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The Professor and the Starlight Phoenix

Page 23

by Nathan David Ward

  “We’re going to need a name for you. I know I wouldn’t like it if I was referred to as Human everyday. Relatively speaking, that’s not even true any more, I’m a Morient Man, now. Crazy what a day can do...”

  As Robin continued to mutter to himself, a turquoise glow began to brighten from beyond the shadows. It shrieked and squawked as a teardrop fell against the ground, dispersing in sparks like a firework. Its tears were brighter than its feathers, they glazed the gravel surface like molten lava, but cyan in colour, and as cold as ice to touch.

  Robin couldn’t believe his eyes as he managed to shuffle a little closer, desperate to help the Phoenix as it cried out in pain.

  “It’s ok, he’s not here.”

  His hand reached carefully for the wounded face of the Phoenix Bird as it skulked, growing wary of its surroundings and especially the sinister looking figure which had crept out from behind a locked cell and was now slowly approaching Robin, who was entirely unaware, casting his concerns to the Phoenix.

  * * *

  The walls shimmered as torchlight flailed past, being carried to the furthest side of the stone room by trembling hands, those hands had played a part in many conflicts - mostly the victories.

  None of the granite looking walls were straight, it was like the inside of an egg shell, rounded high and low, encasing the large portion of the violet coloured crystals which were lodged within the surface of the walls. There was no way of telling them apart - the fakes from the genuine article - they looked identical, but Yuri on the other hand took pride in protecting the land - it was his job to uphold the charm that surrounded the Institute, and correctly locate the position of the Stone of Acceptance, which he always counted in from the left, seven steps, and central with his nose.

  He raised the torch towards the wall, the stones glimmering under the flame. It was like the stone was speaking back at him as he looked into its core, his eyes alive with the tones of violet that swirled at its centre.

  “You’re quite happy, aren’t you?”

  He placed his fingertip on the stone, giving it a final health check before taking a step away, and glancing at the imitation stones which sat comfortably around the authentic example, replicating its cores fluid motion as it slowly swirled, showing no signs of pain or rejection. They were part of a harmonious rhythm, which helped to calm his nerves as Yuri began to anticipate the fast, rampant movement and chaotic scenes within the Institute as he made his way towards the upper levels; but before he managed to reach the stairwell, the letter R began to materialise in front of him. A flame burned the air, leaving a red hot path which resembled letters as it burned across his field of vision.

  Yuri was taken back by what it had spelled out, but what confused him most of all were the signed initials of the Institutes Headmaster.

  The message had given a clear order: Release the Stone, disarm all means of defence, leave the institute vulnerable to attack. What was more worrying was the fact it wasn’t a hoax, the signed initials that burned in the tunnel air were definitely his handwriting, there was no doubt about that - the message had come from Professor Grimtale…


  My Home Is My Battleground

  Her eyes were wide as she peered up at him, her arm aching as his vice-like grip tightened around her fragile wrist. Grimtale had begun to make his way out from behind the barricade as the pit fell in to a further state of darkness. The yellows of his eyes were glaring back at him as he marched towards the open doors to deliver the news.

  “The charm will be deactivated in a moment's time,” said Grimtale, stood on the edge of the marble foyer floor, with his cane held firmly at his side, ready for any unexpected surprises. “Once entry is granted, the young one goes free, unharmed,” he clarified, reaching out to Emily as she pulled away from the Counts clutches, only to be reeled back in by his sharp, pointed fingertips.

  “A deal, is a deal, Professor.”

  Grimtale caught the yellows of his eyes, again, unsure if he was making a grave error, or if he would stay true to his word. Either way, it was now his duty to look after Emily in Robins absence - she was innocent, after all. Caught in the crossfire of Morient greed.

  “Once she’s safe, I cannot promise easy passage. We will stand our ground, there may be bloodshed...”

  The Count grinned at the thought, “I would encourage it, Professor,” he smiled intently, “- however, it would seem you are extremely outnumbered. Perhaps we should try to even out the numbers?”

  His yellow eyes returned to those of his own, as they stood with their half hidden faces behind personalised metal.

  “You two -” the Count pointed with his spindly index finger, “ - give yourself to the cause. Make your way through these grand institute gates...” he ordered, still bound by the remnants of Silverstein’s clothing, fluttering with the wind and the stray snowflakes from the wilderness above the pit. The expression on the Reaper's faces suddenly sunk as they anticipated their fate, sights set towards the open foyer entrance where Grimtale looked on, flanked by a handful of Enforcers and fellow Professors.

  “Please, sir...” the closest Reaper begged, stepping towards the Count, away from the iron gates. But before he could finish, a piercing red glow struck the Reaper's throat, slicing a channel for his blood to run cold. His body hit the ground, laid lifeless amongst pools of bodily fluids as they soaked in to the soil and snow. The Count's followers watched on, taking a detailed note of what to expect in their master's presence.

  There were now at least twenty Reapers stood around the pit, each seemingly loyal and prepared to act when called upon. The second Reaper turned back to the gates and removed her hood. She took a deep breath of the bitter air as her shoulder length hair fluttered across the cold metallic surface of her mask. The Count watched with increased interest as she approached the gates, unaware of whether the protective charm that concealed the Institute was active, or not.

  “This is a prime example of what I expect of you all. Now, go forth...” the Count waved on his entourage of Reapers, letting go of Emily’s hand in the process. She looked lost amongst the blackened cloaks as they pushed her on, knocking in to her and forcing her away from the Count, washing her off on a Reaper tide.

  Grimtale was still suspicious, hoping that Yuri had carried out his urgent request accordingly, otherwise, Emily was walking to her death... Even if the charm was no longer active, a battle was about to erupt. He watched nervously as the female Reaper reached for the iron gates and wrapped her hands around their oval bars, before giving them a firm shake. They were still padlocked, but Grimtale knew they could now gain safe entry, they had already stepped beyond the charms perimeter - but they didn’t know that...

  * * *

  The stone slid in to his trouser pocket and the wall suddenly looked bare as Yuri took a step away to cast his sights over the shimmering stone room. The socket in the wall which had housed the stone was now nothing more than a placeholder, surrounded by the imitation stones, which continued to mimic the calming lava motion that still circulated within the originals core.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this!” muttered Yuri, as he pulled the stone from his pocket one last time. He looked into its enchanting violet hue, knowing while it sunk in his grasp, the Institute was vulnerable to whatever the Count had planned. It made no sense to him, but he proceeded to store the stone inside his pocket, out of harm’s way.

  The placeholder remained empty, as he glanced back, before making his way to the tunnels, where the sound of light footsteps echoed, and a shadowy figure loomed in the distance, slowly approaching the open cross section...

  * * *

  Deeper within the dungeons, Robin was oblivious to the second mysterious figure that was edging its way towards him. The Phoenix had mistaken it as a friend, until it pounced at Robin, wrapping an arm around his neck and pulling him back. The Phoenix cowered back in to the shadows as Robin yelped, struggling to hold on to his wand as the assailant forced down
on his arm, holding him against his will. He was still alive though, and there didn’t seem to be any further aggression - he was just heavily detained.

  “If you were here to kill, I’m sure I would be dead already. So you’d best have a good reason for violating my personal space, you coward!”

  Robin tensed against the pull of the vigilante. He could feel his breath against his neck as his grip loosened, releasing Robin’s wand and arm back to its resting position beside him. The attacker was no longer trying to hide his identity, Robin realised as he began to tilt his head and take a glance over his shoulder. He looked surprised as he pushed himself away, glaring in to the eyes of a seemingly old friend. He was staring back at him with no real sense of remorse, but it was definitely Kenneth Brown, as much as this had come as a shock, Robin could not deny it as he raised his wand to unveil his tired, wrinkled face, and golden framed spectacles.

  “They’re going to hurt my family, if not worse. I had to come, I had to return,” explained Kenneth as he took a step closer, into the gloomy green light that was emitting from the end of Robin’s wand.

  “I never doubted you, I only wish you had taken my advice and saved the ones you hold dearest. You should have left this town! Now nothing is certain, but I knew it had to return here - to its home.”

  “And now it has me, because I don’t run away when I’m asked, or advised, Kenneth. I like to use a little intuition, and on this occasion I came to the conclusion that a lot of selfish, vile people want to exploit this bird. So I’ll make sure I’m stood right here,” replied Robin, positioned between Kenneth and the Phoenix, which had tucked itself away, behind a veil of shadow and mist, staring out in fear of what the strange man had planned. He was itching to make a move: his hand was clenched around his walking cane, his eyes flickering in envy as the growing bond between Robin and the lonely Phoenix had never been so apparent.

  “You - you have to let me by, Robin. You have to let me take it, as a trade for my families safety...”

  Robin frowned and raised his wand to Kenneth’s chest, “Have you heard yourself? Everyone is out to capture this poor creature, without any consideration for how it feels!”

  Kenneth paused for thought, casting his eyes to the remains of the prisoners that lay wasting in their cells.

  “I believe this is the one time were a war is inevitable. Maybe it’s not the only way to settle what’s been started, but you have to hope that your family will be ok. We can fight them!”

  “I just can’t, I can’t return home with nothing, I can’t return empty handed...”

  “Then use that brilliant mind of yours! You were head of security, So I’m informed. That’s not a job you can take laying down!”

  He didn’t know if he was getting through to him, but anything was better than nothing. Any means of breaking down his mindset and protecting the Phoenix. He knew that Reapers were violent; they also lacked intelligence, which only encouraged Robin as he tried to muster up a plan. But Kenneth was firmly set in his way, with his family on his mind - it was more than enough fuel to cloud his vision.

  “We can go back, together. We can settle this with our heads, and our words! If all else fails, we have our wands.”

  Robin smiled, nervously, but Kenneth still didn’t look keen. He was eyeing up the corner, working out up a way to detain the Phoenix.

  “They might already be dead,” he muttered, with a vacant expression, “- I have nothing to lose, now…” Kenneth added, as he began to slowly raise his cane to Robin, who stood his ground, prepared to counter. But before there was time for any further action, the sound of shoes came clattering as Magenta and Yuri entered the Dungeon. With no time to spare, from her point of view, as Kenneth aimed his cane at Robin, Magenta snatched her wand from her coat pocket and yelled, “Vanphineer!”

  The realms most powerful killing spell emerged from Kenneth's chest, glowing red hot, like lava, before his body fell towards the ground, into the arms of Robin, who cushioned his fall and laid him to rest on the damp concrete.

  Robin glared at Magenta as he held on to Kenneth’s body. The colour had already begun to drain from his skin. His lips were trembling, and his eyes rolling as he tried to speak his final words to Robin.

  “Time - it is running out…” and that was all he could muster, before his eyes froze, struck still with his last breath. Robin lowered his wand, which was pressed against Kenneth’s back as he cradled him, shooting a look of disgust at Magenta, who was still standing under the stone archway with Yuri, watching on, awkwardly.

  “I could have convinced him. You didn’t need to kill!” aggression sounded in his tone as he spoke.

  “Maybe I did, maybe if I hadn’t, he would have killed you. How about considering that?” argued Magenta, unable to believe what she was hearing as she retained her distance. Robin fell silent as he turned his concerns to the Phoenix, calling it out from behind the rubble..

  “If I were in your shoes, I’d consider how you might explain that you took the life of Kenneth Brown, and how his children will now have to grow up without a father. Unless, they are actually dead, then I suppose this has no consequence - to you, anyway!” said Robin, as he pulled open his coat pocket and began to coax the Phoenix out of the shadows, with nothing but his charming smile and the familiar scent he hoped the creature would associate with trust.

  Magenta was looking down at the body as she felt Yuri place his hand on her shoulder.

  “I would have done the same,” he whispered, knowing how awful Magenta had to be feeling, “- If we survive, I will deal with the body, and his family.”

  “You care too much for others, Yuri. They wouldn’t do the same for you…” said Robin, glancing back over his shoulder towards Yuri.

  “The difference between you and I, Robin, is that I do not expect anything in return.”

  “Who even said that’s how I roll? It’s just a little thought that counts,” Robin muttered as the Phoenix finally began to shake away its feathers and shrink to the size of his coat pocket, before hopping inside. “Care a lot, live a little. That’s who I am,” he added, as he climbed to his feet and forced his way past, brushing arms with Magenta and Yuri’s scruffy shirt sleeve.

  “The old Robin may have been a bit of a dick, perhaps I’m starting to see why.”

  Magenta frowned and picked up her pace as she followed behind.

  “Because I tried to help you? Because I saw a man threatening your life?” she yelled, calling back Robins attention.

  “A man you despised,” he concluded before disappearing behind the darkness of the Dungeon tunnels.

  “Let him go. It’s not worth wasting your breath on,” advised Yuri.

  Magenta spoke again as anger blazed in her eyes.

  “No, because if it was anyone else, he would have taken the shot!” she glanced at Robin, “Kenneth was ready, he would have done it, that made him your enemy, and you were going to do nothing but try entice him with your godly words of wisdom, after a day living in a world that’s completely alien to you. Here’s a reality check, Robin: Words don’t win these wars, and I’m pretty sure they don’t back in your adopted land!”

  Magenta was red in the face as she took a breath, watching as Robin remained quiet, thinking back to when he was held up by the christmas eve thug. A solid punch to the jaw had ended that altercation...

  It was strange, it didn’t make any sense to either of the two as they tried to work out why Robin was happier to let Kenneth dictate the future of his life when he also had a family of his own. What was clear though, was the fact that he fully intended on ending what he had potentially started all those years ago. Putting an end to all the Morient wars and banishing the Count, even if it meant killing him, an act he was blatantly opposed to perform.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “For being the guy who landed us in this mess. I appreciate what you did, I struggle with consequence - always have.”

  Magenta knew w
hat he meant, she’d be lying to herself if she couldn't grasp why he was upset, “We all struggle with what comes after, it’s just a part of life.”

  Robin looked to his feet as he climbed the stone stairwell, trying to remind himself of the life he had led in recent years. The happiness he had discovered within himself as he remembered who was waiting for him back home - for all he knew.

  “Robin, I was ordered to disarm the protective charm, I’m just warning you now, it could be hell up there,” warned Yuri, following closely behind Magenta.

  “Why would we need to lower the shield?” asked Robin, glancing back at Yuri as they climbed the stone steps.

  “That’s what worries me…” Yuri put on a brave face as they neared the top, ascending in to the orange light that had begun to fill the throne room.

  * * *

  The rusty padlock had already been shattered, and the gates yawned wide open as Reapers advanced across the foyer entrance. Grimtale had lost sight of Emily as he pulled back to find himself some cover behind the barricade.

  “Hand over the child, first!” he yelled, peering by a mass of chairs and desks, which had been bonded together with a glass-like cement.

  “They’re not listening!” claimed Sachester, crouched amongst a group of Enforcers.

  “She was tangled near the front. If we force back the front row, we can pull her to safety.” Grimtale looked high to the foyer ceiling and winked discreetly. Arlie was hiding with a polishing rag pulled over his head, he knew what Grimtale was suggesting as he took his hands away from his eyes and pulled along the extremely tall ladders, nodding to confirm, sending his spring loaded headband in to a frenzy, as the yellow smiley faces swayed back and forth.


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