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Bodyguard's Bite

Page 17

by Silvia Violet

Shadow tugged on Garrett’s arm. When Garrett sank onto the couch next to him, Shadow cuddled against his side. “No one else saw it either except for Storm, and he kept what he knew to himself until recently.”

  Garrett scrubbed a hand over his face. “It was my job to be watching Trent, not Storm’s.”

  “We’ll discuss this later,” King said. “Right now I want to hear more about what is going on and how Storm figured it out.”

  My mate tensed, and I had to resist the urge to touch him. He needed to stand on his own for this.

  “First of all,” he said. “I need you to promise not to freak out.”

  King ran a hand through his hair. “I’m getting the feeling that’s going to be impossible today.”

  “At least try,” Storm insisted.

  Emerson gave King a pointed look, and King let out a put-upon sigh.

  “Trent’s been texting me for months, insisting we should go out with each other.”

  All of Storm’s brothers—even Shadow—growled, and my wolf made his displeasure known as well. I didn’t even like the idea of Trent looking at Storm. I’d barely made it through that awful night at Luciano’s without ripping the man apart. I was hoping I might get a chance to do just that tonight. If Trent made a wrong move, I would make sure he regretted it.

  “I’ve known for a while that Trent was up to something more than just pushing us to change the rules and pocketing a bit of extra money,” Storm continued. “But I hadn’t been able to prove it, so I went out with him.”

  “You what?” King snarled.

  Storm held up his hands. “It’s okay. I took Jax with me.”

  “That does not make it—”

  “Hear him out,” Shadow snarled. King was so shocked by Shadow raising his voice that he complied.

  Storm explained what he’d learned from Trent’s phone call and his texts. He skipped over the part where I’d had to come to his rescue and simply said that one of the escorts had been willing to give him the details he needed, including the information that Trent was holding another of his parties tonight.

  “Where is it?” King said. “No matter what it does to our alliance, we’ve got to put a stop to this. We can’t let Trent put our people in danger.”

  “I know,” Storm said. “We don’t want to let this go on any longer, but we also don’t want to piss off the bears, which is exactly what could happen if we raid a party taking place at Bernice’s favorite casino. That’s why I have a plan.”

  “Fuck,” Garrett said. “This is even worse than I thought. How did I miss this?”

  Shadow patted his leg. “You’ve been preoccupied. Of course, it would be nice if you told us what’s really going on with you.”

  Garrett didn’t say anything else, so Storm continued. “Emerson’s friend, Henley, helped me do some investigating. We can’t find anything to indicate that Bernice knows about these parties. Everything points to Trent doing this on his own, which means he’s not only cheating us and our escorts out of money, he’s also cheating Bernice out of the cut she would certainly demand from him.”

  “Good point,” Garrett said.

  “Henley helped you?” King asked.

  Storm nodded, and King looked at his mate. “Did you know about this?”

  Emerson frowned. “I knew he was talking to Henley about business, but I didn’t ask for details.”

  King turned to Storm, clearly about to start another tirade, but Storm didn’t let him. I loved seeing him stand up for himself, and I sent reassurance through our mate bond.

  “Here’s what we need to do. Henley is going to help us wire Corbin and Bryce with mics so we’ll be able to communicate with them and also so they can record their interactions at the party. Once the party has gotten started, Jax and I will go in the main entrance at Lucky’s and insist on seeing Bernice. She’s always there on Saturday nights. That’s when she hosts her weekly high roller game. It will likely take some serious persuasion to lure her down to talk to us, but I’ve been told”—he paused and looked back at me—“that I’m rather good at talking people into things.”

  Bryce and Shadow both snickered, but King continued to watch Storm like he couldn’t believe my mate hadn’t stopped to ask his advice yet.

  “I’ll explain the situation to Bernice and ask for her assistance with Trent. I’ll assure her I have the evidence to prove this is Trent’s operation and let her know we welcome her dealing with him in any way she sees fit. This way, we get her assistance in stopping Trent, and we’ve done her a favor by preventing her from looking like a fool since Trent is pocketing money on her turf and she’s unaware of it.”

  King growled. “There’s no way I’m letting you—”

  “It’s actually a really good plan,” Garrett said. I could feel Storm’s pride at his brother’s response. I was sure Garrett’s approval meant a lot to him. In many ways, he was a much harsher critic than King.

  “You’re right. It is a good plan,” King acknowledged. “But Storm isn’t going anywhere near there.”

  Storm growled, and I laid a hand against his back. “I’m the one who figured out what Trent was up to, and I’m the one who made the plan. I will be going. Jax will be there to protect me, and Bryce will be there as well, so—”

  “Bryce will be focused on Corbin and the other escorts.”

  “But Jax will be right by my side.”

  King snarled. “Jax was with Emerson, but he got taken anyway, and Jax and Denny were seriously hurt.”

  His words would have hurt more if I couldn’t feel Storm’s love through our mate bond.

  Storm growled at his brother, and Emerson glared at him.

  King raised his hands in surrender. “I don’t blame you, Jax. I’m just saying we can’t guarantee Storm’s safety.”

  “He’s right,” I said.

  Storm looked at me like he couldn’t believe I’d said that.

  “No one can ever guarantee that someone will be safe. Not when they get in a car, or walk down the street, or go charging into a lion’s den to attack their enemies. Life is full of risks, but Storm wants to take a calculated one.”

  King seemed to be pondering my words, but Storm was too worked up to wait for him to respond.

  “See. I could get hurt on my way to Tooth and Claw. What are you going to do to solve that? Lock me up here in the house?”

  “Like you do me.” Shadow stood from the couch and growled.

  King looked horrified. “I don’t… I thought you liked being here, Shadow.”

  “I did at first, but I want more responsibility now, and Storm deserves that too. He can do so much more than you let him. I know you want to be our protector, but you can’t keep any of us in a bubble.”

  “I actually agree with Storm and Shadow,” Bryce said. “It’s time for us to back off. As hard as it is to watch, they can do everything we can do.”

  King growled. “They’re not alphas, and they’re not —”

  “They’re wolves,” Emerson said. “And they’re smart and strong. I realize I have different limitations as a human, but Storm’s right. He came up with this plan. He should be the one to enact it.”

  King threw up his hands. “What is happening here? Suddenly everyone is siding against me. You all want me to send Storm into danger. Garrett’s taken up with lions and forgotten his duties to us.”

  Garrett snarled. “I fucked up with Trent, but I’m a wolf, and I know it.”

  King refused to relent. “My mate was almost killed a few days ago. I’m not sending my little brother into danger.”

  Storm snarled. “Jax will do everything he can to protect me. He’ll watch me closer than anyone else would, even you, because he’s my mate.”

  My mouth dropped open. Had he really just said that? I was shocked but not angry. More than anything, I felt relieved. King was going to find out soon anyway, especially now that Storm and I had mate marks.

  Storm glanced back and mouthed, “Sorry.”

  I couldn’t k
eep from smiling. “I thought you weren’t going to be reckless anymore.”

  Bryce snorted. “As if that would happen.”

  “Mates?” King said, looking from one of us to the other. “What do you mean?”

  Storm gave an exaggerated sigh. “Since you just found your fated mate”—he paused to gesture at Emerson—“I thought you’d understand the concept.” He turned and let King see the mate mark.

  King snarled, and my wolf readied himself to defend my mate. “When did this happen?”

  “Yesterday, just before you gave Emerson your claiming bite, if I’m guessing right.”

  Color rose in Emerson’s cheeks, but he smiled at me and Storm. “I knew something was going on between you two. Congratulations.”

  Shadow pulled Storm into a tight hug, and then surprised me by hugging me just as fiercely. Bryce pumped his fist in the air and whooped. Even Garrett congratulated us, although more quietly.

  King only stared. “How did I not see this?” He sounded more hurt than angry now, which made me regret that we’d kept it from him because of my stupid fear.

  “You’ve been rather preoccupied for the last several weeks,” Storm said, glancing toward Emerson, who’d moved closer to King as if hoping to calm him with his presence. “And even before that, all the shit with the Council kept you from paying much attention to what was going on at home.”

  King looked around at the rest of his brothers. “Did you all know?”

  They all nodded, even Garrett, which answered our question about him.

  King looked back at Storm. “Did you tell them?”

  “Only Bryce, and I didn’t mean to. Our intention was to keep it a secret, but apparently, we weren’t very good at that.”

  King huffed. “Except in my case.”

  “It was wrong of us,” I said, stepping forward. “We should have told you, all of you. Storm was worried how you would react and then I was upset that I’d failed to protect Emerson, but we should have told you anyway. I’m sorry for that.”

  King studied me for a moment. Then he held out his hand. “Welcome to the family.”

  That was more than I’d ever expected. I had a mate now, so I wasn’t alone, but I was gaining far more than that with King’s acceptance. I had a family, a place where I truly belonged.

  I shook King’s hand, and he shocked me by pulling me in for a hug. “Thank you. That means a lot to me. My parents died a few years ago, and I don’t have any other family of my own, so knowing that I’m welcome here—”

  “Of course you’re welcome,” Bryce said, clapping me on the back. “We’re lucky to have someone like you watching out for Storm.”

  Storm shoved at his shoulder. “I’m not a kid anymore.”

  Bryce snorted. “I hope not, considering what happens when you get a mate mark.”

  King scowled at Bryce and then looked back and forth between me and Storm. “This is going to take some getting used to, having my little brother mated, but I’m happy for you.”

  Storm hugged him and they both wiped at their eyes when they pulled apart.

  “Now I’m wondering what else I’ve missed besides this and Trent,” King said once he’d composed himself.

  “No one else saw what was happening with Trent either, but I have proof now, and I’m going to take care of the problem.”

  King took a deep breath. “I still don’t like this. I can’t stand the thought of you putting yourself in danger.”

  I put my arm around Storm. “There are no guarantees, but I swear to do everything in my power to keep your brother safe. I’ve seen what he’s capable of, and I believe he can do this. He’s not asking to take part in a fight. He just wants to be the one to negotiate.”

  “If Bernice decides she doesn’t believe you—”

  “She won’t,” Storm insisted. “I’ll see to it.”

  Garrett stood up next to King. “Let Storm do this. He’s obviously been paying more attention than either of us.”

  “You haven’t even been here,” King snarled.

  “I know, and I’m sorry.”

  Tension crackled between the two men. But then King put an arm around Garrett and embraced him too. When they let go, King said, “You’re all going to start telling me things as soon as you learn them. I can’t be the head of the family if I don’t even know what’s going on.”

  All of us came together for a group hug then. I felt Storm’s warm presence beside me, and I smiled as King put an arm around Emerson and gave him a soft, loving look.

  It felt so good to be there, surrounded by a family I’d come to admire so much. They had plenty of differences, but it seemed that no matter what might pull them apart, they would always come back together.



  Jax pulled into a parking spot at the casino. He’d driven us this time. Denny was still not completely healed, and we didn’t want to risk him or any of the other drivers being involved.

  As he cut the engine, I let out a long breath. I could do this. I had to. Corbin and the other escorts who were at the party needed me to succeed so they would never have to deal with Trent again. That was the most important thing, but this was also a chance for me to show King, Jax, and the others that I could handle being involved in every aspect of our family empire.

  I understood why King thought I was in danger, but I didn’t think Bernice would act against me. Yes, she might withdraw her support of King on the council—thankfully, his position wasn’t as tenuous as it had been when Leon had led the lion shifters—but I didn’t believe Bernice would dare harm me and risk war with the wolves. They wouldn’t win, and she would never have King’s support again if she harmed me.

  Jax laid a hand on my thigh. “Are you nervous?”

  “A little.”

  He raised his brows.

  “Okay, a lot.” I didn’t want to be, but I couldn’t help it. While I didn’t think our lives were at risk, there was a lot at stake. Bernice might not want to provoke King to an all-out fight, but she wouldn’t hesitate to encroach on our territory if she could. If we didn’t hold control of the high-end escort business, someone with far less concern for safety would snatch it from us.

  Jax brushed his fingers along my jaw and turned me to face him. “I would worry if you weren’t nervous. You need to own those feelings, then set them aside and walk in there like you’ve never doubted yourself for a moment. You’ve got this. This is your night to shine and show your brothers you’re just as good at being a badass as they are.”

  “What if I’m all wrong about how Bernice will react?”

  Jax shook his head. “You’re overthinking things. You’ve made a plan. Stick to it. We’ve got contingencies. If we need to, we’ll use them. Now isn’t the time to change course.”

  He was right. Even King and Garrett had agreed that appearing like we were doing Bernice a favor was our best option, even if King didn’t like the idea of me being the one to do it. I took one more deep breath, then grasped my door handle. “Let’s get this over with.”

  I tried to look casual as I walked toward the casino. I could do this. I could face down Bernice and make sure Trent was punished for what he had done. Before we got close enough to the door to be heard, Jax turned as though he were speaking to me and used his mic to check in with Bryce and Corbin.

  When he tapped his ear to silence his mic again, he said. “Things are going as expected.”

  “If they go as expected for us too, we’ll have Trent pinned down with nowhere to go.”

  When we entered the casino, I stretched up to my full height and settled my shoulders. As I walked across the floor, I felt the warmth of Jax behind me, assuring me that I would succeed.

  We reached the door marked VIP Guests Only, and I reached for the handle as though I belonged there. A very young security guard who’d been standing along the wall several feet away called out to me.

  “Excuse me, sir. May I see your badge?”

  I gave him my most
charming smile. “I’m here to see Bernice. I’m a… friend.”

  “Are you on the list, sir?” the young man asked as he tapped on a tablet screen.

  I shrugged as if lists were beneath me. “I haven’t the slightest idea, but I’m sure she wants to see me, so I’ll just…” I reached for the door again, and the man moved to block my way. Jax growled, but the guard stood his ground. “I’m sorry, sir, but this area is off limits to everyone who is not on my list.”

  I sighed as though I were extremely put out. “I just explained that I am a personal friend of Bernice. I’m quite sure she will want to see me, and she will be very displeased when she learns I’ve been made to wait. What is your name?”

  I could feel Jax’s amusement through our mate bond, and I had to resist the urge to look at him. I had the feeling he was enjoying my performance far too much.

  The man looked from me to the door. He was considering letting me in, but he was also concerned what would happen to him if he made a mistake. And rightfully so. Bernice was not the harshest of the shifter leaders, but she was swift to punish disobedience if someone broke her trust. That was why I was certain Trent would be made to suffer for his crimes if I could get her to accept my story.

  “I’m Daniel, sir. If you will tell me your name, I’ll check the list and see if you’re on it.”

  I could have just given the man my name, but I was playing a role, and I’d decided it was best to drop into it from the start.

  “Darcy Powell,” I said. Henley had hacked into the casino records, gotten a copy of the list of VIPs, and made me an ID to match one of their names, a man Garrett knew. Garrett had then called Mr. Powell and lured him to another venue for the evening on the pretense of there being an even bigger pot available there.

  Daniel found the name I’d given. “I see your name here, sir. Now if I could just see some identification.” The guard gave it a cursory glance and handed it back. Bernice would not be pleased if she’d seen how lax he was once I’d given him my name.

  “You may go up, sir.”

  Jax reached to open the door.

  “You are perfectly safe to go up alone,” Daniel said.


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