sleep,” Kade says above me. “Bother them a little less.”

  “Well—” I start, but I’m startled by Lawson’s hand slipping under the cheap fleece blanket.

  I lock eyes with him, and he smiles wickedly.

  “You interested in sleeping, peach?” he whispers, fingers moving up my thigh.

  My heart’s thudding in my chest and I bite my lip again, trying not to betray my nervousness as his hand moves ever upward, stealthy beneath the blanket.

  I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this—

  Casually, Lawson reaches behind himself and slides the door to his pod shut, closing us off from the airplane’s other aisle. Kade is still standing on my other side, blocking my door, and suddenly what seemed so public a moment ago is incredibly intimate.

  Someone behind me snorts and coughs.

  Well, kind of intimate.

  Lawson’s fingers move again, further up my thigh, and I swallow hard as I move my knees apart on the airplane seat, leaning back slightly, inviting him in despite myself. Despite knowing better than this, I grip the armrests as tightly as I can and roll my hips toward him, trying not to make any noise.

  On top of the plastic wall, Kade’s hand closes into a fist, and with heavy-lidded eyes I glance down at the zipper on his jeans. It’s tented outward, a clearly massive erection straining at the material.

  “Like what you see?” Lawson asks, his voice low and rough.

  Before I can answer, his fingers reach the top of my thighs, stroking along the inside, and his hand brushes my hip through the thin material of my leggings.

  A tiny gasp escapes my lips, and I clamp my mouth shut instantly, terrified of making noise.

  “Shh,” Lawson teases. “No reason for you to make a scene.”

  “Not that they could throw us out,” Kade points out.

  Still leaning against the wall, with his other hand, he slowly cups himself, fingers pressing into the denim of his pants, making the outline of his thick cock clear as day.

  My eyes go even wider, and at the same time, Lawson runs his fingers over my lower lips and clit, the friction of the fabric between us zipping deliciously through my body.

  Now I’m panting for breath, writhing in my airplane seat. I can’t tear my eyes away from Kade’s cock, magnificent even through a layer of denim, and I know that Lawson’s grinning at me hungrily, his fingers now seeking the waistband of these leggings.

  What are you doing? A tiny voice in my head asks weakly. You know this is a bad idea, you could get caught…

  I banish the voice as his hand finds the elastic around my waist and instantly dives below it, moving past my mound and into my slick wetness.

  I sigh, eyes rolling back into my head at the feel of his hand on me at last, his skilled fingers sliding between my lips, sampling me.

  “Oh…” I whisper, then clench my teeth shut again.

  Lawson pushes one finger inside me, just to the first knuckle, and I arch my back and move my hips off the chair, toward him.

  I want more. I need more, but instead he stops suddenly.

  I open my eyes, and he’s looking at me in surprise.

  “Peach,” he murmurs, his voice so low only Kade and I can hear it. “Are you a virgin?”

  My heart bangs against my ribcage again, and in the sudden silence, I’m convinced that everyone can hear it as I gather my nerve.

  You should lie, I think. Don’t tell them you’ve never had sex before, there’s no way they’ll want to keep going…

  “Yes,” I say. “But don’t stop, please…”

  Lawson grins again, and above me, Kade’s gravelly voice chuckles.

  “Not for the world,” he murmurs.

  “We’re going to be your first,” Lawson says, drawing even closer to me in the confines of the airplane seats. “That thought is so fucking sexy, peach. I can barely stand it.”

  His fingers slide further into me. My knees are as wide as they can go, and as my eyelids flutter, my gaze falls on Kade’s cock again. I can’t help but imagine that inside me, even though it seems impossible.

  “Both of you?” I ask, my voice a ragged whisper.

  Lawson’s fingers move inside me, and suddenly he hits a spot that makes my vision go white and my whole body jolt with pleasure. I moan quietly, then instantly clap one hand over my mouth, eyes opening wide in surprise.

  “Shh,” Lawson teases.

  “Wouldn’t want anyone knowing what you’re up to,” Kade says, a smirk in his voice.

  Lawson’s fingers keep moving, stroking the sweet spot inside me and driving me insane. I clench my teeth behind my hand, forcing myself not to moan, eyelids fluttering as I look at Kade.

  His eyes are heavy-lidded with lust, and every time my hips jolt and roll he breathes a little harder, watching his best friend finger me.

  It’s insane. It’s dangerous.

  I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to, which I don’t. I want to keep doing this and more forever.

  Lawson moves forward, pulls his fingers out of me and in one quick motion, pulls my leggings and thong down to my knees. I’m still covered by the airplane blanket, but now my wetness is against the warm leather beneath me, the slight rumble of the plane coming through the seat.

  “Get those off,” Lawson whispers.

  I glance over at Kade, nervous again. What if something happens and we have to get off the plane?

  “Peach,” Lawson growls, and with one look at the promise in his eyes, I kick my leggings the rest of the way off. If we have a water landing, I’ll just have to go down that slide half-naked.

  “Good girl,” Kade groans above me, Lawson’s hand snaking back up under the blanket. He’s still patient, still gentle, but there’s an urgency in his movements that wasn’t there before.

  Kade touches himself again, his heavy-lidded eyes watching mine, the outline of his massive erection still incredibly obvious through his jeans.

  I take a deep breath, arching in my seat, my legs as wide as they’ll go in the confined space. British Airways is going to have to throw this blanket away and possibly replace the seat, but this feels so good that I can’t even think about stopping.

  Lawson’s fingers reach my clit, circling the delicate nub, sliding through my wetness. I whimper, one fist to my mouth, the other desperately clutching the arm rest as Kade strokes himself through his jeans again, Lawson’s fingers doing delicious things to me.

  Kade’s fingers rise to his zipper. They pinch it. I can barely breathe as he lowers it slowly, without a single thought that anyone else can see or that at any moment, a flight attendant could come by and ask what we’re doing.

  Lawson slides two fingers inside me, his thumb still slow and delicious on my clit as I pant with lust. The zipper on Kade’s jeans reaches the bottom as Lawson’s fingers start to move inside me, rocking me b
ack and forth in the seat with ripples of pleasure.

  Kade looks down at me, a lusty smirk on his face.

  “Go on,” he says.

  I reach one hand out, barely able to think over the roar of lust in my brain, but my fingers seem to reach his open zipper all on their own, then slide inside. I grip his enormous hardness as Lawson brings me closer and closer to the edge and Kade groans quietly, from deep in his chest, at my touch.

  I bite my lip, eyes half-fluttering closed, as I close my hand around Kade’s shaft, and a moment later it springs free of his jeans and I gasp as he groans again, almost too loudly this time.

  It’s huge, long and thick, standing proudly at attention in the dim light, the head a red-purple and hard as a rock. I can barely fit my hand around it, and for a moment I just stare, until Kade looks down at me, wraps his hand around mine, and pumps it up and down his shaft.

  A pearlescent drop gathers at the tip, and I can tell that Kade’s doing everything in his power right now not to make any noise or alert the other first-class passengers to what we’re doing, but I’m fascinated. I pump his cock again, feeling every muscle in his body tense, another drop joining the first at the tip.

  Lawson’s fingers move deeper, his thumb on my clit speeding up and sending a whirlwind of pleasure and desire shuddering through my body. I’m going to come soon, right here on this plane, unsuspecting passengers all around me.

  But I can’t help myself. Kade’s massive erection still in my hand, I lean forward slightly and wrap my lips around the tip, eliciting a gasp from above.

  Suddenly Lawson pushes a third finger into my tight channel, stretching me but moving his hand all at the same time, hitting that spot of pure pleasure right inside me as his thumb strokes my clit. I move my lips down Kade’s shaft as I try not to whimper, a big hand suddenly on the back of my head.

  “You look so fucking sexy right now, peach,” he murmurs, his voice barely audible above the white noise of the airplane’s cabin.

  He fills my mouth completely and I take him in as far as I can, the tip of his cock bumping against the back of my mouth as I swirl my tongue around. I want to hear him groan like that again, want to show my boss as much pleasure as I possibly can.


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