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Nomads The Fallen God

Page 51

by Gary Mark Lee

  Chapter 50. The Search

  The Outlands of Gorn can hold a multitude of Nomads and no trace of their coming and going will mark the land. The odds of finding a lone rider in that vast expanse, are astronomical to say the least. The power of love far exceeds the mathematics of defeat.

  From the Mindlock of Oshismarie Inastro Sistashion.

  When the Madrigal learned of the King's judgment, they were greatly saddened, they could not change events, so they did what was necessary, to depart the Place of Dreams. Kuno once again, took command of the tribe, and they obeyed him, as they would their King.

  Andra wanted to start searching, she could not let her mate, wander in the Outlands alone. She could not pass through the Belt of Isarie without help, the massive gates, needed the strength of the entire tribe to open them. So she waited, until the Nomads traveled beyond the barrier, then she announced that she was leaving. On hearing this, Osh volunteered to accompany her, not wanting his father to leave him, Endo joined them too. This meant all the Sandjar, would go with them as well. The Nomads were happy about this, not fully trusting the newly freed Scavengers.

  There were some warriors, who were not happy, to let their King, wander in the Outlands. They took an oath, to travel with their leader's mate, and to protect her with their lives. Andra would also have, the wisdom of two Touchtenders, they would be needed to care for the injured, and for the strange child.

  Egmar would stay with her people, but she could not turn her back, on her son's mate, so as they were about to depart, she approached Andra, carrying something in her hands. The Holy Mother wore a bright red traveling robe, she was accompanied by two Handmaidens and several Thungodra. Andra was adjusting the saddle strap on her Whiptail, she saw Egmar approaching.

  “I have brought you a gift”, Egmar said, handing over a small bundle. Andra took it, unwrapping the red cloth, she found inside, a beautifully fashioned statue of the Goddess. Its golden surface, shone brightly in the morning light, and it felt warm to the touch. Andra marveled at its beauty for a moment, then smiled.

  “I will treasure it always”, she said.

  The Holy Mother bent forwards and kissed her softly, “find my son, and bring him back to me”, with one last look she left.

  So began the long search. Andra led the seekers out of the Norgonie lands, through the Belt of Isarie, down the great canyon of the Arabus birds, out past the Womb of Isarie and into the Outlands. She followed her heart, she could no longer feel her lover's thoughts, and this troubled her greatly. The caravan traveled up to the Skull of Balmor, then continued North, until they came to the place, where the Finger of Solus once stood. All the while, they asked those they met, if they had seen a Waste Wanderer, riding alone, all said, they had seen nothing. The days continued, soon the wind began to cool, and some said, it was time to end their search, and return to the tribe. Andra would not listen, continuing to look, for the one she loved.

  As they traveled, the strange child began to change, she grew at an astounding rate, soon looking like, a second cycle girl. Andra named her Niana, after her mother, she had a loving heart, and would bring kindness to those around her. She was tall and slim, with delicate features, she still shunned the sunlight, and her skin, remained the color of fresh Rimar milk. Her long thin hair, was light in color, it had a tinge of green, running through it. She only ventured out from her wagon, in the dark of night, refusing to take a Touchtender, or a warrior with her. She would wander alone under the stars, and even though it was very dangerous, she seemed not to care, always returning unharmed before dawn. Osh took great interest in this unusual girl, and he questioned her many times, about her beginnings and her genetic makeup. She just smiled at him, and replied with cryptic words that had no real meaning, to the Callaxion.

  Andra cared a great deal for her daughter, she taught her all she knew about survival. In the evenings, she would walk with her, and they would talk. Now as the night moons, shone bright in the clear sky, they walked to the top of a small rise. They stood looking up at the stars, Andra pointed to one that rose just above the horizon.

  “That is the star that once gave life to my world”, she said.

  “I know”, Niana replied, “I know your world, and those who once dwelled upon it. I see the farm where you grew up, and the green fields outside your window. I see the face of your brother Simon, and I feel the love, you had for him. I can hear your mother’s voice, and the warmth of her arms around me. I understand all this, and I know, you love me”.

  Andra, had told of some of her past life, but she never spoke of her brother, or the home where she grew up.

  “How do you know all this?”

  Her daughter smiled at her. “I know many things, you cannot, and although you are my womb mother, I have another, and she calls to me. Someday I must go to her.”

  Hearing there would be a time, when they would part, brought sadness into Moonbud's heart, she realized that all daughters, must someday go out into the world. Knowing she had a wise and strong child, brought her contentment.

  “I love you”, she said.

  “ I love you”, replied the girl.

  There are many types of embrace, those that come with parting, and those that are made on return, there are none so warm, as a Mother's.

  Along with the child, there were others who grew, the Sandjar were quickly learning the ways of the Outlands, now wished to go their own way. Endo could see, the time had come, to lead his people on their own journey. So when they made camp for the night he went to his father's wagon. He found the old man, busily writing on a fresh Rimar hide parchment, and waiting for his perfectly spiced Hagar soup, to finish cooking. His traveling robe, was a bit dirty, and all about him were jumbles of artifacts, and other strange objects. Enough to keep his busy mind, occupied for several lifetimes. The young Sandjar, shook his large head, for although he kept close to his father, he spent most of his time with Rawna, in their Karrackm therefore he was not around, to tidy up after the old man.

  “Hello father”, he said, as he moved closer to the burning Washa, he leaned close, to smell the boiling soup. “I think you may have added to much Ulon spice this time”, he commented.

  Osh finished his writing, then looked up at his son, “so tell me, was my information correct, about the mating practices of the Sandjar?” he asked offhandedly.

  Endo shook is head, then sat down next to the Callaxion. “I can confirm with great pleasure, the information was correct, but you left out certain details, and they make a great difference. I can now say with pride, I have performed adequately, soon you will become a Grandfather.”

  Hearing his son's precision reply, filled Osh with pride, but not so much, as hearing, his son was going to become a father. “This calls for a celebration, pour us two bowls of soup, while I fill cups with Po.”

  Endo followed his father's instructions, and ladled out two large bowls of the warm concoction. They both sat down, and began to eat the rich soup. After taking a mouthful, Endo swallowed, then turned to his father.

  “I was wrong”, he said with a smile, “the spices are perfect”.

  “Yes they are”, replied the old man, looking into his son's eyes, with love, “everything is perfect”.

  Around Osh's neck, hung the medallion that had open the God Machine, and other portals of the Overlords. Knowing that someday, it might open other doorways to knowledge, the Callaxion wore it with pride.

  They sat and talked, long into the night, and when the suns rose, they bid each other farewell. Endo gathered his people, and made sure, all was ready, and he helped his pregnant mate into their wagon. He was about to join her, when he heard a voice behind him.

  “Son?” it said, he turned to see, his mother standing beside him. She wore her gleaming armor, and with the horned helmet upon her head, she seemed like a Goddess of War. “Be careful where you go, and make sure, you stay clear of Earthshakers and unknown warriors”, she said, with a worried look. “Always keep lookouts posted at
night, and watch the skies for Sun-droppers during the day. Oh and one more thing”, she stopped herself, knowing, she sounded like her mother, so she just reached out, and took her boy into her arms, “just remember that I love you”.

  Endo held his mother for a time, and although it was not a practice of the Sandjar, he leaned over and kissed her on her cheek. “I will always remember.” Then he climbed into the wagon, taking up the reins, he signaled for his people to follow, obeying their Coraw, they left the Nomad camp and ventured into the unknown.

  The days grew colder, the long warm summer, was coming to an end. Andra, still leading the way, would not give up, they crossed the Sirolian Plains, staying well clear of Earth Shakers. They hunted for Rimar, and gathered Eul when needed. They asked continuously, if anyone had seen a lone warrior, with the bearing of a King. They only heard stories of a demon, mounted on a Whiptail, killing anyone in his path, dealing out death, to any who challenged him. Moonbud prayed that her mate would not meet with this monster.

  More days passed and the seekers ventured into Talsonar lands, they stayed well clear of the destroyed pyramid city, it was now a place where vile creatures lived. Around it were dozens of Dropships, this told Andra that more displaced creatures were coming, and someday the broken city would be powerful again.

  A cold wind blew over the land for Gorn, it was slowly moving away from the great star, heading for the outer reaches of its orbit. Soon the snow would begin to fall, and with it the Hagars, would be moving down from the North, destroying all in their path, bringing death and destruction to the Outlands.

  Andra would not be swayed from her path, so they entered the Pass of Moke, leading them to the open expanse of Darmock. There they saw great herds of Rimar, fattening themselves for the long winter to come. Like wise, the Trofar were growing their long fur coats, to shield them from the bitter cold, the Whiptail's plating thickened too. As they drew closer to the Eye of Isarie, they heard more tales of the lone warrior, and the terrible things, he had inflicted, upon those unlucky enough to meet him. Some said, he was surely a demon from the Pit of Marloon, he killed both men and women, not even sparing the young. Many warriors rode out to find him, vowing revenge for the loved ones, he had killed. None of them, was ever seen again.

  As the sky grew dimmer, and the wind began to howl, like a Screecher's cry, Andra thought, she would never find her mate. She would have to live the rest of her life alone. When she grew weary, she would ride ahead of the warriors, and let her mind speak to her.

  You have a daughter now who needs you; her mind said, still she felt, she could not live without the man she loved. She urged her Whiptail onwards, as she crossed a hilltop, she saw a lone figure in the distance. At first, she thought it was an Outrider from another tribe, but something told her, this was not a lone Nomad, looking for Rimar. She signaled for the column to stop, they waited as the rider drew closer. As always, the warriors drew around Moonbud, gripping their weapons in readiness. As the figure rode closer, they could see he was indeed an Outlander, not knowing if he was friend or foe, they watched and waited, ready for an attack.

  Andra was also ready to fight if need be, she had learned the ways of Gorn well, knowing danger waited at every turn. The lone rider, came over a hill, he wore the helmet and armor, of a King of the Madrigal, She smiled, knowing her effort had been rewarded, her mate was returning to her.

  Her heart began to beat in her chest, like a mating drum. Soon she would be holding her love in her arms once more, and together they would live out their lives in contentment.

  I have found him; she heard her mind say; I have found him.

  In her mind she saw them together once more. Together they would travel the lands of Gorn, and make love under the stars, once more. Together, they would go on and on, together, they would face any dangers, the Gods placed in front of them.

  I have found him.

  Her joy turned to apprehension, she reached out with her thoughts, but she did not feel the warmth that should have been returned. Instead she felt a dark coldness, it seemed to fill every fiber of her being with dread.

  Can this be the one I love?

  The rider came close enough to be seen clearly.

  Nothing in Andra's life, could have prepared her for what she saw. Before her was a creature, she hardly recognized. Arn's body was covered in blood and gore, his armor was rusty and covered in filth. He bore many festering cuts and sores, oozing a foul smelling fluid. His Whiptail was gaunt, and bits of rotting flesh, hung from its gaping mouth. It pawed the ground and snorted, eager to sink its teeth into more flesh. What horrified Moonbud the most, was the look in her mate's eyes, where they once held a deep love, now they seemed without humanity. He stared beyond her, with a never ending hatred, drool hung from his snarling lips, matting his quivering chin.

  Death rider; she thought; where has he been?

  All memories of Arn's past life, had been erased by the power of the Death Shadow flower. All that remained, was an empty shell, filled with hatred for all living things.

  Where has he been? The answer was before her, his eyes carried the story of his journey. He has been to death and back.

  The warriors lifted their weapons, although they had vowed to find their King, and return him to his people. They knew he was gone, lost forever in the void of madness, a place of horrors, from which no one returned. They moved forward, ready to protect Andra, she lifted her hand, and they stopped.

  Slowly, Moonbud dismounted her Whiptail, she walked towards her mate, she reached out with her mind once more.

  Look at me, remember me.

  There was no response from the King, he could not see through the veil of darkness, shrouding his mind.

  Remember me.

  Again nothing, only an empty echo of hatred and death; he has forgotten all that he was.

  Moonbud watched as Arn leapt down from his mount, he walked towards her. He held his ax so hard, the muscles in his thick arms, stood out like bands of steel.

  Look at me, remember.

  He lifted his weapon to deliver the killing blow, then Andra threw down her ax, she spoke to him.

  “I am not your enemy, look for him elsewhere.”

  For a moment, Arn stood like an iron statue, the fire of hatred still burning in his eyes, he lifted his ax again.

  “I am not your enemy”, Andra repeated, “I am one who loves you.”

  The next few moments seemed to last forever, Andra did not turn her eyes from him, lifting her arms, she spoke in a soft voice.

  “It’s me, Moonbud, you are the one I love.” She reached out again with her thoughts, she filled her mind with images of their past together. The first time they met, the first time they made love, in the ruins near the Eye of Isarie. The Mating Time and the Great Dome in Omargash, the long sleep in the Hollow Hills, and their battle with the Talsonar. All the wonderful days and nights, they spent together, and the terrible times that pulled them apart. All was there, every warm embrace, every bitter separation, all there to see and embrace, if only she could break the dark barrier separating them.

  Look at who we once were, remember me.

  As she remembered, she saw a small flicker of reason, beginning to return to her mate's eyes, with each passing second it grew.

  “Look at me”, she cried with tears in her eyes. “Remember our vow, to never be apart, to stay together through this world and all the worlds to come. Look at me, you are not a dead man, you are alive, remember me, remember the love we shared!” More tears began to fall, she closed her eyes and cried out in pain, “please Isarie, help him!” Take anything you wish from me, take my life and return his, please. Then she waited for the deathblow that would end her misery.

  It did not come.

  She opened her eyes to see, Arn no longer held his ax, ready to strike, he had let it fall to the ground. He stood, unmoving, the flicker in his eyes, began to grow into a fire of remembrance, and looking hard at the woman before him, he spoke weakly through
parched lips.


  Andra nodded her head, and held out her arms to him, “yes, yes”, she said, as tears of joy rolled down her cheek, “I am here, and I love you”.

  She took him in her embrace, and felt the walls separating them in her mind, begin to crumble, soon they would vanish, like the dew in the warmth of the morning suns.

  It would take time of course, a long time, for all the hatred and pain, to be driven out of the Nomad's heart, but it would. Andra would fill it with love, and together they would go on. Although the days ahead would be difficult, and filled with many dangers, they would face them together.

  No matter how cold their world became, they had the never-ending fire of their love, to keep them warm.

  Chapter 51. Sunbirth

  And now my story is done, the suns rise, and soon another day will begin, with it will come the Nomads of Gorn, who travel the endless lands of this world. You who have heard my words, may want to return another night, to listen as I tell of more adventures of those they call Moric-Kan. I have not yet told you, of their battle with the dreaded Hagars, the ravaging icemen, who ride down from the frozen lands of the North.

  Nor have I spoken of the wave riders of the Western Sea, or the hunt for the Great Leviathans that dwell in the soundless depths. You should know of the soulless things, crawling beneath the earth, worshiping foul Gods of darkness and pain. You will stand in awe, as you gaze upon the eternal Guardian, called Isarie who watches over all.

  All this and more, I will speak of, and you will come to know of the wonders that still lay waiting on this strange world. Now I will end my tales, for I am tired and need sleep, in sleep, I will dream, I will dream of all, I have seen and done, and my soul will sore high above and deep below, and I will be content.

  So go now and let an old man rest, when the night moons are high overhead once more, and the Washa fires burn brightly, return and sit beside me again.

  The sacred drums will beat then, and fill the night air, their pounding, will mix with the ancient songs of the Outlands, and we will talk again. There is much more to say, before the Angel of Death comes for me, and my soul is taken to the Afterlife.

  Map of Gorn

  Map of the lands to the East, the Forests of Caltarine and the Forbidden City, do not enter the Land of Smokes or the Jungles or Yug, for you will only find death.

  The Author

  Gary Mark Lee, was born in Pasadena California in 1947, he graduated high school, then went into the art and entertainment field. He worked for many special effects companies in the mid 1980’s, then went into the theme park design business, he has worked for the Walt Disney company, Warner Brothers, and Universal Studio’s.

  Gary doesn’t consider himself a writer, more of a story teller, The Fallen God is the second book in the three part trilogy, of Nomads of the Gods. The third book, The Risen God should be finished soon.

  He and his wife Margaret, live in the Riverside area of Southern California, they enjoy watching old movies, having friends over, and their two very spoiled dogs.

  Gary has written a number of movie scripts and short stories, all the drawings and illustrations in this book were done by him.


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