The Professor and the Starlight Phoenix

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The Professor and the Starlight Phoenix Page 17

by Nathan David Ward

  Grimtale sighed and frowned at Robin.

  “Because they’re women, Mr Occamy?”

  “No! Not at all, not in a million years would I suggest them being inadequate. Just as a man, I'm concerned, if anything were to happen to them...”

  “Mr Occamy, as grim as it sounds, there’s a much higher chance of something happening to you...”

  Robin trembled at the thought, but knew he was right.

  “You’re quite scary, you know that? But yeah, I’m the rookie, now.”

  He paused for thought then followed Grimtale’s lead as they stepped up to the five Slitherback.

  “Ground units can now disembark!” Grimtale called out back towards the foyer where the grey coat squads were waiting for the command, “Mount your steed, Mr Occamy!” he added as he pulled himself up and on to the back of his ride.

  “I wish I knew how...” muttered Robin, staring up at the creatures tiny beady eyes.

  “There’s a foot brace right there, and a reign right here,” said Silverstein as he passed, trying his best to be helpful.

  “Cheers,” replied Robin, reaching for the reign and climbing up on to the steady hide of his Slitherback. He slotted his feet within the braces and held on tight, waiting for what had to come next:

  The flight to Shoulders Heath...


  The Veilers

  Robin peered over his shoulder towards the others who were waiting patiently, sat on the hide of their Slitherback rides. For the moment there was calm as the last of the snow swept by the faces of the mounted sorcerers, then Robin turned his gaze towards the Institute entrance, watching as the grey coats in the foyer began to cast their Senteer charms, opening up a series of portals that led directly down the black mountain route to Shoulders Heath. Robin could see the path they had planned to take as he looked into the openings that bloomed clearly like portraits in a gallery. There were three that remained suspended under the archway of the main entrance, torn into the fabric of reality.

  For a split moment he felt that sickening fear returning, churning in his stomach as his eyes remained glued to the dark depressing shape of the mountain, but before it had a chance to consume him as it wound heavy around his chest, Grimtale let out a roar, whipping his wand from his coat pocket and casting an opening against the rocky earth as his Slitherback reared on its hind legs and let out an encouraging cry of advance - the signal alerting its fellow brothers and sisters that the task at hand was now under way.

  “Hold on tight!” Grimtale warned, inserting the wand in his pocket and grasping the harness reins as the five Slitherbacks promptly began to move, galloping forward, straight for the tear that bridged the bottom of the pit with the late afternoon sky of Vinemoore, high above the lingering snow clouds.

  The fists of the Slitherbacks pounded the snow, launching them on, through the void in the rocky wall of the pit and into a sudden but graceful fall as around them became the open skies of another realm - the Human world.

  They had leapt from one world to another and now the five Slitherbacks were diving, then after a drop of one hundred metres, they broke into a gliding motion until finally picking up momentum to rise above the fluffy whites of the clouds, pushing onwards to the Black mountain and the hidden land that laid ahead of them.

  Shoulders Heath was purposefully shielded by the same enchantments that surrounded the Institute; no animal, witch, wizard or absurd creature hellbent on revenge could gain access to the community that lived there, without firstly crossing the dusty plains and requesting entry, which even then there was no certainty of ever being approved, for the people’s safety was crucial in a time where the Counts return was believed to be imminent.

  As they began their final approach Robin could make out the silhouette of the mountain, then as they emerged from behind the clouds, there was no missing it, even the finest of details, the vein-like cracks along the surface were gaping wide, even at this distance. The distinct dark shape that had been a part of the view from his bedroom window for as long as he could remember was now way too close for comfort.

  It was somewhat haunting as they passed it, swooping overhead of the grey coated Enforcers as they spilled out from the portal openings, down on the rocky road below.

  They looked to the horizon as the Slitherback party descended, shifting like shadows in shade, blackened by the amber glare of the sun as it began to set, the last gasp of light falling to the dull, dusty path that ran between the mountain and the surrounding cliff edge.

  Magenta was first to touch down, followed by Silverstein who was already adjusting the shape of his silver tipped hair that bounced with the stride of the Slitherback as it landed and began circling the others, waiting for Robin who was the last of the arrivals. He clung on tight with both arms wrapped firmly around the creatures neck as its fists quaked against the earth, breaking its fall with a clear run ahead to the others, who were catching their breath and patting down their rides with words of encouragement.

  “Valiant effort my scaly friend!” said Grimtale, running his hand along its spine. He had keenly taken up an interest in the animals that he had grown very fond of, ever since his romantic bond with Sachester had blossomed. He knew she would be relieved to see them back safely, and he felt proud of that as he cocked his leg over the harness and made his way down to the ground, holding tight to the reigns around its neck, peering around at the other four who were already dismounted and were gathering.

  From a distance they could have been mistaken for a pack of bandits, as the light began to slowly diminish and the lake in the distance sparkled a shade of vibrant orange, reflecting the last of the sun light before it disappeared behind the rocky landscape surrounding them.

  Then as day became early evening, where sunlight had charged the land, it was suddenly altered sharply, glowing an icy blue as if a light switch had been snapped on, instantly changing the colour of the world around them.

  The skin of the Slitherback creatures now gave off a cold blue hue and their black beady eyes glistened, much the same as the five Morients as they admired the immediate surroundings. Their eyes reflected wonder at the sight of the place as the snowflakes fell around them.

  “I had better make sure the captain and his men are unharmed and headed this way.”

  Silverstein marched away; his coat shimmering as it flapped behind him and his shoes crunching against the snow and rubble beneath him.

  “Leonard! I’ll -” but before she had a chance to complete what she was going to say, Silverstein was already making his response as he turned back around, stepping slowly backwards in the direction of the grey coat regiment that was set to meet them.

  “I can look after myself, Magenta,” he said in a commanding tone, “- besides, you’re much safer here, by the water,” he concluded, his final glance at her served as a brief reminder of his love and just a hint that this was his way of looking out for her, then he turned back to face the gloomy route ahead of him, remaining vigilant, aware of what was lurking unseen in the shadows.

  Magenta watched with an aching heart as the man she adored disappeared beyond the luminous blue hue and into darkness. She couldn’t help the worry that clutched at her heart, even though she knew there were twenty armed enforcers closing in on his location. It was safe to say she had lived a little and she also knew the dangers that inhabited the ground around them - nothing was ever certain, no one was ever truly safe, not even the seemingly invincible Silverstein, not here in this place...

  “Please be careful,” she whispered.

  Silverstein drew his wand, taking advantage of the faint white glow radiating from its core - it was colourless and just about managed to light the path ahead as the silver man walked on with haste, keeping a diligent eye on the rockery towering around him.

  There was a gentle whistle as the wind swept down the narrow route. The moon sat low in the skies overhead, unable to light the path as Silverstein continued onward, knowing he didn’t have far
to trek if the others were safe and unscathed, they wouldn’t be far off now, he thought as he trampled over fallen rubble to reach the clearing. It was then with relief, his eyes fell upon the wandering Enforcer regiment as they appeared ahead of him, they were bound together and moving with their wands at arm's length.

  “Captain,” called Silverstein, as he carefully approached, giving the open space a once-over.

  “Leonard,” the Captain replied, picking up the pace, breaking away from the others, leaving them to trail behind.

  “You haven’t ran in to any... trouble?” asked Silverstein, with his wand glowing dull in his right hand.

  “None as of yet; we’ve been overly cautious. Thank you for coming back for us.”

  “My pleasure,” replied Silverstein. Then suddenly the Captain came to a halt, grounding his advance as he noticed Silverstein’s right hand rising.

  “Leonard… at ease...” ordered the Captain, unsure of Silverstein’s intentions. But before anything had the chance to escalate as the two Enforcers opposed one another, a loud gasp came from the regiment.

  “Look! Look there!” cried an Enforcer, pointing towards the shadows that were hovering at the foot of the crater.

  Silverstein glanced at the Captain and shouted, “Veilers!”

  Now the warning had been given he began backing up to witness, as multiple pairs of black glistening eyes approached them through the darkness, sparkling like freshly polished diamonds lodged in the body of something so hideous, that the sight of them left their victims scarred for life - if they lived - which was unspoken for a human, and rare for a Morient...

  The Captain had already pushed aside the stand off with Silverstein as they stood their ground, attempting to anticipate the advancing creatures next move. Their backs were pressed firmly together as they followed the eyes with their wands, prepared for a moment’s notice to deter the looming assault - but nothing had prepared them enough for what came running: The needle sharp claws and blade-like teeth, the deep black eyes and pale white skin...

  The Veiler creatures leapt high into the moonlight and dropped down sharply on top of the Enforcers, impaling them with their long mutated claws. Others narrowly escaped their clutches, casting deterrent spells to knock the creatures away and across the frosty rubble. As Silverstein and the Captain turned to assist their comrades, the Veilers had already worked their way through a third of their men, tearing their limbs from their bodies, biting hard into the cores of their wands and slicing the flesh of their throats wide open, releasing a river of crimson to gush over their long grey trench coats.

  The bodies began to fall one by one as the creatures continued to ravage their way through the Enforcer ranks. The Captain had frozen in fear, staring into the deformed faces of the pale humanoids - he couldn’t move no matter how desperately he tried. The sight of such horror was too much, it was as if an overwhelming force had grasped at his chest and pressed him down into the ground, leaving him unable to move, stealing his breath. Then projectiles suddenly erupted from the end of Silverstein’s wand as deep orange hues of energy, striking at the hearts of the Veilers as they pounced, forcing them back in to the ground where they laid, instantly lifeless. At last the Captain managed to break free from his mental restraints and followed Silverstein’s lead as they began to work their way back to the regiment, casting projectiles left, right and centre at the infinite eyes surrounding them, casting them back to the darkness from which they came.

  “Clear them!” yelled Silverstein.

  He ran amongst the chaos and threw his life on the line, tackling a Veiler to the ground before it had a chance to slay another. He pressed the end of his wand to its chin and dealt the fatal blow. The creatures head erupted like a firework - just without the pretty colours. There was bone, flesh and bloody matter blown against the ground, staining the white of the snow as Silverstein shielded his face, looking away with no remorse. The arrival of the silver man had brought a steady footing amongst the remaining Enforcers. With their backs now covered, they began to work together, slaughtering the aggressors, putting an end to their vicious rampage.

  * * *

  Lakeside, as the conflict raged on, the tremendous light show caught the attention of Grimtale who was stood apart from Robin, Lillian and Magenta. They were knelt beside the glowing water, admiring the peaceful wash and the piercing sparkle as moonlight caught the surface. None were anticipating the cries for help and boulders being blown from the cliff edge as the battle began to echo from the funnelled rocky route. They turned simultaneously and glared towards the orange bolts of energy that were filling the night sky.

  “What is that?” asked Robin as he rose to his feet, eyes fixed on the colours exploding in the distance.

  “The first wrong turn,” said Grimtale.

  “Leonard needs our help!” Lillian remarked, making haste for her Slitherback and wasting no time in mounting it. The others followed her lead, making clear they were up to the task, no questions asked.

  “Please be okay, Leonard...” muttered Magenta, as she pulled on the Slitherbacks reigns and launched into a vigorous gallop, heading at speed towards the piercing light, where her lover was fighting what she feared could be a final stand.

  * * *

  They weren’t an endless horde, but yet for now they kept on coming, emerging from the shadows and snarling as they ran in broken ranks towards the wounded regiment. There was only so much the remaining Enforcers could withstand. They were down to ten men. The Captain and Silverstein were huddled together, defending their lives with the wands in their hands; however, where one counter spell struck a fatal blow, another missed or maimed at the most and this was no longer free practice - the Veilers were closing in for the kill. Silverstein could sense it, realising the gruesome mutations were becoming noticeably more defined and glossy as they leapt, attempting to break the circle and slaughter them from within their tight, compact formation.

  “Brexio!” declared Silverstein, blasting away a pair of Veilers as they fell at his feet.

  “They’re not gonna stop. How many are there?” cried the Captain, proving a burden on his men as his charms bolted by the aggressors head as it ran, licking its lips with a fierce craving for the Morient's blood. The Veiler slashed the nearby Enforcers wands in half, then pulled the Captain from under his feet, deterring his feeble attempts to fight back as it sunk its teeth deep in to the Captains forearm and sliced the necks of those grappled to its back, trying to pull them apart.

  Silverstein could sense now that he was all too late. The sight of the Veiler feasting and the bodies against the snow, reflected in his eyes. He pressed his way towards the Captain and cast a bolt of destructive energy between the Veilers eyes - its head imploded and ran dry of blood as its body fell limp and lifeless upon the Enforcer corpses beneath it. In that moment it was as if time had come to a stop. The fighting had slowed around him as Silverstein cast his gaze to the last of the grey coated Enforcers, who had fallen to their knees at the mercy of the monsters standing over them.

  The loss of Morient life seemed not to bother the silver man, it was the thought of what the Veilers would do to him that sent the most chilling of sensations down his spine.

  One was flanked by three more, three then became five and before there was even a chance to take a breath, he knew it had to be the end. The remaining Enforcers were chopped at the neck and left to bleed out against the already crimson coloured snow that had turned to bloody slush, leaving Silverstein the lone target of their rage and hunger as he stood wearily amongst the fallen: the blood, the sweat, the tears... he was defenceless.

  The land was dark but the Veilers appeared like insects on the snow, swarming over the perished blood soaked bodies as they surrounded the last opposing Morient. Silverstein glanced down at the diminished white glow seeping through the cracks of his wand, he then locked gaze with the Veiler creature approaching him, looking on with disgust as the final glimmer of hope he held, began to fade away. The Vei
ler sniffed at Silverstein’s metallic coat, then pressed its beak-like nose against his face, inhaling the bitter sweet scent that wafted from his flesh. The creature's milky white eyes widened and it's already pale face turned deathlike as it backed away, snarling with its teeth glistening sharp like pins. Its finger shook as it rose, pointing at the mutated growths and scarring on the surface of its head.

  “Evil!” it grunted, “Evil!” it repeated in an aggressive tone, but Silverstein remained calm and collected, with his head held high.

  “You were shown mercy. You rebelled, and now you must live with your mistakes,” said Silverstein, standing his ground, “Everyone are out for themselves, and themselves, only!”

  The silver man's final words were met with a sudden burst of rage, the Veiler swung for his face with no hesitation, slicing a claw along his brow, narrowly avoiding his deep dark eyes that reflected instant panic. The cut was shallow, but far from painless as he grasped the left side of his face.

  “You’re scum! Human scum, the lot of you!” he yelled.

  Then as he flinched, with one eye covered, the pack began to approach him, reaching for his coat and pulling him towards the blood soaked ground at his feet. The metallic silver fabric began to tear as the Veilers clamped their fingertips into his body, forcing him down on his knees. He could feel their claws piercing his flesh as they held on to him. Every twist and every jolt was agony as his hair was yanked back, exposing his neck as the vocal Veiler moved closer, its instinct set on tearing Silverstein apart, one piece at a time...


  The Return of Munder Mortal

  The Veiler creatures were out of touch with their humanity. Some didn’t even resemble that of a human anymore, except the one hovering in front of Silverstein as his head remained braced, his bare neck exposed. Something terrible had happened to these misshapen people, and now with no guidance, they had become bearers of the terror that had terrorised them.


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