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Needing You Close (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 2)

Page 3

by Kennedy Fox

“It’s time for us to be honest with each other, isn’t it?”

  I blink up at him through the tears forming in my eyes.

  “I don’t fucking trust you,” he says roughly, adding more pressure to my wrists. He’s heavy and too strong for me to break free.

  “Get off me!” I scream. “You’re hurting me.”

  He moves his face even closer. “You think I’m stupid? You lied about your past with Tyler. Didn’t think I’d find out you two used to be a hot item, huh? I know about it, Gemma. The whole goddamn town does too,” he snarls.

  “Stop it,” I cry out, fighting against his hold and jerking my body. “Robert, stop!”

  It doesn’t faze him as he squeezes his knees tighter into my ribs. “I knew about you and him before he returned. Then he conveniently started working at the garage, so when I asked, I wanted to hear the truth from your lips. Being my future wife, I thought you’d share everything with me, but you acted like there was nothing to tell. So you left me no choice. I had to ensure my assets were protected.”

  I snap my eyes, wishing this would end. “What assets?”

  “You. Gemma. You’re my property. I knew it would only be a matter of time before you fucked him. I arranged for you and your little friend to be watched for weeks. I have a handful of photos of you two flirting, and it makes me so fucking sick. Everyone sees the way he looks at you, and the way you eye fuck him when he’s around you. So goddamn embarrassing,” Robert hisses before trying to force his mouth against mine, but I turn my head. I don’t want his lips anywhere near me.

  “Why are you even with me then?” I wiggle against his hold. “There’s no trust between us, so it’s time to end it.”

  “I’ll never let you go, Gemma,” he growls. “Not unless I’m dead or you are. Don’t you fucking get that by now?” he snaps, his eyes darkening with every word.

  “No!” I scream. “It’s over.”

  “It’s not. And I’m only gonna tell you this only once, Gemma. You need to be very fucking careful. And so should Tyler.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I say, tears spilling down my cheeks.

  “Exactly what you think it means.” He tsks, sliding his body down mine.

  “Get off me!” I’m brought back to being eleven years old when the boys picked on me at recess. Lifting my knee, I plant it right between his legs. Robert grunts, and I push him to the floor. “You cunt,” he breathes out, holding his crotch.

  I’m breathing hard, my chest heaving as Robert manages to stand.

  “Just stop,” I beg. “Please, stop.” I create space between us, ready to run out the front door. If his neighbors heard us arguing on his perfectly landscaped lawn, Robert would die of a heart attack. The rumors would fly, and he’d be the talk of the town, and he’d do anything to avoid that.

  “Don’t you go anywhere,” he orders as if he read my mind. “Sit. Right now.” He talks to me as if I’m a child, and I guess in his mind, I am one. Only wanting to temporarily appease him, I do.

  Before I can open my mouth to rebuttal his threats, the doorbell rings followed by rapid knocking. Robert narrows his eyes at me. “What have you fucking done?” he hisses.

  Robert moves toward the door, and I take the opportunity to grab my shit. I hear Everleigh ask where I am, and Robert makes up a lie that I’m taking a bath. She doesn’t believe his bullshit and barges past him. Once Everleigh sees me, she grabs my hand, then pulls me through the house.

  “You’re not going anywhere!” Robert shouts.

  “Fuck off,” I throw at him as Everleigh rushes us toward the door.

  “If you leave, I promise you’ll regret this,” he warns as I walk outside. The warm air feels amazing on my skin. The front door slamming behind us startles me, and I’m tempted to look over my shoulder, but Everleigh keeps up her fast pace toward her car that she’s left running.

  She opens the passenger door, and I climb inside. As the adrenaline subsides, I begin to breakdown and become overwhelmed by emotions. He has no idea how much I regret agreeing to marry him. Everleigh hops in the driver’s side, and my body begins to shake. She glances at my torn dress and frowns. Seconds later, she backs out of the driveway. The silence fills the ride to her house, which I’m grateful for.

  When we pull into Everleigh’s driveway, she turns and looks at me. “I know this is a stupid question, but are you okay?”

  I clear my throat and find my inner strength. “I’m not sure,” I say honestly. “I’m safe tonight thanks to you, but I don’t know how Robert will retaliate tomorrow.”

  Chapter Three


  Waking up in Lawton Ridge without a target on my back is such a relief. Now that it’s starting to feel like home again, I actually miss it when I’m gone. It just sucks that Gemma can hardly stand being around me. Ever since we lost control with each other two weeks ago and she said it was a huge mistake, things between us have been awkward. It doesn’t help that her fiancé hates me, and she constantly makes excuses for his behavior. Though my heart says otherwise, keeping my distance is the best decision for us both.

  I last saw Gemma five days ago. Just when the tension started to evaporate between us, Ruby showed up, and I saw the jealousy written on Gemma’s face. I have no idea what to expect when I see her today, but maybe if I pretend everything’s fine, she’ll actually talk to me again.

  After Everleigh picked me up from the airport last night, I could tell something was wrong. She looked exhausted as if she’d hadn’t been sleeping. Of course, my sister was sealed like a vault and claimed it was nothing, but I knew better.

  This morning, I skipped the gym and slept in because I am still drained from the weekend. It was awesome seeing Liam and Maddie. Though I’m not sure when I’ll visit again, I hope it’s sooner than later. When I walk into work, Gemma’s behind the counter typing away on the computer.

  Immediately, I head toward the coffee and fill a cup.

  “You’re back,” she mutters, but I can’t read her expression.

  I feel bad for not telling her I’d be gone, but we weren’t exactly on speaking terms. Considering I can’t forget how sweet she tasted and how tight her pussy squeezed my fingers, it takes all my willpower not to stare at her mouth and replay the memory in my mind.

  “I am.” I grab some sugar, needing the extra boost. “Ya miss me?”

  Smirking, I turn around, and when her bloodshot gaze meets mine, I can tell she’s been crying. The dark circles under her eyes are prevalent, and her cheeks are blotchy. While she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, she looks like someone ran over her dog. Considering how Everleigh was last night, I’m concerned.

  “Gemma,” I murmur and walk toward her. “Are you okay? What happened?” Leaning over the counter, I check her body for marks.

  Tears well in her eyes as she shakes her head.

  “Did he hit you?” My stomach tightens at the thought of that asshole laying another hand on her.

  “No,” she whispers, glancing around to make sure Jerry isn’t listening.

  “Tell me,” I demand.

  Gemma swallows hard, then bows her head. I watch as she wipes away the tears that accidentally spill over. “Not here. After work?” When she composes herself and lifts her head, I notice how broken she is.

  “Sure. You want me to come over so we can talk in private?”

  My blood boils as I imagine what that fucker did to her. I’ve never seen her this upset, and the urge to find and use him as a human punching bag takes over.

  Gemma licks her lips. “You sure that’d be appropriate? Your girlfriend wouldn’t mind?”

  I arch a brow. “Girlfriend?” This is news to me.

  “Ruby,” she clarifies. “Or whatever she is to you.”

  Brushing a hand over my scruffy jaw, I hide the amused smirk behind my fingers. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure she’ll be cool with it.” It’s comical, considering Ruby would be far more interested in her or my sister. Too bad she ca
n’t see that Ruby and I are only friends and the only woman I want is sitting in front of me.

  Gemma nods. “I should meet you at Everleigh’s. It’s not safe for you to come to my house.”

  “Are you safe?”

  She glances around, focusing on the front windows. “Everleigh knows what’s going on, so it’ll be better if we talk there.”

  “Gemma.” I lower my voice.

  She snaps her eyes to mine as if she’s seen a ghost. She goes pale, and terror washes over her face.

  “Why isn’t it safe?”

  “I’ll tell you later, but the short story is Robert hired the private investigator that followed me. I don’t know if it’s still happening, but I refuse to give Robert any more reasons to come after you.”

  Pfft. I’d like to see him try.

  “You’re sure it was him?” I was certain Victoria was behind it, but it makes sense if he’s that threatened by me.

  “Positive. I found the receipts.”

  I tap my knuckles on the counter and try to control the rage building inside me.

  “Tyler…” My name comes out as a strained whisper. “He knows about us.”

  I blink hard, my heart racing in my chest. “Knows what?”

  We haven’t been an us in twelve years, and other than the make-out session misstep, we’ve kept our distance.

  “That we dated.”

  “So?” I shrug. “That was long before you two got together. Why does it matter?”

  Gemma cheeks flush as she chews on her bottom lip. “I didn’t tell him we had a history when he asked questions about you. Someone must’ve told him, or he paid to get the information, but it’s not as though we were a secret. When I brushed off that you were working at the garage, he hired a PI. He said he didn’t trust me and wanted to keep an eye on me. Robert’s convinced it was only a matter of time.”

  “Until what?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Until we…” She clears her throat and stands straighter. “Until I was unfaithful to him. I don’t think he knows what happened recently, but he’s suspicious enough to have us followed.”

  I roll my eyes at the audacity of this asshole.

  “I told him I wanted out,” she softly declares almost as if she’s afraid to say the words aloud.

  Thank God. Her confession has my entire body buzzing. I wish I could round the counter, pull her into my arms, and tell her she’s safe with me. But instead, I keep my hands and admissions to myself.

  “Good. You deserve better, Gemma.”

  “Yeah,” she whispers. “He was pissed. Robert won’t let me go without a fight.”

  “Well, I hope you told him to fuck off because if he harasses you again, I won’t be as nice as I was at the bar.”

  That causes a slight smile to form on her lips. “He doesn’t use his fists, Tyler. He throws money at his problems and pays people to do his dirty work.”

  “Pussy,” I mutter, causing Gemma to chuckle. “Alright, well don’t eat before you come over. I’ll make dinner.”

  “You don’t have to go to any trouble, Tyler,” she insists, but she’s crazy if she thinks I’m not gonna use this opportunity to cook for her again.

  “Cooking for you is never trouble.” I flash her a wink.

  The front door opens, and when I look over my shoulder, I see it’s a customer.

  “We better get back to work,” she says, smiling at the woman behind me.

  “’Kay. See ya later. Holler if you need anything, okay?”

  “I will.”

  A thousand thoughts fill my head as I walk into the shop.

  She called off the wedding.

  And not because I asked her to.

  Robert’s a douche and sabotaged himself. I couldn’t be happier about it either.

  Even if Gemma’s single right now, it doesn’t mean things will be any easier between us. It’s still really complicated. Though I can’t stop thinking about the way her body responded when I touched her. It brought back memories of the summer we spent together, memories that saved me in my darkest days. That same spark between us is sizzling just as hot as before, but we’re different people now. No matter what, Gemma needs time to heal her broken heart, and I just hope that I can help.

  As much as I want to swoop her into my arms and claim her as mine, I won’t rush anything. I tried staying away, but I’m not wasting this second chance to be with her. When she’s ready, I’ll be here waiting.

  “Mornin’,” Jerry says, handing me a sheet of paper. “Glad you’re back.”

  “Me, too.” I study the list of everything that needs to be done today. “I’ll get right to work.”

  “Thanks, son. Been hectic without ya here and it’s only gettin’ busier.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll catch up.” I flash him a smirk, and he smiles. I wonder if Gemma told him about her and Robert.

  As I go through my to-do orders, I think about what to make this evening. I never asked her what she thought of my chili I made at her place. Tonight, I’d like to surprise her with something special. Even though we won’t be alone and it won’t be a date, she deserves it after the past few days she’s had.

  “Jerry.” I walk up to him before my lunch break. “What’s Gemma’s favorite dish?”

  His lips pinch together as he studies me.

  Quickly, I add, “She and my sister are having a girls’ night, and I offered to cook. So I was wondering if you could help a guy out.”

  That makes him chuckle, and his shoulders relax. “Shrimp and grits.”

  Grinning, I nod. “Thanks. I’ll see what I can do.”

  “You can’t go wrong with biscuits and gravy either,” he tells me.

  “Is her favorite dessert still red velvet cake?”

  “Sure is.”

  Good to know.

  “Thanks. Sounds like I’ll be putting my cooking skills to the test later,” I say with a laugh. It’s been a while since I’ve made seafood.

  Jerry steps around me, but not without a strong pat on the back. “Just remember she’s an engaged woman.”

  I swallow hard and straighten my stance, so he doesn’t notice the tension in my shoulders. “I’m well aware.”

  Without another word, he walks away.

  He definitely doesn’t know about their current situation, and I won’t be the one to disappoint the man. According to Everleigh, Jerry’s tremendously supportive of Gemma marrying Robert. When he learns it ended, he’ll probably want to point fingers at someone.

  I head to the break room and pull out my phone to text my sister.

  Tyler: Gemma told me she and Robert broke up. She didn’t give me all the details. We’re gonna talk at your place tonight. That okay?

  I set my cell on the table and grab the leftovers I brought. Everleigh made some sort of mystery meat the other day, and I didn’t want it to go to waste. I take a sniff and decide to give it a shot.

  Moments later, she responds.

  Everleigh: That’s fine. Just brace yourself, it was a bad situation.

  Tyler: What do you mean?

  My blood pressure rises.

  Everleigh: I picked her up from his house on Monday night, and he didn’t want her to go. Told her she’d be sorry if she did.

  That motherfucker.

  Tyler: Jesus Christ. No wonder she’s still upset.

  Everleigh: She was in pretty bad shape emotionally yesterday, so I was hoping she’d be a little better today.

  Tyler: She said he hired a PI to follow us.

  Everleigh: Yep. Robert wasn’t even sorry about it.

  I don’t wish ill will toward many people, but he and Victoria tie for the top spot.

  Tyler: Fucking bullshit. I should’ve punched his face in when I had the chance.

  Everleigh: He’s not worth it. I only hope Gemma sticks to her guns and doesn’t go back to him.

  Tyler: You think she would?

  Everleigh: Honestly, I don’t know.

  That though
t puts a bad taste in my mouth before I even get a chance to try my food. The moment I do, my eyes go wide.

  “Hey,” Gemma says, walking toward me with a bag. “I got a couple of subs from the deli. Want one?”

  I swallow down my food and nearly gag. “Yes, please.”

  Putting the lid back on the container, Gemma moves it away and chuckles. “Everleigh can’t cook.”

  “I’m realizing this.”

  She hands me one of the sandwiches.

  “That’s why she was so willing to let me live with her. She needed a chef in the house.”

  Gemma grins as she unwraps her food. “She lives off protein bars and smoothies from the cafe.”

  “Hopefully tonight, we’ll all be eating like kings.”

  She pops a brow. “Really? Whatcha making?”

  “It’s a surprise. Just come hungry.”

  “Don’t worry, I will. I haven’t eaten much over the past couple of days,” she admits with a frown.

  “Everleigh told me she picked you up from his house. What happened?”

  “Is it okay if we don’t talk about it right now? I’ll tell you everything after work.”

  “Of course. I’m sorry to bring it up again. So, what do you wanna chat about?” I ask, then take a large bite of the warm bread and meat.

  “Where were you?”

  Should’ve seen that coming. Not that it’s a secret, but I want to keep that part of my life as far away from Gemma as possible.

  “Vegas,” I exhale. “Had some old business to take care of.”

  “Everleigh told me that much.”

  I nod, then narrow my eyes at her concerned expression. “What?”

  “Nothing.” She shakes her head. I watch her, not buying it. “It’s just, I was worried. You have a history in Vegas, and it was suspicious when you just up and left.”

  Studying her sweet features, I grin. “I had something to do for an old friend. That’s it.” I don’t go into detail because I want to put it all behind me. “You have nothing to worry about, I promise.”


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