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Growl's Queen: The Full-Length Novel (Woodland Pack Book 1)

Page 9

by V Vee

  Joi wasn’t given an opportunity to respond to that statement either, because Angelo set about removing her clothes from her body. His lips leaving trails of fire as he kissed each inch of bared skin as he went along. He grunted, reached down, and pulled off her t-shirt, stained with water, toothpaste, and vomit, ripping it in his haste. Joi gasped at the power Angelo displayed without even trying, and when he looked up at her, his eyebrow quirked in her direction, she could only bite her lower lip to hold back the moan that threatened. But Angelo’s smirk and dark chuckle let her know he was privy to the direction her thoughts had taken her.

  Angelo reached around then and unhooked her bra. Her breasts fell free of their prison, and he leaned in to suck on her hard peaks. Joi moaned low in her throat, a curse escaping her lips, as she bowed her back in pleasure. Especially when Angelo tugged on her nipples with his teeth. The flash of painful pleasure sent a zing of electric desire to her throbbing slit, causing her panties to become soaked. Joi stared at him as he circled the sensitive skin of her hardened nubs with his tongue, before he lifted up, kneeling in between her thighs, to tear his shirt off and reveal his tanned, broad, muscular chest and abs.

  Joi tilted her head to the side, licking her lips in appreciation of the fine male form in front of her, as her gaze raked over his torso. She took in what appeared to be a tattoo of a wolf paw over his left pectoral. The pad of the paw was black, and the claws were silver, tipped in white. It looked so realistic Joi almost expected the paw to grab back when she reached out to trace it with her finger.

  She dragged the tips of her fingers down over Angelo’s chest and abs, making sure to stop and trace each tattoo she encountered. There were at least ten. Each strategically placed on his torso, shoulders, and abs, even his side. She frowned and went to sit up and inspect closer when she saw what appeared to be her name in a heart with fire around it, tattooed low on his stomach, near his groin. But before she could, Angelo pushed her backwards, and slowly, seductively, licked and nibbled from her neck down to her stomach.

  Angelo growled, the sound almost completely muffled by the skin of her belly and looked up at her, his eyes blazing a dark gold with lust and need. Joi gasped at the sight. She felt so sexy and desirable in that moment. As if she wielded some unknown, untapped power over Angelo.

  “Vos vultis me: non es?” Though he spoke in a language Joi had never heard before, she—surprisingly—understood him. “You want me. Do you not?”

  She nodded, swallowing back the plea that threatened to escape her lips. She gasped when she felt his teeth biting her. Not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to capture her attention and send another shot of moisture to her slit.

  “Use your mouth, mate,” he said, his voice dark with naughty, dirty promises, but also hard with the promise of punishment if she did not answer him aloud.

  “Y-yes,” She answered.

  Angelo grinned at her and leaned back down and licked the spot on her stomach he’d recently bit.

  “Then you shall have me.”

  Before Joi could question the way he’d said those words in an ominous tone, he slid further down her body and effortlessly ripped her cotton shorts from around her waist. His thick, dark goatee—which had only thickened since the last time she’d seen him—tickled her legs as he settled down between her thighs. Angelo acted as if he were starving and Joi was his first meal in years as he groaned and dragged his nose up the length of her soaked, panty-clad pussy.

  “Fuck. You smell delicious,” he said harshly as if he were angry at having been denied her scent for weeks.

  Angelo pushed her legs to the sides as he pressed his face closer to her most intimate place. He pushed out his tongue and licked at her through the silk of her underwear, eagerly sucking on her clit through the fabric as Joi squirmed in elation. She grew wetter with passionate excitement. Her panties were so slick with her juices that she knew without checking that they were completely ruined. Craving for more of the bliss Angelo was giving her, caused her limbs to shake and her stomach to tense in anticipation.

  Angelo obviously felt the same way, because he sat up with a grunt, and reached down to yank her panties down her legs. He didn’t pull them all the way off, he was so anxious to get at her wet heat, he pressed her legs back towards her chest and fell on her pussy like a starving man at a banquet.

  Joi let out a scream as a tidal wave of pleasure washed over her, pulling her under. Angelo groaned, right into her pussy, which he’d covered with his mouth. Joi’s body arched off the mattress as his tongue stroked up and down her labia before swirling around her clitoris. Her eyes rolled back, and Joi clenched them shut the moment Angelo’s tongue began to tease her clit. He lifted his mouth from her slit with a wet pop, then leaned down to suck her clit deep within his mouth. Joi lifted her vagina closer to his face, gasping, her body flushing hot, her fingertips going numb. Angelo expertly flicked her swollen nub repeatedly with the tip of his tongue. Joi’s moans filling the air like a song.

  She spread her legs as wide as she could with her panties still wrapped around her ankles, in order to allow him to feast on her sopping wet slit. She panted faster, rocking her hips closer to his face. Reaching down, Joi gripped Angelo’s hair, riding his face, fucking herself on his tongue, tears streaming down her cheeks as pleasure unlike anything she’d ever known took her entire body hostage, turning her inside out. Making her tremble. Angelo refused to let up, only intensifying his assault on her sensitive, swollen pussy. He ran his tongue up and down, along the entire length of her cunt, scooping up her juices along the way as he headed directly to her clit.

  Angelo’s hands pulled the lips of her slit apart, opening her further for him to feast on, then he trailed his tongue up from her anus then back to her core. Joi shivered as Angelo glided his forefinger through the evidence of her desire and slid it deep within her core.

  “Angelooo,” she groaned he feasted on her wet heat.

  “Say. My. Name. LOUDER!” Angelo demanded as he thrust a second finger deep inside her to join the first, stretching her. Preparing her for him.

  Her entire body shook, her orgasm approaching. She was desperate for something to hold on to. She reached out and gripped the sheets of the bed she’d been sleeping on since running away from Angelo the first time. A deep growl echoed around the room. It sounded a bit like an animal and while Joi knew she should be afraid that some wild creature was so close to her home, she was instead much more turned on than she’d been before.

  Angelo continued to thrust his fingers deep within her and leaned down to suck her swollen clit into his mouth. Joi tightened the walls of her pussy around his fingers as he pushed them deeper inside her, trying to hold onto the feeling of fullness she had. Her toes began to go numb, fire spreading throughout her veins as her pleasure was heightened. A scream tore from her lips, and the waves of her orgasm crashed into her.

  “Inside me,” she stammered.

  Angelo didn’t quickly oblige her demand. Instead he chuckled darkly and the nasty, wet sounds of him drinking from her opening sounded in the quiet bedroom. Joi’s body trembled, and she released the bedsheets to grab onto Angelo’s head and push him away. Or was she pulling him closer? She wasn’t sure. All she knew was that her body was aching, burning, frantic for him. For all of him.

  In one swift motion, he was over her, before she could plead with him once again to fill her, and she sighed as she felt him slide inside her. She groaned as Angelo’s long, thick cock fulfilled her deepest need. Her senses became heightened, and every thrust of Angelo’s dick inside her center built up another overwhelming orgasm within her. Joi ran her fingers over his shoulders, his back, down his sweaty chest, her fingers delighting at the dark hair that abraded her fingertips, before she looked up into his narrowed, silver eyes. His lips were pulled back to reveal an animalistic snarl. She bit her lip as he slammed his cock harder into her. Her screams of bliss echoed around the large bedroom and out into the Caribbean air.

Angelo kept pace with her frantic rhythm as she raced toward her second orgasm. As the waves crashed over her again, dragging her under, she felt the aftershocks of pleasure recede like the tide of the Caribbean ocean. She dug her nails into the skin of his shoulder and released another gasp of pleasure as she felt the sharp sting of Angelo’s teeth at the base of her neck, his hair brushing the soft skin of her cheek.

  “Hold on,” Angelo growled breathlessly, as he shoved her legs back towards her chest. Her breasts were pressed against her legs, creating a delightful friction. Joi felt Angelo’s throbbing member slide, oh so slowly, in her once again, and then he set up his own hard, fast paced rhythm of pleasure harder and harder, until Joi was gasping, crying, pleading, and babbling for more, for him to give her mercy, for him to please, please cum.

  She felt Angelo quiver above her after long moments of him pounding in and out of her slit, and then with a loud roar that shook the walls of her bedroom, she felt the heat of his release deep within as he surged forward with a final, powerful thrust. If she wasn’t sure it was impossible, Joi would have sworn that Angelo’s cock swelled to the point it was impossible for him to move. The blasts of his seed coating and battering against her womb startled Joi as she realized they’d forgotten to grab a condom and she wasn’t on the pill. But she wasn’t able to fully focus on that as she felt Angelo’s body twitch one final time, before he groaned in complete satiation. He collapsed on top of her, then peppered her collarbone, neck, shoulder, and face with kisses. After a few minutes he rose up from atop her and offered her a smug grin.

  “I knew we would be perfect together,” he told her, his voice rough from having roared so loudly.

  Joi bit back the smile that threatened and simply shook her head. She playfully pushed at his shoulders.

  “Get off me, Mr. Marconi. You’re heavy,” she teased.

  Angelo grunted, and Joi felt his cock slowly shrink in size before he slid from within her, both of them shivering as he did so, before he collapsed beside her. Joi sighed in contentment then frowned when she felt Angelo’s seed easing from her swollen slit, down over the curve of her ass, to join the wet evidence of her own passion on the sheets below her. She sat up with a start and swung her gaze over to Angelo who relaxed back against the pillows with his head resting on his hands with their intertwined fingers. His eyes watched her intently, and though he presented an image of the relaxed, satiated male, Joi could sense a tense awareness within him. His muscles seemed as if they were quivering, bunched, and waiting to launch him at her if she attempted to run again.

  But Joi wasn’t running this time. She was angry. She was scared. How could they be so stupid?

  Laying with your mate is not stupid, my love. It is right. And there is no contraceptive that is powerful enough to stop or prevent what is destined to be.

  Joi’s eyes widened further as she stared at Angelo’s closed mouth. She’d heard him plain as day, his voice deep, rough, and husky, yet powerful as it surrounded her. Yet, how could that be when he hadn’t even moved his mouth.

  Calm down, comes animae, I will explain everything to you, but you have to promise not to run.

  Joi stared at him, fear curdling within her belly, she swallowed thickly and nodded.

  Angelo sighed and still without moving his lips he rocked the foundation of her world.

  I’m a wolf-shifter.

  Chapter 14

  I’m a wolf shifter. Those words echoed in the stillness of the bedroom and Angelo watched Joi carefully, monitoring her scent and her thoughts to see if she planned to take off again. When he saw her fingers clench the sheets beside her hips, he leapt up from the bed and crashed down on top of her. His hands gripped her wrists, his body plastered down on hers. He was slightly concerned when she merely stared up at him, her small body trembling beneath his.

  “W-what do you m-mean you’re a w-wolf shifter?” she stammered, her lips quivering.

  Angelo sighed and lowered his head as he tried to figure out a way to explain things to her without causing her to run again.

  Who the fuck are you kidding? She’s going to take off no matter what you say, his inner voice said. She’s either going to think you’re crazy or she’s going to think you’re a murderous beast and either way, she’s not going to want to be around you.

  The lump of nervous anxiety that sat like a rock in the pit of his stomach was new. Angelo didn’t know how to deal with it. He’d been experiencing a number of new and unique feelings since he’d met Joi. Ones that unsettled and unnerved him. Angelo had always been stoic, unflappable, almost arrogant and uncaring… okay, extremely arrogant and uncaring, unless it came to his pack, and yet…

  Joi had torn down his walls. Snuck past the guards and into the kingdom. She’d changed him. Caused him to feel again.

  She’d broken him.

  And since it was her fault that he had become a man of feelings, emotions, and insecurities, it was only fair that she be the one to fix him. To deal with him. To stay with him since he wasn’t fit for anyone else but her.

  Besides, she belonged to him and he belonged with her. It had been written in the stars, destined by the fates, foretold by the gods.

  He would help her to understand and embrace his wolf half. The part of him was that inhuman. He would do whatever it took. Even if it meant he had to keep her trapped in this bed beneath him for days.

  He looked back into her dark brown eyes, eyes that watched him with confusion, curiosity, and just a hint of fear. It was that fear that almost made him change his mind about what he had to do next, but he knew it was the only way to get her to understand his words.

  “When I say I’m a wolf shifter,” he said, deciding not to use their mate bond to speak to her, but instead using his human voice to explain it. “I’m not saying that I feel like a wolf. It’s not some spirit animal thing.” He chuckled. “Though that’s something people automatically think of when they think of my people.”

  Joi frowned. “Your people?”

  Angelo wanted to kiss her nose which had scrunched in confusion, but he restrained himself. Though she still smelled like him and his cum still coated the lips of her swollen pussy from where he’d cum inside of her, he could tell that he needed to keep things platonic as he explained everything to her.

  “The Cree people,” Angelo told her.

  “You’re Cree?” Joi asked, her eyes lighting up in fascination.

  Angelo grinned and nodded. Joi’s scent had changed from fright to excitement. Her thoughts were flooded with the articles and research papers she’d done on the Indigenous communities of North America and Canada. Hmmm, my mate is interested in the culture of my people. This is good to know, Angelo thought to himself.

  “Naskapi Innu, actually.”

  Joi frowned. “Are they of the northern region of Canada or the portion of the Cree community located in Montana?”

  Angelo’s eyes widened, and he blinked at his mate in surprise. “Nitassinan or eastern Quebec,” he answered her.

  Joi nodded. “I met with a few of the tribal members when I was doing a paper on the Indigenous communities back in college.”

  Angelo moved, almost sitting up, but he remembered at the last minute what started them on this path, and instead he merely relaxed his hold on Joi’s wrists, stroking them with his thumbs. He straddled her legs more fully between his own and gave into his urge to kiss her. He was slightly disappointed when she didn’t kiss him back, but he knew that once he explained things to her, they would be okay. They had to be. She was his mate. Destined for him.

  “So, you have an interest in the First Nations people?” he asked her.

  Joi merely shrugged and folded her lips in, as if to stop herself from saying something. Angelo let her have her secrets… for now. He would know all about her the more they bonded. Angelo grinned down at her and decided that in order to get her to open up to him, he needed to open up to her. He would tell her the story of his people. Of the shifters.

�As it has been told and whispered about in many Indigenous communities and other nations that surround those of pack-lands: The Great Spirit created, Wisakedjak, to help with teaching humankind many different lessons that they would need in order to survive and thrive on Earth. However, Wisakedjak was not created alone, he also had a brother, a wolf, named Mahihkan. They went everywhere together. However, one day, Mahihkan was killed by the water lynx, or Mishipeshu. Wisakedjak was so angry that he vowed to seek revenge on them for all his days. However, The Great Spirit, Gitche Manitou, felt Wisakedjak’s pain and resurrected his spirit, his essence. And he fused it with a few chosen people, certain communities. When he did this, there were four races that had been chosen, four wolf-human forms created. The each took a different direction from the Great Mountain in search of their mates, the one created specifically to be with them. One wolf took North, one went South, one East, and the other West. They found their comes animae and had many children. Each of them having the ability to shift between wolf and human at will. And it is said that Wisakedjak watches over these shifters, these packs, because they contain the essence of his brother Mahihkan, within them.”

  Angelo waited for Joi to react with bated breath, when she merely looked up at him, he realized that he was going to need to do something a little more drastic in order to prove his words true. It was something he’d been cautioned against doing in front of humans since he was a pup, but while he was preparing himself for Joi to be startled, perhaps even fearful, she was his mate. She was incapable of killing him or of telling anyone who was not pack about what she saw.

  So, Angelo took a deep breath and allowed his shift to flow over him. Turning his human limbs into wolf ones, his hands and feet becoming paws. His face twisted and elongated into a muzzle, his skin sprouting fur. His vision shifted from brilliant colors to that of a colorblind canine. He blinked down at Joi whose gasp sounded extremely loud in the room. Her heartbeat picked up rapidly, pounding beneath her breastbone. But she didn’t scream or shove him off her.


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