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Needing You Close (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 2)

Page 12

by Kennedy Fox

  “I’ll be happy to help or do whatever I can for him.”

  Tyler’s rough exterior is crumbling to his feet as he shows me his softer, sweeter side that I never forgot. He was a hardass around other people and kept to himself a lot, never revealing more than he needed, but I always saw the real Tyler. After spending that time in the military, he had a sexy broodiness to him, but this loyally fierce side of Tyler is the best I’ve ever seen.

  And I’m falling for him all over again, except this time, harder and stronger.

  As promised, Tyler drives us home. He lets me pick the music even though I offered him the choice. Time flies as we talk and hold hands. Before I know it, he’s pulling into Everleigh’s driveway.

  We both step out of the car, but Tyler’s quick and is in front of me before I can go to the driver’s side. He cages me in, and I meet his gaze.

  I wait, hoping he’ll make the first move, begging him with my eyes to lean in, but he doesn’t. Tyler’s letting me set the pace because I’m the one with everything to lose if we don’t work out.

  But I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I want him. No, I need him.

  Without giving it another thought, I wrap my fingers around the back of his neck and pull his face to mine, allowing our lips to crash together. Tyler slides his hands down my body and grips my hips, grinding himself against me. My back presses against the car as our tongues battle in a heated kiss. When I moan against his mouth, he tilts my head up and slides in deeper.

  Arching my back, I feel his hardness against my stomach, causing an ache between my legs. I thread my fingers through his hair and grip him tighter, not wanting this to end.

  By the time we come up for air, I’m flushed, and my whole body tingles.

  Tyler smiles. “Wow. What was that for?”

  Blushing, I bite my lip. “To say thank you for coming with me today. It really meant a lot.” I pause before adding, “And also for cooking me dinner last night.”

  “I’ll cook for you anytime. And thank you for asking me to come. I didn’t realize how much I needed to do it until I got there. Though I felt anxious at first, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be.”

  “I think you helped Noah more than you realize. He’ll have more hope now than what I could’ve given him. You have firsthand experience, and I can tell he trusts you.”

  “I’m happy to tag along anytime you want,” he reassures me. Tyler looks down and notices his bulge that’s impossible to miss. He lowers his arm and crosses his hands over it. “I better get inside before I embarrass myself out here.”

  Arching a brow, I smile. “Alright. See you tomorrow morning.”

  “I’ll text you later, okay? I’m gonna work off some…” He clears his throat. “Frustrations.” Then he lowers his eyes, and I hold back my laughter.

  He walks me to the other side of the car, opens my door, then gives me a sweet kiss before I get in and buckle. As I back out, Tyler waves. My heart pounds hard as I drive home. I can’t wipe the stupid grin off my face.

  I’ve been dying for his kiss since the last time our lips touched, and I already want to drive back to his place and do it again.

  Chapter Eleven


  If I could bottle up my time with Gemma this week and relive those moments a million times over, I would. As crazy as it sounds, it feels like the last twelve years apart never happened, and we picked up right where we left off. Talking to her is as easy as it was when I wrote her letters and we spilled all our secrets. She’s the last person I think of before bed and the first when I wake up.

  I want to give Gemma my heart and let her keep it forever. Hell, she’s had it for over a decade.

  Ever since she kissed me on Sunday, we’ve been inseparable. Seeing her at work is equal parts amazing and torturous because all I want to do is pull her into my arms and never let go. Though it’s mid-week, we’re meeting up tonight after my training session. The plan is wine, pizza, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. I chuckle to myself knowing she’ll groan the whole time, or we’ll be too busy exploring each other’s mouths to pay attention to the screen. I’m hoping for the latter.

  We’ve only been at work for a couple of hours, but I already miss her. I tell Jerry I need a coffee refill so I can sneak a quick moment with her. Luckily, the lobby’s empty so I’ll get her to myself for a few minutes.

  Gemma smiles, and I swoop her into my arms, pulling her close to my chest as I press a soft kiss to her lips.

  “What’re you doing?” she whispers, glancing around to see if her dad’s near.

  Grabbing her hand, I lead her into the break room and move forward until her back pushes against the wall. “Trying to get to second base.”

  She giggles, and I steal a kiss. “Okay, make it quick. Customers could come in at any minute.”

  Smirking, I dip my head and suck her neck, tasting her soft skin. I slide my hand up her body, then cup her breast and squeeze.

  Pulling back, I meet her eyes. “Thanks, that should hopefully last me through lunch.”

  Gemma’s jaw drops with a gasp, then she smacks me playfully on the chest. “You’re bad. Get back to work, Mr. Blackwood.” Her voice lowers in a commanding tone, which makes me hard as hell.

  “Fuck. It’s hot when you call me that.”

  Gemma lowers her gaze and gives me a cheeky grin. “Good luck with that. Just remember, you’re working with my father.”

  I adjust my dick and grunt. “Thanks, that killed it.”

  The door chimes ring, and she quickly paints her lips across mine. “Now go! Before you get us both in trouble.”

  As I nonchalantly make my way to the shop, I think about Maddie and how she’d be losing her shit right now if she knew that Gemma and I were…something. I should probably give her an update so she’ll stop sending me links to dating apps.

  “Tyler, why don’t you start your lunch break? I’ll finish up here, then take mine.”

  “Alright.” I wash my hands and scrub as much of the grease off as I can. Today, I plan to get Gemma one of her froufrou lattes she loves so much. Gemma watches me as I make my way to the door, and I turn and give her a wink before leaving.

  The moment I walk into the Coffee Palace, I’m greeted by the smell of roasted beans and the sound of espresso machines. Marjorie lights up when she sees me. I tell her to pick something for Gemma and a black coffee for me.

  “Are you absolutely sure I can’t talk you into trying our new harvest caramel latte? It’s very sweet and salty. Best of both worlds.”

  “No, no. But thanks. Just a dark roast.”

  After I pay, she hands me my cup with a flirty wink and gives me Gemma’s pumpkin cream.

  Lord, the people in this town are a little too friendly sometimes.

  Just as I’m about to leave, my phone rings, and when I see it’s Serena, I set the drinks down.

  “Hey,” I answer, surprised to hear from her. We typically text unless it’s something important.

  “Tyler, hi. Sorry to bother you during work, but I just got some news and wanted to pass along the details.”

  Her words and tone have my heart racing. “Involving what?”

  Serena hesitates and inhales a deep breath, which means it’s not good. “The case against Victoria was dismissed. Her attorneys got it thrown out on a technicality.”

  “What?” I roar. “You’re fucking joking.”

  “I wish, Tyler.” She sighs, and it’s obvious she’s just as upset about this as I am. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault, but man, I feel awful for Eric. Does he know yet?”

  “Yes, the prosecutor called me right after the announcement was made. I don’t think he’s gonna take it lying down, though, and honestly, I’m a little worried about him.”

  Considering Victoria is already scheming her revenge, I’m worried for him too.

  “Thanks for letting me know. I’ll speak to him.”

  “Stay safe, Tyler.”
  We hang up, and I blow out a frustrated breath. I can’t believe this.

  Then again, I definitely can.

  Victoria has more money than God, and she’ll use it to her advantage to get out of every-damn-thing she can.

  I quickly text Eric since I wanna get back to the shop before Gemma’s latte gets cold.

  Tyler: Hey, man. I just heard the news. I’m so sorry.

  Eric: Don’t worry, I’ll get my justice for Amara another way.

  I cringe when I read his message because he’s not going to let this go. Though I don’t blame him for wanting to fight, we both know Victoria’s dangerous.

  Tyler: What do you mean? Don’t do anything that’ll get you killed or locked up. It’s not a life you want, trust me.

  By the time I walk into the lobby, I’m tense as hell, but I try to shake it off so I can enjoy the rest of my break with the woman who drives me wild.

  “Hey, beautiful. I got you something.” I hand her the cup, and when she smells it, she smiles wide.

  “You’re so sweet,” she hums before taking a sip. “Oh God, it’s so delicious.”

  “Save those moans for later, please. I can’t keep trying to hide my chubby around your dad.”

  Gemma nearly spews out her drink but quickly covers her mouth and swallows it down. “Tyler!” she laugh-hisses.

  We go to the break room and talk while we eat. I check my phone for Eric’s response, but one never comes.

  The rest of the afternoon goes smoothly, and by five, I’m on my way out to do my training session with Luke.

  “I’ll be over at seven thirty,” I remind her. “That okay?” Gives me time to shower and hopefully grab something to eat beforehand.

  “Sounds good. I’ll be waiting…” She bites her lower lip, and I groan.

  “Stop that.”

  I give her a quick kiss before Jerry can catch us. Though I’d be okay with him knowing we’re casually dating and hope he’d approve, I’m letting Gemma decide when she wants to share the news. After her breakup with Robert, I think she’s waiting to tell him.

  Luke and I train hard for an hour straight. He’s getting pretty good, and I’m proud of how far he’s come in such a short amount of time. Afterward, I chat with Ruby for a few minutes, then head home.

  “Who’s there?” Everleigh dramatically shouts when I walk in. “It can’t be my brother! He doesn’t live here anymore.”

  “What’s up your ass?” I tease. “Missing me?”

  She rolls her eyes before moving to the kitchen and grabbing a corkscrew. “Your cooking? Yes. Your bad jokes? Not so much.”

  “Oh, come on. You’re the one who was all Team Tyler and Gemma get married and have babies. How’s that gonna happen if we never spend any time together?” I set my bag down and flash her a mischievous smirk.

  Everleigh groans as she grabs a bottle of wine. “I didn’t think it all the way through. Now that you two are…” She waves her hand around. “Whatever you two are, I don’t get to see either of you. Can’t you squeeze me in and still fall in love?”

  “You need a boyfriend,” I mock. “Then you wouldn’t be in my business.”

  She pours herself a glass and makes a face. “Not true. Unlike the both of you, I can balance working and making time for my friends and family.”

  “Alright, fair enough. We’ll hang out tomorrow, okay? I’ll even make Cajun chicken pasta.”

  “Ooh, carbs. Now you’re talkin’.”

  I chuckle as I wrap an arm around her shoulders and give her a hug. “I’ll tell Gemma to make some brownies too.”

  She glares. “So by ‘we’ll hang out,’ you meant all of us.”

  “Well, yeah.” I shrug. “Why not?”

  “So I’ll be the awkward third wheel.”

  “Invite Ruby or Katie. Or I dunno, a date.”

  “You’ve been out of the game for several years and don’t understand how unpredictable and flaky people are in today’s climate. Every guy on every dating app, ‘Hey, beautiful. Wanna see a dick pic?’ Then proceeds to send it before I respond. After that happens a good thirty to forty times, you kinda just give up hope and realize there aren’t any decent single men left.”

  “Okay, point taken. That’s gross, by the way.”

  “Especially when they’re so proud of their balls.” She makes a face. “Then they ask for a boob shot, and I send them a picture of Sassy’s nipples.” She laughs at her own joke.

  Shit, that makes me especially glad I didn’t take Maddie’s advice and join those apps.

  “Well, you have fun with that. I need to shower and grab a pizza and wine before I head to Gemma’s.”

  “The perfect couple’s date night.” She gags, then snickers. “I really am happy for you guys. Robert wasn’t right for her, and I’m just glad she realized that before it was too late.”

  Me too.

  “So are you two official yet? Or just friends with benefits?”

  I snort. “Are we gossiping like high schoolers now? I’m not one of your girlfriends, Ev.”

  “Maybe not, but you’re dating one of mine, so…”

  She does have a point.

  “We haven’t talked about it, but we’re going slow, and I’m letting her set the pace.”

  “I love you, brother, but if you break her heart again, I won’t forgive you twice.”

  Nodding, I frown because I know Everleigh was there for Gemma and helped pick up the broken pieces I left behind.

  “Trust me, I’m not planning on it. I don’t want to lose her this time, and I’d marry her now if that was an option.”

  And it’s the truth.

  Gemma is the only girl for me.

  “That’s more like it.” Everleigh grins. “Now, go have fun with my best friend and reiterate that she’s yours and always will be.”

  Thirty minutes later, I arrive at Gemma’s with goodies in hand and excitement in my step. As much as Everleigh’s a pain in my ass, she makes valid points. Gemma is mine now, and I want her to know I’m in this for the long haul.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” I say when she lets me inside her house.

  “Mmm, smells delicious,” she purrs. “The pizza, I mean.”

  I laugh. “What every man who’s trying to win over the girl of his dreams loves to hear.”

  She looks at me and tilts her head. “I don’t think you need to worry about that, considering I just ended a relationship. All I wanna do is spend time with you.”

  After I set everything down on the kitchen island, I close the gap between us and wrap her in my arms. Tilting up her chin, I bring her mouth to mine and slowly brush my lips against hers. I slip my tongue inside, tasting her sweetness, wanting to devour her.

  “I hope one day we’re doing a lot more than just spending time with each other.” I flash her a wink.

  “Same.” She smiles.

  “According to my sister, we should already be married with a baby on the way, so caution to the wind the next time you speak to her.”

  “Oh, trust me, I’m aware. She’s already sent me a list of baby names.”

  I snort. “We seriously need to get her a boyfriend so she’ll stop obsessing over us.”

  “Oh, I’ve been trying to hook her up for years. She’ll go on a couple of dates, then find something wrong with them all. It’s stupid things too, like the way the guy chews or the type of socks he wears. Never fails. Every. Single. Time.” Gemma shakes her head. “She’ll sleep with them, though.”

  “Ahh, okay, that’s enough about my sister’s sex life. Moving on to our dinner and movie.”

  Gemma chuckles, and we fill our plates and glasses.

  “So what torturous movie are you making me watch tonight?” she asks as we sit on the couch.

  When I tell her the title, she rolls her eyes. “Tomorrow night, we’re watching 27 Dresses or Knocked Up.”

  “Actually, tomorrow…” I linger after taking a bite of pizza. “I promised Everleigh we’d hang out with her because she
’s getting cranky we’re always together. She said she’d be the third wheel, but I told her to invite someone.” I shrug, certain she won’t.

  “Perfect! Definitely a Katherine Heigl movie then.”

  “I’ll make sure we’re stocked up on whiskey.”

  “You mean margaritas?” she counters.

  “No, I’m gonna need the hard stuff to get through one of your movies.”

  Gemma lifts her glass of wine with a smirk. “Exactly why I’m planning to drink the whole bottle tonight.”

  I laugh, but it doesn’t matter because at this moment, we’re more focused on each other.

  There’s no doubt about it—I’m falling even harder and faster for Gemma Reid, and I don’t ever want this feeling to stop.

  Chapter Twelve


  Though it’s Sunday and I typically sleep in, I get up early. Once I’m dressed and drink a cup of coffee, I head over to Katie’s house. We’re going to some open houses, and I’ve been looking forward to it all week. Considering she wants a fixer-upper, it’ll be fun to walk through rooms with character that have actually been lived in. It’ll be a stark difference from the brand-new cookie-cutter mansions Robert stages with pricey furniture. When I park in her driveway, she opens the front door wearing a smile and waves me inside. Though when I walk in, she seems anxious and fidgety.

  “Everything okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, just nervous about today. Plus, Owen threw a fit when my mother came to get him. He thinks he’s old enough to stay home alone. Boys,” she groans, rolling her eyes. “It’s times like this when I wish I would’ve had a girl.”

  “Yeah, but she probably would’ve been worse, especially if she’d been anything like you. Young Katie was a high maintenance, bratty know-it-all,” I tease.

  Katie chuckles, grabbing her purse. “You’re probably right. Should be careful what I wish for and more thankful for what I have. I’d rather deal with a boy because our biggest arguments revolve around showering and video games.”


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