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Bodyguard's Bite

Page 4

by Silvia Violet

  I couldn’t do that. We couldn’t be mates. That was crazy, but even if we were, I would never claim him without his consent.

  My wolf was starved for contact. That was all. Wolf shifters needed touch, whether sexual or for comfort, and I had isolated myself for far too long. Storm was the most amazing man I had ever fucked, and I was desperate to touch, to feel. That’s why my wolf thought I needed more. And who wouldn’t want to be such an incredible man’s mate?

  Storm’s ass had to hurt like hell, but he kept begging for more. I would give that to him, but I couldn’t let my wolf out. He was too dangerous. If I lost control, he might damage Storm. Unbidden, memories flashed in my mind of some of the horrible things my wolf had been ordered to do during my last tour of duty. I froze as I tried to push away the images in my mind.

  “Jax? Are you okay? Do you need something?” Storm was looking at me over his shoulder. His voice and a deep breath of his intoxicating scent made the memories dissipate. “I need you to turn over. I want to watch your face as you come, but your ass is going to rub against the bed, and as silky as these sheets are, it’s still going to hurt.”

  He was already moving. “Like I said before, I like pain.”

  “Then lie on your back so I can give you what you need.”

  He held my gaze as he lay back and opened his legs. “You know you can use a safeword too. Just because you’re the Dom doesn’t mean you might not need to stop.”

  I’d never been with anyone who was so concerned for my comfort. “How are you so perfect?”

  “I’m not. I just want this to be as incredible for you as it is for me.”

  “Trust me. It’s probably better.”

  “Then fuck me. Please.”

  I pulled his legs over my shoulders and sank back inside him. He gasped as he worked his hips, trying to take me deeper.

  “You like that, baby? The sheet scraping over your tender ass?”

  “Fuck, yes.”

  I began thrusting into him again, my rhythm fast and harsh. He took it all, clinging to my arms, watching me with awe on his face. I drove into him so hard I pushed his body toward the headboard. He cried out, but he didn’t stop begging for more with his body and his words. “More. Harder. Need to come. Please let me come.”

  “Not yet, baby.”

  I kept going until we were both dripping with sweat. Precum pooled on Storm’s belly, and I knew he couldn’t hold back much longer. “Can you come hands-free for me?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “I told you. I can do anything.”

  “Then show me.” My knot began to expand, stretching him. He squirmed and writhed, and I kept thrusting into him as much as my knot would allow. He gripped my arms and arched his back as he cried out, finally letting go. His cock shot so hard, cum hit his chin.

  The ecstasy on his face was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. Take him. Mark him, my wolf urged. Seconds later, I pumped out my release inside him. As my orgasm rocked me, I struggled to keep my eyes open. I wanted to watch Storm as he came down from the high of release. Sweat glistened on his beautiful body as he flopped back against the bed, cum-covered and exhausted.

  When I was able to speak again, I laid a hand on his chest. “Are you okay?”

  His eyes fluttered open, and he grinned. “I’m so much more than okay.”

  I rolled us to our sides, and he settled his leg over my hip and snuggled into me. “Comfortable?”


  I kissed his damp curls. “You are as strong and capable as you said you were.”

  Storm sighed and nuzzled my neck as I wrapped my arms tightly around him. I wanted to hold him against me forever. He was caring and understanding and so fucking sexy. Dear Goddess, the way he begged. I wanted to tell him this had been so much more to me than just a chance to get off, but I wasn’t sure if he wanted to hear that.

  When my knot deflated, I let my cock slip from his body and gently pulled away. He’d been at least half-asleep, and he made an adorable discontented snuffle. “Where are you going?”

  “To the shower. We’re both a mess, so if you want to go first—”

  “I don’t mind mess. I kind of like it. Feeling your cum slide down my legs is so delightfully filthy.”

  I groaned. He was going to kill me if he kept talking like that. I leaned down and ran my tongue over one of his nipples, capturing some of the cum that had landed there. “I can handle messy, but I assumed you’d want me to get out of here.”

  “You don’t want to spend the night?” I was surprised to see how disappointed he looked.

  “That’s an option?”

  “I thought it was a given. We have the room until noon tomorrow. We should make the most of it.”

  The longer I stayed, the harder it was going to be to leave him, but no way could I turn him down, especially not when he was staring at me like a sad pup. “We could always shower together.”

  “No more sweaty, sticky cuddles?”

  I frowned. “While I appreciate the sexiness of having you covered in cum. I had enough sweaty, unclean nights while I was in the army.”

  He laughed. “Then let’s shower, but… I don’t think I can stand to have the water too hot.”

  “Oh fuck. Your ass.”

  “Yeah. I brought some lotion we keep at the club that’s really soothing. You can put some on me after we get cleaned up.”

  “I’d love to do that as long as you accept that touching you is going to make me want you again.”

  He grinned. “I’m counting on it. I assumed the point of the shower was to get clean so we could get dirty again.”

  “Damn, you’re insatiable, aren’t you?”

  He slid from the bed and pulled me up with him. “I told you I was a good little slut.”

  We both laughed as we walked to the shower, and I realized I’d never joked around with a sex partner like that. It felt really damn good.

  Despite Storm’s enthusiasm, it was clear he was still a bit unsteady and really sore after our shower, so I had him lie down on the bed while I got the lotion from his bag. He was so beautiful stretched out on his stomach, the long line of his back, the taper of his waist, the bright red marks on his ass.

  I squeezed out some lotion and rubbed it between my hands to warm it up so it wouldn’t be too much of a shock to his warm skin. I worked it into his ass cheeks as carefully as I could. I expected him to flinch, but he arched up into my touch. “You like this?”

  “Mmmm. So much.”

  “Doesn’t that hurt?”

  “It does, but it also feels incredible. I don’t know if I can explain why, but you gave me something I needed, and now you’re taking care of me. That’s like the best thing ever. Maybe that’s…”

  He turned his face into the pillow like he needed to hide from me. It was the first time he’d seemed embarrassed all night.

  “Storm, I love that you enjoy the aftercare too, and of course, I’m going to take care of you. I would never do this to someone and then walk away.” I pressed a kiss at the base of his spine.

  He let out a soft sigh and looked at me again. “I can’t decide if I want to go to sleep or beg you to fuck me again.”

  “You could sleep for a little while and then I could wake you and see if you want more. Or we can lie here and you can tell me more of the things you like.”

  Storm pushed up to his elbows and looked over his shoulder. “I want to tell you everything.”

  Was he just talking about his favorite kinks, or did he mean more than that? Because I felt like I could tell him everything too, even things I hadn’t talked about with anyone.

  We held each other’s gaze for a few seconds. Tension rose, and Storm licked his lips. “Um… I…”


  He looked away and sat up. “You know what would be fun?”

  “What?” I was certain that wasn’t what he’d been going to say, but I let it go. I was going back home. Chances of me getting and accepting a job offer were slim
, so it was better for both of us if we kept this from getting too intense.

  “Ordering room service and eating it naked on the balcony.”

  I smiled despite the heavy thoughts I’d been having. “That sounds fantastic.”

  Storm reached for the phone. “I’ll call.”

  I grabbed the receiver from his hand. “No. I’m in charge.”

  Storm laid a hand on his chest and pretended to swoon. “Do you have any idea how fucking hot you are getting all dominant about ordering food?”

  Did he know how fucking hot he was just existing? “I aim to please.”

  “You do a fine fucking job of it. You’re a natural at controlling me.”

  “Thank you.” I wanted to take charge and place the order, but I realized I didn’t know what he liked. I’d forgotten we didn’t know much about each other, because somehow in the short time since I’d seen him across the club, I’d started to feel like I knew him completely.

  Mine, my wolf insisted again.

  I pushed the thought aside. “Are there any foods you can’t or won’t eat?”

  “I basically like everything. I’m as much of a slut for food as I am for sex. But something fried and completely unhealthy sounds really good right now.”

  I picked up the phone, pressed the button for room service, and held Storm’s gaze as I placed an order for cheese fries, burgers, and two slices of chocolate cake.

  Storm had a huge smile on his face when I hung up the phone. “You really do know how to treat a boy.”

  “I know how to treat myself and thought you’d be happy to go along with it.”

  Storm smirked at me. “Like I said. You’re a natural Dom.”

  I stepped back in the bathroom, having remembered that this was a nice enough place to provide fluffy, terrycloth robes for guests. I grabbed one and pulled it on as I stepped back into the room.

  Storm scowled at me. “I thought we were going to be naked.”

  “Somebody has to answer the door when room service comes.”

  “And you think you need clothes for that?”

  I raised my brows and glared at him, but he just grinned. “Maybe your ass isn’t red enough after all.”

  His eyes widened, but he didn’t truly look daunted. I was pretty sure he’d let me spank him some more, but I wanted him to be able to walk the next day. “Take the comforter and go sit on the balcony. I’ll be out there when the food comes.”

  “But I —”

  “Are you contradicting me?”

  He groaned. “Goddess, you’re so fucking sexy.”

  Knowing I’d pleased him warmed me all over. I watched him through the sliding glass door. He stretched out on his side on the small loveseat and let the comforter fall to the floor, obviously unashamed to be out there naked. Most likely no one could see him anyway, but most people would still feel the need to cover up. Storm was a man who knew what he wanted, and he wasn’t ashamed of it. That was more rare than it should be.

  My wolf urged me to go to him, kiss him, taste him, take him again, but my human side was content to watch and wonder how I’d gotten lucky enough to have even one night with so perfect a man.



  After the food arrived, Jax joined me on the balcony. I’d only been apart from him for a few moments, but despite the gorgeous view of the city from up here and my wolf’s glee at being out in the night air, I’d gotten anxious for Jax to join me. Just those few minutes had been long enough for me to miss his touch.

  I grabbed a fry off the tray before he’d even put it down on the small table.

  He laughed. “You are hungry, aren’t you?”

  “I didn’t eat much dinner, and you seriously wore me out.”

  He chuckled. “I’m not going to apologize for that.”

  “I wouldn’t want you to. Thank you again for listening to me.”

  He brushed my hair off my forehead. When I met his gaze, the intensity in his eyes sent a shiver through me. “Everyone deserves to be listened to.”

  He cared how I felt, and he was the hottest fuck I’d ever had, better than the most well-trained Dom I’d been with. But he was leaving.

  Unless he got a job offer and chose to stay…

  No, I shouldn’t get my hopes up.

  “I don’t want you to think my life is terrible or anything. It’s just that when everyone around you is overprotective, it’s hard to get what you want. But with you…”

  We stared at each other for a moment, electric tension crackling between us. I held my breath, not sure what was happening. I refused to listen to the impossible things my wolf was saying inside me.

  Then Jax grabbed a fry and held it up to my mouth. I took it from him and nipped at his finger.

  His eyes widened in surprise. “Are you asking for another spanking?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “I’m not sure your ass can take that. You might want to think before you say too much.”

  Sitting up to eat hurt like hell, but the pain was a delicious reminder of what Jax had done to me. “For now, we should probably eat, but that doesn’t mean the thought of being spanked by you again isn’t hot as fuck.”

  Jax grabbed a fry for himself. “Mmm. Those are good.” He ate a few more before adding, “You need to stop tempting me because I would love to feel the heat of your reddened ass under my hand again. To hear you cry and beg. Before tonight, I thought spanking was something I enjoyed but didn’t need to do often. Now, I think it’s my favorite thing in the world.”

  Jax spanking me was now my favorite thing too. “I wish you were here for longer. There are so many more things I’d like to do with you. Who knows, maybe you’d even like one of those better than spanking.”

  “I could end up getting a job here and…”

  “You’d want to see me again if you did?” Fuck. Did I sound too desperate?

  “I would. Very much.”

  My heart raced. Dear Goddess, let him get this job. “I’ll give you my number, and if you are going to move here, let me know, and we can see what happens.”

  We exchanged contacts, then took turns feeding each other as we enjoyed the rest of our perfect night.

  “Storm! Storm! Let me in, or I’m going to break this door down.”

  I blinked and rubbed my eyes. Where was I? And what the fuck was going on? Was that Bryce? I tried to call out, but my voice was too scratchy. I cleared my throat and tried again. “I’m coming. Calm down.”

  I rubbed my eyes again and looked around. I was in a hotel room. Oh shit. Jax. Was he still here? His side of the bed was empty. I was about to check the bathroom when I realized a former special forces soldier would’ve already been at the door, trying to figure out what was going on.

  I was trying to find some pants when I saw a note on top of my bag.


  You’re sleeping soundly and I don’t want to wake you. I had a great night. I’ll let you know if I take the job.


  I gave a silent squeal of delight before folding the note and shoving it into my bag. The last thing I needed was for Bryce to see it.

  When I pulled the door open, Bryce glared at me. “You didn’t check the peephole.”

  What the fuck was wrong with him? “I recognized your voice and your smell. Why would I need to?”

  “You should always check.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m not a pup. For Goddess’s sake, you’re only two years older than me.” I gestured for him to come in, not wanting to have a shouting match while he stood in the hall. I wasn’t even sure what time it was. Not too early, based on how bright my room was, but still, none of the other hotel patrons needed to hear us arguing.

  “Are you all right?” Bryce asked.

  “Yes. Can’t you see that?”

  He glanced toward the bathroom. “Are you alone?”

  “I am now.”

  I looked around again and saw my pants peeking out from the edge of the comforter, w
hich I’d kicked off the bed in the night. Jax’s body had been all the warmth I’d needed. I grabbed them and yanked them on. It wasn’t like being naked in front of my brother was a big deal, but he was dressed, and clothes would help me feel more authoritative yelling at him for whatever absurd excuse had him chasing me down instead of calling like a normal person.

  “Why haven’t you been answering your phone?”

  Shit. Maybe I wouldn’t be yelling at him after all. I’d turned my phone off the night before, and now it was… “What time is it?”

  “Ten. King’s about to lose his fucking mind. I better text him.”

  “Ten? Wow. I never sleep that late. I turned my phone off so you wouldn’t bother me last night.”

  Bryce growled. “Never do that again.”

  “If you didn’t always try to cock block me by calling and texting nonstop when I go out with anyone, I wouldn’t have done it last night.”

  He scowled. “Just because I don’t want anyone taking advantage of my little brother—”

  “It’s not taking advantage when I ask for it.”

  Bryce sighed. “I know. It’s just our instinct to protect you.”

  “Yes, you do it because you care, but it’s exhausting.” I pulled my phone from my bag and turned it on. I had fifty-six messages and twenty-three missed calls, all from one or another of my brothers. “I sent a family message last night. I told you I was fine.”

  “If you look at the time stamps, you’ll see we let you be until it was time for you to show up for work. You were supposed to be there for the interview we were doing this morning. The one for the new bodyguard, remember?”

  I looked down at my phone and saw that he was right. The first text had come at seven-thirty. Of course they were worried about me. I was never late for anything. “I’m sorry I scared you. I… I had a long night. When the man I was with left this morning, he didn’t know he should wake me, and obviously I didn’t set my alarm, since I never turned my phone on.”


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