The Professor and the Starlight Phoenix

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The Professor and the Starlight Phoenix Page 16

by Nathan David Ward

  “Hey, It was on your doorstep. I would hardly call that hidden; but then again, so was I and it took you this long to find me?”

  “Sometimes one forgets to check the doorstep.” Yuri smiled and then joined the crowd that had formed outside the chamber doors waiting impatiently for the head masters arrival.

  Robin chose to hold back and told the others to go on as he noticed at the corner of his eye, the small silhouette of an Imp, polishing the head of a golden Ferret high amongst the many animal statues that lined the ceiling.

  “Arlie!” called Robin, trying to grasp his attention.

  “Arlie, it’s Robin. Robin Occamy!”

  The Imp paused and gave the dirty rag a whack against the Ferret, knocking away the last of the dust.

  “Sir, how may Arlie be of help this time?” he grumbled.

  “Well I wasn’t really after anything in particular. I just wondered if I could speak to you for a moment, in private?”

  He looked across to the crowd outside the chamber doors - none were paying attention to him, they were too busy with their own conversations to notice the Morient speaking to an Imp. It was a good job really as it was never seen to be acceptable in the eyes of some governing Enforces, who were present at the chamber, representing the Minister of Morient defence.

  “It'll be quick, I promise.”

  “Arlie does not care for being seen, Arlie is not afraid of grey coats.”

  An extremely long ladder suddenly materialised down from the ceiling and Arlie slowly began to make his way down, one step at a time.

  “Why do you work here? I mean around people like that...”

  “Does Arlie not have a right? The Institute is warm, outside is cold, Arlie chooses to stay,” he explained as he reached the bottom and retracted the ladder away, “What is it you wish to speak to me about?”

  Robin looked back, then shuffled Arlie to one side, a little further down the foyer.

  “I found something inside an old spell book. Something only you were capable of putting there, but I know it wasn’t you who wrote it,” whispered Robin, removing the screwed up parchment from his trouser pocket, “Someone must have requested that you put this inside the book. It was slotted in at the back and no one else had access to my room in my absence.”

  Arlie sighed and look down at his toes.

  “Please, Arlie!” begged Robin.

  “Someone did ask Arlie. They were trying to be helpful. Others disagreed but Arlie felt it was the right thing to do, so you can protect us.”

  “Who asked you to put it there, Arlie?” Robin lifted the little Imps chin to meet his gaze, “- you can tell me, I’m only curious.”

  Suddenly the chamber doors clonked as they pivoted open and the crowd began to flow inside, but as the last grey coat entered, Arlie caught a glimpse of Magenta who was under the arm of Silverstein as they strutted their way around to the chamber entrance. Robin couldn’t help but notice her eyes bearing a look like daggers, before turning to Arlie who seemed to be frozen with a look of fright plastered on his face.

  “Magenta? Professor Aline Magenta gave you the parchment?” questioned Robin in confusion.

  “You mustn’t speak of it!”

  “Is she this unspoken sister or something? Why would she want me to learn this kind of power? Isn’t that what Silverstein is for? I’m only here to help with tracking the Phoenix.”

  Arlie’s eyes had widened as he pulled on Robins coat.

  “He didn’t want this, she felt it was right. You must not speak of it, Arlie will be in fear of his life. Arlie likes his quiet life.”

  “So you don’t think I should take it up with her, in private?” asked Robin.

  “Perhaps, when the dust has settled. Just get back here alive, don’t underestimate the task at hand, Arlie knows what can be expected of the enemy!”

  Moments he had shared with the terrifying Reapers began to flash before him as he blinked away the dryness of his eyelids.

  “You’ve just reminded me why I’m dreading this - and I’ve only had a taster of what’s to come. Brilliant!”

  Robin took a gentle step towards the busy chamber, trying to spot someone he knew.

  “I’d best be getting inside and on with this briefing. Thank you, Arlie. Once again you never fail to enlighten me and I appreciate it!”

  Arlie smiled and reached for Robin with his extremely long spindly arm. He gave him a pat on the lower back for all that it was worth, then he departed across the foyer and went back to his duties, leaving Robin to the mercy of Professor Grimtale, who was already in position and waiting to start the briefing ceremony.

  Grimtale was stood upon a raised platform, overlooking the crowds that were standing amongst the chamber. The thrones were left empty out of respect, stood as equals, a sea of grey and sparkle swamped around the ruby Phoenix statue, waiting, glaring up at Grimtale who watched carefully on as Robin strolled in, slotting himself amongst the closest group he recognised, which consisted of Yuri and Vargov, surrounded by the many grey coats, looking grim and disillusioned.

  “Not very friendly are they?” said Robin, gently rubbing against Yuri’s shoulder.

  “They’re not here to be friendly. It’s not in the job description. I doubt many of them take much pleasure from their jobs though, can’t be much fun being used as pawns,” he replied, whispering in to Robin’s ear.

  “I guess it’s easy to forget that such miserable beings have families to go home to.”

  One of the nearby grey coats suddenly turned and scowled at Robin.

  “What? It’s true!” Robin chirped, shrugging his shoulders, “What are they gonna do, anyway?”

  Yuri leaned in, and spoke in a low voice.

  “Protect your ass, then make sure we get the Phoenix back here safely!”

  “And what happens then...”

  “Your guess is as good as mine, but I suspect it won’t be without it’s drama. There’s now rumours of further corruption within the Morient defence…” Yuri glanced to one side then back to Robin, “- something or someone are infiltrating their way towards the heart of the Institute, the centre of what we stand for. Grimtale is overly suspicious, especially today.”

  Robin looked up at Grimtale who had now raised his hands, silencing the crowds and drawing their attention.

  “Could I please have each of your undivided attention. This ceremonial briefing is now in session so I would like you all to listen carefully, then raise an arm to address me with a question if you so desire,” said Grimtale, bound by his heavy brown coat with two hands set firmly upon the bulbous handle of his walking cane, “Today we head to Shoulders Heath, and for those we have here present who do not know of the land beyond the black mountain, it’s only faithful comparison would be Hell - until we pass the crossing, where Miss Bilshore will meet us.” Grimtale paused, making the speech as carefully as possible for the vast audience stood below him, then continued...

  “We owe a great gratitude to Miss Bilshore as not only has she secured the crossing, she has supplied us with a team of Slitherbacks which will be ridden by the advance guard to take care of what we know already lurks within the caves and forests surrounding our route.”

  “Who will be part of the advance party?” asked a grey coat, stood in the foreground of the crowd.

  “Myself for one. Our asset, Mr Robin Occamy. Professor Vargov, Leonard Silverstein and Professor Magenta. Then once clear, the ground parties will be able to press forward and accompany us. However, I’ve called you here today to highlight the dangers that may or most certainly will lie ahead.” Grimtale looked down at Robin to make sure he was listening - it was incredibly important after all.

  “There will be opposition. We don’t know when or how they will strike but they are in motion and have eyes on our every move. The Count is believed to be amongst them, whether truth lies in that statement we do not know, but we must be prepared!”

  Robin suddenly raised a nervous hand as he stood in the crowd
and was immediately recognised by Grimtale, who called out his name.


  “This Count, could you elaborate? Tell us a little more about him. I for one like to know exactly what I’m squaring up to.”

  His voice echoed about the chamber, bringing it to a deathly silence as the people around Robin turned to one another with an uncomfortable look upon their faces, for most already knew the significance of the infamous title.

  “For any rookies we have with us today: The starlight Phoenix is known to possess a number of eyes, it’s said to be the final thing you notice before being mutilated by its viciously sharp beak. Munder Mortal was a unfortunate pairing. The man that became a monster. Instead of being killed, he was bitten, but he bit back, being the brute that he is, forcing a bond with the creature. Many years later, you know the story. Mr Occamy obtained the trust of the Phoenix and used it against the pillaging hoards of darkness, vanquishing the Count, or so we believed. The point of the story is that with each Morient or human who pair themselves with the Phoenix, it seems to grow an eye. Our researchers say that there is a far deeper meaning to it, but based on assumption and a little common sense, we’ve been able to come up with this pattern.”

  Grimtale took a breath and drew his wand, pointing it towards the Phoenix statue that stood in the centre of the chamber. He muttered a command under his breath and a spark of light erupted from the end of his wand and illuminated the solid Ruby, casting a diagram that looked somewhat similar to a map on the wall.

  “We have managed to track the flight path and account for every enemy movement since its disappearance. It always knows when danger is near and it has always known that Robin Occamy is in the vicinity of Vinemoore - yet it returned. We believe with what minuscule information we have, its eyes are a form of infinite vision, a connection that allows it to see through the eyes of each who have bonded to it. The perfect defence to those who seek its power to cause chaos. The Phoenix will know we are coming if this theory is correct. We will have to act fast, then hope it recognises Robin as a friend and not a foe.”

  Grimtale paused and glanced around the chamber, “I understand it’s a lot to process. We capture, we return, then we assess what happens next.”

  “You can’t possibly bring a war back to the Institute. It won’t be safe for the children. The attacks will multiply and Vinemoore, both sides of the town will be left in tatters when the day is over!” said Teppi, unleashing his frustration.

  “The Phoenix needs to be secure and we are the only ones with sufficient knowledge to ensure its well being,” explained Grimtale, remaining calm as foreign and friendly eyes lingered in his direction.

  “And you expect the children to feel safe? What will you do? Increase the security? Expect a child to come to school knowing they might not make it home that night, knowing that the Count might pay them a visit? This is out of hand, this creature needs to be taken away and cared for by your experts!” said Robin, finally making sense of the situation and speaking his mind, to much of a surprise to those stood around him.

  “I have done all I can with what authority I have but as you can see by looking over your shoulders, we as a school are now under the strict control of the defence Minister. The sea of grey is not only here for our people’s protection, but to ensure the creature remains.”

  Professor Yuri emerged from behind the the sea of grey, progressively becoming more and more impatient as he nodded in agreement.

  “All five Slitherbacks are waiting in the pit,” Yuri informed Grimtale, raising his voice to fill the room.

  “Fantastic. Please see to Robin, Professor Yuri. Everyone else, those who are positioned here and those in the field with me, keep safe, stay alert and let’s make history!”

  The crowd had erupted into applause and then started to leave the chamber with haste, flooding out in to the empty main foyer with nothing but determination and a wand strapped to their inner pockets. It was then Robin felt a hand grasp his shoulder as he slowly made his way forward, following the wall of grey.

  “The Slitherbacks have a genetic deterrent that seems to cause the Count's disciples an excessive amount of discomfort. You’ll be ok though, just hold on tight, it’s like riding a horse - a horse with a snakes head!” said Yuri, nudging against him.

  “But, I’ve never ridden a horse.” replied Robin, aware of Yuri’s presence by his side as he casually peered over the heads in front of him.

  “Never mind, it’ll be ok! Professor Grimtale asked me to take a look at your wand, he’s given the go ahead on my latest charm. Would that be ok?” asked Yuri, seemingly eager to give it a shot.

  “Sure, here - but what is it?”

  Robin handed over his wand to Yuri, who snatched it up and began running his fingers along the spindly roots that ran the length of the shaft.

  “I like this one. The subtle green glow deep within the core, that’s a sign of unfaltering allegiance. See here...”

  Yuri pulled out his own wand from inside his waistcoat - it was a little shorter than Robin’s with a speckled texture on the handle.

  “You see that orange glow within the cracks? It’s bright and full of life, but that’s because I’m not one for combat. I just invent things and my wand agrees it’s what I’m best at.”

  Robin looked confused again, frowning down at the dim green light pulsating within his wand.

  “Then what must I do to keep the spark alive in mine?” he asked.

  “Protect. Stay true to who you are and never give up on those who matter the most. We are your old life, your family now need you more. Just remember this... to rise above monsters, you abandon your humanity. We don’t need heroes today, Robin. Just people we can trust.”

  Robin bit down on his lip and nodded.

  “I’ll do my best,” he replied, in awe of Yuri’s calming nature as he transferred the energy from his wand. The orange trail of lava-like residue seeped inside the core of Robins wand like a virus, the orange and green energy were like oil on water, pressing apart but swirling as one.

  “What you’re seeing are the cores of the wands communicating. Yours is receiving the brand new mapping for a charm. It’s a rather special one, which Grimtale will explain a little more about when you arrive at Shoulders Heath. He asked that this remained strictly between us, because the enforcers and Silverstein would soon create a scene if they knew they were going in to battle without it.”

  “Why can’t they have it as well?” asked Robin.

  “Diplomacy,” he whispered, anticipating the presence of a sleek silver figure passing beside him, “he trusts you. He never stopped trusting you,” he added, watching as Silverstein and Magenta pressed their way past the chamber doors and into the crowded foyer.

  “He’s right to trust me, but even I wouldn’t trust the man I used to be! He was a grade A, bastard,” stated Robin, collecting his wand from Yuri before passing under the chamber arch.

  Lillian was already making her way towards the main entrance with Silverstein and Magenta now in tow, working their way around the huddled enforcer groups.

  As he passed, Robin glanced up at Arlie who was still sat high on a ledge, watching below, the swarms of strangers preparing to protect his home.

  It was then Robin suddenly realised, he wouldn’t see Yuri again for quite some time - a few hours to be precise. He stopped in his tracks, turned and pulled him to a tight embrace, thankful he was still following closely behind.

  “My things are still in my room, I’ll be coming back for those,” Robin ensured Yuri as he took a step back and shook his hand.

  “You’d better, because this ain’t no hotel, that’s a perk of being a Professor!” He grinned, with an unfaltering trust in Robin to assume he was simply pulling his leg.

  The two men then went their separate ways - one to accompany the grey coated enforcer captain, and the other towards the grand doors that were left ajar.

  Now the sound of the chilling breeze whistled, whipping back a
nd forth through the tall railings of the pit. Robin glanced back over his shoulder, already impatient to return. He took a deep breath and pulled his mustard collar high around his face, proceeding to step outside the Institute, out in to the storm that had now begun to settle. But the pit was still covered by a thick blanket of white and stood in the centre of the grounds were the five astonishingly large Slitherback. They waited patiently with their cumbersome gorilla-like fists planted firmly in the snow.

  There was a sudden pressure of anxiety that Robin felt tightening around his chest as he approached the creatures, while keeping a keen eye out for Grimtale as he passed the tall metal gates. He intently watched the Slitherback, taking in the sight of their long snake-like necks that rose high above the height of an average man. They had a piercing hiss, similar to that of a rather unhappy Cat. The Slitherback was unique and the closest representation of a Horse-snake, Robin thought as he watched their tongues slithering from their mouths.

  “Marvellous creatures!” he called out, hoping someone would come forward to meet him as he wiped the snow flakes from his brow.

  “Invaluable!” came a familiar deepened voice. Grimtale moved in to view from behind the front Slitherback, patting it gently as he moved away and approached Robin.

  “They’re harmless, for as long as you pose no threat to them. They shall keep us safe.” Robin couldn’t help but notice uncertainty in his voice, entirely warranted of course – he knew anyone would have to be off their head not to be somewhat afraid - unless you’re Leonard Silverstein, who made a great job of seeming fearless as he stood at a distance, watching Magenta attend to the final Slitherback, impatiently flapping its wings.

  “I think we’re set. They’re all harnessed up,” said Magenta, fastening the last strap.

  “Professor, I understand this is a specialist field and that it suits Magenta and Vargov, but I’m worried for their safety.”


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