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Needing You Close (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 2)

Page 5

by Kennedy Fox

  “You should text the wedding planner yourself and tell her it’s no longer happening,” she suggests. “I bet he’s still moving forward with everything, based on the note attached to those flowers.”

  Tyler sits and listens to us go back and forth with different scenarios. “That’s not a bad idea. Telling people would make it official.”

  I take a few more bites until my plate is clean. Sitting back, I suck in a deep breath, feeling full.

  “You want more? I made extra,” Tyler offers with a smile.

  I smile at the sweet thought. “No, thanks. I’m stuffed to the brim and not sure where I’d put it.” Meeting his gaze, I blush at the way he’s studying me. “Thank you so much for dinner. It was amazing. The wine tasted good, too. The company is even better.”

  Everleigh’s done eating too and helps clean Tyler’s mess in the kitchen.

  “Gemma, maybe you should come over every night for the rest of eternity so Tyler will make dinner like this on the regular.”

  He chuckles. “Nice try.”

  For a brief second, when Tyler and I exchange a look, that familiar electricity streams through me. I think he feels it too because his Adam's apple bobs in his throat. Too many unspoken words flow between us, and I force myself to turn and focus my attention on Everleigh.

  “Where’s Sassy?” she finally asks.

  “I took her for a walk after work, and after she devoured her food, she went to bed. She’s in your room,” he says.

  “Ahh, okay. Gonna go check on my baby now.” Everleigh shoots me a wink when Tyler looks away, then walks down the hallway, leaving us to ourselves.

  “You’re pretty rude for not telling me the truth about you and Ruby,” I reiterate.

  “You should’ve asked if you weren’t sure.” We walk to the living room and sit on the couch.

  “It wasn’t my business to ask or get involved,” I admit with a shrug. “But it wasn’t that hard to assume when I saw her in here wearing only a towel.”

  “We took separate showers after working out together,” he explains with a shit-eating grin. “I obviously didn’t know you were gonna show up, but it was adorable to watch you get jealous,” he mocks.

  “Jealous?” I squeal as my internal temperature rises.

  “Yep, I think that’s what we call it these days. You thought we were sleeping together, and it bothered you.” He flashes me a sexy smirk, and I groan that he could see that.

  “Guess I’m more transparent than I thought.” There’s no denying how it made me feel when I saw Tyler with her. Even if I was engaged at the time, it didn’t make seeing the first man I ever loved be happy with someone else any easier. Hopefully, we’ll be able to put all of this behind us and laugh about it in the future. Or he and Everleigh will rag me for eternity over it.

  “Gemma.” Tyler’s voice lowers and sounds huskier as soon as the shower comes on. “That night at your cottage—”

  I wasn’t prepared to talk about this right now and not sure I want to either. “I don’t think Robert knows what happened between us.”

  He flashes me a pearly side smile. “I don’t give a fuck if he does. However, I need to clear the air about some things I said afterward that weren’t true, like how it meant nothing to me.”

  I swallow hard as my heart races, and the blood drains from my face. Admittedly, that hurt when he said those words to me. “Why’d you lie?”

  “I needed to keep you away. Though I didn’t want to, I told myself I had to come to terms with you getting married to someone else. So my only option was to ignore you and keep my distance. It’s why I got a job at the gym and filled my nights with other things to do besides dwell on what it felt like to kiss you again. It’s another reason I was okay with you believing Ruby and I were dating. It was to protect my heart, Gemma. And to protect yours too.”

  My words are lodged in my throat, and I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. The air between us is hot, and I’m ready to combust at his admissions. I suck in a deep breath, needing to say something as he stares at me.

  “I guess that makes sense. The only reason I said it was a mistake is because I’m not the type of woman who cheats. I’m faithful. Until you came back, I thought I was in love with Robert. Seeing you again peeled back the layers of the fake relationship I had built up in my head, and it exposed too many ugly truths. I was literally having an existential crisis. But the chili was great,” I say, trying to lighten the mood.

  He laughs. “I was gonna ask you about that actually.”

  “I would’ve brought some leftovers for you the next day, but I thought it’d be awkward, so I happily ate the entire pot by myself.” While pathetically crying and rereading his letters.

  He’s full on laughing. “At least that night wasn’t an entire waste.”

  I smile and squeeze my legs together, trying to push away the thoughts of straddling him again. It’s almost as if he can read my mind because he adjusts himself. The water turns off, and our private time is about to be over. I still haven’t told Everleigh about that night, and I’m sure Tyler hasn’t said a word about it either. It’s something I’d like to keep between us for now.

  “So when are you gonna drop the bomb on your dad?” he asks.

  “I’m not sure. His disappointment might kill me, though. I need to do it soon before he hears about it from someone else. If I’m gonna spread the news that we broke up, then he needs to hear it from me,” I explain.

  Tyler glances down at my ring finger. “You can start by not wearing that anymore.”

  I groan at the sight of it, forgetting I even had it on. “You’re right. I need to give it back to him. And I should text Winnie before it gets too late.” I pull my phone from my pocket and notice my hand is shaking as I type up the message.

  “I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this,” Tyler says, offering a smile.

  “Me too!” Everleigh shouts from the hallway before she comes into view with Sassy on her heels.

  “Thank you. Not sure what I’d do without you two.”

  “Probably marry that asshole,” Everleigh blurts, which makes me snort. She grabs Sassy’s leash and takes her outside.

  I reread the message I typed to Winnie before hitting send.

  Gemma: Hi, Winnie. I want to be respectful and let you know that Robert and I are no longer getting married, so I’d appreciate it if you’d canceled all the plans. I’m grateful for the work you’ve done planning this wedding, but your services are no longer needed.

  Considering how quickly she responded to me this weekend, I expect an instant reply, but wonder if I’ll get one. Everleigh returns with Sassy who trots over to Tyler and jumps in his lap.

  “Hey, girl.” He pets her head, and she starts licking his face. “Too much, too much.”

  “Sassy!” Everleigh snaps. “Come get a treat.” Once the magic word is said, Sassy jumps down and rushes to the kitchen.

  I start yawning and feel as if I could fall asleep sitting up. When I check my phone to see if Winnie’s replied yet, I realize it’s almost nine. The past few days I’ve slept like shit, and I think it’s finally caught up to me.

  “I should probably get going,” I say, getting up from the couch. Tyler stands, and Everleigh gives me a hug before telling me good night. She looks just as exhausted as me right now, but she’s been working extra hours at the boutique.

  “Let me walk you out,” Tyler suggests, and butterflies flutter in the pit of my stomach.

  “Okay,” I mutter as Everleigh goes to her room, and I swear I hear her chuckling under her breath.

  I grab my keys from the counter, and Tyler follows. I wish I could take him home with me because when he’s around, I feel like nothing bad could happen. Tyler would protect me no matter what, and he’s been doing so since he showed up a few months ago. I was just too stubborn to realize I was in danger. Though, I never could’ve predicted that Robert was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but looking back at the signs, I should have.

  We go outside, and the mid-autumn breeze paints across my skin. This season has always reminded me of when Tyler left, the heartbreak that brought on was almost too much for me to handle. But now he’s here, and we have the opportunity to start over and rekindle our friendship that I cherished so damn much.

  When we get to my car, I turn and meet his gaze, and my breath hitches. It’s almost as if I’m eighteen again, noticing the fire in his eyes for the first time. Tyler looks up and down the street, then his gaze meets mine again.

  “I’m sorry for ever hurting you, Gemma. It’s one of the biggest regrets of my life,” he admits. I watch his tongue dart out and lick his lips, and the urge to taste him again nearly takes over.

  “You don’t have to keep apologizing to me. You couldn’t stay, and I couldn’t leave. We shared an amazing summer together, which is something I’ve never forgotten. You mean a lot to me, Tyler. You’re one of the only people who really understands me on a deeper level. There are a lot of things I regret too, but I’ve realized that all we have is the present and the future. So I’m trying to cherish the good and not harp so much on the past. It’s time for us to start over and forget about all of the heartache, if you’re willing.”

  He brushes loose strands of hair behind my ear, and I have to force myself not to lean into his touch. “I’m willing to try,” he tells me. “Not to be selfish, but I’m glad the wedding is off. As I’ve always said, you deserve the world, Gemma. And a man who’d fight to give that to you. I’m not giving up hope that someday you’ll get your happily ever after like in all those rom-coms you love so much.”

  When the silence drags on, I realize I’m stalling. Doesn’t he know he was that person for me? That he was always the only man I ever wanted for years?

  I don’t want the night to end yet, but it has to. It’s too dangerous for us to be together, to be close, and I think he understands that too.

  “I want that too. Thanks again for everything,” I say, shifting off the car so I can get inside.

  Tyler reaches around and opens the door for me. “Be careful driving home. Watch your back. Be safe. We’ll figure this out together, Gemma. I promise,” he reassures, and I have no doubt he means it.

  “I will and thank you again. Good night,” I offer with a smile as I climb in.

  “Night, see you tomorrow.” He stands in the driveway with his arms crossed over his chest and watches me leave. I wave, and he returns the gesture.

  As I drive down the street with a rapidly racing mind, I replay tonight.

  I just ended a long-term relationship and shouldn’t be thinking about Tyler. Falling in love with Tyler isn’t possible because I never fell out of love with him.

  I stay alert and aware of every set of headlights behind me and the cars parked on the street in my neighborhood. When I enter the cottage, my phone vibrates. I expect it to be Tyler or Everleigh, but it’s from Winnie. I open the message, and my adrenaline rushes as I read it.

  Winnie: The wedding plans are moving forward per Robert. I don’t work for or take orders from you, Gemma. If you have an issue with that, contact your fiancé.

  I should’ve known that’d be the response I’d get. They can continue all they want, but neither of them can force me to walk down that aisle. So, I guess in the end, only time will tell who’ll get the last laugh, and I just hope to God it’s me.

  Chapter Five


  After walking Gemma to her car and watching her drive away, I go back into the house. It’s been a long ass day and I’m tired, though I probably won’t get much sleep now. As soon as I walk into the living room, Everleigh charges toward me and hugs me tightly.

  “Whoa. You okay?” I wrap my arms around her, squeezing her back.

  “Thank you,” she whispers before pulling back. “Thank you for caring so much about Gemma and being there for her. She probably won’t admit it, but she feels safe around you.”

  “I’ve always cared about her,” I confess. “I won’t let anything bad happen to Gemma.”

  “I know. That’s why you’re the best.” She grins. “Well, and because you’re an amazing cook.”

  Everleigh walks toward the kitchen, and I follow. She grabs a bottled water from the fridge, then offers it to me.

  “Sure, thanks,” I say, taking it.

  She pulls another one out for herself and immediately takes a sip. “I didn’t wanna say anything when she was here, but you should’ve seen the look in Robert’s eyes. He was deranged.”

  “I swear, that asshole has some serious issues.”

  “You’re telling me. There’s possessive in like a sexy, alpha way, and then there’s psycho in a needs-a-straitjacket kinda way. I could hardly sleep that night, thinking of what he would’ve done to her if I hadn’t come pick her up.”

  My jaw clenches at the thought. I don’t understand how someone as amazing and beautiful as Gemma ended up with such a tool bag. I get the feeling that if her mom were alive, she would’ve warned her about Robert a long time ago. When she’d write me letters, she talked about her mom and how she wished she was around to ask her about girl stuff. Gemma’s dad only gets glimpses of what Robert wants to share and has no idea who he really is.

  “I’m gonna go to bed so I can get up early and beat the punching bag before work since I have to train tomorrow evening.”

  “You’re working too much,” she says. “I feel like I never see you these days. We spoke more when you were in prison than we do now.”

  I roll my eyes when she laughs, then chug half the bottle. “Not true. I have this thing called a cell phone now that you can call and text at any time.”

  “Oh, shoot. I totally forgot about that.”

  “And you wonder why you’re single with that smartass mouth.”

  “Maybe it’s because all the guys in town are taken?”

  “They can’t all be.”

  “Oh, you’re right. Some live in their parents' basements and play video games from sunup to sundown.”

  “Come to the gym with me tomorrow. Plenty of men there.”

  “Hard pass. I’m not getting up a minute earlier than I have to. Not to mention, gym rats care more about their muscles than women.”

  “Whatcha trying to say?” I lift my sleeve and flex.

  She snorts and playfully pushes my chest when she walks around me. “Good night, Arnold Schwarzenegger.”

  I take a sleeping pill so I can fall asleep. By the time my alarm goes off, I’m ready to blow off some steam. Once I’m done, I shower and feel a lot better. It’s exactly what I needed before heading to the shop. When I walk in, I see Gemma’s pretty face behind the counter.

  With bright eyes, she smiles at me with dark-colored lips. She’s acting as though she has no worries in the world, almost as if she hasn’t been crying for the past few days.

  “Morning,” I say, lowering my eyes to her orange shirt and smirking. “Getting ready for Halloween early?”

  She frowns. “No. It’s my favorite—”

  “Color. Yeah, I remember.”

  Gemma sighs with a grin. “Of course, you do.”

  I step closer to her. “It looks good on you.”

  “Thanks.” Gemma stares into my eyes as I study how green hers are, neither of us speaking.

  “Did you sleep okay last night?” I ask, breaking the silence.

  “As good as expected, I guess. You?”

  “I took some meds so I could, then got up early this morning to hit the gym.”

  “You like working out there?”

  I smile. “I do. My offer still stands to teach you some self-defense moves if you wanna learn a few techniques.”

  Gemma raises her brows. “You think I should?”

  Shrugging, I grin. “Wouldn’t hurt.” It’d also mean I’d get to spend more time with her.

  “Maybe. I’ll think about it.”

  I nod, then pour a cup of coffee and nod. “Alright. Well, if you decide you wanna, come in around s

  Once I enter the garage, I glance over my shoulder and catch Gemma watching me. I flash her a smirk, and I swear she blushes before turning away. Something between us is happening, but I’m not complaining. Even though her life is a little messy right now, I want to be there for her. After our conversation last night, I won’t be letting her go ever again.

  * * *

  Dear Tyler,

  The seniors are putting together a Pumpkin Ball to raise money for our class trip in the spring. It’s Friday, and as much as I wanna go and be with my friends, I’m the only one without a date. Well, technically I have one, Ben Bernard, whose boyfriend lives in Texas. Since we can’t take the people we want, we’re going together.

  He’s a great dancer, so it’ll be fun at least, but I still wish you were here. I feel like it’s taking forever for June to get here. The countdown on my phone isn’t moving fast enough. It’s labeled ‘graduation,’ but really, it’s for the day you’ll be home. Everyone always says not to rush growing up, but this is the worst kind of torture. We’ve been writing letters for almost four years, and at this point, it’s like the day will never come.

  To keep my mind busy, I’ve started cleaning out my mom’s cottage behind my house to make it a space of my own. It’s filled with her paintings. I love them all, but my favorite is the morning glories watercolor. The pinks and purples are super vibrant, and it has so much detail that it almost seems real. When I’m able to move in, I’m gonna frame a few and hang them on the walls. I can’t wait to show you when you’re here.

  Everleigh told me you called her the other day and that you sounded really good. Though I wish I could’ve heard your voice, I imagine it every time I read one of your letters. I hope you’re safe and staying healthy wherever you are right now. Watching the news makes me so damn worried about you, but I don’t mention it to Everleigh because she’s concerned enough. I’ll just be so relieved when you’re back in the States.


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