Needing You Close (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 2)

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Needing You Close (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 2) Page 18

by Kennedy Fox

  “We’ll think of something, baby. I promise,” he reassures me. “Don’t forget I have some connections in Vegas who could easily take care of him,” he teases with a wink, but I don’t think he’s joking.

  After we finish eating, I help him clean the kitchen and take every opportunity to kiss him. It’s almost eleven when I get dressed and Tyler walks me to my car. We look around to make sure we’re not being watched or followed before he kisses me goodbye.

  “I’ll call you after I speak with my dad,” I tell him. “Then we can pack some snacks and hit the trails.”

  “Sounds good. I love you.”

  My heart nearly leaps out of my chest when I hear him say that. “I love you more,” I say.

  “Pfft. Not fucking possible.” He gives me one final kiss and then opens the car door for me. “Drive safe.”

  I can’t wipe the foolish grin off my face as I drive home. Every part of me is lit up with happiness, and nothing could bring me down when everything feels so perfect and right.

  The moment I pull into my driveway, I realize I spoke too soon, and my world comes crashing down.

  A moving truck is backed in, and a crew is loading up my belongings. I glare at them, confused, wondering what they think they’re doing. When I pick up my pace and turn the corner, I see Robert. “What the hell are you doing?” I shout as I storm toward him.

  “Good morning, darling.” His eyes scan down my body in disgust. “Hope you enjoyed your final night of being a whore because today, you’re moving in with me.”

  “What?” I put my hands on my hips. “Have you lost your ever-loving mind?”

  He steps toward me, closing the gap between us. “Watch your goddamn tone,” he hisses. “That was the deal. We get married, you move in, and you quit your job. Don’t like it? Then say goodbye to all of this because I’ll get a team out here this afternoon to bulldoze it down.”

  Tears threaten to surface as I take in his angry tone and the bulging vein in his forehead. He’s not messing around, and I have no doubt he’d do exactly that.

  “I hate you,” I seethe.

  “Get over it, princess. They’ve already started packing and moving your shit.”

  “You can’t do that! You can’t touch my personal property!” I argue. “I’ll call the sheriff!”

  He leans back, pure amusement on his ugly face as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Go ahead. Remind him to bring a case of beer to our barbecue tonight while you’re at it.” Robert laughs as he walks away and goes toward the cottage. I’m going to lose my shit if they’ve touched my mother’s paintings.

  At that thought, I march past him and barge through the door to check what they’re doing. “Stop! Get out. Don’t move anything else,” I demand.

  Three men stare at me, expressionless, then glance over at Robert. When I turn and look at him, he shakes his head, and the guys continue working.


  Everyone’s on his fucking payroll and won’t listen to me.

  “You’ll never get away with this,” I say between gritted teeth.

  “I already am.”

  I storm out and go back to my car, feeling hopeless. Knowing Everleigh’s at work, I call Katie, and when she answers, I lose it. Tears fall and there’s no stopping them.

  “Gemma? What happened, sweetie?”

  “Robert!” I say between harsh breaths. “He has a company moving everything out of my place. He’s forcing me to live with him and get married to help his image.”

  “What? That’s insane, Gemma!” she shrieks. “Tell him to kick rocks!”

  “I tried!” I grow more hysterical with every passing second. “He owns my dad’s property. If I don’t do what he says, he’ll tear it all down.”

  “What the hell? How’s that even possible?” she asks, and I explain all the details. I feel awful for not knowing or helping, but my father’s a prideful man and keeps his problems to himself.

  “So it’s either marry him, have his children, and quit my job, or my dad loses everything.”

  She lets out a long breath. “What about the shop?”

  “I think that’d be safe, but he’d have no place to live, and it’s more than just a house to him. It’s the home where he and my mom made memories, and where Noah and I were raised. And to dig the knife even deeper, Robert knows how much the cottage means to me. Even if I can’t live in it, I’d be devastated if he destroyed it.” I cry harder at the thought. “I don’t know what to do, Katie. I love Tyler. We finally made love last night, and now everything around me is falling apart.”

  “Does Tyler know about Robert’s ultimatum?”

  “Yes, I told him, and he said we’d figure something out together.”

  “Tyler should kick his fucking ass! Charge him caveman style and use his boxing skills to rearrange his ugly old face!”

  I’d laugh at her dramatics if I wasn’t in the middle of a crisis.

  “Trust me, he’s ready to do just that.” I sigh. “I need to ask my dad about this. It’s going to kill him, but I have to make sure Robert’s not lying to me. I don’t know how I’m going to get out of this without hurting Tyler or my father.”

  “Robert seriously thinks you’re going to marry him after this whole stunt?”

  “He’s got me by the damn throat and has made sure I have no other options. The minute I defy him again, he’ll make his threats a reality.”

  “Which means he could literally hold this over your head for years. If you don’t do what he asks during your marriage, he’ll throw it at you again. You’ll be miserable, Gemma. You can’t marry him,” she pleads. “There has to be a way out of this without jeopardizing your dad.”

  “I’m listening,” I say between tears. “Because I can’t think of any solutions.”

  “Make him sign the deed over to you. Negotiate a deal with him. A trade, of sorts. He gets the wife and kids, and you get what you want too. After a year, file for a divorce.”

  “A divorce? He’d never. That’d be against his values.”

  “Well, then leave that part out for now and just say the only way you’ll agree to marrying him is if after the wedding, you get the deed in your name. I mean, that’s pretty damn reasonable because if you’re miserable, you’ll make his life miserable too. Tell him that.”

  I swallow hard, contemplating it. “But I still lose. I’ll be married to him, forced to have his children, and won’t get to be with Tyler.” I let out a sob. “The only man I’ve ever loved.”

  “Well, yeah…there’s that part.” Her voice softens. “I’m so sorry, Gemma. Want me to kill him for you?”

  I snort, wiping my cheeks. “No. It would only make things worse. There has to be something I can do to get out of marrying him and get the paperwork signed over to me, like you said.”

  “You’ll think of something.”

  Katie and I speak for a few more minutes until I let her go.

  Next, I call my father.

  “Daddy,” I say, trying to keep it together.

  “Hey, sweetie. You didn’t come over for breakfast this morning, so I went to the deli and chatted with Belinda.”

  “Shoot, sorry, I forgot to tell you I wouldn’t make it today.”

  “That’s okay. What’s wrong?”

  I chuckle at how he just knows.

  “I need to ask you something, but promise you’ll be honest with me even if it’s not something I wanna hear.”

  “Alright,” he says cautiously. “What is it?”

  I ask about the second mortgage, the almost foreclosure, and if Robert owns the property. Then I tell him about Robert’s threats.

  “It’s true,” he responds in a somber tone.

  “Daddy, no…” I hold back from more tears falling. “Why didn’t you ever tell me? I could’ve helped.” I would’ve taken out a loan or picked up a second job to help pay the mortgage.

  “I was ashamed and embarrassed. I’m supposed to be taking care of you and had no idea he’d use it
as motivation to blackmail you. I thought he was helping so the house would stay in the family. Gemma, I’m so sorry.” He chokes up.

  “Don’t apologize, this isn’t your fault. I’m going to find a way. I won’t let him do this.”

  “Don’t marry him because of me, sweetie. You told me it was over, and I can see how much you love Tyler. He can threaten it all he wants, but it doesn’t mean he will.”

  “You don’t know him like I do, Daddy. He’s a monster. Movers are emptying the cottage as we speak because he’s forcing me to live with him. If I don’t, he’ll take everything.”

  “Gemma, you listen to me,” he says sternly. “If he takes the land and the house, so be it. I won’t trade any of this for your happiness.”

  My mother’s cottage is everything to me, and it’s all I have left of her. I’ll be damned if I let him take that away from me too.

  “I’ll think of something,” I confirm, hoping I actually will. “For now, I’ll play his game and somehow get him to do what I want for once.” Katie had a good idea, but I’m not sure what it will take for him to agree with that either.

  We talk for a few more minutes, and when Robert strolls toward my car, I end the call. I gotta put on my game face and not let him think he can push me around.

  Opening my door, I step out and wait for him to speak.

  “Everything’s packed and loaded on the truck. Follow me back to our house.” He doesn’t give me a chance to respond before he turns and goes to his SUV. My mind goes wild as I try to think of what the hell I’m gonna do.

  Once I arrive, I watch as they unload my things and stand numbly as they stack boxes on top of boxes. I want to ask where my mother’s paintings are, but I’m so emotionally drained that I don’t know if I can even speak. Robert looks at me with a shit-eating grin and walks toward me, closing the gap between us. Flinching, I take a step back so he can’t touch me.

  The thought that I once allowed him to touch and kiss me makes me sick to my stomach. The way I’d cook him breakfast, clean his house, and bend to his every demand disgusts me. It’s like I’ve woken up and don’t recognize the person he molded me into.

  “Well, that’s it. Home sweet home, darling,” he says once the movers leave.

  “You had no right to do that without my consent,” I scold.

  “Oh, don’t frown. It’s not a good look on you.” He grins like the devil he is. “Don’t worry, you can even have your own room until our wedding night. The invites went out today. We’re getting married in two weeks.”

  “And you’ll leave my dad’s house and the cottage alone?”

  “Yes. That’s the arrangement. And I am a man of my word, Gemma darling.”

  I suck in a harsh breath and glare at him. “Fine,” I agree between clenched teeth. “But I have one condition if you want me to walk down that aisle.”

  He tilts his head at me with amusement. “You really think you have a right to negotiate?”

  “Unless you want me to go public and ruin your image, then yes, I do. Might be a little awkward if your bride is kicking and screaming down the aisle.”

  He scoffs with an eye roll as if I wouldn’t. “Fine, I’ll humor you. What do you want?”

  I cross my arms over my chest and stand firm. “After we’re married, you get your lawyer to draft up a deed transfer and sign my father’s property over to me. It legally becomes mine, and this marriage stays purely transactional. I don’t love you, and you clearly don’t love me.”

  Robert ponders it as he looks intently at me. “Alright, but I have my own addendums to our agreement then. If I sign it over to you, then you can’t turn around and file for divorce. If you do, I’ll make your life a living hell, and you have no idea what I’m fully capable of. Also, I want a prenup as an extra layer of protection for myself. Also since you so kindly mentioned my image and reputation, you’ll attend all business dinners, events, and you’ll play the part of being my perfect, happy wife.”

  I stare at him when it hits me like a ton of bricks.

  “Fine,” I concede. “Not a problem.”

  Robert takes another step with his infamous victory grin. “See? Wasn’t that easy? We should pop a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Oh, and don’t forget, we’re having a barbecue tonight to formally announce to everyone that we’re back together. Better get ready soon. Don’t want you looking like a cheap, two-dollar whore.”

  Grinding my teeth, I glare at the disgusting man in front of me. God, I hate him so much.

  “I’ll be in my room until they arrive,” I announce, turning and walking down the hall. At least the spare room is on the second floor and away from him.

  “See you soon, my bride-to-be,” he calls with an annoying chuckle, and it causes angry tears to spring to my eyes.

  I need to call Tyler. This will break his heart but not nearly as much as it’s already breaking mine. We were so fucking close to finally being together again after loving him for so damn long.

  Locking my bedroom door behind me, I sit on the edge of the bed and try to mentally prepare myself for this conversation. If I break down, he’ll want to come and rescue me, and I have no doubt Robert would call Sheriff Todd and have him arrested for trespassing. It wouldn’t be good for Tyler, considering his record. I can’t risk Robert making Tyler’s life a living hell too.

  I grab my phone before I can chicken out and click on his name.

  “Baby, I’ve been waiting for you. Didn’t you get my texts?”

  “Sorry, no I haven’t had the chance to check them. But we need to talk about.”

  “Okay. What’s going on?”

  I release the tight breath that’s lodged in my throat and squeeze my eyes shut. “I’m so sorry, Tyler, but I’m marrying Robert.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  The past three days at work have been absolute torture. Every time I look at Gemma, I want to pull her into my arms and kiss the hell out of her. But I can’t, and I know she wouldn’t let me anyway. The woman I love is six feet away, and I can’t do a damn thing.

  As I refill my coffee for the third time today, I think back to Saturday and the phone call that changed everything. At least I’ll be able to get it off my mind for a bit with Eric coming to visit. Everleigh and I are picking him up from the airport after work, and it’ll be a nice distraction. Plus, with him close, I’ll be able to keep my eye on him to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.

  No one seems to know where Victoria is, which can only mean bad news. I’m waiting for her to pop up unexpectedly, and knowing how she is, it’s not out of the realm of possibilities. I’m not naïve enough to think she’s given up because the O’Learys don’t work that way.

  After my shift is over, I grab my shit and leave. Gemma doesn’t look my way, and I keep my eyes off her. The invisible wall between us is too high to scale, and I’m not convinced that Robert doesn’t have someone watching the garage.

  The walk to the boutique gives me time to think about everything I want to say to Gemma and can’t, so I tuck it inside. It disgusts me to know she’s going back to his house every night when she should be sleeping in my bed. When I walk inside the boutique, the animated ghosts swoop down and nearly smack me in the face.

  “This is a hazard,” I say, trying to hold back a smile. If anyone can make me laugh with the mood I’m in, it’s Everleigh.

  “Lock the door behind you,” she says, but I don’t see her. Moments later, she comes into view with a pile of red and green Christmas sweaters in her arms.

  “Already?” I ask, looking around, noticing half the store has already been transformed.

  “Halloween will be over in a few days, and then it’ll be time for hot cocoa, chestnuts, and Santa!”

  I groan and shake my head. “I forgot how much you love holidays.”

  “Well, get ready for it because I’ll be this crazy about decorating until Easter, then it starts all over with summer!” she squeals. I glance at the clock, and before
I can say anything, she speaks up. “I’m almost done here. Get the broom and help a sister out.”

  With a huff, I do it because we need to be at the airport within the next hour. It doesn’t take very long for Everleigh to start turning off the lights. She keeps the purple and orange twinkle strands on, and then we leave. On the way to her car, she’s all smiles.

  “I love this season,” she says, nearly twirling before she unlocks the door. I offer to drive, and she happily lets me. Once we’re buckled, I turn on the radio, not wanting to talk, but she’s not having it.

  Reaching over, Everleigh turns the music down and looks at me.

  “So, you gonna explain what’s going on between you and Gemma?”

  I glance over at her. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”

  “She doesn’t want to either. I’m just confused. I’d already planned your wedding, the kids’ names, and started buying baby clothes. Then out of the blue, it’s over, and she’s marrying that asshole because of his stupid threats. You were supposed to live happily ever after. This is messed up!” Her face contorts.

  “It is,” I offer, not wanting to say too much more about this. Gemma has been very quiet and has given everyone the same answer—she’s marrying Robert. I grab the steering wheel tighter, hoping she’s taking care of herself while with him.

  “I tried to talk her out of it. Katie did too. So did her dad. But she’s moving forward regardless that she’ll be miserable for the rest of her life. I can’t watch my friend do this, Tyler. I can’t.”

  “You’re gonna have to, sis. It’s her choice. She doesn’t love him, but she does love her dad and everyone else in her life who Robert threatened to destroy. It will all work out in the end. I promise.”

  “I don’t see how it can with the wedding happening,” she mumbles, and I tense. Everleigh notices the mood change and thankfully talks about something else. “Next week, you wanna help me decorate the trees at the shop?”

  A small smile touches my lips. “Trees?”


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